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      • Piter Publishing House Ltd.

        Piter Publishing House one of the biggest Russian publishers,so far it has been on the market forover29 years.Ourspecializationisnon-fiction books andwe introduce to readers high-quality books on different topics: history and acute publicism, economics and finance, management and marketing,psychologyand law, computer and popular science literature. Piter Publishing House has a huge experience in these areas and we cover allthetopicalflowsofinformation. One of the most important directions is taken by theeducational booksfor children: educational fairy tales, fairy tales for the development of emotional intelligence, different exercises, cards, puzzles and coloring books. We publish a lot of books about parenting. With our books your child will become harmoniously developed and creative person. Our authors are leading Russian and foreign specialists: famous economists, scientists, IT-professionals, psychologists, doctors. The publishing house also cooperates with first-rated European, American and Asian publishers, searching for interesting publications and purchasing translation rights. We publish a lot of titles, written by bestselling authors and as a result of participating in different competitions, Piter Publishing House has won numerous "Best Book" awards. High-quality books thatwepublishare in great demand by those who strive for higher career and personal achievements and want to become a broader-minded person. As a dynamically growing company,weare constantly looking for new ideas, new authors and new readership.

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      • Die kleine Königsstube

        Wir sind ein junger Verlag, der sich klingenden Geschichten für Klein und Gross verschrieben hat. Geschichten, wo aus Worten Musik wird. Weitere Informationen siehe Website. Als erstes Opus des Verlags erschien «Der Klang einer kleinen Melodie». Dieses Buch ist für die ganze Familie geeignet, ebenso als Lesebuch für Schulklassen, Arbeitsmaterial für Therapeuten, aber auch als Lektüre für viele Anlässe. Zwanzig Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, laden ein «zum Träumen und machen Mut, dem Klang des eigenen Herzens zu folgen». Denn, träumen wir nicht alle von jenen Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, die uns das Träumen lehrten und uns ins wunderbare Land der Träume begleiteten? Eine kleine Umarmung am Abend;wer hat das nicht gern? Somit möchten diese Geschichten kleine Umarmungen verschenken, die Mut machen zu vertrauen, um Neues zu wagen; ja und das nicht nur im Traum.

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1988

        Lieber Diego

        Aus dem mexikanischen Spanisch von Astrid Schmitt

        by Elena Poniatowska, Astrid Schmitt

        Elena Poniatowska wurde 1932, als Tochter des exilierten polnischen Thronerben Jean Evremont Poniatowski Sperry und einer Mexikanerin, in Paris geboren. 1941 floh die Familie nach Mexiko. Schon früh solidarisierte sie sich mit den Unterdrückten und verleiht ihnen eine literarische Stimme. Elena Poniatowska wurde u.a. mit dem Mexikanischer Nationalpreis für Journalismus ausgezeichnet und 2013 mit dem Cervantes-Preis. Sie lebt in Chimalistac in Mexiko.

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        September 2020

        Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry

        by Sagi Denenberg, Ali Thompson

        Problem behaviours are often the result of how an animal thinks and feels, genetics, and environmental influences. Steering away from just description diagnoses and focusing instead on emotional and cognitive causes, this book provides a practical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats. Beginning by addressing cases in the first opinion practice, this book then considers physical disorders that may lead to or exacerbate abnormal behavior. From there, the focus shifts to mental and emotional health, from an assessment of normal behavior and giving juveniles an optimal start in life, to diagnosing mental and emotional disorders, addressing emotions such as anxiety and frustration, and how to manage these issues - by modifying behavior, managing the animal's environment, training, and, when necessary, the use of medications. The second half of the book then addresses owner concerns, including management problems, aggression, affective disorder, elimination disorder, abnormal and repetitive behaviours and ageing-related problems. With an emphasis on helping first line veterinarians identify common presentations and offer help to owners, this book: - Addresses both normal and abnormal behaviour in cats and dogs from an emotion and cognition perspective; - Provides behaviour modification protocols, and drug doses and indications; - Includes handouts to be used both within the practice and with clients to help the veterinary surgeon manage the case. Written by international experts, the book translates their insights and experience into approaches taken in behavioural medicine. Also including the most up-to-date drugs, it is an important resource for both small animal veterinarians and students of veterinary medicine or animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Pocket Hazel's Money Guide

