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      • Klarant GmbH

        As an independent publishing house, Klarant Verlag publishes a wide range of books. Klarant Verlag has been founded in 2011 and since then published more than 900 fiction titles. Our portfolio ranges from cozy crime titles to contemporary romance, e.g. Biker and Motorcycle Club lovestories. Our specialization into “Ostfrieslandkrimis” (East Frisian regional crime titles) offers a broad set of stand-alone titles from german bestseller authors as well as series still to be continued.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2010

        Der Wille zur Relevanz

        Die Sprachforschung und ihre Förderung durch die DFG 1920–1970

        by Ehlers, Klaas-Hinrich

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2003

        Geschöpflichkeit und Freiheit.

        Ein Zugang zum Schöpfungsgedanken im Ausgang von der kritischen Philosophie Kants.

        by Bohlen, Stephanie

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1993

        Die Übermacht des Seins.

        Heideggers Auslegung des Bezuges von Mensch und Natur und Hölderlins Dichtung des Heiligen.

        by Bohlen, Stephanie

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1993

        Zur Theorie und Empirie von Lohnsubventionen.

        Ein Beitrag zur Analyse der ökonomischen Wirkungen sozialrechtlicher Normen und zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1980 bis 1989.

        by Bohlen, Christoph

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • June 2023

        Der Schnee und die Angst

        Eingeschneit und gefangen im Haus eines religiösen Fanatikers und mörderischen Psychopathen.

        by Klaus Hansen

        English:No man had ever experienced anything like it, no man could have imagined such a catastrophe, and no man was on it prepared. One could only watch as the snow inexorably covered and buried all life. It just didn't stop: snow, nothing but snow!The curator Henny Butenschön rents a room at Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen to find out whether the painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder hidden there is real. J. comes from the depots of Nazi-looted art. The excessively religious householder who hides more than just a dark secret stands in her way.Another guest at Oltmann's farm: Holm Martens, who is secretly looking for a sign of life from his sister, who disappeared here under mysterious circumstances.At the same time, two brothers are struggling through the snowstorm who have unwittingly come into possession of a shipment of drugs. On your heels: a cold-blooded killer. When the three paths cross, outrageous truths come to light and suddenly it is a matter of life and death.Deutsch:Kein Mensch hatte so etwas je zuvor erlebt, kein Mensch hätte sich solch eine Katastrophe vorstellen können, und kein Mensch war darauf vorbereitet. So konnte man nur zusehen, wie der Schnee unaufhaltsam alles Leben zudeckte und unter sich begrub. Es hörte einfach nicht auf: Schnee, nichts als Schnee!Die Kuratorin Henny Butenschön mietet sich auf Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen ein, um herauszufinden, ob das dort versteckte Gemälde von Pieter Brueghel d. J. aus den Depots der NS-Raubkunst stammt. Dabei stellt sich ihr der exzessiv religiöse Hausherr in den Weg, der mehr als nur ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.Ebenfalls Gast auf Oltmanns Hof: Holm Martens, der verdeckt nach einem Lebenszeichen seiner Schwester sucht, die hier unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden ist.Zur gleichen Zeit kämpfen sich zwei Brüder durch den Schneesturm, die unwissentlich in den Besitz einer Lieferung Drogen gelangt sind. Ihnen auf den Fersen: ein kaltblütiger Killer. Als sich die drei Wege kreuzen, kommen ungeheuerliche Wahrheiten ans Licht und auf einmal geht es um Leben und Tod. Aber auch um Geborgenheit und Liebe.

      • Feuer im Elysium

        Fire in the Elysium

        by Oliver Buslau

        The crime novel on the 250th birthday of the master composer When the young palace administrator Sebastian Reiser arrives in Vienna, the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven is preparing for the premiere of his ninth symphony. The whole city is eagerly awaiting the concert in the Kärntnertortheater. But the performance is controversial. Not only among conservative music enthusiasts, but also among banned fraternities. Reiser has the chance to play in the orchestra and gets caught in a dangerous web of intrigue and secret politics. It is one of the most successful pieces of music of all times, still omnipresent today. Marking the peak of classical music, Beethoven's 9th Symphony was already regarded as groundbreaking during the composer's lifetime, but it was also controversial from the very beginning. In the conservative Metternich era, it was considered by many to be too radical. Beethoven's revolutionary act of incorporating a choir into a symphony met with widespread incomprehension among traditionalists. If Mozart was the greatest pop star in music history, Beethoven was its greatest rock idol - maladjusted, driven, choleric and always in search of a new musical and social order. On the occasion of the 250th birthday of the composer, who was born in Bonn and moved more than 50 times during his life, music journalist, classical expert and crime writer Oliver Buslau dedicates a novel to the brilliant and exceptional composer, that centres on the secrets of the last completed symphony. The story about a spy, who actually does not want to be a spy and tries to fathom the riddle of Beethoven's deafness, revives the premiere of the composer's most famous work against the background of political unrest in Vienna during Metternich's time. The author skilfully links the social circumstances with a dramatic criminal case, always imbued with Beethoven's masterpiece and thirst for freedom.

