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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2010

        The US Economy Today

        by Edward Ashbee, Bill Jones

        The US Economy Today provides an invaluable introduction to American economic history since 1929. Its coverage includes the New Deal, the post-war boom, "stagflation" in the 1970s, "Reaganomics", the Clinton and Bush years, the 2008 - 2009 economic crisis and President Obama's first hundred days. In addition, this volume considers core contemporary economic policy debates and draws conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the US economic "model". It looks at the causes and consequences of inequality, the extent to which there is economic mobility, and the impact of globalization and foreign trade. This book will be essential reading for those studying or teaching American economics, economic history or politics and all those looking for a thorough and comprehensive introduction to this area. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        Sodomy in early modern Europe

        by Joseph Bergin, Tom Betteridge, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        This fascinating collection of essays reflects closely the main areas of debate within gay historiography. For the last twenty years scholars have argued over the nature of early modern sodomy, responding in a number of different and contradictory ways. Questions addressed in the book include: was early modern sodomy the same as modern homosexuality? Were there homosexuals in early modern Europe? Did men who had sex with each other in this period regard their behaviour as determining their identity? What was the relationship between the grave sin of sodomy and the homoerotic images that fill Renaissance culture?. The volume includes essays on sodomy in English Protestant history writing, in Calvin's Geneva, in early modern Venice and the trial of sodomy in Germany. ;

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        May 2011

        Hegel und Haiti

        Für eine neue Universalgeschichte

        by Susan Buck-Morss, Laurent Faasch-Ibrahim

        1791 revoltierten die Sklaven von Saint Domingue, dem heutigen Haiti, unter Absingen der Marseillaise gegen die französischen Kolonialherren. Die »schwarzen Jakobiner« bewiesen so die Unteilbarkeit der Aufklärung. Diese im Okzident verdrängte Geschichte Haitis wird derzeit angesichts zunehmender weltweiter Ungleichheit wiederentdeckt. Anknüpfungspunkte dafür finden sich ausgerechnet bei Hegel, der die Ereignisse in der Karibik verfolgte. Seine Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Knechtschaft lesen sich wie ein Kommentar zum Geschehen – ohne daß Haiti mit einem Wort erwähnt würde. Susan Buck-Morss konfrontiert Hegels Interesse mit seiner Philosophie und skizziert die Grundlinien einer neuen Universalgeschichte.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2010

        Representing the King's Splendour

        Communication and reception of symbolic forms of power in Viceregal Naples

        by Gabriel Guarino, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        Compensating for a general neglect of Iberian civilization in Southern Italy, this book seeks to shed light on the viceregal court of Spanish Naples in the seventeenth century, a time when this European metropolis reached the zenith of its splendour. It looks at the cultural projection of Spain and its values, either via the direct visual representations of power of the viceregal court, or the public policies and actions that fostered Spanish attitudes. It explores cultural and social manifestations as court ceremonial, state festivities, and fashion. Each of these issues also takes into account the social and political structure of the city, and the various pressure groups that interacted with the Spanish government. Aimed at students and scholars of early modern Europe, the Spanish Empire, and the princely courts of Europe, this study will also be of interest to scholars of communication and cultural studies, and to readers interested in cultural history during the Baroque era. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2010

        British politics today: Essentials

        6th Edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh

        Short, yet comprehensive. Completely up to date. Great value for money textbook by two established scholars . ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        Dictionary of British Politics

        Second edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones

        From Diane Abbott to Hugo Young via Keynesianism and Thatcherism, from Major to Millbank and from New Labour to Norman Tebbitt, this book is the ultimate student reference guide to British politics. The 2nd edition has been fully updated to take account of all the changes that have taken place in British politics since 2004. With over one thousand entries, the book covers the personalities, policies and institutions that have shaped British politics, with special emphasis on developments since the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the ideal instant reference book on British politics. It provides the reader with short, authoritative explanations and definitions of key terms, institutions, offices of state, political events, processes and policies as well as biographies of well known politicians, political thinkers, movements and theorists. Any student unsure of a term, an event, the details of the life of a prominent politician, or the inner workings of an institution can turn to this book for immediate assistance. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2003

        British politics today

        7th edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh, Caroline Wilding

        A short but comprehensive textbook for students of British politics which interprets changes over the last thirty years and analyses institutions within the context of British society and economics. ;