        Wie du easy deine Finanzen regelst

        by Hazel, Pocket

        1. Auflage

      • Trusted Partner


        Sweet knowledge for practice

        by Reinhild Berger

        A sweet treat is tempting, but the lurking dangers should not be underestimated. However, it is just as wrong to demonise all types of sugar in general as to avoid it altogether. In this entertaining mini reference book, Reinhild Berger takes the reader on an interesting journey through the labyrinth of sugar, sugar substitutes and sweeteners and gets to the bottom of many questions in the process: How much is too much? What alternatives are there, and which are advisable? How can one select the right one from the deceptive variety in the supermarket? What is the right way to read the food labels on the packaging? What knowledge does one need to be protected against misleading advertisements? - Learn how to recognise differences between the many types of sugar - Read where dangers lie, and which sugar does us good – and in what quantity - Understand how to interpret nutritional values – and that “no artificial sweetener ” does not mean “sugar-free” Welcome to the promising world of the sweet taste!

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        Children's & YA
        December 2014

        The Small Plover

        by MAO Bing

        Stationed on the outskirts in Japan, after a few months' careful observation, the Chinese artist created the book about natural ecology. The book takes a small animal — the small plover as the main character, depicting their living condition and the relationship between them and nature, telling about the fortitude of life. In April, the little plover flies back. She builds a little nest amidst the gravel and lays three tiny eggs. One day, when the little plover is out foraging, a huge crow jumps out at the nest and grabs the tiny eggs away. The little plover is so sad about her eggs and her failure to fight against the crow. She has to find somewhere else to start from the beginning. After months of careful preparation and safeguard, this time her little plover babies are born safe and sound. After overcoming various difficulties like the insecticide incident and the night cat risk, the plover babies are turning into fully fledged grown-ups. On a sunny day after the rain, a group of little plovers fly against the rainbow, saying goodbye to their mother land, and heads right towards the vast ocean.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Die Filmerzählerin


        by Hernán Rivera Letelier

        "Während ich meinen Tee trank und mich bereitmachte, den Film im Stehen vor der weißen Wand zu erzählen, versicherte mein Vater seinen Gästen unermüdlich, der Film könne schwarzweiß sein und bloß die halbe Leinwand füllen, seine Kleine hier würde ihn in Technicolor und Cinemascope erzählen. »Gleich seht ihr es selbst, Kumpels.«" Etwas Aufregenderes als Kino gibt es nicht in dem Minendorf inmitten der chilenischen Wüste. Die Männer arbeiten im Salpeterabbau, die Frauen sollen vernünftig wirtschaften und haben die zahlreichen Kinder am Hals. Da bieten die Hollywoodfilme mit Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne oder Charlton Heston und die mexikanischen Melodramen mit viel Gefühl und Musik eine willkommene Abwechslung und den Abglanz einer anderen Welt. Doch eines Tages erlebt die Siedlung etwas noch Schöneres als Kino: María Margarita, ein zehnjähriges Mädchen, kann Filme so anschaulich und dramatisch nacherzählen, daß die Leute herbeiströmen, um sie zu hören. Bald drängt sich die halbe Siedlung in der engen Stube ihrer Familie, wo sie mit kindlicher Freude das Leinwandgeschehen zum Leben erweckt. Als sie eines Tages jedoch einem alleinlebenden Mann in dessen Haus einen Western erzählen soll, widerfährt ihr etwas schrecklich Verstörendes. Kräftig, mit viel Sinn für Komik, aber auch für das Schlimme im Leben, erzählt der chilenische Bestsellerautor Hernán Rivera Letelier vom harschen Leben in der Atacamawüste und den Glücksmomenten seiner Hauptfigur als gefeierte Filmerzählerin. Eine Liebeserklärung an das Kino und die Kunst der Imagination.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        The Bread Phone

        by Pi Zhaohui

        In "The Bread Phone", the Story Alley Elementary School is on winter vacation. The small bakery does not need to deliver meals between classes for pupils. As a result, the business becomes sluggish. Pete and grandpa get a good idea to ask Dr. Bald to develop a "bread phone". It can be eaten after having been used for two hours. This invention was warmly welcomed by kids. However, shortly after, the drawbacks gradually emerged. Those children bought a lot of bread phones and kept playing games. At the end, grandpa decided to stop the production of the "Bread Phone" to help kids.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021


