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        Sport & leisure industries
        July 2006

        Multiple Dwelling and Tourism

        Negotiating Place, Home and Identity

        by Edited by Norman McIntyre, Daniel Williams, Kevin McHugh

        The movement of people, goods, capital and information is a central aspect of living in the inter-connected, globalised late-modern world. Although this broader view of mobility is recognized, this book focuses mainly on migration or the movement of people. It examines multiple dwelling as a societal response to the major influences of increased mobility and amenity tourism. The book also considers the modern-day meaning of multiple dwelling, how it affects personal identity and the meaning of 'home' and its impacts on host communities and landscapes.

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        June 2021

        Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie

        Gehirn, Geist und Sprache

        by Maxwell Bennett, Daniel C. Dennett, Peter Hacker, John R. Searle, Joachim Schulte, Daniel Robinson

        Als der Neurowissenschaftler Maxwell Bennett und der Philosoph Peter Hacker den Klassiker Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience veröffentlichten, war dies die erste systematische Untersuchung der begrifflichen Grundlagen der Neurowissenschaften und der Startschuss für den bis heute intensiv geführten Kampf um die Deutungsmacht über den menschlichen Geist. Besonders kritisch fiel seinerzeit die Auseinandersetzung mit den einflussreichen Arbeiten von Daniel Dennett und John Searle aus – also mit jenen beiden Denkern, die von der neurowissenschaftlichen Seite gerne als philosophische Gewährsmänner herangezogen werden. In Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie diskutieren die vier kongenialen »Streithähne« miteinander.

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        Nicht anders als das Feuer

        Eindeutig positiv. Geschichten

        by Mars-Jones, Adam; White, Edmund

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        December 1966



        by Hermann Broch, Robert Pick, Daniel Brody

        Die in diesem Bande veröffentlichte Auswahl aus Hermann Brochs Briefen stellt einen unerläßlichen Kommentar zu seinen Schriften dar. Die Briefe gewähren Einblick in den Entstehungsprozeß seiner Werke, und der Leser wird durch eingehende theoretische Darlegungen vom Dichter selbst in ihren Problemkreis und ihre künstlerischen Tendenzen eingeführt. Berechtigung und Aufgabe des Dichterberufes in der gegenwärtigen Zeit ist der Fragenkomplex, der Broch dauernd beschäftigt hat. Das Bedürfnis, sich als Dichter zu verantworten und seinen erstrebten‚ Standort zu umzeichnen, veranlaßte ihn zu zahlreichen literar- wie zeitkritischen Erörterungen in seinen Briefen. Sie sind zugleich ein Spiegel des Zeitgeschehens und der zeitgenössischen Literatur, wodurch ihnen weit über den Kreis des persönlichen Lebenslaufs und dichterischen Werkbereichs im engeren Sinn hinaus eine große Bedeutung zukommt. Zudem sind sie als Ergänzung zu den nur fragmentarisch vorhandenen erkenntnistheoretischen Schriften besonders wertvoll. Über das werkgeschichtliche und literarkritische Interesse hinaus haben die Briefe aber auch hohen Wert als Dokumente menschlicher Größe. Sie sind – und darin besteht ein wesentlicher Teil ihrer besonderen Anziehungskraft – echte, nicht zur Veröffentlichung bestimmte Zwiegespräche des Dichters mit Freunden und Zeitgenossen, denen er sich im Sterben verwandt fühlte. Mehr als über die biographischen Stationen seines Lebens – Industrieller, Dichter, Emigrant, Philosoph und Sozialwissenschaftler –, die Broch selber für nebensächlich hielt, geben die Briefe Zeugnis von einer überragenden geistigen Persönlichkeit.

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        November 2020

        Eine Weltgeschichte in 50 Hunden

        by Mackenzi Lee, Petra Eriksson, Daniel Beskos

        Sie sind von Anfang an mit dabei. Ob an der Seite von Pharaonen, Konquistadoren, Feldherrn oder Präsidenten, während der Odyssee, den Weltkriegen oder der Mondlandemission, in Literatur, Musik, Kunst: Hunde schrieben Geschichte, schon immer. Die Historikerin Mackenzi Lee hat Archive und Bibliotheken auf der ganzen Welt durchsucht und die spektakulärsten Hundeabenteuer der Vergangenheit zusammengetragen. Daraus ist ein einzigartiges Buch über den besten Freund des Menschen entstanden, über eine 5.000 Jahre alte Liebe, über Loyalität, Verbundenheit, und darüber, wie wir im Laufe unserer gemeinsamen Geschichte wurden, was wir sind.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2011

