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      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        December 2007

        Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management

        by Edited by Dr Michael Lück, James E S Higham

        Marine environments have long been places of exploration, subsistence, transport and trade, but it is only recently that marine tourism has extended beyond coastal resorts and beaches. Demand for marine wildlife experiences has grown considerably in recent decades but a corresponding increase in the conservation of these environments as well as adequate legislative and management responses aimed at sustainability has not yet followed. This book demonstrates that through scientific approaches to understanding and managing tourist interactions with marine wildlife, sustainable marine tourism can be achieved. Drawing from disciplines such as marine and conservation biology and behavioural ecology, the effects of human disturbance on marine wildlife as well as management approaches to moderate these impacts are explored. Social science perspectives are also used to understand consumer demand and the ethical and legislative problems that this demand creates. This comprehensive volume provides valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners in marine conservation and tourism.

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        Fisheries & related industries
        December 2005

        Marine Parasitology

        by Klaus Rohde

        Written by an international team of contributors, this work provides the definitive review of marine parasites of the world. Initial chapters review the diversity and basic biology of the different groups of marine parasites worldwide and provides illustrations of the various groups. For each group the book discusses details of morphology, life cycles, infection mechanisms, and effects on hosts. Later chapters cover the ecology and importance of marine parasites. Topics discussed include the behavioural aspects of parasitism, ecology, evolution and zoogeography as well as the economic, environmental and medical importance of marine parasites. The book gives readers a general background to each topic, along with up-to-date reviews of novel concepts and cutting-edge research.

      • Trusted Partner
        Hospitality industry
        May 2008

        Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments

        by Edited by Dr Michael Lück

        Marine tourism has become one of the fastest growing areas within the tourism industry. With the increased use of marine environments comes the need for informed planning and sustainable management as well as for the education and training of planners, managers and operators. Combining the disciplines of marine scientists and tourism researchers, this encyclopedia will bring together the terms, concepts and theories related to recreational and tourism activities in marine settings. Entries range from short definitions to medium and long articles.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Leos Carax

        by Fergus Daly, Garin Dowd

        The first book in any language to study the films of this enfant terrible of contemporary French cinema, best known for his film Les Amants du Pont Neuf. Examines key ingredients in the worlds of Carax's films - Paris, pop music, 'flânerie' and 'amour fou', 'mannerist' and 'neo-baroque' aesthetics, the Nouvelle Vague and contemporary 'naturalist' cinema - making the book a good primer of contemporary French film and culture. Draws on a variety of intellectual sources, such as the philosophy of Deleuze, film criticism, theory of art, and literary monographs. Argues that the recent history of maverick mannerist and baroque auteurs, from Ruiz & Rivette to Garrel and Techine, and their explorations of the 'powers of the false' are key to Carax's cinema. Examines Carax's contribution to the strand of cinema which is focused on chance and destiny, from Wong Kar-Wai and David Lynch to films such as Serendipity and Sliding doors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        June 2007

        Marine Ecotourism

        Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

        by Carl I Cater, Erlet Cater

        The planet's most fascinating and yet tantalisingly under-researched component is now a rapidly growing tourism frontier. The sea attracts millions of tourists annually with its diverse array of exclusive activities, but its sheer size brings with it considerable problems for management.Within the context of other economic activities that may compromise the success, if not the very existence of marine ecotourism, this text examines the wide range of marine ecotourism resources, not only natural, but also cultural and man-made. Covering economic, marketing planning and regulation issues, this book also considers the vital role of marine ecotourism in raising awareness of the significance of the seas and oceans to sustainable coastal livelihoods.At a time of great concern over the effects of climate change and high profile issues such as depletion of fish stocks and oil spillages, the insights this book provides are essential reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2006

        »Wenn du einen Schneck behauchst«

        Ringelnatz für Kinder

        by Joachim Ringelnatz, Peter Härtling, Hans Traxler

        Am 7. August 1883 wurde er als Hans Böttcher in Wurzen an der Elster, einem sächsischen Städtchen, geboren. In ganz jungen Jahren heuerte er, der sich jetzt Kuttel Daddeldu nannte, als Leichtmatrose auf einem Frachter an. Später setzte er eine kaufmännische Lehre in Hamburg fort, arbeitete in Leipzig, ging auf Reisen und landete, die eigenen Verse vortragend, in der Münchner Künstlerkneipe »Simplicissimus«, wo er schnell bekannt wurde. 1910 erschien sein erster Gedichtband. Unrast und Neugier plagten ihn, er reiste in Europa umher, sammelte Freunde und Freundinnen, arbeitete für kurze Zeit als Bibliothekar auf Schlössern und wurde im Ersten Weltkrieg zur Marine eingezogen. Nach dem Krieg fand er sich schlecht zurecht, schüttelte die Alpträume aus dem Kopf, spielte wieder und dichtete. Und verwandelte sich in Joachim Ringelnatz. Doch die vielen Reisen brachten ihm nichts ein. Er wurde krank, geriet in Not und die Freunde riefen seine Leser öffentlich auf, Ringelnatz zu helfen. Am 17. November 1934 starb er in Berlin. Wenn du einen Schneck behauchst, Schrumpft er ins Gehäuse. Wenn du ihn in Kognak tauchst, Sieht er weiße Mäuse.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        June 2002

