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        Science & Mathematics
        September 2020

        Butterfly Biology Systems

        Connections and Interactions in Life History and Behaviour

        by Roger L H Dennis, Ali Thompson

        Butterflies, among key animals for assessing environmental changes have consequently also become prominent model organisms for the study of trade-offs in life history and behavioural traits. Examples include factors affecting the size of egg batches, fast or slow larval growth, waiting or searching for mates, migrating or staying put in the habitat, roosting alone or together in aggregations, and the development of different defence mechanisms. The book focusses on the factors and trade-offs leading to the development and evolution of distinct traits emerging in the life cycle of butterflies within their habitats. In this book the reader is taken systematically through research findings in each life history stage, on the links identified between different aspects of butterfly biology that have been discovered, and introduced to novel ideas emerging from taking an integrative view of butterfly life history and behaviour. The book is divided into four sections: A: Language and concepts of system's theory, B: Perspectives on butterfly biology, C: Butterfly life history - basic trade-offs in reproduction, development and survival, and D: Butterfly behaviour - interactive adjustments in the habitat. The first section deals with the study of relationships in biological systems. The second is an introduction to key aspects of butterfly biology, such as broad issues in taxonomy, the fossil record, variation in space-time, habitat and niche, and the butterfly body frame. The last two longer sections deal directly with the key puzzles in life history and behaviour. The book has been composed primarily for students and researchers in butterfly biology, but it should be of interest to all those who enjoy observing butterflies. For the researcher into butterfly biology it is supported by an extensive glossary and bibliography and, to encourage incentives for ideas, it is liberally illustrated with diagrams for exploring in greater depth the relationships in butterfly biology.

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        January 2006

        Epistemologie des Konkreten

        Studien zur Geschichte der modernen Biologie

        by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

        Die Arbeiten des renommierten Wissenschaftshistorikers eröffnen neue Einsichten zur aktuellen Debatte über das Verhältnis von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften.

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        January 2009

        Die Entstehung der biologischen Evolutionstheorie

        by Wolfgang Lefèvre

        Wie entstand die Theorie Darwins? War sie ein Produkt des fortschrittsgläubigen 19. Jahrhunderts? Warum wurde sie trotz der weltanschaulichen Kontroversen, die sie provozierte, von Darwins Fachgenossen akzeptiert? Auf welche Kenntnis- und Problemsituation in den Lebenswissenschaften bezog sie sich? Diesen Fragen geht das Buch in materialreichen und leichtverständlichen Analysen der Vorgeschichte von Darwins Theorie und ihrer ersten Rezeption nach Erscheinen der Origins of Species im Jahre 1859 nach. Ein Nachwort informiert über die Entwicklung der Darwin-Forschung in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten. Das Buch wendet sich gleichermaßen an Biologen und Biologiehistoriker wie an ein breites interessiertes Publikum und eignet sich insbesondere für die Lehre an Gymnasien und Universitäten.

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        Food Composition Table for the Practice

        The small Souci/Fachmann/Kraut

        by Founded by S.W. Souci, W. Fachmann and H. Kraut. Revised by Dr. Petra Steinhaus. Edited by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich.

        ■ How many omega-3 fatty acids does salmon contain? ■ Which dairy product contains the most calcium? ■ How iron-rich is spinach, really? Whether calories, vitamins or amino acids – whether in field beans, bananas, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese or onion – it is all here. The compact edition of the time-tested „large SFK [Souci/Fachmann/Kraut]“ offers tested data on over 70 ingredients in more than 360 foods, systematically structured according to food groups. This edition with thousands of values has been completely revised and updated by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich. Extra: 32 summary tables cover more than 300 other, less common foods and allow for targeted, clear comparisons. 16 orientation tables provide information about foods with particularly high or low amounts of ingredients. Nutritional values, energy content, main components and ingredients displayed in uniform systematics and a practical format – just look it up!

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        October 1997

        Aristotelische Biologie

        Intentionen, Methoden, Ergebnisse. Akten des Symposions über Aristoteles’ Biologie vom 24.-28. Juli 1995 in der Werner-Reimers-Stiftung in Bad Homburg

        by Herausgegeben von Kullmann, Wolfgang; Herausgegeben von Föllinger, Sabine

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        August 2016

        Biologie der Angst

        Wie aus Streß Gefühle werden

        by Hüther, Gerald

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        Biologie des Begehrens

        Wie Gefühle entstehen. (rororo science)

        by Vincent, Jean D

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        January 1983

        Biologie und Erkenntnis

        Über die Beziehung zwischen organischen Regulationen und kognitiven Prozessen

        by Piaget, Jean

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