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      • Fiction
        January 2020


        by David Marín

        Appletown, el barri dels lleidatans de Nova York, torna a ser un lloc perillós. La lluita entre els dos clans mafiosos rivals, els Torra i els Vidal, s’ha agreujat. El detectiu Johnny Pelegrí va deixar el barri fa temps, però rebrà un encàrrec que no podrà rebutjar i que el portarà de nou als carrerons foscos d’Appletown, on els gàngsters parlen amb accent lleidatà, el jazz es barreja amb els garrotins i la vida d’un home val el mateix que un plat de caragols a la llauna. I a Lleida, l’aparició d’un cadàver al canal Segarra-Garrigues el dia de la seva inauguració i l’arribada d’una misteriosa poetessa del grup dels Irrefrenables canviaran la vida del jove Marcel Riera, cronista de comarques del diari pobre de la ciutat i indecís aspirant a novel·lista. Appletown és una novel·la que juga en diversos plans de realitat, on res no és el que sembla, on els personatges busquen el seu lloc en el món i on l’escriptor.

      • They Made History (Collection)

        by Various artists : Luca Blengino, Davide Goy, Antonio Palma, Paulin Ismard, Mathieu Gabella, Paolo Martinello, Renaud Villard, Clotilde Bruneau, Vincent Delmas, Clemenceau, Arancia Studio, Renaud Dély, Christophe Regnault, Stefano Carloni, Jean Garrigues, Giusto Traina, Victor Battaggion, Aude Gros de Beler, Dobbs, Denis-Pierre Filippi, Jean-David Morvan, Noël Simsolo, Frédérique Neau-Dufour, Éric Adam, Didier Convard, etc...

        A collection of 48-pages graphic novel biographies of great historical figures. Each book is created jointly by renown historians or professors and comic book artists, to ensure that the content is based on historical fact. Each volume focuses on a specific aspect of the person’s life and achievements. At the end of each volume there is an 8 pages appendix written by the expert which provides further insight into the person, the historical context and the events covered in the in the comic. The art style is consistent across the series.

      • Fiction
        February 2019

        Forget Atlas

        by Teresa Ibars

        Atles de l’oblit parla d’uns racons de la memòria, del paisatge i de les emocions que, com un quadre impressionista farcit de petites pinzellades, han configurat una percepció de la realitat i una manera de ser. Mitjançant un viatge que porta l’autora al cor d’un territori, el Baix Segre, i a la vida d’uns personatges, potser ja majoritàriament oblidats, en aquest llibre es fa un exercici voluntari de recordar per comprendre. Perquè quan una persona deixa de viure en un lloc i, per tant, engega un cert camí d’oblit, o veu com son pare comença a oblidar per culpa d’una malaltia que se’l menja, pot ser que aquesta persona adquireixi la clara consciència que tornar sempre resulta impossible i quan hom té aquesta certesa tan sols queda entomar qui som i on som de nou.

      • Memoirs
        March 2020

        The Private Adolf Loos

        Portrait of an Eccentric Genius

        by Claire Beck Loos; Translated by Constance C. Pontasch and Nicholas Saunders

        An intimate literary portrait of the infamously eccentric and influential modern architect, told in lively, snapshot-like vignettes. The Private Adolf Loos reveals the personality and philosophy that helped shape Modern architecture in Vienna and the Czech lands. Includes an introduction, supplemental texts, writings by Loos and photographs. The Loos' trip to the French Riviera and his work in France are a significant part of the story.   Recommended to all those interested not only in architecture but also in the dynamic era of twenties and thirties. Not only a recollection of an extraordinary and controversial personality, Claire’s book is also an excellent literary work. She has captured with a brilliant lightness and humor the tedious, but not boring, life beside a somewhat self-centered genius. […] We still feel Loos’ charisma.– “Annoyed on Vacation and Misunderstood on Site: Loos, We Do Not Know Him,”   What makes the book most valuable is the fine-grained portrait it provides us of Loos’ last years, of his activities and his preoccupations. […] The English translation of her book, made by Constance C. Pontasch [and Nicholas Saunders], is fluent and accurate, conveying well the tone of Claire Loos’ original (which, in turn, to some extent mimics Loos’ own writing style). Paterson’s introduction and afterword, along with some forty previously unpublished family photographs, add to the story and help flesh it out. It is a richly informative.– Christopher Long, West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture

      • Biography & True Stories
        March 2021

        Mozart in Prague

        by Dr. Daniel E. Freeman

        ISBN-13: 978-1-950743-50-6   Dismissed in Vienna as a compose of excessively complicated music with little popular appeal, Mozart found complete recognition for his talents in Prague, likely as a byproduct of the exceptional musical literacy of the general population. Accounts of the affection lavished on Mozart by the people of Prague can be deeply moving for those acquainted with his bleak struggles for recognition in Vienna. Indeed, he was manhandled like a rock star at the concert in 1787 that featured the first performance of the "Prague" symphony in a way that he never experienced anywhere else. And in contrast to the tawdry ceremonies that accompanied Mozart's burial in Vienna in 1791, his funeral in Prague, attended by thousands of mourners, brought life there to a standstill. It was the residents of Prague, not Vienna, who took responsibility to provide for Mozart's widow and children. Mozart in Prague tells the story of the amazing civic revival that was responsible for Mozart's unique personal and musical relationship with this beautiful city and the colorful characters who helped shape it, including Marie Antoinette and Giacomo Casanova.

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