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      • Hardie Grant UK Ltd.

        Hardie Grant is a leading independent publisher of non-fiction. We create beautiful, award-winning books across a range of subjects including Food and Drink, Home and Craft, Gardening and Nature, Travel and Gift, Wellness and Self-Help, Astrology and Witchcraft.  With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London and San Francisco, our titles are sold all over the world.

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      • Hardie Grant Children's Publishing

        Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing is the children’s division of the largest independent publisher in Australia.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2024

        She played and sang

        Jane Austen and music

        by Gillian Dooley

        Like her much-loved heroine Emma Woodhouse, Jane Austen 'played and sang'. Music occupied a central role in her life, and she made brilliant use of it in her books to illuminate characters' personalities and highlight the contrasts between them. Until recently, our knowledge of Austen's musical inclinations was limited to the recollections of relatives who were still in their youth when she passed away. But with the digitisation of music books from her immediate family circle, a treasure trove of evidence has emerged. Delving into these books, alongside letters and other familial records, She played and sang unveils a previously unknown facet of Austen's world. This insightful work not only uncovers the music closely associated with Austen, but also unravels her musical connections with family and friends, revealing the intricate ties between her fiction and the melodies she performed. With these revelations, Austen's musical legacy comes to life, granting us a deeper understanding of her artistic prowess and the influences that shaped her literary masterpieces.

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        August 2017

        Das Buch der Emma Reyes

        Eine Kindheit in 23 Briefen

        by Reyes, Emma

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Three Brave Knights

        by Anna Tretyak (Author), Natalya Chorna (Illustrator)

        Once upon a time, three brave knights appeared in the modern world! However, here's the surprise: these knights are actually three cheeky little girls pretending to be knights! Their imagination transforms ordinary objects and people into marvelous creatures, turning an ordinary day into an exciting adventure. They embark on many brave feats during their day, including fighting a dragon and, of course, saving a princess! The author demonstrates that children, and even adults, can be whoever they want with the power of imagination.   From 3 to 6 years, 304 words Rightsholders:

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        Heart Teachings on the 37 Bodhisattva Practices

        by Barbara Du Bois

        Contemporary Western teacher Barbara Du Bois brings her fresh, energetic, pene-trating wisdom from the heart. Rich with insight, humor, and fearless love, Barbara Du Bois’s direct heart teachings on the timeless 37 Bodhisattva Practices encour-age and guide seekers and practitioners at all levels, in any spiritual tradition.Filled with dynamic discussions on life purpose, suffering, relationships, and the spiritual path, this profound yet practical book will inspire, support, guide, and in-vigorate beginning seekers and advanced practitioners in every tradition, as well as those without a formal spiritual focus or path.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Brave

        by Sri Ulina

        Milo is a brave lion who is not afraid of anything. Joy, his friend, then challenges him to sing on stage. Of course, Milo accepts the challenge. But when he stands on stage, his voice won't come out. What happened to Milo?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Bumbum The Brave Giant

        by Watiek Ideo

        Bumbum the Brave Giant loves to play with his friends, but his body is too big. It makes people around him always having a hard time. Bumbum now determined to make himself smaller so he can fit in, but it's so hard. Then one day, his village is drown in flood. What will Bumbum do?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2016

        Leben ist keine Art, mit einem Tier umzugehen

        by Emma Braslavsky

        »Eine gute Geschichte braucht ein Opfer. Eines am Anfang und eines am Ende.« Bessere Menschen. Falsche Tiere. Aussteiger im Paradies. Die einen wollen die Natur retten, den Planeten, die Menschheit. Die anderen nur sich selbst: vor Spielschulden, Ehekrächen, Einsamkeit. In »Leben ist keine Art mit einem Tier umzugehen« erzählt Emma Braslavsky ein großes, packendes Abenteuer – über Fluch und Segen des Menschseins, über unsere Suche nach Erkenntnis und Wahrhaftigkeit. Und nie weiß man, ob man aus Verzweiflung lacht oder vor Glück.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fearless Parenting

