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        December 2012


        Das Plus für Ihr Social-Media-Marketing

        by Faber, Ron

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        May 2010

        Google Analytics

        Implementieren. Interpretieren. Profitieren.

        by Aden, Timo

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        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        The Majestic Cathedrals of Ukraine

        by Zirka Menzatiuk

        This book will bring you closer to heaven. To the light. To beauty. It will help to open distant pages of history and reveal the secrets of sacred art. The temples that rise on the territory of Ukraine, built in different times, in different styles hide many secrets. Many legends are connected with their construction, and many miracles happened during the building and restoration. A special feature of the publication is that an ordinary schoolboy became interested in the history of the temples. He decided to tell about them on his Instagram blog to attract the attention of as many followers as possible. Did he succeed? Read it, take a look at the blog — and find out what happened.

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        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

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        December 2023


        by Zoë Beck

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        March 2009


        Die Welt als Datenbank

        by David Gugerli

        Plötzlich diese Übersicht. Milliarden von Seiten, in Sekundenbruchteilen durchsucht, als Trefferliste sauber angezeigt, mit der größten Selbstverständlichkeit sortiert nach Rang und Namen. Google bestimmt die Routinen des Alltags und ist dennoch nicht die Suchmaschine schlechthin. Auch außerhalb des World Wide Web gibt es zahllose, technisch hochgerüstete Prozeduren des Suchens. Die gegenwärtige Selbstverständlichkeit der einen Suchmaschine läßt leicht übersehen, daß Suchmaschinen einen Interessenkonflikt induzieren zwischen jenen, die sie einsetzen wollen, und jenen, auf die sie angesetzt werden. Ihr prekärer Status im Spannungsfeld zwischen Übersicht und Überwachung wird verdrängt. Anhand von vier Fallstudien zeigt David Gugerli die Entwicklung der Suchmaschine auf, von den frühen Fernseh-Ratespielen, von Robert Lembkes Unterhaltungsshow »Was bin ich?«, über Eduard Zimmermanns Fahndungssendung »Aktenzeichen XY« und Horst Herolds »Kybernetik der Polizei« bis zu der von Ted Codd ausgehenden Entwicklung der relationalen Datenbank. Während Lembke auf die Feststellung von Normalität ausgerichtet war, suchte Zimmermann die Devianz, Herold die Muster und Codd die allgemeingültige Such- und Abfragesprache für in Form gebrachte Wissensbestände, die man seit Mitte der sechziger Jahre Datenbanken nennt. »Die Geschichte der Suchmaschine ist eine eminent politische. Mit Suchmaschinen lassen sich Hoffnungen auf Fundamentaldemokratisierung und informationelle Emanzipation ebenso verbinden wie Horrorvisionen eines Orwellschen Überwachungsstaats, der über ein technokratisches Wissensmonopol verfügt.«

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Sleep Disorders, Second Edition

        by Mary Brophy Marcus and Christine Adamec

        Sleep is as important to the human body as food and water. Recent research suggests that those who get less than the recommended eight hours a night are more likely to become sick and die sooner than their well-rested counterparts. Though there is much about sleep that remains a mystery to scientists, there is mounting evidence of health risks as more and more Americans cut back on needed rest and bad sleep habits are being passed on to children. Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a concise guide to sleep and sheds helpful light on how it functions and how it can be disrupted. Coverage includes sleep disorders such as insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleepwalking. Sleep’s relationship to chronic illnesses is also discussed. Chapters include: What Is Sleep? Insomnia Sleep Apnea Movement Disorders Narcolepsy Childhood Sleep Disorders

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Skeleton without a Closet

        by Oksana Lushchevska

        In life of every teenager there are moments of loneliness... Anya has practically no friends. Her classmates are constantly bullying her because of her body type. Anya's best friend Kira has moved to another town… The only joy for the girl is Science, Anatomy in particular. She dreams to become a Medical Expert, so she writes her blog on Anatomy. Anya also has a secret friend, who will always support, understand and console her. And he’ll probably help her to become more confident and popular among her classmates. The story by Oksana Lushchevska The Skeleton without a Closet describes the problems of bullying, soul searching and asserting opinion.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity

        by Mykhailo Vynnytskyi

        Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity is a book by Mykhailo Wynnytskyj, which covers in detail and consistently the events in Ukraine in 2013-2018. This historical work combines the point of view of a scientist and a participating observer who took an active part in the protests. During the Revolution of Dignity, Mykhailo Wynnytskyj was a regular commentator in the English-language media, analyzing current events in his blog "Thoughts from Kyiv". Later he wrote this book, which was first published in 2019 in English and became the author's contribution to defending Ukraine's position in the many years of information war.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        International Trade in Forest Products

        Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples

        by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss

        Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.

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        Children's & YA

        In Search of Winter Sleep

        by Tetiana Rumenko (Author), Tetyana Yatsura (Illustrator)

        Kvitochka is a small brown bear. She is convinced that the world is arranged for the comfort and happiness of all animals. But winter came, and the quiet life of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center for Brown Bears was filled with anxiety - someone stole the sleep from the bears! Kvitochka decided to find out who the thief was and find their sleep back. So now the little bear has a long journey ahead of her, full of unexpected encounters and many discoveries. Let’s go with her - and find out where the bears' sleep has gone and how to get it back!   From 3 to 8 years, 1480 words. Rightsholders: Rumenko Tetiana,;

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        Out of the Box Questions for Spiritual Rebels


        Are you a truth seeker and spiritual rebel who believes you can change your vision about yourself and the world you live in? Then this book is for you. Get ready for a journey that will make you question your beliefs and see the world through new glasses. Get your own answers from the depth of your own being, not Google or teachers. This book is not about having the Good Answers but about getting the Right Questions.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Digitaler Kapitalismus

