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      • Königshausen + Neumann GmbH

        The publishing house Königshausen & Neumann was founded in 1979 by the students Johannes Königshausen and Thomas Neumann and has quickly developed into a well-known publishing house for the Humanities in a national and international context. Today we have a backlist of more than 7,000 available (!) titles, with a focus on philosophy, literature and cultural studies, history, psychology, music and art. Our aim is to accompany developments in science with publications and to make developments in science visible and accessible as such in the first place. We want to be an echo chamber not of one thought, but of a plurality of thoughts. Wittgenstein's followers, for example, are represented in our programme, as are his critics. Our authors include philosophers such as Gernot Böhme, Otto Friedrich Bollnow, Karen Gloy, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Vittorio Hösle and Peter Sloterdijk, and literary and linguistic scholars such as Dieter Borchmeyer, Karl Corino, Ulrich Gaier, Walter Hinderer and Volker Klotz, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Wolfgang Riedel or Hans Rudolf Vaget, psychologists like Johannes Cremerius, Roland Kuhn or Josef Rattner, musicologists like Hermann Danuser, Frieder Reininghaus, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Arnold Jacobshagen, Barbara Meier, Anno Mungen or Arne Stollberg. Many scientists have taken their first steps at K&N. Robert Habeck has published his master's and doctoral theses at K&N. Artists are represented in our programme, such as Diana Damrau, Anja Harteros or Jonas Kaufmann, Marco Goecke or Robert Tewsley. Artists are brought into conversation in a unique way: Richard Wagner or Francisco de Goya, for example. Elazar Benyoëtz entrusts us with his work, but also the young generation of writers, such as Manfred Kern, Markus Orths or Sophie Reyer, published by K&N.

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      • Die kleine Königsstube

        Wir sind ein junger Verlag, der sich klingenden Geschichten für Klein und Gross verschrieben hat. Geschichten, wo aus Worten Musik wird. Weitere Informationen siehe Website. Als erstes Opus des Verlags erschien «Der Klang einer kleinen Melodie». Dieses Buch ist für die ganze Familie geeignet, ebenso als Lesebuch für Schulklassen, Arbeitsmaterial für Therapeuten, aber auch als Lektüre für viele Anlässe. Zwanzig Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, laden ein «zum Träumen und machen Mut, dem Klang des eigenen Herzens zu folgen». Denn, träumen wir nicht alle von jenen Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, die uns das Träumen lehrten und uns ins wunderbare Land der Träume begleiteten? Eine kleine Umarmung am Abend;wer hat das nicht gern? Somit möchten diese Geschichten kleine Umarmungen verschenken, die Mut machen zu vertrauen, um Neues zu wagen; ja und das nicht nur im Traum.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1986

        Briefe an Werner Kraft

        by Gershom Scholem, Werner Kraft, Jörg Drews

        "Die hier versammelten Briefe Gerhard Gershom Scholems sind zum allergrößten Teil Zeugnisse aus jungen Jahren; gerichtet an Werner Kraft, den heute in Jerusalem lebenden Dichter und homme de lettres. In jenen Jahren, die in diesen Briefen aufleuchten, nämlich den Jahren 1917 bis 1931, gab es für Scholem hauptsächlich eines zu tun: leidenschaftlich, unentwegt zu lernen, und zwar, so Werner Kraft, fast ausschließlich »bezogen auf das Studium der heiligen Schriften«. Wie Scholem derjenige wurde, dem man sein Botschaft glaubte, weil er sie vertrat – dies verdeutlichen diese Briefe an den Jugendfreund, der, mit weit größeren Schwierigkeiten, als Scholem sie hatte, ebenfalls zu »seinem« Judentum finden mußte."

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        K u n s t UND A n g s t


        Worum geht es bei Kunst? Wohin bewegt sie sich? Welche Widerstände gibt es?   DAS SIND DIE FRAGEN, AUF DIE ES ANKOMMT, wiederkehrende Fragen, die sich in jedem Stadium der künstlerischen Entwicklung stellen. Sie sind der Ursprung für dieses Kompendium scharfsinniger Beobachtungen.   Kunst & Angst  erforscht, wie Kunst geschaffen wird, die Gründe, warum Kunstwerke oft nicht entstehen und die Art der Schwierigkeiten, die so viele Künstler dazu bringt, auf der Wegstrecke aufzugeben. Dieses Buch handelt davon, was du fühlst, wenn du in deinem Atelier oder im Lehrsaal sitzt, du an der Töpferscheibe oder am Keyboard, vor der Staffelei oder hinter deiner Kamera stehst und du versuchst, das Werk, das dir bestimmt ist, zu schaffen. Es geht darum, dass du deine Zukunft in die Hand nimmst, den Freien Willen über Vorherbestimmung, die Wahl vor den Zufall stellst. Es geht darum, dein eigenes Werk zu finden. A German-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Lindenfels Von Pressel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.   134 pages, 14.5 cm x 21 cm

