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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2005

        Berühmte Frauenpaare

        by Joey Horsley, Luise F. Pusch

        Für eine Frau, die etwas werden will, ist die traditionelle Ehe ein stabiles Hindernis. Viele Frauen, die das erkannt haben, taten sich lieber mit einer anderen Frau zusammen – zur Steigerung der Lebensfreude und Schaffenskraft und zum Schutz gegen gesellschaftliche Härten. Acht Frauenpaare werden in diesem Band vorgestellt: alte Bekannte wie Gertrude Stein und Alice B. Toklas, Anita Augspurg und Lida Gustava Heymann, Unbekannte wie Eugenie Schumann und Marie Fillunger sowie leuchtende Sterne am Frauenhimmel mit ihren Gefährtinnen im Hintergrund: die Malerin Rosa Bonheur mit Nathalie Micas und später Anna Klumpke, die Dichterin Amy Lowell mit Ada Russell, die Biologin Rachel Carson mit Dorothy Freeman. Notgemeinschaften wie Milena Jésenska und Margarete Buber-Neumann oder Katherine Mansfield mit Ida Baker runden das Bild ab.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        America for Sale

        Von L. A. nach New York: ohne Geld in weniger als drei Wochen einmal quer durch die USA

        by Kelly, Joey / Unterstützt von Hermersdorfer, Ralf

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010



        by Sibylle Lewitscharoff

        Stuttgart, Café Rösler, Samstag, den 3. April 2004 (vormittags) – ein Mann trinkt. Ralph Zimmermann ist allein mit sich und dem Alkohol. Oder auch nicht. Bei ihm sind Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, Jim Morrison und nicht zuletzt seine Geliebte Joey. Tot zwar allesamt, aber doch anwesend genug, um einen Stift zumindest auf glatter Fläche ein paar Millimeter rollen zu lassen. Und natürlich, um zu kommentieren, was Ralphi-Ralph erzählt: von sich, seinem Leben, seiner Liebe und seinem eigenen Ausflug ins Totenreich. »Falls es Sie interessiert, was uns nach dem Tod erwartet und was Jim Morrison und Andy Warhol heute so treiben, kommen Sie um diesen Roman nicht herum. Und falls es Sie nicht interessiert, dann sind Sie wahrscheinlich schon tot und haben es nur noch nicht gemerkt.« Denis Scheck in Druckfrisch, ARD

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Meine erste Weihnachtskrippe

        Mit 20 Krippenfiguren und 4 Weihnachtsliedern

        by Illustriert von Chou, Joey; Englisch Mannchen, Nadine

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • August 2020

        Un monstre dans ma cuisine

        by Marie-France Comeau

        Grand-maman Rosi l’a dit : pour obtenir un beau et déli- cieux monstre, il faut mettre la main à la pâte ! Il faut le travailler, le pétrir, l’attaquer, le taper ! Et quand il gonfle, quand des bulles sortent de son ventre ? Vite il faut le faire redescendre, le maitriser ! Et ensuite ? Il lui faut de la chaleur, et une bonne sieste. Découvrez la meilleure recette de monstre avec ce nou- vel album de la conteuse Marie-France Comeau !

      • April 2020

        Joey et les Rex Pistols - l'affaire Mercury

        by Rémi Vidal

        After Joey and the mystery of the Black Coats and The strange story of Joey, we meet again - or we discover - the Rex Pistols (Joey and his gang) who, this time, are immersed in a mysterious police investigation that they will solve by their self ! A true science-fiction thriller  involving cryogenic nanomachines and radio-space remote controls, against the backdrop of corrupt politicians.    In this very urban audio show with a biting language, the songs of small heady rock jingles punctuate the investigation. In this dog life like no other, a single watchword : friendship ! A total immersion in a quirky and hilarious universe, for children and their parents !   Extracts to listen to :

      • November 2016

        La drôle d'histoire de Joey

        by Rémi Vidal

        From the first notes of the story, Rémi Vidal, author and interpreter of the album, takes us in the boundless energy of Joey. Joey’s strange story, it’s the one of a blue dog who decides to leave his family and his luxury dog food to discover the street’s life.    Spicy dialogues, challenges of all kinds and bike stunts take place in this rhythmic adventure which keeps the « audio-audience » hooked in.With Joey, children laugh, move, jump and sing in chorus the album’s songs. All this along with melodies with blues, pop, rockabilly, grunge, swing and hard touches.  We have the whole rock repertoire !   Extracts to listen to :  Début de l’album : Défis à gogo : Course au casse-cou :

