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      • PAPP International

        PAPP International is a dynamic publishing company focused on creating fun and innovative books for both children and adults. We are a versatile and vertically integrated company that includes printing, shipping, and logistics capabilities designed to serve our retail and publishing partners around the world. Founded in 2004 as Beaver Books, we now have more than 16 years’ experience as an independent publisher. Today we are home to three additional imprints: PAPP Publishing, Imagine Publications, and Tiny & Tim. Together we publish over 500 original new titles annually.

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      • Tiny & Tim, an imprint of Papp International Inc.

        Tiny and Tim creates books for preschoolers and non-fiction for ages 5-8 years.   ● Our books embody three basic principles: educational value, emotional development, and playfulness.  ● We are a go-to publisher for best-selling emotional development titles for preschoolers. ● We pride ourselves on close working relationships with our customers, inviting open and honest feedback throughout the development of each project. ● We strive for authenticity, avoiding the “cookie-cutter” approach by encouraging the creativity of our authors and illustrators to shine through.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022


        Der Reprint der legendären Werkausgabe zum 100. Todestag des Autors | Endlich wieder lieferbar

        by Velimir Chlebnikov, Peter Urban, Marie Luise Knott

        In seinem Manifest »Eine Ohrfeige dem öffentlichen Geschmack« forderte Velimir Chlebnikov 1912, »die alten Großen« – Puschkin, Dostojewski, Tolstoi usw. – »vom Dampfer der Gegenwart zu stoßen«. Der Begründer des russischen Futurismus, Generationengenosse von Franz Kafka und James Joyce, von Kurt Schwitters und Raoul Hausmann, träumte von einer radikalen poetischen Erneuerung der Sprache. Er war Wegbereiter der konkreten Poesie und des Surrealismus. In seinen Gedichten kombiniert er die »Sternensprache« mit der Alltagssprache, den »Zaum« (eine Sprache der Laute und der Zufallsschöpfungen) mit der »Zahlenrede«. Der Reprint erscheint zum 100. Todestag des Autors und zum 50. Geburtstag der legendären Gesamtausgabe, die Peter Urban 1972 im Rowohlt Verlag als exzeptionelles übersetzerisches Kollektivunternehmen realisiert hat. Mitwirkende waren u.a. H.C. Artmann, Paul Celan, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Ernst Jandl, Friederike Mayröcker, Franz Mon, Oskar Pastior und Gerhard Rühm. Ein anarchisches Experiment, in dessen Bahnen sich die translinguale Poesie heute bewegt.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Brief an den Vater

        by Franz Kafka, Hans-Ulrich Treichel

        Franz Kafka hat den Brief an den Vater 1919 geschrieben, diesen jedoch nie seinem Vater gezeigt. Unmittelbarer Auslöser war des Vaters Mißbilligung der standeswidrigen Verlobung Franz Kafkas mit der Schustertochter Julie Wohryzek, zum anderen die verletzende Gleichgültigkeit, mit der er auf die ihm gewidmeten Erzählbände In der Strafkolonie und Ein Landarzt reagiert hatte. Aber auch während des Schreibens kann sich Kafka nicht aus seiner prekären Bindung befreien. Vielmehr erscheint die von Furcht, Liebe und Verachtung gleichermaßen geprägte Beziehung noch bedrohlicher. Er stilisiert den Vater zu jener überdimensionalen Macht, die seine schriftstellerische Betätigung als Gegenreaktion provoziert und die Entfaltung seiner bürgerlichen Existenz verhindert. Kafkas Brief an den Vater gehört zu seinen ausführlichsten und schmerzlichsten autobiographischen Dokumenten. Als literarisches Werk wurde es berühmt als die selbsterzählte Leidensgeschichte eines Franz K.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Franz Marc Tierschicksale