        Responsible Marine Aquaculture

        by Edited by Robert R Stickney, James P McVey

        With the expansion of the world aquaculture industry, there has been increasing concern over sustainability and environmental impact. This book addresses this topical issue, concentrating on marine aquaculture. Chapters have been developed from a meeting of the World Aquaculture Society in January 2001, and additional contributions have also been commissioned. This work has sections that focus on:Minimal net utilization of natural resources, Production of healthy products for food, Appropriate regulations and policies, Environmental impact and pollution from aquaculture, along with Case studies from various geographical settings, including North and Latin America, Asia and the Pacific

      • Trusted Partner
        Marine biology
        September 1993

        Ecology of Marine Parasites

        by Klaus Rohde

        The first edition of this book, published in 1982 by the University of Queensland Press, established itself as the main introductory textbook on marine parasitology. The second edition has been revised to take account of recent advances and includes an additional chapter on the structure of marine parasite communities. There are also new sections on pollution, translocations of hosts and parasites, and on the effects of parasites on the aquaculture of marine fish, molluscs and crustacea. The chapters covering ecological, zoogeographical and economic aspects have also been significantly changed. Aimed particularly at students and research workers in parasitology and marine biology, the book will also be of interest to ecologists, biologists concerned with zoogeographical problems, and to aquaculturists, fish and fisheries biologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        From Jack Tar to Union Jack

        Representing naval manhood in the British Empire, 1870–1918

        by Mary A. Conley

        Jack Tar to Union Jack examines the intersection between empire, navy, and manhood in British society from 1870 to 1918. Through analysis of sources that include courts-martial cases, sailors' own writings, and the HMS Pinafore, Conley charts new depictions of naval manhood during the Age of Empire, a period which witnessed the radical transformation of the navy, the intensification of imperial competition, the democratisation of British society, and the advent of mass culture. Jack Tar to Union Jack argues that popular representations of naval men increasingly reflected and informed imperial masculine ideals in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Conley shows how the British Bluejacket as both patriotic defender and dutiful husband and father stood in sharp contrast to the stereotypic image of the brave but bawdy tar of the Georgian navy. This book will be essential reading for students of British imperial history, naval and military history, and gender studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jack Clayton

        by Neil Sinyard

        In François Truffaut's opinion The Innocents was 'the best English film after Hitchcock goes to America'. Tennessee Williams said of The Great Gatsby: 'a film whose artistry even surpassed the original novel'. The maker of both films was Jack Clayton, one of the finest English directors of the post-war era and perhaps best remembered for the trail-blazing Room at the Top which brought a new sexual frankness and social realism to the British screen. This is the first full-length critical study of Clayton's work. The author has been able to consult and quote from the director's own private papers which illuminate Clayton's creative practices and artistic intentions. In addition to fresh analyses of the individual films, the book contains new material on Clayton's many unrealised projects and valuably includes his previously unpublished short story 'The Enchantment' - as poignant and revealing as the films themselves. This is a personal and fascinating account of the career and achievement of an important, much-loved director that should appeal to students and film enthusiasts.

      • Trusted Partner
        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        February 2003

        Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem

        by Michael Sinclair, Grimus Valdimarsson

        Currently there is great concern about over-fishing and the effects of fisheries on other marine organisms. This book addresses ecological and environmental issues associated with responsible and sustainable marine fisheries. It includes 20 chapters developed from an international conference and concurrent symposium held in Iceland in October 2001. Contributors include leading international authorities from around the world.Contents include: global overview of marine capture fisheries; legal protection for marine ecosystems; dynamics of marine ecosystems; the role of man in marine ecosystems; and incorporating ecosystem considerations in fisheries management.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2014

