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      • Helen Edwards Rights Agency

        I launched my agency earlier this year on the back of over 25 years of experience selling international rights for Headline and Transworld Publishers (a division of Penguin Random House UK).  I am delighted to be representing the following agencies in North America: Kate Barker Literary Agency, Bell Lomax Moreton, D.H.H. Literary Agency, Kate Hordern Literary Agency (please refer to my website for available titles and in all languages throughout the world: A for Authors, Barbican Press, Keane Kataria, Peony Agency and Storyline Agency (titles available for translation are listed on this portal too).

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      • Trusted Partner
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        July 2022

        Next-generation Sequencing and Agriculture

        by Philipp Bayer, David Edwards

        This book summarises the impacts that the genome sequencing revolution has had in all areas across animal and plant agriculture, including cattle, orphan crops, cash crops, and more, with reference to applications in many species and locations. It explains new techniques and their use in understanding epigenetics, breeding and conservation.

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        December 2018

        Tropical Doubts

        by David Myles Robinson

        Some Honolulu lawyers called Pancho McMartin the best criminal defense attorney in the islands. He'd admit to being pretty damn good. But he was on a losing streak now―three guilty verdicts in a row―and his confidence was sinking fast. When one of his oldest friends, Giselle, was left comatose after surgery and her husband, Manny, pleaded with him to sue the doctors involved, Pancho couldn't find a way to avoid a new specialty: medical malpractice.But it wasn't long before the sudden death of one of the defendants―and a murder charge accusing Manny of being the killer―had Pancho back in the old familiar arena of fighting for his client's life, while at the same time seeking justice for the O.R. errors that had left Giselle in a permanent vegetative state.In Tropical Doubts, the third legal thriller from David Myles Robinson featuring colorful, fast-thinking Pancho McMartin, medical hijinks merge with murder as surprise twists build in this unpredictable courtroom drama.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2009

        John Ashbery and American Poetry

        by David Herd

        starting point. David Herd sets out to provide readers with a new critical language through which they can appreciate the beauty and complexity of Ashbery's writing. Presenting the poet in all his forms -avant-garde, nostalgic, sublime and camp - the book argues that the perpetual inventiveness of Ashbery's work has always been underpinned by the poets desire to write the poem fit to cope with its occasion. Tracing Ashbery's development in the light of this idea, and from its origins in the dazzling artistic environment of 1950's New York, the book evaluates his poetry against the aesthetic, literary and historical backgrounds that have informed it. The story of a brilliant career, and a history of the period in which that career has taken shape, John Ashbery and American Poetry provides a compelling account of Ashbery's importance to Twentieth Century Literature. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Tropical Deception

        by David Robinson

        With some $200 million sunk into a real estate development on Kauai, the investment partners have a lot to lose if Peter Roosevelt succeeds in stopping the project for the sake of preserving Hawaii's rich and exotic environment. When Roosevelt is found dead in his home, his neighbor, Wayne Takei, is quickly arrested―and becomes the latest, and possibly the most difficult, challenge for Honolulu's top criminal defense attorney, Pancho McMartin.The obstacles to proving Takei's innocence are daunting. His gun was the murder weapon. He has no alibi. And his affair with Roosevelt's wife provides ample motive. Lies and deception quickly plague the proceedings as Pancho and his team wade through a slew of suspicious characters, all of whom have alibis. Suspense is high as time is running out for Pancho to save his client from a lifetime in prison.This is David Myles Robinson's fourth novel in the increasingly popular Pancho McMartin legal thriller series.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2024

        Ireland and the Renaissance court

        by David Edwards, Brendan Kane

        Ireland and the Renaissance court is an interdisciplinary collection of essays exploring Irish and English courts, courtiers and politics in the early modern period, c. 1450-1650. Chapters are contributed by both established and emergent scholars working in the fields of history, literary studies, and philology. They focus on Gaelic cúirteanna, the indigenous centres of aristocratic life throughout the medieval period; on the regnal court of the emergent British empire based in London at Whitehall; and on Irish participation in the wider world of European elite life and letters. Collectively, they expand the chronological limits of 'early modern' Ireland to include the fifteenth century and recreate its multi-lingual character through exploration of its English, Irish and Latin archives. This volume is an innovative effort at moving beyond binary approaches to English-Irish history by demonstrating points of contact as well as contention.