        by Shulamit Blank & Orli Fuchs-Shabtai

        "Fearless Parenting" porte sur l'autorité parentale dans les temps modernes et sur son rôle essentiel dans l'éducation d’enfants autonomes, compatissants et vertueux et la prévention des troubles du comportement et, parfois, de graves troubles psychiatriques.La dernière génération a connu un contrecoup dans la discipline des enfants. Or, en tant que parents, nous devons discuter avec nos enfants de leur comportement. Nous évitons d'être durs avec eux de peur qu'ils nous privent de leur amour ou pire - qu'ils s'effondrent. Par conséquent, les familles d'aujourd'hui font face à de graves troubles du comportement à un âge plus précoce et les parents baissent les bras en signe d’abandon. Le thème principal et l'objectif de ce livre consistent à prouver que la création et l'application de limites raisonnables et appropriées, liées à l'instruction et à l'éducation, pourraient remédier aux relations parents/enfants et, à proprement parler, sauver la vie des enfants.Ce livre est unique dans la mesure où il présente de façon directe, simple et cependant profonde des études de cas réels et des situations fréquemment rencontrées, ainsi que des cas graves de toxicomanie, de délinquance et de troubles psychiques. Le traitement de tous ces cas présente une réaction positive à l'autorité et aux limites adaptées à la situation et au comportement spécifiques. Cet ouvrage contient de nombreuses références à la vie professionnelle pour le lecteur confirmé et s'inspire d'anciens philosophes et penseurs religieux.À propos des auteursShulamit Blank, docteure en médecine, est pédiatre et psychiatre spécialisée dans les troubles du comportement des enfants et des adolescents.En Israël, le Dr Blank est fondatrice et, depuis 1993, directrice générale d'un centre communautaire d’enseignement et de traitement des enfants et adolescents atteints de graves troubles psychiatriques et du comportement. C’est dans ce centre qu’elle parvient à appliquer ses méthodes en limitant l'hospitalisation et l'incarcération psychiatriques et en minimisant l'utilisation de médicaments psychiatriques grâce à une éducation et un enseignement adaptés aux problèmes spécifiques de l'enfant, que ce soient le TDAH, les troubles d'étude, etc.Orli Fuchs-Shabtai, est psychologue clinicienne. Elle a travaillé comme psychothérapeute pour adultes et dirige actuellement un programme national de prévention de la violence infantile.Les auteurs s'efforcent de suivre la sagesse antique de l'aphorisme biblique : « Instruis l'enfant selon la voie qu'il doit suivre; Et quand il sera vieux, il ne s'en détournera pas » (Proverbes 22:6).

      • Trusted Partner

        Fearless Parenting Makes Confident Kids

        by Shulamit Blank & Orly Fuchs-Shabtai

        Fearless Parenting is about parental authority in modern timesand its pivotal role in raising self-reliant, compassionate, and ethical children, and in preventing behavioral and even severe psychiatric disorders.   The last generation witnessed a backlash against disciplining children. We as parents are told to engage in negotiation with our kids about their behavior. We are afraid to be tough with them in case they won't love us or worse—break down. As a result, families today face severe behavior problems at earlier ages, and parents throw up their hands in resignation. The main theme and objective of this book is to prove that setting and enforcing reasonable and appropriate boundaries, combined with learning and education, could save parents' relationships with their kids and literally save children’s lives.   The book is unique in that it presents in a direct, simple, and yet profound way, real case studies and situations commonly encountered, along with severe cases of drug abuse, delinquencies, and mental disturbances. All cases are shown to respond very well to authority and boundaries adjusted to the specific situation and behavior. The book contains numerous references to professional material for the more advanced reader and derives inspiration from ancient philosophers and religious thinkers.   Shulamit Blank, M.D, is a pediatrician and psychiatrist, specializing in child and adolescent behavioral disturbances. Dr. Blank is the founder and, since 1993, CEO of a community-based educational and treatment facility in Israel for children and adolescents with severe psychiatric and behavioral disorders, in which she is successfully implementing her methods, preventing psychiatric hospitalization and incarceration, and minimizing the use of psychiatric drugs through teaching and education adjusted to the child's specific problems, such as ADHD, learning disabilities, etc. Due to her breakthrough approach, Dr. Blank is well-recognized and fully involved in the professional community worldwide. Dr. Blank has three children and seven grandchildren and resides with her spouse near Tel Aviv.   Orly Fuchs-Shabtai is a clinical psychologist. In 2006 she established a national program for the prevention of child violence. There are about thirty-five counselors from the therapeutic field in the program, which provides counseling to hundreds of families each year and to teachers of preschool through elementary school. Fuchs-Shabtai is the mother of three grown-up children and lives in Tel Aviv.   The authors strive to follow the ancient wisdom of the biblical aphorism: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).   An English-Language eBook  was published in fall 2014 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.

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        by Emma-Jane Cross

        In Walking the Wheel of the Year holistic life coach, spiritual guide and pagan priestess Emma-Jane Cross supports you to create your own spiritual and personal growth path using nature’s seasonal rhythm as the catalyst for personal and spiritual growth.An inspirational tool to start living a lifestyle connected to nature’s rhythm, this book can be used as a year-long workbook to carry out various seasonal activities, journeys and ceremonies throughout the year.

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        Agronomy & crop production
        January 2006

        Cold Hardiness in Plants

        Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology

        by Edited by Tony H H Chen, Matsuo Uemura, Seizo Fujikawa

        Based on papers from the 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar held in Japan in 2004, this book presents the latest research findings on plant freezing and chilling stress from major laboratories around the world. The chapters focus on various aspects of molecular genetics and the utilization of transgenic plants to further our understanding of plant cold hardiness at the molecular level. Topics covered include: vernalization genes in winter cereals; global analysis of gene networks to solve complex abiotic stress responses; control of growth and cold acclimation in silver birch and the effect of Plasma Membrane-associated Proteins on Acquisition of Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012

        Krieg der Heiler


        by Hardy, Janice

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        October 2010

        Das blaue Feuer


        by Hardy, Janice

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