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        by Werner Bartens

        Couples in the early stages of a relationship have countless guides to choose from. But what about those who have been together for a while or for a really long time? A long relationship always gives rise to questions – regardless of whether the partners are in their thirties, forties or fifties. Around two thirds of all couples are uncertain about their relationship, and question – either openly or secretly – whether they want to carry on like this. Dr Werner Bartens says that those who give up on a long-standing relationship are giving up on a treasure trove of shared experiences and trust that the couple has built up over the years. Research has shown that those who are in a relationship are healthier and happier and, in contrast to what singles might think, have a lot more sex. But a long relationship is also demanding - Werner Bartens explains what matters in a proper relationship, regardless of age. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have butterflies in your tummy – in fact, it’s better, says Bartens, because you will feel as happy in your long relationship as you felt at the beginning of it. Relationship guides almost always address couples who have recently got together. But what about the many couples who look at their relationships after years and find themselves dissatisfied? Finally, a relationship book for couples who have been together for a while. You ask yourself: is this just the way it is, or can I change things? Can I revitalise our partnership? Doctor and publicist Werner Bartens has written a book that really helps people in this situation.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1997

        Hans Werner Richter

        Notizen einer Freundschaft

        by König, Barbara

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Fish Viruses and Bacteria

        Pathobiology and Protection

        by Patrick T K Woo, Rocco C Cipriano

        Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. A concise but thorough reference work, this book: - Covers key viral and bacterial diseases of notable fish species; - Reviews major well-established piscine pathogens as well as new, emerging and notifiable diseases; and - Contains the most up-to-date research contributed by a team of over fifty world experts. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes. ; Taking a disease-based approach, this book focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. It covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases. ; 1: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Arun K. Dhar, Scott LaPatra, Andrew Orry and F.C. Thomas Allnutt 2: Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, Jo-Ann C. Leong and Gael Kurath 3: Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, John S. Lumsden 4: Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis and European Catfish Virus, Paul Hick, Ellen Ariel and Richard Whittington 5: Oncogenic Viruses: Oncorhynchus masou Virus and Cyprinid Herpesvirus, Mamoru Yoshimizu, Hisae Kasai, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Nanako Sano and Motohiko Sano 6: Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Knut Falk and Maria Aamelfot 7: Spring Viraemia of Carp, Peter Dixon and David Stone 8: Channel Catfish Viral Disease, Larry A. Hanson and Lester H. Khoo 9: Largemouth Bass Viral Disease, Rodman G. Getchell and Geoffrey H. Groocock 10: Koi Herpesvirus Disease, Keith Way and Peter Dixon 11: Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy, Anna Toffan 12: Iridoviral Diseases: Red Sea Bream Iridovirus and White Sturgeon Iridovirus, Yasuhiko Kawato, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Kazuhiro Nakajima,Thomas Waltzek and Richard Whittington 13: Alphaviruses in Salmonids, Marius Karlsen and Renate Johansen 14: Aeromonas salmonicida and A. hydrophila, Bjarnheidur K. Gudmundsdottir and Bryndis Bjornsdottir 15: Edwardsiella spp., Matt J. Griffin, Terrence E. Greenway and David J. Wise 16: Flavobacterium spp.: F. psychrophilum, F. columnare and F. branchiophilum, Thomas P. Loch and Mohamed Faisal 17: Francisella noatunensis, Esteban M. Soto and John P. Hawke 18: Mycobacterium spp., David T. Gauthier and Martha W. Rhodes 19: Photobacterium damselae, John P. Hawke 20: Piscirickettsia salmonis, Jerri Bartholomew, Kristen D. Arkush and Esteban M. Soto 21: Renibacterium salmoninarum, Diane G. Elliott 22: Streptococcus iniae and S. agalactiae, Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu and Esteban M. Soto 23: Vibriosis: Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii and Aliivibrio salmonicida, Alicia E. Toranzo, Beatriz Magariños and Ruben Avendaño-Herrera 24: Weissella ceti, Timothy J. Welch, David P. Marancik and Christopher M. Good 25: Yersinia ruckeri, Michael Ormsby and Robert Davies