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        Remember and Retell

        Advanced English Texts for Senior Classes

        by Buck, Barbara; Buck, Timothy

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        November 1982

        Gesammelte Schriften in zwanzig Bänden

        Band 17: Musikalische Schriften IV. Moments musicaux. Impromptus

        by Theodor W. Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann, Gretel Adorno, Susan Buck-Morss, Klaus Schultz

        Theodor W. Adorno wurde am 11. September 1903 in Frankfurt am Main geboren und starb am 06. August 1969 während eines Ferienaufenthalts in Visp/Wallis an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts. Von 1921 bis 1923 studierte er in Frankfurt Philosophie, Soziologie, Psychologie und Musikwissenschaft und promovierte 1924 über Die Transzendenz des Dinglichen und Noematischen in Husserls Phänomenologie. Bereits während seiner Schulzeit schloss er Freundschaft mit Siegfried Kracauer und während seines Studiums mit Max Horkheimer und Walter Benjamin. Mit ihnen zählt Adorno zu den wichtigsten Vertretern der »Frankfurter Schule«, die aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt hervorging. Sämtliche Werke Adornos sind im Suhrkamp Verlag erschienen. Rolf Tiedemann wurde 1932 in Hamburg geboren. Im Zuge seines Studiums der Philosophie, Germanistik und Soziologie in Hamburg, Göttingen, Berlin und schlussendlich in Frankfurt am Main, war Tiedemann ab 1959 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und später als persönlicher Assistent bei Theodor W. Adorno beschäftigt. 1964 promovierte er mit der ersten Dissertation über Walter Benjamin bei Adorno und Max Horkheimer. Gemeinsam mit Hermann Schweppenhäuser übernahm er 1970 die Herausgeberschaft der Gesamtausgaben von Adorno und Walter Benjamin. Von 1985 bis 2002 war er Direktor des Theodor W. Adorno Archivs in Frankfurt, von wo aus er u.a. die Ausgaben der Nachgelassenen Schriften Adornos initiierte. Vielfach rezipiert und in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt sind die von Tiedemann edierten Bände des Passagenwerks von Benjamin und der Ästhetischen Theorie sowie des Beethoven von Adorno. Rolf Tiedemann verstarb am 29. Juli 2018. Gretel Adorno, geborene Karplus, wurde 1902 in Berlin geboren. Sie war promovierte Chemikerin und leitete von 1933 bis 1937 eine Firma für Lederhandschuhe in Berlin. In den späten zwanziger Jahren stand sie in Verbindung zu zahlreichen Intellektuellen, u. a. zu Walter Benjamin, Ernst Bloch und Bertolt Brecht. 1923 lernte sie Theodor W. Adorno kennen, den sie 1937 im Londoner Exil heiratete. 1938 übersiedelten beide in die Vereinigten Staaten. 1953 kehrten sie nach Deutschland zurück. Gretel Adorno lebte bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahr 1993 in Frankfurt am Main. Susan Buck-Morss ist Professorin für politische Philosophie und Theorien des Sozialen an der Cornell University. Im Suhrkamp Verlag erschien Dialektik des Sehens. Walter Benjamin und das Passagen-Werk (stw 1471).

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2006

        Devolution in Britain today

        Second edition

        by Russell Deacon, Bill Jones

        Devolution in Britain today provides a comprehensive analysis of both the historical development and the current state of devolved government. Devolution is now a key element in A-level syllabuses and on most undergraduate politics courses. This book is written in a clear and accessible style for students either encountering devolution for the first time or for those who need to explore the subject area in greater detail. All of the devolved bodies in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are examined. This book is a thorough update of the first edition, written by Colin Pilkington and published by MUP in 2002. The book explains the concept and background of devolution, and indicates the constitutional implications of political devolution in the United Kingdom before providing a full and considered historical background to devolution, including an explanation of how the United Kingdom came to be united. It then examines the historical and political events that surrounded the preparation of devolution across Britain, before addressing each country in turn, assessing the relative success of devolution in that country. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020


        Lehrjahre eines Kochs auf der Suche nach den Geheimnissen der französischen Küche

        by Bill Buford

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Escape Stories

        Mission Mondlandung

        by Bill Doyle

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Dissolute Characters

        by Bill McCormack

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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2023

        Keynes and Marx

        by Bill Dunn

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        Individual film directors, film-makers
        July 2013

        André Téchiné

        by Bill Marshall

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        Dictionary of British Politics

        by Bill Jones

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