      • September 2018

        Joey et le mystère des Manteaux noirs

        by Rémi Vidal

        After Joey’s strange story, a new rock’n roll adventure, in which we meet again - or we discover - the Rex Pistols (Joey and his gang) who, this time, get to know the Jack Panters, a gang from the country of Black Coats, for better and for worse!   In this very urban “audio show” with its biting language, the heady rock songs rhythm the story and the message is clear : to lead a perfect street dog life, the basis, that’s … friendship !! With Joey, once again, prejudices have a hard time : everyone has his chance!   The chapters of the story (which includes the songs) are followed by the songs alone (maybe … to have a party in the garage ;-)). Inside the cover, there is a download code of the digital version, the lyrics of the songs and a map on which you can follow the different places of the story

      • October 2022

        Joey et les Rex Pistols - Retour au bercail

        by Rémi Vidal

        The « Joey and the Rex Pistols » series by Rémi Vidal is getting a fifth opus. Humor, references of all kinds, rock ballads and street-dogs adventures : this episode makes young audio-readers dive in a thriller atmosphere, with a backdrop of social justice.    A new affair causes turmoil in the calm everyday life of Trifouillis-les-Os. One after the other, blue dogs houses from the rich neighborhoods are getting robbed. Behind this, one name : Bébert’s gang, who uses the booty to redistribute wealth. Honest avengers ? Dangerous criminals ? The mystery remains. While he believed he would never be setting paw back in the swanky neighborhoods of Trifouillis, Cassidy convinces Joey to investigate with her, like in the old times of the « Mercury Affair », another one of their adventures. Sound bites :

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Joey Jacobson's War

        A Jewish Canadian Airman in the Second World War

        by Peter J. Usher

        In the spring of 1940 Canada sent hundreds of highly trained volunteers to serve in Britain's Royal Air Force as it began a concerted bombing campaign against Germany. Nearly half of them were killed or captured within a year. This is the story of one of those airmen, as told through his own letters and diaries as well as those of his family and friends. Joey Jacobson, a young Jewish man from Westmount on the Island of Montreal, trained as a navigator and bomb-aimer in Western Canada. On arriving in England he was assigned to No. 106 Squadron, a British unit tasked with the bombing of Germany. Joey Jacobson’s War tells, in his own words, why he enlisted, his understanding of strategy, tactics, and the effectiveness of the air war at its lowest point, how he responded to the inevitable battle stress, and how he became both a hopeful idealist and a seasoned airman. Jacobson's written legacy as a serviceman is impressive in scope and depth and provides a lively and intimate account of a Jewish Canadian's life in the air and on the ground, written in the intensity of the moment, unfiltered by the memoirist's reflection, revision, or hindsight. Accompanying excerpts from his father's diary show the maturation of the relationship between father and son in a dangerous time.

      • October 2021

        Joey et les Rex Pistols - La nuit du souvenir

        by Rémi Vidal

        The Night of Memories is the fourth volume in a series of quirky audio books about the adventures of Joey and his joyful gang of street dogs, the Rex Pistols. Beautiful slices of fun, against the backdrop of stubborn fights for gender equality and the right to be different.   The Rex Pistols still live in Trifouillis-les-os. One evening, the gang is locked in Lemmie’s garage : between the bench and the old tires, memories of youth are brought back. A funny time capsule where amusing anecdotes and songs are, as always, heady. On the way to a confine, but rock’n roll night.    Inside the cover, in addition to the CD, there is a download code of the digital version, as well as a souvenir photo brochure.   Extracts to listen to :

      • Diplomacy

        Safe for Decolinization

        The Eisenhower Administration, Britain, and Singapore

        by S.R. Joey Long (author)