        by Gloria Köpnick, Rainer Stamm

        Franz Marc, Mitbegründer der legendären Künstlervereinigung »Der Blaue Reiter«, war der bedeutendste Tiermaler der Klassischen Moderne: Katzen und Hunde, Füchse, Rehe, Affen, Elefanten und Gazellen machte er zu Motiven seiner Aquarelle, Gouachen und Gemälde. In der Gestaltung dieser Bilder, die mitunter zu expressionistischen Suchbildern geraten, erreichte Marc eine besondere Meisterschaft der Farben und Formen. Zu den Höhepunkten seines Schaffens zählt das Gemälde Tierschicksale, das diesem Band den Titel gibt. Der reich bebilderte Band der Insel-Bücherei lädt ein zu einem sinnlichen Streifzug durch die Tierbilder Franz Marcs, ergänzt durch Briefzitate des Künstlers und zeitgenössische Berichte. In einem kenntnisreichen Nachwort führen die Herausgeber in die Welt der Tiermalerei Franz Marcs ein. »Gibt es für einen Künstler eine geheimnisvollere Idee als die, wie sich wohl die Natur in dem Auge eines Tieres spiegelt?« Franz Marc

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Linking Urban and Rural Tourism

        Strategies in Sustainability

        by Susan L Slocum, Carol Kline

        Destinations rely on regional strategies to support and enhance the tourism product through regional partnerships and integration. Integrated tourism is defined as tourism that is explicitly linked to the economic, social, cultural, natural and human structures of the region in which it occurs. Integrated tourism has evolved to include numerous meanings and definitions but all of which have a vertical approach. The first of its kind, this book moves away from the vertical approach and provides insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas whilst enhancing the tourist experience, supporting the positive impacts of tourism and mitigating the negative. Regional studies tend to portray either an urban or rural focus without acknowledging that often these spaces constitute joint governance structures, similar historical and cultural roots, and economic dependencies. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural agricultural products in urban tourism experiences. Furthermore, innovative marketing strategies linking tourism heritage, attractions, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging. Including theoretical and applied research and international case studies, this will be a valuable resource to academics, students and practitioners working in tourism development and regional policy. ; This book provides insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural products in urban experiences, while innovative marketing linking tourism heritage, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Franz Anton Mesmer

        Or Exploring the Dark Side of the Moon

        by Thomas Knubben

        Mozart and Hegel, Jean Paul and Edgar Allan Poe: they were all fascinated by Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815). The forester’s son from Lake Constance was regarded as one of the most controversial doctors of his time. Some celebrated him as a miracle healer for his theory of “Animal Magnetism”, while others discredited him as a fraud. Thomas Knubben wonderfully narrates this scintillating life story set in a turbulent time of change. A story of exceptional giftedness and tragedy ... Mesmer left his mark on the epoch: his theory became the original source for concepts in psychoanalysis, hypnosis and psychotherapy.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1976


        Für eine kleine Literatur

        by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Burkhart Kroeber

        Kafkas unvollendeter Aufsatz über »kleine Literaturen« enthält im Kern eine Theorie über eine Literatur, die sich der Literaturgeschichte entzieht und zur »Angelegenheit des Volkes« geworden ist. Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari führen in ihrer Lektüre des Kafkaschen Fragments vor Augen, wie eine dermaßen »deterritorialisierte« Literatur funktioniert, und zeigen deren Strukturen an Kafkas eigenem Werk detailgenau auf. Gerade der nicht literaturwissenschaftliche Zugriff der Autoren eröffnet dabei einen überraschenden und dennoch unmittelbar einleuchtenden Blick auf die Literatur der Moderne überhaupt.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1991

        Franz, Geschichtensammler

        Ein Monodrama

        by Franz Hodjak

        Unter einer Seine-Brücke in Paris, nächtens bis zur Morgendämmerung, neben sich Rotweinflaschen und die Laute: François Villon, der aus seinem Vaganten- und Gaunerleben den Stoff seiner frech-bitteren Balladen schöpfte, verwickelt ein imaginäres Gegenüber in ein groteskes Gespräch und Rollenspiel. Er hält dem Hauptmann Ronsard und späteren Oberrichter von Paris den Spiegel vor, erzählt ihm aus seiner Lebensgeschichte, erinnert den Vertreter der Macht an die großen und kleinen Verbrechen und prophezeit ihm die Revolution von 1789.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Urban Pest Management

