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      • Kliemann & Company

        Kliemann & Company LLC, advises companies on strategies for maximizing reach and revenue generated from their publishing programs.  Recent clients include American Chemical Society, Highlights for Children, Humble Bundle and more.   Prior to forming my consulting firm, I was Vice President, Director, Global Rights, with Wiley Inc.  and before Wiley, I worked in a variety of publisher positions with responsibility for managing editorial, creative and marketing teams, in addition to rights.  From Random House/Fodor’s Travel to Hyperion/Disney, to Farrar, Straus & Giroux, my experience enabled me to work on print and digital deals for a wide range of authors with a broad spectrum of global companies.  I am also the head of the Rights Committee for the Book Industry Study Group, where we focus on helping to identify and solve problems within the Rights area of publishing.   And every now and then, I take on an author and book that intrigues me -- and that I think would be of interest to you!

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        Ein besonderer Geburtstag

        by Company, Mercè

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        365 Questions and Answers About Basic Constructing of Chinese Communist Party in the new era

        by Huang Lihua, Gong Yueping, Deng Weicheng

        This book answers the common questions about the basic constructing of Chinese Communist Party and reflects the Chinese Communist Party's  member's responsibilities, rights, obligations.

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        About Us

        by Dekel Publishing House

        DEKEL PUBLISHING GROUP: A BRIEF PROFILE   Dekel Publishing House was established in 1975, initially as an academic publisher for university students, but it quickly expanded to include more popular genres under its imprint Tamar Books. Within a few years, Dekel became one of Israel’s leading publishing houses with both fiction, such as novels and thrillers, and nonfiction titles, mainly related to hobbies, cooking, and various sports and leisure activities. In the nineties, Dekel first entered the international publishing scene, taking part in most of the Frankfurt Book Fairs and the London Book Fairs, as well as many Book Expo America, the Salon du Livre in Paris, and also the Beijing Book Fair. Dekel maintains friendly collaboration with many overseas publishers in various languages to whom it licenses their own language rights or co-publishing agreements. It also publishes both digital and print titles via its American imprint in Monterey, California, and its German imprint in Frankfurt. Dekel’s bestselling Krav Maga series, which focuses on the original Israeli renowned self-defense system, has been translated and published in many languages, most with successive reprints, including Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Recently, Dekel has developed titles in the high-tech and start-up domain, including fiction & nonfiction. Despite its dynamic activity, Dekel is a family-owned company managed by father and son Zvi and Dory Morik. Their company often proves itself to be a pioneer in the international publishing industry in promoting new and intriguing themes.   CONTACT: Imprints: Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Lindenfels von Pressel Verlag Post: P.O. Box 16109, Tel Aviv 6116002, Israel Tel/Fax: 972-3-6044627 E-mail: Managing Director: Mr. Zvi Morik Export Manager: Mr. Dory Morik

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2018

        The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

        How to Achieve the Great Transition.

        by Zhang Shujun

        Based on the the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, describing this great turning point, the developing track and  historical events before the meeting.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        July 2017


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Rafel Socias i Company, Thomas M Gradziel

        This book provides a comprehensive overview of almond growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective, covering botany, production, processing and industrial uses. Almonds are an important crop; they are highly regarded for their flavour, nutritional properties and culinary uses, and almond oil is used widely in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical production. They are easy to transport and have long storability, facilitating global dissemination. Demand is constantly increasing and global production has more than doubled in the last 20 years. The popularity of almonds and the increase in demand has required new plantings and a response to ongoing changes in cultural and climatic conditions. Almonds: Botany, Production and Uses meets the need for up-to-date information on this crop and covers: · botany and taxonomy · cultivation, genetics and breeding · propagation, orchard management and harvesting · pests and diseases · nutrition, marketing and utilization Authored by an international team of experts and presented in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for academic researchers and extension workers, as well as growers, orchard managers and industry personnel. ; This book provides a comprehensive overview of almond growing, covering botany in addition to processing and industrial uses. Authored by an international team of experts and in full colour, it also presents genetic, pest, disease and marketing information from a scientific and horticultural perspective. ; 1: Botany and Taxonomy 2: History of Cultivation 3: Production and Growing Regions 4: Almond in the Southern Hemisphere 5: Classical Genetics and Breeding 6: Molecular Breeding and Genomics 7: Late-blooming Cultivar Development 8: Pollen-Style (In)compatibility: Development of Autogamous Cultivars 9: Rootstock Development 10: Propagation Techniques 11: Orchard Systems and Management 12: Climatic Requirements 13: Nutrient and Water Requirements 14: Diseases: Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, and Nematodes, 15: Pests: Insects, Mites, Birds, and Rodents 16: Harvesting 17: Composition 18: Marketing 19: Almond Utilization