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2001

        Die Malavoglia

        Der Untergang einer sizilianischen Familie

        by Giovanni Verga, René König, René König, René König

        René König (1906-1992) war von 1949 bis 1974 Professor für Soziologie an der Universität zu Köln. René König (1906-1992) war von 1949 bis 1974 Professor für Soziologie an der Universität zu Köln. René König (1906-1992) war von 1949 bis 1974 Professor für Soziologie an der Universität zu Köln.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1973

        Werke in vier Bänden

        by T. S. Eliot

        T. S. Eliot, geboren 1888 in St. Louis/Missouri, gestorben 1965 in London, ist einer der bedeutendsten Dichter des 20. Jahrhunderts.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 1982

        Die Malavoglia

        Roman. Übertragung aus dem Italienischen und Nachwort von René König

        by Giovanni Verga, René König, René König

        René König (1906-1992) war von 1949 bis 1974 Professor für Soziologie an der Universität zu Köln. René König (1906-1992) war von 1949 bis 1974 Professor für Soziologie an der Universität zu Köln.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Art forms

        T. Shevchenko. Life in art

        by Dmytro Stus, Tetyana Chuiko, Anastasia Morozova, Yulia Shilenko

        Of course, the fate of the artist was formed in a certain way because he realized his vocation - to be a poet. On the other hand, he lived his life as a professional artist. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, T. Shevchenko worked as an artist in the Temporary Commission for the consideration of ancient acts (Kyiv Archaeographic Commission), applied for the position of drawing teacher at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv. And when his plans were broken by arrest, then in exile, despite the strict imperial ban on writing and drawing, the artist was able to work in his specialty, although not officially. Shevchenko devoted the last years of his life to the development of etching, having received the title of academician in engraving. The publication consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the works of the artist, made in graphic techniques, as well as sepia and watercolor. Given the fact that there are few oil paintings in the artist's works, we singled them out in the second part, trying to break stereotypes about their perception. Each section of the first part is devoted to a separate genre, which was addressed by T. Shevchenko. The largest of the sections are divided into thematic headings, which allows you to see the works of the artist from a new, perhaps unexpected, angle. In turn, the commentary to each work contains a brief history of creation (places, circumstances, relationships, etc.) and artistic characteristics that reveal the performing skills of the author. In addition, an important addition is the part of the commentary "Interesting" and quotes from the novels, Diary, correspondence of the artist, memoirs of his contemporaries. You can start your acquaintance with the publication from any section or even heading. Traveling through Shevchenko's paintings on separate routes you will have a complete rich journey through the original world of the artist.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2019

        Cats. Old Possums Katzenbuch

        by T. S. Eliot

        Hier schnurren, maunzen tanzen die Katzen … T. S. Eliots Old Possums Katzenbuch gelangte als Musical zum Welterfolg. Seit fast 40 Jahren wird Cats ununterbrochen gespielt; es ist das erfolgreichste Musical aller Zeiten – und wird nun mit internationaler Starbesetzung verfilmt. Selbst Katzenliebhaber verfasste Eliot diese heiteren und fantsievollen Verse einst für seine Patenkinder. Doch Grimmtiger, Rem Tem Trecker, Alt Deuteronium und Pus wurden unsterblich und verzaubern Groß und Klein bis heute.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2019


        Old Possums Katzenbuch

        by T. S. Eliot

        Hier schnurren, maunzen tanzen die Katzen … T. S. Eliots Old Possums Katzenbuch gelangte als Musical zum Welterfolg. Seit fast 40 Jahren wird Cats ununterbrochen gespielt; es ist das erfolgreichste Musical aller Zeiten – und wird nun mit internationaler Starbesetzung verfilmt. Selbst Katzenliebhaber verfasste Eliot diese heiteren und fantsievollen Verse einst für seine Patenkinder. Doch Grimmtiger, Rem Tem Trecker, Alt Deuteronium und Pus wurden unsterblich und verzaubern Groß und Klein bis heute.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Das Windsor-Komplott


        by Bennett, S. J.

        Aus dem Englischen von Werner Löcher-Lawrence

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Ein höchst royaler Mord

        Ein Queen-Elizabeth-Krimi

        by Bennett, S. J.

        Aus dem Englischen von Werner Löcher-Lawrence

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