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      • mikrotext / Nikola Richter

        mikrotext is a publisher for texts with attitude and for new narratives, founded in 2013 in Berlin by Nikola Richter The independent publishing house focusses on new literary texts that comment on contemporary questions and allow insights into tomorrow. The texts are inspired by discussions on social media platformes and reflect today’s global debates. All titles are published digital first. A selection is available in English. In 2020 and 2019, mikrotext was awarded the German Publisher Award by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media.

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      • Nikkei Business Publications

        Every year, we publish more than 500 books, mooks and special editions, and over 600 books published by Nikkei BP and its group companies have already crossed borders. Around the world, "Nikkei" is the brand of solid trust associated with business, technology and lifestyle.

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998

        Clever bluffen


        by Montesole, Nikolas

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Stift und Stadt.

        Das Heiliggrabpriorat von Santa Anna und das Regularkanonikerstift Santa Eulàlia del Camp im mittelalterlichen Barcelona (1145 - 1423). (Ordensstudien X).

        by Jaspert, Nikolas

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        Art: general interest (Children's/YA)

        Tortugas en el espacio de papel (Paper's turtules in the space)

        by Manuel Marín

        In this book the artist makes an essay about the different shapes of the turtles by going around space and folding the paper. Eight turtle sculptures made of paper and created by Manuel Marín shows us by constructing step by space each piece the basics of concave or convex since they can be assembled either from outside or inside.

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        August 2009

        Bios und Zoë

        Die menschliche Natur im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit

        by Martin G. Weiß

        Mit dem Aufkommen der Biotechnologien ist die Natur des Menschen scheinbar verfügbar und manipulierbar geworden und die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von biologischem Leben und menschlicher Lebensform rückt zunehmend ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Bios, das spezifische Leben einzelner Wesen, und Zoë, die einfache Tatsache des Lebens, scheinen immer stärker auseinanderzutreten. Der interdisziplinäre Sammelband stellt den Überlegungen bekannter europäischer Autoren die Positionen namhafter Vertreter der angelsächsischen Science Technology Studies gegenüber und bietet so einen aufschlußreichen Überblick über die aktuelle Auseinandersetzung der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften mit dem Phänomen der Lebenswissenschaften und ihren biotechnologischen Anwendungen. Mit Beiträgen u. a. von Dieter Birnbacher, Bruno Latour, Gianni Vattimo, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Karin Knorr Cetina, Nikolas Rose, Paul Rabinow und Charis Thompson.

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        Biography: general

        Shevchenko. Modern biography

        by Stanislav Rosovetskyi

        When reading this book, Taras Shevchenko's admirers will sincerely empathise with the poet, make unexpected biographical discoveries and enjoy his art and his quirky sense of humour. Non-fans, whose dislike for the Ukrainian genius stems from the Soviet rendering which still dominates the school curricula, have a chance to see a different Shevchenko. The book shows the great poet in situations that destroy his stereotypical image that was cultivated over the years. Last but not least, a thoughtful reader will be able to see that Russia in the times of Nikolas I is not too different from today's Russia and that the challenges Ukrainians faced in the mid-19th century repeat in the 21st century.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Dad and I are going to space

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Marysya Rudska (Illustrator)

        Mars mission is off.Starteam selection is over.My father and I are the candidates.In fact, Father is ready for space after his work,Still I am free at any time till the beginning of school.We should hurry up!   From 3 to 6 years, 587 words. Rightsholders:

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2004

        Naturschutzrecht außerhalb der Naturschutzgesetze.

        Eine Untersuchung über die rechtsgebietsübergreifende Integration des Naturschutzgedankens.

        by Strenge, Nikolas von

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1991

        Föderalismus und Integrationsgewalt.

        Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Spanien, Italien und Belgien als dezentralisierte Staaten in der EG.

        by Blanke, Hermann-Josef

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        The Lady in White

        by Donald Willerton

        Mogi Franklin is a typical eighth-grader–except for the mysterious things that keep happening in his life. And the adventures they lead to as he and his sister, Jennifer, follow Mogi's unique problem-solving skills–along with dangerous clues from history and the world around them–to unearth a treasure of unexpected secrets.In The Lady in White, Mogi is working as a cowboy over the summer vacation on one of the largest ranches in New Mexico when hundreds of cattle start mysteriously dying there. Trying to understand the cause, he finds himself embroiled in the life of a boy who was kidnapped by Comanche Indians in 1871. In this seventh book of the exciting Mogi Franklin Mysteries, Mogi comes face-to-face with the ghost of the boy's mother, and must face the reality of the past to save the ranch from the enemies of the present.

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        The Arts
        October 2023

        Charting space

        by Elize Mazadiego

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        Orte jüdischen Lebens

        Ein Spaziergang durch Berlins Mitte

        by Unda Hörner

        Faszination Berlin-Mitte. Blanke Fassaden, bunte Shoppingwelt, dazwischen immer wieder Spuren des Vergangenen. Das Magnus-Haus am Kupfergraben, die Synagoge in der Oranienburger, die jüdische Knabenschule in der Großen Hamburger Straße. Jüdisches Leben prägte lange das Kulturleben, den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs, die Presselandschaft, die Welt der Finanzen und des Konsums, aber ebenso das Berlin der armen Leute, wie es sich im Scheunenviertel fand. Begleitet von Heinrich Heine, Rahel Varnhagen, Kurt Tucholsky, Walter Benjamin, Vicki Baum, Irmgard Keun, Gershom Scholem und vielen anderen erkundet Unda Hörner auf literarischen Streifzügen jüdische Häuser und Geschichte(n). Die Spaziergänge machen anschaulich, wie tief die jüdische Bevölkerung das Gesicht der Stadt geprägt hat.

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