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      • Institut Ramon Llull

        Literature Department Grants Literature Translation Grants for the translation of Catalan literature: fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels. Recipients: Publishers.   Literature Promotion Grants to promote abroad Catalan literature (fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels), including participation in international literary festivals and presentations and promotional plans for works in translation. Recipients: Publishers, Literary Events Organizers.   Illustrated Books Grants for the publication abroad of illustrated books by illustrators settled in Catalonia or the Balearic Islands. Recipients: Publishers.   Samples & Booklets Grants to translate samples of works written in Catalan to produce booklets for promotional purposes. Recipients: Catalan Publishers, Literary Agencies.   Translators in Residency Grants for translators working on translations from Catalan to stay from two to six weeks in Catalonia. Recipients: Translators.   Travel for Writers and Illustrators Grants for writers and illustrators to finance travel costs to carry out literary activities, to which they have been invited. Recipients: Writers in Catalan and illustrators with at least two books originally published in Catalan.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2001

        Sei, was du bist!

        Die wichtigsten Unterweisungen des grossen indischen Weisheitslehrers über das Wesen der Wirklichkeit und den Pfad der Selbstergründung

        by Rama Maharshi / Herausgegeben von Godman, David; Übersetzt von Friedrichs, Kurt

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo Cachorro

        La increíble historia de la Capoeira / Mestre Ricardo Cachorro   La capoeira, una disciplina original afrobrasileña, es bastante difícil de definir dadas sus múltiples facetas, como arte marcial mortal y danza exótica, que se inspira en una antigua cultura remota. Casi cuatrocientos años de trata de esclavos han legado a Brasil un patrimonio cultural envidiable, basado en una afluencia continua de diversos grupos étnicos que, en combinación con las distintas expresiones regionales autóctonas, africanas y europeas y sus constantes cambios geopolíticos, ha producido una única, colorida y vibrante sociedad multicultural y multiétnica inmersa en su nueva identidad brasileña. Del siglo XVIII al XIX, las duras condiciones a las que fueron sometidos los esclavos negros llevaron a una creciente ola de revueltas de esclavos en las Américas, donde los fugitivos formaron comunidades cimarronas independientes en las Antillas francesas, españolas, británicas y holandesas, así como las comunidades quilombolas en Brasil y emprendieron guerras de guerrillas contra los amos y dueños de plantaciones, dando lugar a campañas contra la esclavitud en Europa y a la abolición de la esclavitud en las Américas. La capoeira fue el resultado de la experiencia diaspórica propia de Brasil, una rama de un gran árbol que creció hasta convertirse en un arte social único y complejo, que no se puede disociar de su perspectiva histórica y antropológica. La increíble historia de la Capoeira, escrita por el experto brasileño en capoeira Ricardo Mestre Cachorro, da a conocer la Era de la exploración y la trata de esclavos resultante y presenta la esclavitud africana ya en el siglo XV, mucho antes de que los esclavos negros fueran llevados al Nuevo Mundo. La fascinante saga de la familia Akindele, del hermoso reino yoruba de Adágún Lwá, le llevará al seno del África precolonial y a las tierras de la recién explorada Bahía de Todos los Santos en 1531, donde comenzó la historia casi sagrada de la capoeira. De los nuevos hallazgos en África a los descubrimientos en Brasil, este libro cautivante navega a través de las feitorías y capitanías —los molinos de caña del siglo 17— la verdadera y casi desconocida cuna de la capoeira. Saca a luz hermosos aspectos históricos y culturales de los períodos coloniales, con sus artes, su música y su religión, el crisol africano que se formó de la fusión de las antiguas culturas de África y de los nuevos escenarios rurales y urbanos afrobrasileños y, por último, los antiguos y los modernos creadores de la capoeira. La increíble historia de la Capoeira es una delicia para todos los aficionados, los profesionales y los instructores de capoeira que desean saber más acerca de esta original disciplina afrobrasileña, así como para estudiantes de historia, antropología, arte, música, teatro y ámbitos anexos, desde el investigador académico al amante curioso de la historia y la cultura. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés, en la primavera de 2011. Si todo esto le hace desear dedicarse a la práctica del arte de la capoeira en la roda, le recomendamos leer: LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA - Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)


        by María José Ferrada, Mariana Alcántara

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 3

        Therapy, Prevention and Control of Disease

        by Tanmoy Rana, Manoj Kumar Ahirwar, D Sai Bhavani, P Rama Devi, G.S. Harita, Babu Lal Jangir, K. Sindhu, Deepika Lather, Alok Mishra, Vikas Nehra, P. Ramesh, Abhishek Pathak, G. S. Haritha, R. S. Sethi, Dr Nasrul I. Shaikh, Brejesh Singh, Amita Tiwari, Shivangi Udainiya

        Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - diseases of the haemolymphatic and immune system; - metabolic, genetic, neonatal and deficiency diseases; - poisoning. Including a full chapter covering emergency and critical care, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2017

        Enabling Agri-entrepreneurship and Innovation

        Empirical Evidence and Solutions for Conflict Regions and Transitioning Economies

        by Catherine Chan, Brent S Sipes, Tina Lee, Anera Alishani, Jovelyn Bantilan, Emilie Bayona, Maurizio Canavari, Domenico Dentoni, Ekrem Gjokaj, Muje Gjonbalaj, Jacqueline Halbrendt, James R. Hollyer, Drini Imami, Cynthia Lai, Kathleen Liang, Rusyan Jill Mamiit, Lusille Mission, Elma Neyra, Michelle Ragocos Ortez, Bikash Paudel, Mary M. Pleasant, Klodjan Rama, Pauline Sullivan, Bir Bahadur Tamang, Katherine A. Wilson, Edvin Zhllima

        Agricultural entrepreneurs in conflict and post-conflict regions face special challenges; not just everyday personal risks, but also the difficulties of building small businesses when real or threatened violence can disrupt business growth cycles and economic security. Alongside establishing secure institutions, building a secure economy is rightly seen as the best way for conflict-torn regions to establish a peaceful future. But current agricultural entrepreneurship training and development starts from an assumption of peace, meaning that it is not always fit for purpose. The result is sub-optimal program design and inefficient use of resources. A product of a collaboration of experts in the fields of agri-business, agricultural marketing, and international development, this book gives officials and agencies developing entrepreneurship programs the practical real-life examples they need. Key Features: · Based on research by experienced field practitioners. · Establishes best practice approaches for supporting agri-entrepreneurship in conflict regions. · Range of global case studies to illustrate lessons learnt. ; This book addresses agri-entrepreneurship in conflict and transitional regions, focusing on small agri-business and farms within communities where individuals face conflicts which impact upon their business growth cycle and economic security. ; Chapter 1: Agri-entrepreneurs and their characteristicsChapter 2: Comparing Agri-entrepreneurs in Non-Conflict Regions vs. Conflict and Transitional EconomiesChapter 3: Agri-entrepreneurship Enabling Program Design in Conflict Regions for Youth Development: Best Practices and Lessons LearnedChapter 4: A Capabilities Approach to Designing Agri-Entrepreneurship Training Programs for Conflict-Affected Regions: The Case of Central Mindanao, PhilippinesChapter 5: Measuring youth entrepreneurship attributes: the case of an out-of-school youth training program in Mindanao, PhilippinesChapter 6: Coping strategies for youth entrepreneurs in conflict areasChapter 7: Allowing entrepreneurs to save profits is important to motivation, sustainability, and resilience: can all cultures support this?Chapter 8: Assessing gender gaps in information delivery for better farming decisions: the case of AlbaniaChapter 10: Urban consumer preferences for food in post -conflict economies – the case of KosovoChapter 11: Characterizing farmer innovation behavior for agricultural technologies in transitionary areas facing environmental changeChapter 9: Is Marketing Intelligence Necessary in Conflict and Transitional Region Markets?Chapter 12: Understanding conservation agriculture adopter’s information network to promote innovation and agriculture entrepreneurship: the case of tribal farmers in the hill region of Nepal

