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      • Edizioni Horti di Giano

        We are looking for that flame that ignites our authors’ emotions. We dream of an editorial world where those who deserve can express themselves freely and not thanks to a payment. Horti di Giano offers books with attention to the smallest detail, where Editing is the heart of a work done with passion and the publications are enriched by several hand-made illustrations, in order to give life to a book which is an artistic and complete experience. in every respect. You can find Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, Crime and Mistery, Coming-on-age novel, Poetry and Graphic Novel.

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      • Mediendesign Dr. Georg Hauptfeld GmbH Edition Konturen

        We are publishing book about the central questions of our culture in politics, philosophy, art and history.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2002

        Horns Ende


        by Christoph Hein

        Thomas war damals noch fast ein Kind, aber an die Ereignisse im verschlafenen Bad Guldenberg, während des Sommers 1957, erinnert er sich genau: wie er sich bei den Zigeunern verdingte und dafür von seinem Vater, dem Apotheker, bestraft wurde und wie er seine erste, schüchterne Liebe zu Elske erlebte. Aber auch andere erinnern sich: Bürgermeister Kruschkatz, Dr. Spodeck, der alteingesessene Arzt, und die sanfte Krämersfrau Gertrude Fischlinger. Und da ist auch Marlene, die nur durch den Opfertd ihrer Mutter den faschistischen Terror überlebt hat. Sie alle tragen ihren Teil bei zur Erinnerung an jenen Sommer, als Zigeuner ihr Lager mitten in der Stadt aufschlugen, als eine Untersuchungskommission vom Bezirk kam und Horn sich das Leben nahm.»Ein meisterhafter Roman«, urteilte Hans Ulrich Probst in seiner Laudatio zum Solothurner Literaturpreis 2000, »den ich für eines der wichtigsten Bücher aus 40 Jahren DDR-Literatur überhaupt halte.«

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2000

        Der Rath Horn. Was toben die Heiden?

        Zwei Erzählungen aus dem Nachlaß

        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Moira Paleari

        Rilke erzählt in beiden Novellen tragische Lebensgeschichten: die des Sonderlings Kaspar Hörn, der aus Liebe zu einer Frau zum Dichter wurde, in der einen und die eines Arbeiters in armseligsten Verhältnissen, der aus Liebe zu einer Frau zum Mörder wurde, in der anderen.

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        Children's & YA

        A Case for Kwiatkowski (28). The Nose of the Goddess

        by Jürgen Banscherus/Ralf Butschkow

        Private detective Kwiatkowski never fails to solve a case! A trip to Athens? Kwiatkowski can hardly believe his luck when Olga, an old friend, sends him an invitation. But no sooner has he arrived in Greece than he finds himself caught up in a very tricky case: a greenhorn detective named Hercules needs his help to expose the handiwork of two unscrupulous fraudsters. It is a matter of honour that even during his holidays Kwiatkowski must use his superskills. Soon the two detectives are on the move among the ancient temple walls in their search to solve the mystery of the goddess Athene’s nose…

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        The Trump revolt

        by Edward Ashbee

        This book considers the reasons for Donald Trump's surprise victory in the 2016 presidential election. It charts the prolonged campaign and the realigning processes that took place, analysing the ideas that defined the Trump platform, the electoral shifts in states regarded as solid 'firewalls' for the Democratic Party and the responses of Republican Party elites. Although he is subject to contradictory pressures, the book places Trump firmly within the right-wing populist tradition. However, it argues that the sentiments that drove his campaign were not only a response to economic fears, high levels of inequality and racial resentment - they were also shaped by the structural character of American governance, which fuels hostility towards Washington DC and the 'political class'. The book concludes by assessing the extent to which Trump's victory and parallel developments in Europe mark a reconfiguration of neoliberalism.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        30 Frauen, die Mut machen

        »Falle siebenmal hin und stehe achtmal auf« | Sensationelle Porträts von Frauen

        by Ruth Hobday, Geoff Blackwell

        Frauen aus Lebensumständen, wie sie nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten, darunter berühmte und völlig unbekannte, wohlhabende und bitterarme, erzählen aufrichtig und zutiefst berührend, warum sie keine Opfer sein wollen und woher ihr grenzenloser Optimismus kommt. Einfühlsam und authentisch berichten sie von ihren Erlebnissen, von ihrem Lebenswillen, der inneren Kraft und ihrem Mut, immer wieder aufzustehen. Fotografiert von Kieran E. Scott, der zusammen mit dem Herausgeberteam Geoff Blackwell und Ruth Hobday um die Welt reiste, und dem sensationelle Porträts gelungen sind.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2011

        Roy Ward Baker

        by Geoff Mayer, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        This book traces the career of Roy Ward Baker, one of the great survivors of the British film and television industry. He directed the landmark British film Morning Departure (1949), worked at Twentieth Century Fox in Hollywood in the early 1950s where he directed Marilyn Monroe's 'breakthrough' film (Don't Bother to Knock), and followed this with a succession of fine films for Rank, culminating in the best version of the Titanic disaster, A Night to Remember in 1958. Yet within three years he was unable to secure a job in the British film industry and he moved to television series such as The Avengers, The Saint and Minder. Later Baker re-emerged as a major director of science-fiction (Quatermass and the Pit) and horror films (Asylum). Geoff Mayer provides an industrial and aesthetic context in which to understand the interrelationship between a skilled classical director and the transformation of the British film industry in the 1950s. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Der geheime Krieg

        Verrat, Spionage und moderne Fiktion

        by Horn, Eva

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1995

        Verbotene Liebe

        Urknall der Gefühle

        by Horn, Marie

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1996

        party of five

        Liebe, Zoff und viele Fragen

        by Horn, Marie

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