        Marlowe and the Popular Tradition

        Innovation in the English drama before 1595

        by Ruth Lunney, Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        Lunney explores Marlowe's engagement with the traditions of the popular stage in the 1580s and early 1590s and offers a new approach to his major plays in terms of staging and audience response, as well as providing a new account of English drama in these important but largely neglected years. ;

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        February 2012


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Michael Balick, Nabi Chaudhary, Amit Krishna De, W Hardy Eshbaugh, Anne Frary, Gerald M Ghidiu, Maria Gil, Dagobiet Morales-Garcia, Timothy Grey, Brian Kahn, G V Prasanna Kumar, Wei-Chin Lin, Dale E Marshall, Linda Perry, Monica Ozores-Hampton, Hifjur Raheman, Nancy Santana-Buzzy, Bielinski M Santos, John R Stommel, Gary E Vallad, Daniel Leskovar, Cheng-Hua Huang. Edited by Vincent M. Russo.

        The group of plants known as 'peppers' is diverse, containing types that contribute to the fresh and processed food markets as well as varieties that are used in pharmaceuticals and other non-food commercial products. Peppers originally developed in tropical regions, but are now grown and used in every country where it is possible to grow them, including in areas where production is difficult. This book examines peppers from historical, genetic, physiological and production perspectives, following the development of the cultivated crop from the wild type. Diverse examples of pod types and their variation in pungency are examined. Production methods, including the importance of fertilization and irrigation are discussed, as are constraints on production, including pests, pathogens and weeds. Harvesting methods and post-harvest challenges and opportunities are also explored.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2019

        Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage

        by Daniel H Olsen, Maximiliano E Korstanje

        In recent years there has been a growth in both the practice and research of dark tourism; the phenomenon of visiting sites of tragedy or disaster. Expanding on this trend, this book examines dark tourism through the new lens of pilgrimage. It focuses on dark tourism sites as pilgrimage destinations, dark tourists as pilgrims, and pilgrimage as a form of dark tourism. Taking a broad definition of pilgrimage so as to consider aspects of both religious and non-religious travel that might be considered pilgrimage-like, it covers theories and histories of dark tourism and pilgrimage, pilgrimage to dark tourism sites, and experience design. A key resource for researchers and students of heritage, tourism and pilgrimage, this book will also be of great interest to those studying anthropology, religious studies and related social science subjects.

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        Public health & preventive medicine
        September 2013

        Geographic Health Data

        Fundamental Techniques for Analysis

        by Daniel W Goldberg, Kevin A Henry, Chetan Tiwari, Nathaniel Bell, Andrew J Curtis, Jin Chen, Tarek Rashed, Christopher Saarnak, Jarvis Chen. Edited by Francis P Boscoe.

        Focussing on proven techniques for most real-world data sets, this book presents an overview of the analysis of health data involving a geographic component, in a way that is accessible to any health scientist or student comfortable with large data sets and basic statistics, but not necessarily with any specialized training in geographic information systems (GIS). Providing clear, straightforward explanations with worldwide examples and solutions, the book describes applications of GIS in disaster response.

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        June 2018

        The Lady in White

        by Donald Willerton

        Mogi Franklin is a typical eighth-grader–except for the mysterious things that keep happening in his life. And the adventures they lead to as he and his sister, Jennifer, follow Mogi's unique problem-solving skills–along with dangerous clues from history and the world around them–to unearth a treasure of unexpected secrets.In The Lady in White, Mogi is working as a cowboy over the summer vacation on one of the largest ranches in New Mexico when hundreds of cattle start mysteriously dying there. Trying to understand the cause, he finds himself embroiled in the life of a boy who was kidnapped by Comanche Indians in 1871. In this seventh book of the exciting Mogi Franklin Mysteries, Mogi comes face-to-face with the ghost of the boy's mother, and must face the reality of the past to save the ranch from the enemies of the present.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Class, work and whiteness

        Race and settler colonialism in Southern Rhodesia, 1919–79

        by Nicola Ginsburgh

        This book offers the first comprehensive history of white workers from the end of the First World War to Zimbabwean independence in 1980. It reveals how white worker identity was constituted, examines the white labouring class as an ethnically and nationally heterogeneous formation comprised of both men and women, and emphasises the active participation of white workers in the ongoing and contested production of race. White wage labourers' experiences, both as exploited workers and as part of the privileged white minority, offer insight into how race and class co-produced one another and how boundaries fundamental to settler colonialism were regulated and policed. Based on original research conducted in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the UK, this book offers a unique theoretical synthesis of work on gender, whiteness studies, labour histories, settler colonialism, Marxism, emotions and the New African Economic History.

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