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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2003

        Die Kunst der Diplomatie

        Zwanzig Gesetze für sanfte Sieger

        by Naumann, Frank

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Die Entwickelung der ständigen Diplomatie

        vom fünfzehnten Jahrhundert bis zu den Beschlüssen von 1815 und 1818. (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen V.3).

        by Krauske, Otto

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2002

        Grenzen der Gemeinschaft

        Eine Kritik des sozialen Radikalismus

        by Helmuth Plessner, Joachim Fischer, Helmuth Plessner

        Plessners Grenz-Schrift galt seit 1924 als Geheimtip. Entlang einer für deutsche Verhältnisse seltenen Limitierung von Gemeinschaftsutopien sucht sie durch die Denkfigur einer »Sehnsucht nach den Masken« ein »Gesellschaftsethos« zu begründen, das sich in den Kernkategorien »Distanz«. »Spiele, »Zeremonie und Prestige«, »Diplomatie und Takt« verdichtet. Wegen seiner jüdischen Herkunft 1933 zur Emigration gezwungen. entging Plessner in den Niederlanden während des Krieges nur knapp dem Zugriff der Gestapo. Nach 1945 spielte er als Remigrant neben Adorno, Horkheimer, Löwith und René König eine bedeutende Rolle in der intellektuellen Konsolidierung der bundesrepublikanischen öffentlichkeit.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2006

        Ostasien im Spiegel der deutschen Diplomatie

        Die privatdienstliche Korrespondenz des Diplomaten Herbert von Dirksen von 1933 bis 1938

        by Mund, Gerald

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Das russische Berlin

        by Karl Schlögel

        Fast eine halbe Million russischer Flüchtlinge nahm Berlin Anfang der 1920er Jahre auf. Die Stadt war in der Zwischenkriegszeit nicht nur die »Stiefmutter der russischen Städte«, sondern auch heimliches Zentrum der Weltrevolution. Hier trafen die totalitären Bewegungen aufeinander, die das Schicksal Europas im »Zeitalter der Extreme« besiegelten. Karl Schlögel spürt die große Geschichte in der kleinen auf, er folgt den dramatis personae und rekonstruiert die Netzwerke, in denen sie sich bewegen. Die Welt der Bahnhöfe und die der Salons im Tiergartenviertel, die Dichter des Silbernen Zeitalters und die Agitkünstler der Sowjetmacht, der Empfang in der sowjetischen Botschaft und Nabokovs Beobachtungen zum Aufstieg der Nazis, die Stadtwahrnehmung der Taxifahrer und der Skandal um die »Zarentochter Anastasia«. In seiner Darstellung spielen Kursbücher und Adressverzeichnisse eine Rolle, Cafés und Cabarets, das Zeremoniell der Diplomatie und die Praktiken des Untergrundkampfes, die polyglotte Welt der Komintern-Funktionäre und die Karten der Geopolitiker. Das Russische Berlin ist kein romantischer Ort, sondern Schauplatz einer Epoche, die Nachkrieg und Vorkrieg in einem war. Seit der Entfremdung zwischen Russland und der Europäischen Union ist auch das hochvernetzte »Russkij Berlin« der Gegenwart politisch gespalten. Der doppelte Blick auf das einstige und heutige russische Berlin erweist sich als unerwartet aktuell und produktiv.

      • May 2013

        Le Québec traduit en Espagne

        Analyse sociologique de l’exportation d’une culture périphérique

        by María Sierra Córdoba Serrano

        L’ouvrage examine les transferts culturels du Canada vers l’Espagne en analysant un corpus de 77 traductions d’œuvres littéraires québécoises traduites en Espagne, en espagnol et en catalan, entre 1975 et 2004. Les assises théoriques de cette étude reposent sur la sociologie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu appliquée à la traduction et s’appuient, d’une part, sur les études de réseaux et, d’autre part, sur la recherche dans le domaine de la diplomatie culturelle.

