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      • PalmArtPress

        PalmArtPress is an international publishing house located in Berlin. It publishes books in both German and English languages and distributes them in Germany and English-speaking areas. Our program includes literature, poetry, philosophy, and art books.PalmArtPress connects not just different genres, but also people of different nationalities and cultures, who are brought together in the press’ space for readings and exhibitions.

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      • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

        For nearly two centuries, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has published some of the world's most renowned works. Its distinguished author list includes ten Nobel Prize winners, forty-eight Pulitzer Prize winners, fifteen National Book Award winners, and more than one hundred Caldecott, Newbery, Printz, and Sibert Medal and Honor recipients. Current and recent authors include Tim O'Brien, Natasha Trethewey, Tim Ferriss, Paul Theroux, Ursula K. Le Guin, and a celebrated roster of children's authors and illustrators including Kwame Alexander, Lois Lowry, and Chris Van Allsburg. HMH is also home to The Best American series® The Whole30®, Weber Grill, How to Cook Everything®, and other leading lifestyle properties; books by J.R.R. Tolkien; and many iconic children's books and characters, including Curious George®, The Little Prince, and The Polar Express.

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        Politics & government
        November 2006

        The European Union and the regulation of media markets


        by Alison Harcourt

        National broadcasting and press regulation is undergoing a process of convergence in Europe. This book, newly available in paperback, explains how this process has been shaped by the actions of the European Union (EU) institutions. Alison Harcourt observes that whilst communications is one of the EU's most successful policy areas, European decision-making is eroding the national capacity to regulate for the public interest. European-level efforts to protect public interest goals have been constrained by the European Treaties. The author argues that increased European coordination in public interest regulation could be more conducive to growth and competitiveness than the dismantling of existing national laws. This, however, would require changes to the political composition of the European Union. This book assesses the potential EU media regulation provides for market growth and the protection of media pluralism, the citizen and ultimately democracy itself. These opportunities are presented in the coming decade with the developing European Constitution, EU enlargement, and the implementation and revision of European regulation.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1960


        by Varè, Daniele

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        September 1972

        Alle Galgenlieder

        by Christian Morgenstern, Christian Morgenstern

        „Morgensterns Figuren Palmström, Korf, Palma Kunkel und der Gingganz sind unsterblich in der deutschen Literatur geworden und sie werden es bleiben. Es ist wohl eine der seltsamsten und anziehendsten Erscheinungen unter den schöpferischen Menschen, wenn Frömmigkeit und burleske Komik sich in einer Seele und einem Werk so unbefangen die Hand reichen wie hier.“ Martin Beheim-Schwarzbach

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        Colonialism & imperialism
        July 2013

        Flagships of imperialism

        by Freda Harcourt

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2004

        Trade unions and democracy

        Strategies and perspectives

        by Mark Harcourt, Geoffrey Wood

        This book explores the changing role of trade unions as products of, and agents for, democracy. Despite conventionally being portrayed as politically marginalised and in terminal decline, trade unions continue to represent a significant component of society within most industrialised countries and have demonstrated a capacity for revival and renewal in the face of difficult corcumstances. It brings together a distinguished panel of leading and emerging scholars in the field, and provides a critical assessment of the current role of trade unions in society, their capacity to impact on state policies in such a manner as to ensure greater accountability and fairness, and the nature and extent of internal representative democracy within the labour movement. This volume will be of interest to students and academics in industrial relations, critical management studies, political studies and sociology. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Kanarische Inseln

        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Gregor Gumpert

        Die Kanarischen Inseln: Das sind Lanzarote und Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria und Teneriffa, La Gomera, La Palma und El Hierro – sieben Inseln im Atlantischen Ozean vor der Nordwestküste Afrikas, eines der meistbereisten Feriengebiete der Deutschen.Doch die Kanarischen Inseln haben noch mehr zu bieten als das Ferienparadies der Badestrände und das landschaftlich und geologisch reizvolle Innenland. Sie sind auch eine literarische Landschaft – der Schauplatz von Erzählungen und Romanen, der Gegenstand von Reisebeschreibungen, ein Ort, an dem Literatur entsteht. Auf den Landkarten der Einbildungskraft und den Reiserouten bekannter Schriftsteller und Gelehrter haben sie seit langem einen festen Platz. Der Kenner der Kanarischen Inseln lädt dazu ein, die literarische Landschaft der Kanarischen Inseln mit den Augen von Reisenden und aus der Perspektive einheimischer Autoren zu sehen – und damit die Inseln selbst, ihre Kultur und Geschichte, neu zu entdecken. So berichtet Alexander von Humboldt davon, wie er auf Teneriffa den höchsten Berg der Insel besteigt und die Aussicht genießt, Agatha Christie arbeitet auf Gran Canaria an einem Roman, Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo besingt den Ginster, eine alte Erzählung rankt sich um den Regenbaum von Hierro, Katrin Askan erzählt vom Feriennachmittag eines Paars – um nur einige Textbeispiele zu nennen.In Einleitung und Anhang berichtet Gregor Gumpert über die Geschichte und literarische Tradition der Inseln und stellt kenntnisreich die wichtigsten Museen und Sehenswürdigkeiten auf den Inseln vor.

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        Trade unions
        April 2009

        Trade unions and democracy

        Strategies and perspectives

        by Edited by Mark Harcourt and Geoffrey Wood

        Available for the first time in paperback, this book explores the role of trade unions as products of, and agents for, democracy. The crisis facing established democratic institutions in the advanced societies has been widely noted. In response, there has been increasing interest in the role of civil society actors, ranging from established socio-political collectives to new grassroots organisations. On the one hand, conventional wisdom holds that organised labour in the advanced societies has remained locked in a cycle of political marginalisation and decline. On the other hand, unions continue to represent a significant component of society within most industrialised countries. Indeed, in many cases, they have demonstrated a capacity for effective renewal and for co-ordinating their efforts with other civil society actors as part and parcel of the current groudswell of public opinion against the neo-liberal orthodoxy. The book brings together a distinguished panel of leading and emerging scholars in the field, and provides a critical assessment of the current role of unions in society, their capacity to impact on state policies in such a manner as to ensure greater accountability and fairness, and the nature and extent of internal representative democracy within the labour movement. This volume will be of interest to students and academics in the fields of industrial relations, critical management studies, political studies and sociology, as well as trade union and community activists.

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