      • Health & Personal Development
        October 2020

        Hindu Myths

        From Ancient Cosmology to Gods and Demons


        There is no clear start point for Hinduism, no single prophet or messiah who taughtpeople how to worship and the forms to follow. Nor is there a single text containingthe universal truths; instead, there are many different practices and innumerablevariants of common myths and tales.From the ancient Sanskrit texts of the Upanishads, Vedas, Mahabharata and Ramayana, the characters, gods and narratives of Hinduism emerged to demonstratethe moral precepts, duties and correct behaviour of Hinduism. Learn about Vediccosmology, which is divided into four cyclical Yugas, or epochs, and which has nobeginning or end; or the creation myth of Varaha, a powerful boar who saved theearth from primordial waters; or the legend of Rama, who against great odds rescueshis love Sita from the demon-king Ravana; or Vishnu, the greatest god in the HinduTrimurti (triad), who takes the form of nine different avatars and stops the earth frombeing destroyed through preserving Atman, the unchanging ultimate reality.Illustrated with 120 photographs and artworks, Hindu Myths is an accessible,engaging and highly informative exploration of the complex mythology underlyingone of the world’s oldest and most influential religions.

      • Graphic novel & Manga artwork
        April 2015

        The Grand Legend Ramayana vol.1

        by Is Yuniarto

        Grand Legend Ramayana is an adaptation of classic tale of Ramayana, which is derived from India and has become one of the most popular folklores in Indonesia.   Telling the adventure of a young prince from Ayodya Kingdom, Rama, with his brother, Laksmana. Along with Shinta, a beautiful yet fearless princess from Mithila Kingdom, together they fight the horde of Yaksha, monstrous beings that threaten their kingdoms.   Written as a modern adaptation with artistic illustration, Grand Legend Ramayana has become the flagship title in re:ON Comics with a planned run of 30 chapters. Is Yuniarto, the comic artist, has been professionally involved in Indonesian comic scene since 2001 and he has already amassed tens of thousands of fans across the country.

      • Science & Mathematics

        Del gusano cósmico al cerebro del pulpo

        Ensayos sobre ciencia

        by Juan Carlos Fontecilla Camps

        Este libro describe una historia que comenzó hace unos 200 mil años, con la aparición de la especie humana probablemente en el cuerno de África. El mundo era un lugar lleno de incógnitas a las que, con el paso de los milenios, hemos procurado responder en el largo camino que lleva del mito a la ciencia. Nuestra curiosidad e inteligencia nos ha permitido descifrar, en gran medida, los misterios del universo, de la vida y de nosotros mismos. Hemos aprendido que, tras la aparente constancia y lógica del mundo en que vivimos, se esconden leyes físicas que rigen lo enormemente pequeño y lo inconmensurablemente grande. Sabemos también que la vida necesitó condiciones muy especiales para surgir y que su evolución no ha ocurrido de manera lineal ni estable; nuestra propia evolución es el fruto de múltiples cruzamientos entre diferentes grupos humanos hace cientos de miles de años. Solo somos la rama sobreviviente de un árbol muy frondoso. Los quince ensayos aquí contenidos abarcan temas que nos han fascinado desde hace mucho tiempo, como son el origen de la vida en la Tierra, la evolución biológica, la situación de nuestro planeta en el espacio, la microbiota, la inteligencia animal, la naturaleza de los virus, y también la teoría de la relatividad y los agujeros (hoyos) negros. Si bien son escritos con un estilo científico, estos ensayos están destinados a todo tipo de lector cuyo interés sea profundizar su comprensión de la realidad y de las curiosidades del mundo en que vivimos. Si no lo sabía ya, el lector verá que no ha sido fácil alcanzar la comprensión de la realidad de la que disponemos hoy. Históricamente, las instituciones humanas tienen tendencia a dar explicaciones de lo que no entienden aún y a preservarlas; mientras que la ciencia, por definición, es iconoclasta e innovadora.

      • Picture books


        by Macarena Roca, Pamela Martínez

        A picture book that tells the adventures of a girl and her herbalist grandmother in landscapes of exuberant nature in southern Chile. Together they will reveal secrets of the countryside and the power of nature and healing plants. The book teaches us about the trascendental of transferring traditions from generation to generation. This is one of the most important heritage that we can pass on to our children to preserve culture and identity. Matico returns to the memories from childhood. It portrays the life of individual cultists who represent a different lifestyle within the horizon of modernity.

      • Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Los Mil y un Dias

        Cuentos Juveniles Cortos

        by Ann A Guerra/Author,Daniel Guerra/Co-Author, Art of Winning Rock, Inc.