      • Fiction

        Que passe l'hiver

        by David Bry

        A captivating and poetic behind-closed-doors tale, at the crossroads of a Nordic ode and a Shakespearian drama    Stig goes to his first Winter Solstice, where all clans go to pay tribute to the King of the Glade. As soon as he arrives however, death comes and the threads of Fate weave a future impossible to predict. Threatened with no reason, Stig will have to discover what lays in the festivities shadows, protect those he love, and... survive. At the crossroads of an initiation tale and a behind-the-doors story, May Winter Passtells the fate of a young man with a clubfoot and a king with long antlers, both caught in the maelstrom of a dying world...

      • Fiction

        J'agonise fort bien, merci

        by Oren Miller

        Sainte-Marie-La-Grise. Its exceptional location close to the Emerald Coast targets it as the ultimate place to go on holidays. Breathtaking landscapes, the mysterious folklore of Brittany and dead we helped to pass will amaze the most adventurous among you. Enjoy the warn welcome you will receive. However, to fully appreciate your stay, please follow these three rules: 1 – Always listen to those you cannot see. 2 – Watch out for dark creatures who knock before entering. 3 – Be quiet. Really quiet.

      • March 2020

        The King's Playgirls

        France's most famous mistresses

        by Klaus Möckel

        "Now it had really happened, she was the whore of the heir to the throne. The courtiers would not dare to say this to her face, but they would think it. This is how the author begins his tale of Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of the future King Henry II, who is still considered one of the most beautiful women in French history. Self-confident and enterprising, she achieved great wealth and almost unlimited power. But the other ladies in this volume, the most famous of which is Madame Pompadour, also knew how to use their skills in bed and at court. Surrounded by splendour, mostly intelligent and cunning, the Entragues, the Montespan, the Du Barry enraptured their ruler and then led him on the corridor ribbon. Of course, their path was dangerous. Opposed by many a courtier and threatened by underhandedness, they could never lose the favour of their beloved - that would have meant their downfall.This book is a painting of customs, depicting four centuries of French history. Exciting in every detail, adventurous and full of humour, it shows the reader a world that captivates him or her with its intrigues that reach to murder, with its cunning and violence, but also with its charm and vivacity from beginning to end."As a lover of good historical novels, I can learn from this book... rave about this book. Klaus Möckel, novelist, poet and crime novelist, uses all these 'qualifications' for magnificent novels in shorthand" (from "L, the magazine for mature people", Cottbus).

      • Fiction

        EVERNA Emerald Dragon

        Fireheart Legacy - Book Four

        by Andry Chang

        The tempest is not subsided and grow more violent instead.The Dark Forces continues to launchnew actions for realizing its great goal. Disrupting the five trials for the Arsenal of Light.Attacking the capital during the imperial wedding ceremony. Pits each other so that the heroes will fight each other.Attacking and consuming country after country.The hope for the Forces of Light lies only with Vadis, the dragons and wings that fly fast. Hang in there, Knights of Light! Hope is still there!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        by JOŽE PIRJEVEC

        This long-awaited book is the first to contain a comprehensive account of the emergence and development of the Partisan movement in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which occupiers and Quislings tried to erase from the map of Europe in 1941. The book contains a considerable amount of information obtained by the author through research in archives in London, Washington, Berlin, Munich, Helsinki and Moscow which to date has remained unknown since some parts of the archives were only opened recently. This extensive monograph is without a doubt Dr. Pirjevec’s life’s work. It is the first comprehensive and synthetic account of the emergence and development of the Partisan movement in the whole of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, from the attack on and disintegration of Yugoslavia in April 1941 up until the end of the war. The author describes the strained relations within the movement, as well as the relations between the Partisans and other military formations (White Guards, Chetniks, Ustashe, Ballists, etc.) and between the Partisans and allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. The book demonstrates that there would have been no national liberation movement without the Communists and their utopian belief that they would create a better future, without their fanaticism, organization and discipline. Above all, the Yugoslav Partisan movement contributed significantly to the defeat of the Third Reich and its satellites and brought victory to the Yugoslav nations. Serbs, Montenegrins and Croats were saved from the shame of collaborationism, and Slovenes and Macedonians were also recognized as European nations with mapped out borders and statehood.

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