      • Trusted Partner

        Two Princes and a Queen

        A Human Drama on the Danube

        by Shmuel David

        Alan’s dying father mumbles mournfully about his first love, Inge, whom he was forced to leave under tragic circumstances. He implores Alan to find out what became of her. Alan becomes inexorably drawn to delving into the past. He pores over his father’s journals as well as other survivor interviews, letters, and journals, including the letters of Inge’s friend, and Inge’s death camp diary.   Bit by bit, he uncovers the horrendous story of the young lovers’ harrowing voyage down the Danube River along with Hundreds of others attempting to flee the Nazis for Israel in a historic fiasco that came to be called the Kladovo-Sabac Affair. While focusing on a touching love story, this historical novel also tells the ill-fated, real-life stories of other people who shaped the journey. Writing has always been second nature to Shmuel David, a software developer expert by profession, and a writer in heart. This, his first full-length novel, is based on the true, heart-rending story of his father’s horrendous voyage from war-torn Yugoslavia to pre-State Israel. 558 Pages, 15X22.5 CM

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2009

        The First and Second Parts of King Edward the Fourth

        By Thomas Heywood

        by David Bevington, Richard Rowland, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        'Edward IV' (1599) was printed no less than six times up to 1626, and was one of the best loved plays of the early modern period, but this edition is the first since the 1870s. The play premiered at a moment when the representation of medieval history in any format was coming under the hostile scrutiny of the Elizabethan government. Yet the playwright produced a text which was at once generically complex (the play blurs the distinction between chronicle history and 'domestic' tragedy), brilliantly assured in its dramatic craftsmanship, and politically explosive. The text of this new paperback edition has already been used by the actors at Shakespeare's Globe when they gave the first London performance of 'Edward IV' for more than four centuries. By demonstrating the playwright's dextrous marshalling of a remarkable range of sources, and by examining afresh the dramatist's singular theatrical technique, this volume reopens an exciting if difficult play to a new generation of scholars and performers. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2007


        Essays on modern American literature

        by David Herd

        Enthusiast! is a polemical history of American literature told from the point of view of six of its major enthusiasts. Complaining that his age was 'retrospective', Emerson injected enthusiasm into American literature as a way of making it new. 'What,' he asked, 'is a man good for without enthusiasm? and what is enthusiasm but the daring of ruin for its object?' This book takes enthusiasm to be a defining feature of American literature, showing how successive major writers - Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, Frank O'Hara and James Schuyler - have modernized and re-modeled Emerson's founding sense of enthusiasm. The book presents the writer as enthusiast, showing how enthusiasm is fundamental to the composition and the circulation of literature. Enthusiasm, it is argued, is the way literary value is passed on. Starting with a brief history of enthusiasm from Plato to Kant and Emerson, the book features chapters on each of Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, O'Hara, and Schuyler. Each chapter presents an aspect of the writer as enthusiast, the book as a whole charting the changing sense of literary enthusiasm from Romanticism to the present day. Lucidly written and combatively argued, the book will appeal to readers of American Literature or Modern Poetry, and to all those interested in the circulation of literary work. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        David and Bathsheba

        George Peele

        by Mathew R. Martin

        David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.

      • Trusted Partner

        Globale Verschwörung

        by David Shomron

        Globale Verschwörung / David Shomron   Nur ein einst gesuchter Untergrundaktivist, der später als leitender Ex-Mossad-Agent tätig war, konnte sich diesen Plot ausdenken. Eine Gruppe europäischer Wissenschaftler und Ex-Militärs sind der Ansicht, dass westliche Demokratien und die Vereinten Nationen nicht in der Lage sind, aggressiven Diktaturen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Keine der verhängten Sanktionen scheint die Tyrannen zu beeindrucken. Die Gruppe ist entsetzt über die Vorstellung einer verheerenden Atomkatastrophe in zwei oder drei Jahren, die Hunderte von Millionen Menschenleben fordern würde. Sie beschließen, vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und mit ungewöhnlichen und originellen Methoden gegen diese Bedrohung vorzugehen, ohne Gewalt, Propaganda oder Provokation und dennoch wirksam. Die Anführerin der Gruppe ist eine Frau (Professorin für Geschichte an der Sorbonne in Paris). Die Gruppe besteht aus einem pensionierter Admiral, einer Wissenschaftlerin und einem Ex-Kommandooffizier – allesamt Briten. Fachleute aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern setzen sich für die Anliegen der Gruppe ein, die durch diese Unterstützung über erhebliche technische Mittel verfügt. Doch es gibt unvorhergesehene Probleme, die das gesamte Projekt gefährden könnten. David Shomron wurde in Istanbul geboren, wo seine Eltern während der kommunistischen Revolution in Russland Zuflucht gefunden hatten, und wanderte 1934 mit ihnen nach Israel (damals Palästina) aus. Der Autor hat zehn Jahre vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in die Untergrundbewegung investiert und später mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang als hochrangiger Offizier im Mossad gedient. Anschließend leitete er 13 Jahre lang eine zivile Sicherheitsfirma als CEO von „BRINKS Israel Ltd.“. In den neunziger Jahren war David Shomron ein gefragter Dozent über die Zeit des britischen Mandats. Er hat vier Bücher veröffentlicht – zwei über sein Leben als Geheimagent und zwei Romane. Weitere sind in Arbeit. David Shomron lebt mit seiner Frau in Jerusalem. Sie haben zwei Töchter, neun Enkel und neun Urenkel. Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 460 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        Global Conspiracy