        This book contains a compilation of 12 juvenile shorts stories.  Is stories made from different parts of the world. Different races and culture.  Moral, cultural, values and adventures.

      • Poetry


        A poetry book written by Enrique Bunbury, focusing on his personal life and microdoses as a form of self-discovery.

        by Enrique Bunbury

        MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold

      • The Arts

        Bauhaus Women Designers

        History of a silent revolution

        by María Vadillo

        In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.

      • Geography & the Environment
        November 2021

        Shout out what is silenced

        A young eco-social activist gives voice to what the Climate Summits silence.

        by Alejandro Quecedo del Val, Marina Garcés

        "Alejandro Quecedo del Val points to the need for a reform of being and feeling that connects us again with nature." - foreword by Marina Garcés   Gritar lo que está callado (Shout out what is silenced) is written by a 19-year-old who has attended climate summits representing Spain.   It is not just another book about climate change, it is a book that reveals what is on the fringes of the climate summits, what prevents the fight against climate change from progressing. The invited and silenced young people are the example of the smoke screens that are created in the information of the disaster, for example with the Greta Thunberg phenomenon.   Under the slogan Uniting the world to tackle climate change, the next United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) — held in Glasgow (United Kingdom) from November 1 to 12, 2021— brought together representatives of around 200 governments with the aim of accelerating climate action to comply with the Paris Agreement.   In a recent article, Alejandro Quecedo pointed to the disappointment of a large part of the activist sector, after learning about the withdrawal of permits and funding for citizen and scientific initiatives, with the excuse of not "excessively politicizing the summit", a fact to which was added the leak to the media that certain lobbies had pressed to amend the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in order to deny the evidence of an increasingly imminent catastrophe and blind public opinion with half-truths, sweetened.   The author has been interviewed by the most important media in Spain, all interested in his position: to ask for a change of sensitivity in order to stop the eco-social crisis.

      • June 2023

        Der Schnee und die Angst

        Eingeschneit und gefangen im Haus eines religiösen Fanatikers und mörderischen Psychopathen.

        by Klaus Hansen

        English:No man had ever experienced anything like it, no man could have imagined such a catastrophe, and no man was on it prepared. One could only watch as the snow inexorably covered and buried all life. It just didn't stop: snow, nothing but snow!The curator Henny Butenschön rents a room at Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen to find out whether the painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder hidden there is real. J. comes from the depots of Nazi-looted art. The excessively religious householder who hides more than just a dark secret stands in her way.Another guest at Oltmann's farm: Holm Martens, who is secretly looking for a sign of life from his sister, who disappeared here under mysterious circumstances.At the same time, two brothers are struggling through the snowstorm who have unwittingly come into possession of a shipment of drugs. On your heels: a cold-blooded killer. When the three paths cross, outrageous truths come to light and suddenly it is a matter of life and death.Deutsch:Kein Mensch hatte so etwas je zuvor erlebt, kein Mensch hätte sich solch eine Katastrophe vorstellen können, und kein Mensch war darauf vorbereitet. So konnte man nur zusehen, wie der Schnee unaufhaltsam alles Leben zudeckte und unter sich begrub. Es hörte einfach nicht auf: Schnee, nichts als Schnee!Die Kuratorin Henny Butenschön mietet sich auf Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen ein, um herauszufinden, ob das dort versteckte Gemälde von Pieter Brueghel d. J. aus den Depots der NS-Raubkunst stammt. Dabei stellt sich ihr der exzessiv religiöse Hausherr in den Weg, der mehr als nur ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.Ebenfalls Gast auf Oltmanns Hof: Holm Martens, der verdeckt nach einem Lebenszeichen seiner Schwester sucht, die hier unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden ist.Zur gleichen Zeit kämpfen sich zwei Brüder durch den Schneesturm, die unwissentlich in den Besitz einer Lieferung Drogen gelangt sind. Ihnen auf den Fersen: ein kaltblütiger Killer. Als sich die drei Wege kreuzen, kommen ungeheuerliche Wahrheiten ans Licht und auf einmal geht es um Leben und Tod. Aber auch um Geborgenheit und Liebe.

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