        Zauberhaftes Cornwall

        by Daphne du Maurier, Brigitte Heinrich

        Daphne du Maurier war erst 19 Jahre alt, als sie sich 1926 dazu entschloss, das Feriendomizil ihrer Eltern im cornischen Bodinnick nicht mehr zu verlassen. Denn dort in Cornwall hatte sie ihre neue Heimat gefunden, wo sie nicht nur die Freiheit spürte, ihr Leben zu verbringen und die Natur zu genießen, sondern auch die Inspiration, zu schreiben. In Zauberhaftes Cornwall setzt sie ihrem Herzort ein Denkmal. Sie erzählt von der wunderbaren cornischen Landschaft, ihren Menschen und ihrer Lebensart. Ebenso Reiseliteratur wie Roman und Memoire, ist dieses Buch Daphne du Mauriers ganz persönliche Hommage an eine der reizvollsten Gegenden Englands, ein Buch voller Geschichten und Legenden, von geheimnisvollen Schlössern, verwunschenen Spelunken, Schmugglern und legendären Königen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1996



        by Chris Wilson, Klaus Pemsel

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2009

        Liebesgedichte an Frauen

        by André Heller, Elke Heidenreich

        „Du, du, du bist mein einziges Wort, / du, du, du heißt alles“, heißt es in einem Lied von André Heller. Sie hört nicht auf, ist unendlich – die Liebe. Ob glücklich oder unglücklich, sie gehört zu den Grunderfahrungen unseres Lebens und daran hat sich auch in den vergangenen mehr als zweitausend Jahren nichts geändert. Die Liebe der Dichter zu den Frauen hat viele der wunderbarsten Werke hervorgebracht, die die Lyrik zu bieten hat. André Heller hat für den vorliegenden Band die schönsten Liebesgedichte an Frauen ausgewählt.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean-Jacques Beineix

        by Philip Powrie

        This volume is the first to examine, in either French or English, the films of Jean-Jacques Beineix, often seen as the best example of the 1980s cinéma du look, with cult films, such as Diva and Betty Blue (37º 2 le matin) .. After an introduction which places Beineix in the context of the 1980s and the arguments centering on a postmodern cinema, the volume devotes a chapter to each of Beineix's feature films, including the film which marked his return to feature film making after a break of a decade, Mortel Transfert (2001). Prefaced by an excellent foreword by the director himself, which includes a broad condemnation of French critics. Includes many illustrations direct from the director's own collection, complementing the interviews Powrie made with him and his collaborators.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga :

        Comment se défendre contre un assaillant armé

        by Imi Sdé-Or et Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga : Comment se défendre contre un assaillant armé Imi Sdé-Or et Eyal Yanilov Un manuel pratique d’autodéfense fondé sur le Krav Maga, célèbre système israélien de combat sans armes. Cette remarquable méthode d’autodéfense a été adoptée par l’armée, la police et les autres services chargés de la sécurité en Israël en tant que méthode officielle de tactique de défense et est reconnue au niveau international comme une des meilleures du genre par les experts du monde entier. Aux Etats-Unis, en Europe et particulièrement en France, cette unique méthode d’autodéfense est d’ores et déjà enseignée et utilisée pour faire respecter la loi (par le GIGN, FBI, CIA…) aussi bien que par les citoyens ordinaires. Une édition en anglais a été publiée aux Etats-Unis en 2001, avec huit réimpressions. Elle fut immédiatement suivie par une édition japonaise. Les éditions en espagnol pour le Mexique et en hollandais ont été publiées en 2002, alors que celles en allemand, et espagnol castillan furent publiées en 2003 et l’édition tchèque en 2004. Les éditions française et hongroise sont sorties en mi-2006, l'édition en polonais a été publiée en septembre 2008. 256 pages, 500-plus n/b photos & illustrations ; 16,5 X 24 cm A voir dans d'autres langues DES NOUVEAUX TITRES SUPPLEMENTAIRES DANS LA SERIE DE KRAV MAGA : Deux autres volumes de cette série intitulés Krav Maga – Les bases du Self-défense, se concentrent sur comment se défendre contre un assaillant non-armé, par exemple contre toutes sortes de coups de poing, coups de pied, saisies, maintiens, etc. L’édition en anglais pour l’Amérique du Nord devrait paraître en 2011. Chaque volume comprend 240 pages, avec plus de 800 photos et illustrations en noir et blanc ; 16.5 x 24 cm. A propos des auteurs Eyal Yanilov a commence à s’entraîner en Krav Maga avec le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or quand il avait 15 ans. Yanilov fur la première personne qui ait commencé à former des instructeurs de Krav Maga hors d’Israël, et il a entraîné des unités spéciales, des militaires et des civils dans plus de 18 pays. Le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or, qui a inventé le Krav Maga, est décédé à 88 ans en 1998.

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