        by David Shomron

        Only a once wanted underground activist, who later operated as a senior ex-Mossad agent, could have imagined this tantalizing plot. A group of European scientists and retired military personnel believe that western democracies and the United Nations are incapable of facing aggressive dictatorships. None of the imposed "sanctions" seem to impress the tyrants. The group members are horrified with the notion of a devastating nuclear disaster in a matter of two or three years that would claim the lives of hundreds of millions. They decide to take preventive action, and contend with this threat employing unusual and original methods, without the use of force or violence, propaganda or incitement, and yet with no less effective results. The group’s leader is a woman (a history professor at the Sorbonne in Paris), a retired admiral, a scientist and an ex-commando officer – all British. Professionals from various European countries join them in their cause, and together they reach amazing levels of technological sophistication though have to overcome unforeseen problems – or else the entire project would be jeopardized. David Shomron was born in Istanbul, where his parents had found refuge during the Communist Revolution in Russia, and immigrated with them in 1934 to Israel (then Palestine). The author has invested ten years in the underground movements before the State of Israel was established, and later served as a high ranking officer in the Mossad during more than twenty years. Subsequently, he headed for 13 Years a civilian security company as the C.E.O. of "BRINKS Israel Ltd.". In his 90's, David Shomron is a much sought-after lecturer on the time of the British Mandate. He has published four books – two on his life as an underground operator, and two novels – and continues to write to this day. David, now remarried, lives with his wife in Jerusalem. They have two daughters, nine grand children and nine great-grandchildren. An English-language eBook edition  was published in fall 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA. 460 Pages, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013



        by David Vann, Miriam Mandelkow

        Galen ist 22 und hungrig nach Erlösung. Er lebt mit seiner Mutter auf einer Walnussplantage in Kalifornien von den Resten eines alten Familienvermögens, und er hasst es alles: die Hitze und den Dreck, die emotionale Bedürftigkeit seiner Mutter, ihre Macht über ihn. Die ganze verlogene Idylle. Doch Galen ist ein Phantast, und statt sein Leben in die Hand zu nehmen, sucht er Erleuchtung, liest Castaneda, »Der Prophet, Die Möwe Jonathan«. Er möchte auf dem Wasser gehen, endlich körperlos sein, doch seine Bedürfnisse halten ihn gefangen, und so ist er Jennifer, seiner 17-jährigen Cousine, die ihre erotische Macht über ihn erkennt, hilflos ausgeliefert. Bei einem Familienausflug in die Wälder eskalieren die Spannungen, die Mutter wendet sich gegen ihren eigenen Sohn, will ihn vernichten. Und Galen merkt, wie weit er zu gehen bereit ist, um die Transzendenz zu erreichen, nach der er strebt. Menschen, die einander für die eigenen Schwächen bestrafen, um ihr Seelenheil zu retten: Der neue Roman von David Vann ist unerschrocken, rauschartig und voll schonungsloser Komik. Ihn zu lesen schmerzt. Ihn nicht zu lesen hieße, ein Meisterwerk zu ignorieren.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The Jews in western Europe, 1400–1600

        by John Edwards

        As European politics, society, economy and religion underwent epoch-making changes between 1400 and 1600, the treatment of Europe's Jews by the non-Jewish majority was, then as in later periods, a symptom of social problems and tensions in the Continent as a whole. Through a broad-ranging collection of documents, John Edwards sets out to present a vivid picture of the Jewish presence in European life during this vital and turbulent period. Subjects covered include the Jews' own economic presence and culture, social relations between Jews and Christians, the policies and actions of Christian authorities in Church and State. He also draws upon original source material to convey ordinary people's prejudices about Jews, including myths about Jewish 'devilishness', money-grabbing, and 'ritual murder' of Christian children. Full introductory and explanatory material makes accessible the historical context of the subject and highlights the insights offered by the documents as well as the pitfalls to be avoided in this area of historical enquiry. This volume aims to provide a coherent working collection of texts for lecturers, teachers and students who wish to understand the experience of Jewish Europeans in this period.

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