        An Environmental Perspective

        by Partho Dhang

        The management and control of pests in the urban environment in the 21st Century faces many challenges. Pest populations adapt to changing conditions brought about by environmental changes caused by global warming, human population growth, and increased pollution. Urban pests are able to expand their ranges, densities, and habitats, sometimes causing large-scale damage and disease. This book provides collective insights from academic and industry experts on perspectives concerning urban pest management and regulatory innovations arising from the rapid onset of recent environmental challenges. Chapter topics address pest biology, advances in urban pest management practices, emerging urban pest control developments, new technologies, and regulations. The book describes new methods of pest control, their impacts on human health and the environment, and strategies for integrated management limiting the use of chemicals. It provides a practical resource for researchers and policy makers in pest management, urban health, medical entomology and environmental science. · An up-to-date and comprehensive resource on environmental urban pest management · Designed to appeal to pest control operators, public health professionals, and a range of field workers, as well as researching academics and graduate students · Brings both academic and industry experts together in one volume

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1991

        Franz Ringel


        by Herausgegeben von Schuh, Franz

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Global Urban Agriculture

        by Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins

        There has been growing attention paid to urban agriculture worldwide because of its role in making cities more environmentaly sustainable while also contributing to enhanced food access and social justice. This edited volume brings together current research and case studies concerning urban agriculture from both the Global North and the Global South. Its objective is to help bridge the long-standing divide between discussion of urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South and to demonstrate that today there are greater areas of overlap than there are differences both theoretically and substantively, and that research in either area can help inform research in the other. The book covers the nature of urban agriculture and how it supports livelihoods, provides ecosystem services, and community development. It also considers urban agriculture and social capital, networks, and agro-biodiversity conservation. Concepts such as sustainability, resilience, adaptation and community, and the value of urban agriculture as a recreational resource are explored. It also examines, quite fundamentally, why people farm in the city and how urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities in both the Global North and the Global South. Key Features: · One of the first volumes to bring together evidence from urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South · Explores the contribution of urban agriculture to livelihoods, ecosystems and conservation · Numerous case studies examine a very diverse range of urban agriculture systems ; Urban agriculture is crucial to the environmental sustainability of cities, but the issues facing cities in the global north and south have been seen as unlinked. This book brings together evidence from both areas to highlight the interconnectedness and the contribution to social justice. ; 1: Defining and Theorizing Global Urban Agriculture2: A View from the South: Bringing Critical Planning Theory to Urban Agriculture3: Barriers and Benefits of North American Urban Agriculture4: A Survey of Urban Community Gardeners in the United States of America5: Gardens in the City: Community, Politics, and Place in San Diego, California6: “Growing Food is Hard Work:” The Labor Challenges of Urban Agriculture in Houston, Texas7: The Marketing of Vegetables Produced in Cities in Ghana: Implications and Trajectories8: Hunger for Justice: Building Sustainable and Equitable Communities in Massachusetts9: Sustainability’s Incomplete Circles: Towards a Just Food Politics in Austin, Texas and Havana, Cuba10: A Political Ecology of Community Gardens in Australia: From Local to Global Lessons11: Urban Agriculture as Adaptive Capacity: An Example from Senegal12: Intersection and Material Flow in Open-Space Urban Farms in Tanzania13: Relying on Urban Gardens for Survival within the Building of a Modern City in Colombia14: Regreening Kibera: How Urban Agriculture Changed the Physical and Social Environment of a Large Slum in Kenya15: Farm Fresh in the City: Urban Grassroots Food Distribution Networks in Finland16: The Appropriation of Space through ‘Communist Swarms:’ A Socio-Spatial Examination of Urban Apiculture in Washington, DC17: Urban Agriculture and the Re-Assembly of the City: Lessons from Wuhan, China18: The Contribution of Smallholder Irrigated Urban Agriculture Towards Household Food Security in Harare, Zimbabwe19: Community Gardens as Urban Social-Ecological Refuges in the Global North20: Global Urban Agriculture into the Future: Urban Cultivation as Accepted Practice

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 1997

        Ankunft Konjunktiv


        by Franz Hodjak

        Die Bücher von Franz Hodjak bezeugen, wie der Ausreise ans der rumäniendeutschen Spracheremitage die Ankunft bei uns nur allmählich folgte. Ihr schreibt sich Franz Hodjak mit seinem neuen Gedichtbuch ein Stück weit näher - doch das Ankommen bleibt unsicher, nur eine Möglichkeit: Ankunft Konjunktiv.