        Von Caravaggio bis Velázquez

        by Kia Vahland

        Die Kunst, das Leben zu malen Kein Zeitalter beherrscht die Kunst der Inszenierung so wie der Barock – und keines hat so einflussreiche Gegenspieler hervorgebracht: Der Italiener Caravaggio und der Spanier Diego Velázquez rebellieren gegen den schönen Schein. Der farbenfrohen Verschwendung trotzen sie mit einem Blick auf die Schattenseiten des Lebens. Kia Vahland erzählt anschaulich vom Leben und Werk der beiden epochalen Maler und ordnet ihre widerborstige Malerei in ihre Zeit ein. Dabei zeigt sich: Auch die Gegenwart hat einiges mit der virtuosen Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts gemein.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2019

        Byron and Italy

        by Alan Rawes, Diego Saglia

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        by Halimah Mohd Said, Danny Wong Tze Ken & Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja (Editor)

        Roots Living Heritage  presents a collection of 17 writers and 18 narratives about Malaysia and its sons and daughters who, in their own unique way, have achieved much in their lives and contributed in no small way to the nation’s heritage. Their stories are told from the perspective chosen by the writers, thus displaying an array of personal insights which are captivatingly rich and interesting. Of considerable historical value are the episodes and events arising out of the diverse socio-cultural and political life of the nation.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1985

        Neue Keynesianische Makroökonomik.

        Sequentielle Anpassungsprozesse und ihre Mikrofundierung in Unterbeschäftigungsmodellen.

        by Hess Silva, Franklin Diego

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Mass Tourism in a Small World

        by David Harrison, Richard Sharpley, Hazel Andrews, Julio Aramberri, Gregory Ashworth, Raoul Bianchi, Sue Bleasdale, Kelly Bricker, Jim Butcher, Erik Cohen, David T. Duvall, Martin Farr, John Heeley, Andrew Holden, Stanislav Ivanov, Heather Jeffrey, Gabriele Manella, Chris Ryan, Asterio Savelli, Hongdi Shen, John E Tunbridge, David Weaver, Paul F Wilkinson

        This new book reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism. It covers theoretical perspectives (including political economy, ethics, sustainability and environmentalism), the historical context, and the current challenges to domestic, intra-regional and international mass tourism. As tourism and tourist numbers continue to grow around the world, it becomes increasingly important that this subject is studied in depth and best practice applied in real-life situations. This book: - Is the first to address a range of theoretical issues relating to mass tourism; - Uses a wide selection of case studies to translate theory into practice, covering the historical rise and fall of UK seaside resorts, the increase in Chinese tourism, conflict between different mass tourism groups, destination transformation from mass to niche tourism, and specific problems facing cruise ships; - Is written by a range of international, established authors to give a global perspective on the subject. Finishing with a speculative chapter identifying potential future trends and challenges, this book forms an essential resource for all researchers and students within tourism studies. ; Section 1: Introduction1: Introduction: Mass Tourism in a Small WorldSection 2: Theoretical Approaches to Mass Tourism2: Mass Tourism Does Not Need Defending3: The Morality of Mass Tourism4: The Political Economy of Mass Tourism and its Contradictions5: A Theoretical Approach to Mass Tourism in Italy6: Sustainability and Mass Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?7: Mass Tourism and the Environment: Issues and DilemmasSection 3: Historical Studies of Tourism Development8: The Dynamics of Tourism Development in Britain: The Profit Motive and that ‘Curious’ Alliance of Private Capital and the Local State9: From Holiday Camps to the All-inclusive: the ‘Butlinization’ of Tourism10: Decline Beside the Seaside: British Seaside Resorts and Declinism11: Mass Tourism and the US National Park Service System12: Transport and Tourism: The Perpetual LinkSection 4: Case Studies in Modern Mass Tourism13: Mass Tourism and China14: Mass Tourism in Thailand: The Chinese and Russians15: Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens16: Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calivià17: Tunisia: Mass Tourism in Crisis?18: From Blue to Grey? Malta’s Quest from Mass Beach to Niche Heritage Tourism19: Cruise Ship Tourism in the Caribbean: The Mess of Mass TourismSection 5: The Future20: Conclusion: Mass Tourism in the Future

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