        How America left its indelible footprint on the culture and politics of SingaporeIn the first decade after World War II, Singapore underwent radical political and socioeconomic changes with the progressive retreat of Great Britain from its Southeast Asian colonial empire. The United States, under the Eisenhower administration, sought to fill the vacuum left by the British retreat and launched into a campaign to shape the emerging Singapore nation-state in accordance with its Cold War policies. Based on a wide array of Chinese- and English-language archival sources from Great Britain, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States, Safe for Decolonization examines in depth the initiatives—both covert and public—undertaken by the United States in late-colonial Singapore.Apart from simply analyzing the effect of American activities on the politics of the island, author S. R. Joey Long also examines their impact on the relationship between Great Britain and the United States, and how the Anglo-American nuclear policy toward China and the establishment of a regional security institution (the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) affected the security and decolonization of a strategic British base.Long sketches a highly detailed and nuanced account of the relations between the United States, Great Britain, and Singapore. He not only describes the often clumsy attempts by covert American operatives to sway top political leaders, infiltrate governments, influence labor unions, and shape elections, but he also shows how Eisenhower’s public initiatives proved to have far-reaching positive results and demonstrates that the Eisenhower administration’s policies toward Singapore, while not always well advised, nonetheless helped to lay the foundation for friendly Singapore–U.S. relations after 1960.As the first multi-archival work on the U.S. intervention in Singapore, Safe for Decolonization makes an important contribution to the literature on Southeast Asia–U.S. relations. It will be of interest to specialists in decolonization, diplomatic history, modern Southeast Asian history, and the history of the early Cold War.

      • July 2012

        Skin Deep

        Out of Print

        by Adrienne Wilder, Reese Dante

        A Gray Zone NovelTaylor Simmons has everything he’s ever wanted: a decent job, a nice apartment, and Joey Martin, his perfect geek boyfriend. But all that is about to change.First Joey gets sick. He’s feverish for days, starving for food. Finally a terrified Taylor calls EMS only to be told there’s nothing they can do. Joey’s body is changing, and he’s not going to be Human anymore. He’s a Lesser-Bred.Suddenly Taylor, who has always taken care of Joey, can’t even begin to fulfill his needs. Joey needs to eat—to feed. And that means he needs a sexual connection with Gabriel, a Lesser-Bred being kept by a Kin named Pavel. Stripped of his job, his cushy apartment, and his connection to the sweet, dorky Joey he fell in love with, Taylor struggles to maintain a sense of identity—and humanity—in Atlanta’s Gray Zone, where Human dreams become nightmares. Suddenly it’s Taylor, not Joey, who needs to be protected. Because the people around him are dying, and if Taylor doesn’t open his eyes, he might be next.A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears. ;

      • September 2009

        Veiled Security

        Out of Print

        by Carolyn LeVine Topol, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Del Mathers and Joey Dixon have settled in the West Village of New York City, trying to launch their careers at a local and well-respected drag club. Del is balancing his devotion to his lover and his desire to perform on stage; his drag queen alter-ego, Venus, a bold and sultry chanteuse, exists to mask his identity because he's not out to his family. Joey, a gifted musician and lyricist, treasures Del as his inspiration, but he has his own frustrations and is hiding behind a series of conditions, throwing roadblocks into their uncertain path to complete and unconditional commitment.As if dealing with a faltering relationship and Del's overbearing parents isn't enough, Del and Joey face danger when a group of homophobic vigilantes starts targeting the gay community. All it takes is a moment’s carelessness, and everything they have struggled to build could be destroyed.Night Owl Romance Top Pick...a beautiful story of fulfilling your dreams, overcoming a violent attack, love and patience, and of family - both the one you are born to and the one that becomes your own through association.  5 of 5 Stars  Lilyraines @ Night Owl Romance Book Reviews ;

      • February 2021

        Bendy: The Illusion of Living

        by Adrienne Kress

        Bendy fans will delight in poring over the memoir of his ingenious creator, Joey Drew. From humble beginnings to his meteoric rise as the force behind his eponymous studio, Mr. Drew offers a behind the scenes peek at his many animation innovations, such as Sillivision, his "Rules to Animate By," and of course his unique approach to franchising-among the first of its time. This re-release even includes never before seen information omitted from the original manuscript, cobbled together from the Joey Drew Studios archive as well as Mr. Drew's personal estate. Don't miss this exclusive peek inside the rise-and fall-of one of the most groundbreaking animators in history!

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