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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2022

        Key Questions in Urban Pest Management

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by Partho Dhang, Philip Koehler, Roberto Pereira, Daniel D Dye II

        Urban pests are common all over the world. These include cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ticks, fleas, ants, termites, rodents and others. These pests thrive in human structures, where there is food, warmth and places to hide. Urban pests are one of the leading causes of illnesses in humans due to allergies, bites, food contamination and phobias. They can also cause significant damage to property and structures. Knowledge and training in this field is vital for professional and trainee pest managers. This book is specifically intended to provide an aid to such candidates. The book contains 500 multiple-choice questions (and answers) grouped into the following major topic areas: · The history of urban entomology · Household pests · Cockroaches · Flies · Mosquitoes · Bed bugs · Termites · Sporadic pests · Stored product pests · Vertebrate pests · Pesticides and pesticide formulations · Handling pesticides · Integrated Pest Control Produced in a convenient format that can be used at any time in any place, the book allows the reader to learn and revise the subject and much more. Its structure allows the study of one topic area at a time, progressing through a simple introduction followed by key revision questions, many of which require students to use their practical knowledge. The answers to each of the questions are provided at the end with short explanations wherever appropriate.

      • Trusted Partner

        Dementia – First Things First.

        Texts and Drawings by a Person with Dementia

        by Franz Inauen

        Franz Inauen was diagnosed with dementia in 2013. Since his diagnosis, he has worked through his fears, experiences, hopes, and anger by writing prose and poetry and by drawing. The result is a work consisting of 85 images and texts. They are accompanied by narratives explaining how the author produced them, an interview with Franz Inauen, and the views of his wife and employer.   Target Group: People with dementia, their relatives, nurses, art therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2007



        by Franz Kafka, Max Brod

        Amerika, der erste große Roman Franz Kafkas, erzählt die Geschichte des jungen Karl Roßmann, der wegen eines unhaltbaren Verhältnisses auswandern muß und versucht, sich in der rationalisierten und unpersönlichen Neuen Welt zurechtzufinden. Mit der vorliegenden Ausgabe werden zum 125. Geburtstag des Autors im Juli 2008 die drei großen Romane Franz Kafkas vollständig und in preiswerten Ausgaben im suhrkamp taschenbuch vorliegen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2006

        The Urban Life of the Tang Dynasty

        by Huang Xingya

        The Ancient Chinese Urban Life series focuses on the capital and some big cities of each dynasty and describes the political, economic, cultural, religious, customs, customs and other aspects of the city. So as to achieve the purpose of understanding the social progress and historical development at that time. The book integrates scholarly and amusement with or without the propaganda of history and enables readers to grasp the pulse of history and gain historical knowledge in the pleasurable beauty of enjoyment. The authors of the series do not write novels, but describe them entirely based on historical facts.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2006

        The Urban Life of the Yuan Dynasty

        by Shi Weimin

        The Ancient Chinese Urban Life series focuses on the capital and some big cities of each dynasty and describes the political, economic, cultural, religious, customs, customs and other aspects of the city. So as to achieve the purpose of understanding the social progress and historical development at that time. The book integrates scholarly and amusement with or without the propaganda of history and enables readers to grasp the pulse of history and gain historical knowledge in the pleasurable beauty of enjoyment. The authors of the series do not write novels, but describe them entirely based on historical facts.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2006

        The Urban Life of the Qing Dynasty

        by Zhao Shiyu

        The Ancient Chinese Urban Life series focuses on the capital and some big cities of each dynasty and describes the political, economic, cultural, religious, customs, customs and other aspects of the city. So as to achieve the purpose of understanding the social progress and historical development at that time. The book integrates scholarly and amusement with or without the propaganda of history and enables readers to grasp the pulse of history and gain historical knowledge in the pleasurable beauty of enjoyment. The authors of the series do not write novels, but describe them entirely based on historical facts.

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