      • Trusted Partner

        Good luck

        by Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House

        The book selects 300 works (groups) of painting, sculpture, grottoes, architecture, craft and other art works from the "13th Five-Year Plan" national key publications publishing planning project and the National Publishing Fund funded project "World Buddhist Art Atlas", closely related to auspicious themes in different periods and traditional Chinese cultural elements. Highlighting the development history of Chinese civilization and the radiation spread to neighboring countries and regions. Through appreciating the works of art, the manuscript analyzes their cultural connotation, expresses the auspicious vision of the ancient working people in health, reunion, peace, harvest, wealth and other aspects, reveals the far-reaching influence of Chinese culture, and has the function of art appreciation and cultural popularization.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2019

        New Journey of Great Powers

        From Economic Gaint to Economic Power

        by Zhang Zhanbin

        This book provides a general explanation of new theoretical trees, new development goals, new contradictions, and new historical missions. As a world power, how China, guided by the spirit of the Party ’s 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, “decided to build a well-off society in an all-round way and start to build a comprehensive socialism. The new journey of a modern country "vividly demonstrates China's image as a great power.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1982

        Zwangsvollstreckung gegen Behörden.

        Die Handhabung der zivilprozessualen Vollstreckungsnormen bei der Zwangsvollstreckung aus allgemeinen Leistungsurteilen gegen Verwaltungsträger.

        by Bank, Wilfried J.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1975

        Rationale Sozialpolitik.

        Ein Beitrag zum Begriff der Rationalität.

        by Bank, Hans-Peter

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2018

        Misery and Strength

        a war that changed China's fate

        by Peng Yulong

        The beginning of this book begins with the source of the suffering of modern China, fully discusses the different developments between modern China and Japan, and extends to the beginning and process of the War of Resistance Against Japan. It reproduces the panorama of the Chinese people's 14 years of resistance to the Japanese invaders and profoundly illustrates that China as a peaceful and backward The hardships and difficulties of defeating the imperialist countries explained China's contribution in this great historical battle and the important role of the Communist Party of China and the people. And by showing a series of difficult and tortuous struggles of the Chinese people and the atrocities of the Japanese invaders, through the stark contrast of the situation of China ’s socioeconomic culture before and after the confrontation, it truly reflects the profound disasters and losses suffered by the Chinese nation in detail, and fully reflects This shows the tremendous contributions and sacrifices made by the Chinese people for national independence and justice.

      • October 2023


        【忘れられた記憶を解き放つシリーズ 003】

        by Microcosmic International Culture Creative Ltd.

        《黙示録的時代の王の中の王》: 人生の秘密を明らかにする感動の作品無限の宇宙で、私たちは星の海を旅し、自分たちの起源、存在理由、そして最終的な目的地について熟考します。 《終末後の王の中の王》は、ダスト・インターナショナル・カルチュラル・クリエーションより出版された、人生に対する究極の答えを明らかにすることを目的とした衝撃的な作品です。 この本は、東洋と西洋の両方の宗教の古代の聖人の知恵を組み合わせて、時間と空間を超えた人類文明の真の歴史を探求する旅に私たちを導きます。この革新的な作品で、著者は人類の起源を明らかにし、聖書の黙示録に記されている王たちの謎を説明します。 この本では、創造主がどのようにして王や領主たちを地球に導いたのかが説明され、宇宙の真の構造が示されています。 この壮大な物語は数千年に渡り、宇宙の誕生、発展、変容を目撃してきました。《黙示録後の王の中の王》では、東洋と西洋の古代聖人の予言が明らかになり、人類文明の真の歴史を再評価し理解する機会を提供します。 この本は、私たちの生活における最も基本的な疑問を感情的なタッチで考察しています。 "私は誰?" 「なぜ私はここにいるのですか?」 "どこに向かってるの?" 本作では東洋と西洋の宗教の謎が解き明かされ、真実への扉が開かれます。この作品は、人類の真実の理解を書き換える歴史的傑作であるだけでなく、感動的で人生を肯定する感情的な作品でもあります。 それは、混沌とした世界で答えを見つけるのに役立ち、人生の温かさと美しさを感じるように私たちを導きます。 この本を読むと、星空の海の岸に立っているような気分になり、日常生活で直面する困難や葛藤を克服するのに役立つユニークな体験を提供します。結論として、《黙示録後の時代における王の中の王》は、読者に新たな視点とインスピレーションを提供する独創的で革新的な本です。 この素晴らしい旅に参加して、この美しい宇宙の秘密を解き明かしましょう。 本書は、真実を追い求める冒険家のための究極のガイドとなるだろう。最後に、《黙示録後の時代における王の中の王》は、私たちと宇宙とのつながりについて考える素晴らしい機会を提供します。 これを通じて、私たちはより深く、より有意義な方法で自分自身、他者、そして周囲の世界とつながり、共感することができます。 この本があなたの心に響き、あなたの人生に豊かさと成長の種をもたらしますように。