        Markt und Herrschaft in der Ökonomie der Unknappheit

        by Philipp Staab

        Beherrschten vor 20 Jahren noch Industriekonglomerate, Energiekonzerne und Banken die Rangliste der wertvollsten Unternehmen, wurden diese längst von Internetgiganten wie Google, Apple, Amazon und Tencent abgelöst. Digitale Technik ist allgegenwärtig: Wir tragen Hochleistungsrechner in unseren Taschen herum, Waschmaschinen können sich mit dem Internet verbinden. Doch erschöpft sich darin das Neue am digitalen Kapitalismus? Philipp Staab beleuchtet den digitalen Kapitalismus aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, um ihn präziser auf den Begriff zu bringen. Er zeigt, wie digitale Überwachungs- und Bewertungspraktiken in immer mehr Bereiche der Wirtschaft vordringen und dabei die soziale Ungleichheit verschärfen. Das Spezifische am digitalen Kapitalismus, so Staab, ist die Herausbildung »proprietärer Märkte«: Kam es früher darauf an, Dinge herzustellen und mit Gewinn zu verkaufen, geht es im Zeitalter der Unknappheit um das Eigentum an den Märkten selbst.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2015

        Technologischer Totalitarismus

        Eine Debatte

        by Frank Schirrmacher

        Die Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche verändert unsere Gesellschaften ähnlich radikal wie die industrielle Revolution vor 200 Jahren: Internet-Konzerne sichern sich die Kontrolle über ganze Branchen; Spähprogramme stellen das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung infrage. Und wenn Google-Chef Eric Schmidt schreibt, das Unternehmen wisse, wo wir sind, und könne mehr oder weniger sagen, was wir gerade denken, werden endgültig die düstersten Voraussagen der Science-Fiction Realität. Angesichts dieser historischen Herausforderung ergriff Martin Schulz, der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, im Februar 2014 mit einem kämpferischen Appell in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung das Wort. An der von Schulz angestoßenen Diskussion beteiligten sich seither zahlreiche prominente Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. Der Band enthält die Beiträge dieser längst überfälligen Debatte. Mit Texten von Mathias Döpfner, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Sigmar Gabriel, Sascha Lobo, Evgeny Morozov, Frank Schirrmacher, Eric Schmidt, Juli Zeh und vielen anderen.

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        Geography & the Environment
        June 2018

        Time for mapping

        Cartographic temporalities

        by Sybille Lammes, Chris Perkins, Alex Gekker, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott, Daniel Evans

        Maps take place in time as well as representing space. The Google map on your smartphone appears to fix the world, serving as a practical spatial tool, but in practice is deployed in ways that draw attention to memories, rhythm, synchronicity, sequence and duration. This interdisciplinary collection focuses on how these temporal aspects of mapping might be understood, at a time when mapping technologies have been profoundly changed by digital developments. It contrasts different aspects of this temporality, bringing together experts from critical cartography, media studies and science and technology studies. Together the chapters offer a unique interdisciplinary focus revealing the complex and social ways in which time in wrapped up with digital technologies and revealed in everyday mapping tasks: from navigating across cities, to serving as scientific groundings for news stories; from managing smart cities, to visual art practice. It brings time back into the map!

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        Gardens (descriptions, history etc)
        February 2017

        The factory in a garden

        A history of corporate landscapes from the industrial to the digital age

        by Helena Chance. Series edited by Christopher Breward

        When we think about Victorian factories, 'Dark Satanic Mills' might spring to mind - images of blackened buildings and exhausted, exploited workers struggling in unhealthy and ungodly conditions. But for some employees this image was far from the truth, and this is the subject of 'The Factory in a Garden' which traces the history of a factory gardens movement from its late-eighteenth century beginnings in Britain to its twenty-first century equivalent in Google's vegetable gardens at their headquarters in California. The book is the first study of its kind examining the development of parks, gardens, and outdoor leisure facilities for factories in Britain and America as a model for the reshaping of the corporate environment in the twenty-first century. This is also the first book to give a comprehensive account of the contribution of gardens, gardening and recreation to the history of responsible capitalism and ethical working practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden

        by Witte, Tania

        Nur knapp ist Mara einem Bombenattentat in der U-Bahn entgangen. Ihre Mitschüler nennen sie seither „Das Mädchen, das überlebt hat“ und erwarten Betroffenheit von ihr. Aber Mara hat ganz andere Sorgen. Ihre Freundin Sirîn meldet sich immer seltener und scheint plötzlich komplett unerreichbar. Je mehr Mara ihr zu helfen versucht, desto mehr Unverständnis und Ablehnung erntet sie. Was verheimlichen alle vor ihr? Erst als sich ihr Schwarm Chriso in die Suche einschaltet, kommt die erschütternde Wahrheit ans Licht. "Ein Buch, das unter die Haut geht." Corinna Schmitz, Blog „buecherweltcorniholmes“ "Ein Buch, das aktueller nicht sein könnte!" Timo Muth, Blog „rainbookworld“ "Ein Roman, der mich unsagbar berührt und völlig verloren und erschüttert zurückgelassen hat." Susanne Matiaschek, „Magische Momente Alys Bücherblog“ "Wer gerne feinfühlige, spannende, emotionale und lebensnahe Jugendbücher liest, sollte unbedingt zu „Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden“ von Tania Witte greifen. Mich hat die Geschichte komplett von den Füßen gerissen und ich bin in jeglicher Hinsicht begeistert." Blog "Buchstabenträumerei"

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