      • Classic crime
        January 2016

        Ein MORDs-Team - Der Fall Marietta King 1: Die vergessenen Akten / The Young Investigators - The Case of Marietta King 1: The forgotten Files

        by Andreas Suchanek, Nicole Böhm, Ute Bareiss

        Mason, Olivia, Randy and Danielle are four teenagers as diverging as they could be. When Mason is wrongly accused of a crime, a cascade of events is set in motion which unites all four in friendship. Together they try to identify the mastermind behind the crime. During their investigations, the team discover a secret room in an old mansion, which houses files about a 30-year-old murder. They are shocked to learn that their parents are also part of an enormous mystery which stretches all the way into the present. They start investigating to answer the one question overshadowing everything: Who killed high school student Marietta King 30 years ago? An obscure crime boss, a murder from the 1980s, a secret room in an old mansion and an all-encompassing mystery are now governing the lives of the four friends. The Preview and supporting information are available in english language.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020 - December 2020

        Wunderbare Reisen und Abenteuer der kleinen Dott, Band I

        by Tamara Ramsay, Alfred Seidel

        Die Kleine Dott is an adventure and coming-of-age novel for young people, especially girls, with elements of saga and fantasy. Dott, the heroine, is a twelve-year old girl who lives in a village near Berlin between the two World Wars. When Dott sneaks out to see the bonfire of the midsummer night, the Rennefarre, a magical flower falls into her shoe. That makes her invisible. She can also speak with animals and magical creatures and look back into the past. Flying across the country on the backs of crows and herons, Dott experiences adventures and lives through moments in history others can only read about. But she always has one goal in mind: returning home to her family. The book is the new edition of Tamara Ramsay's popular book for children and young adults in the original three volumes with the original, long lost drawings and covers by Alfred Seidel.  The three volumes are slightly shortened without anything of their content been lost. The language has been gently modernized. The book promotes friendship among different cultures and peoples, the empowerment of girls, and the protection of animals. Die kleine Dott, ein zwölfjähriges Mädchen, wohnt in der Prignitz bei Berlin um die Jahrhundertwende. Ihr Leben nimmt eine dramatische Wende, als sie sich zum Mittsommernachtsfeuer aus dem Haus schleicht. Dabei fällt die Rennefarre, eine magischen Pflanze, in ihre Schuhe. Nun kann sie sehen, was den Menschen sonst unsichtbar bleibt — Geister, Märchenfiguren, historische Gestalten. Sie kann Tiere verstehen und mit ihnen sprechen und sie kann tief in die Geschichte blicken. Für die Menschen aber ist Dott nun selber eine unsichtbare Geistergestalt. Um den Zauber loszuwerden, muss sie ihr zuhause verlassen, und nachdem sie die Fähigkeit hat, sich klein zu machen, reist sie mit Gurian, dem Reiher und Cornix, der Krähe durch das ganze Land. Dies ist die neue Ausgabe des beliebten Kinder-und Jugendbuchs von Tamara Ramsay in den originalen drei Bänden mit den originalen Zeichnungen und Titelbildern von Alfred Seidel, die viele Jahrzehnte nicht oder nur stark gekürzt erhältlich war. Die drei Bände sind leicht gekürzt, ohne etwas vom Inhalt zu verlieren, die Sprache ist behutsam modernisiert. Die Kleine Dott ist ein Abenteuer- und Entwicklungsroman mit Sagen- und Fantasie-Elementen, in dem Völkerverständigung, Heimatkunde und Tierschutz vereint sind.

      • Memoirs
        March 2018

        Owl place

        From the incredible life of Rudi Kleineich or search for happiness in a hard time

        by Harry Schmidt

        This excitingly written book takes place between winter 1945 and Christmas 1953 - with skilfully inserted flashbacks to the years 1919, 1923 and 1930. The owl village that gives the book its title is the Lindenhof estate workers' village in Vorpommern, a place without owls, without newspapers and without electricity. One of its inhabitants is the 25-year-old day laborer's son and "bee man" Rudi Kleineich, who is of military age, as it was then called, but suffers from the life-threatening hemophilia and yet has an unbridled will to live. This will is even increased when, in the turmoil of the time, he comes into possession of a voluminous encyclopedia from 1886. From it he learns that he does not necessarily have to die as early as his uncle, from whom he copied beekeeping. The actual action begins a few days before the Russian invasion, which is expected with great fear and uncertainty, and which is supposed to be just outside the village. When the Red Army actually arrives, many terrible things happen in Owl Village, too, with which the soldiers with the red star take revenge on their German enemies - especially on their wives, almost no matter how old or young they are. In this Vorpommerschen place, too, Harry Schmidt, in reference to the hard historical facts, lets a real rape frenzy of several days happen. Law and order seem to have capitulated to the violence of the war and even officers no longer know either decency or humanity. But then suddenly it is over. As if someone had flipped a switch in the occupying forces, the intoxication is ended, and where rape and murder could have been committed with impunity, the perpetrators from their own ranks are now threatened with drastic punishment - including summary executions. The new order is taking hold. But what will the future bring to the little people of Lindenhof? And does Rudi's tender love for Christel, the refugee girl, have a chance?

      • Moral Dilemma
        August 2018

        A snowy firework

        Ulrike B.'s search for meaning and love life in two systems

        by Harry Schmidt

        industrial designer Rike is neither an outsider nor privileged. She has to earn money as a single mother. But her profession is no longer needed. And she has no shoulder to lean on.Instead of taking advantage of the new freedoms, she works off their constraints. But sometimes she breaks out. The sparks fly in her sky.A brave, illusionless search for meaning in life, for beauty and happiness.A love story beyond all clichés.Exploring depths, sensual, trenchant.

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