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      • Postapokalyptische Ära Der König Der Könige

        by Microcosmic International Culture Creative Ltd.

        Mit einem einzigen Gedanken des Mitgefühls ging der "Schöpfer" durch die Schichten der Welten hinunter und kam in die Welt der Sterblichen mit Tausenden von Gottheiten und Buddhas..Nach dem 21. Dezember 2012 sind wir in die “postapokalyptische Ära” eingetreten, da das “Siebte Siegel” frühzeitig geöffnet wurde....... Das “Siebte Siegel” wurde vom “Schöpfer” neu gemischt und kombiniert, damit die Menschheit und die Erde vorerst verschont sein werden. Deshalb nennen wir es die “postapokalyptische Ära”. Wir werden also eine Chance haben....Wisse es zu schätzen!Wenn du der Auferweckte bist.Du trägst die Verantwortung dafür,Den Rest Deiner Freunde, die noch schlafen, aufzuwecken.Denn sie sind genau wie du,Sie sind tapfer genug, um auf die Erde zu kommen.Ihr seid auch durch einen sehr starken Bund miteinander vereint.Wer auch immer in der Welt verloren ist,Diejenigen, die erwacht sindmüssen ihr Leben damit verbringen, sie aufzuwecken.(Dies ist das Gelübde, das alle Könige und Herren des Universums einander gegeben haben.)

      • Trusted Partner

        History of the Throw-Away Society

        The drawback of consumption

        by Wolfgang König

        Sooner or later everything is thrown away. In the consumer society, however, usable and serviceable products that may be as good as new are also thrown away. Such behaviour is the result of a long-term process that has developed over a period of one-and-a-half centuries. The change was led by the USA, and the Federal Republic of Germany followed. It started at the turn of the last century with personal hygiene: articles such as toilet paper, sanitary towels, nappies and paper handkerchiefs. After the Second World War, a large number of other disposable articles were soon added, such as paper cups and plastic dishes, nylon stockings and pens, razor blades, beverage cans and much more besides. Wolfgang König shows how business and consumers have together made throwing things away perfectly normal – and discusses how the throwaway society may be overcome.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Unswerving and Brave Divisional Commander Chen Shuxiang

        by Zhi Zaifei, originally named Jiang Zhifei, is a writer, playwright, lyricist, and party history worker. He has published or released nearly 4 million words of various types of writings.

        Based on the spirit of Xi Jinping's speech at the 2014 Political Work Conference of the People's Liberation Army, the author, in the pursuit of the ideal, meticulously collected historical materials on Chen Shuxiang, the commander of the 34th Divisionof the Central Red Army's Rear Guard, and spent several years crafting this historical novel.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        Noble society

        Five lives from twelfth-century Germany

        by Jonathan R. Lyon

        This book provides scholars and students alike with a set of texts that can deepen their understanding of the culture and society of the twelfth-century German kingdom. The sources translated here bring to life the activities of five noblemen and noblewomen from Rome to the Baltic coast and from the Rhine River to the Alpine valleys of Austria. To read these five sources together is to appreciate how interconnected political, military, economic, religious and spiritual interests could be for some of the leading members of medieval German society-and for the authors who wrote about them. Whether fighting for the emperor in Italy, bringing Christianity to pagans in what is today northern Poland, or founding, reforming and governing monastic communities in the heartland of the German kingdom, the subjects of these texts call attention to some of the many ways that noble life shaped the world of central medieval Europe.

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