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      • Piter Publishing House Ltd.

        Piter Publishing House one of the biggest Russian publishers,so far it has been on the market forover29 years.Ourspecializationisnon-fiction books andwe introduce to readers high-quality books on different topics: history and acute publicism, economics and finance, management and marketing,psychologyand law, computer and popular science literature. Piter Publishing House has a huge experience in these areas and we cover allthetopicalflowsofinformation. One of the most important directions is taken by theeducational booksfor children: educational fairy tales, fairy tales for the development of emotional intelligence, different exercises, cards, puzzles and coloring books. We publish a lot of books about parenting. With our books your child will become harmoniously developed and creative person. Our authors are leading Russian and foreign specialists: famous economists, scientists, IT-professionals, psychologists, doctors. The publishing house also cooperates with first-rated European, American and Asian publishers, searching for interesting publications and purchasing translation rights. We publish a lot of titles, written by bestselling authors and as a result of participating in different competitions, Piter Publishing House has won numerous "Best Book" awards. High-quality books thatwepublishare in great demand by those who strive for higher career and personal achievements and want to become a broader-minded person. As a dynamically growing company,weare constantly looking for new ideas, new authors and new readership.

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      • Editora Jandaíra (Pólen Producao Editorial Ltda.)

        Jandaíra is an independent publisher of books by Brazilian authors who are thought-provoking and daring for children and adults.Originally Pólen Livros, it was born to explore new horizons, to establish partnerships, new ideas and to value voices. With a focus on women, contemplating the greatest diversity of feminine universes, she started her catalog with works written by and for women, to tell the feminine vision of stories, the world, society. And as a perspective for a new future, children came with themes to be discussed by people of all ages.In 2020, in partnership with the Sueli Carneiro seal, we achieved wide reach in bookstores throughout Brazil! With the seal coordinated by the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro and with eight titles published initially; the diversity most present in our books, made us recognized as the publisher that embraces causes, from motherhood to self-knowledge, from feminism to anti-racism, from literature to non-fiction and children.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2013

        Culture in Manchester

        Institutions and urban change since 1850

        by Janet Wolff

        This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2013

        Writing otherwise

        Experiments in cultural criticism

        by Jackie Stacey, Janet Wolff

        Writing otherwise is a collection of essays by established feminist and cultural critics interested in experimenting with new styles of expression. Leading figures in their field, such as Marianne Hirsch, Lynne Pearce, Griselda Pollock, Carol Smart, Jackie Stacey and Janet Wolff, all risk new ways of writing about themselves and their subjects. Aimed at both general and academic readers interested in how scholarly writing might be more innovative and creative, this collection introduces the personal, the poetic and the experimental into the frame of cultural criticism. This collection of essays is highly interdisciplinary and contributes to debates in sociology, history, anthropology, art history, cultural and media studies and gender studies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 1991

        The annals of St-Bertin

        Ninth-century histories, volume I

        by Janet Nelson

        The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        August 2016

        Culture in Manchester

        Institutions and urban change since 1850

        by Janet Wolff, Mike Savage

        This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The annals of St-Bertin

        Ninth-century histories, volume I

        by Janet L. Nelson

        The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: from c 1900 -
        August 2016

        Writing otherwise

        Experiments in cultural criticism

        by Edited by Jackie Stacey, Janet Wolff

        Writing otherwise is a collection of essays by established feminist and cultural critics interested in experimenting with new styles of expression. Leading figures in their field, such as Marianne Hirsch, Lynne Pearce, Griselda Pollock, Carol Smart, Jackie Stacey and Janet Wolff, all risk new ways of writing about themselves and their subjects. Aimed at both general and academic readers interested in how scholarly writing might be more innovative and creative, this collection introduces the personal, the poetic and the experimental into the frame of cultural criticism. This collection of essays is highly interdisciplinary and contributes to debates in sociology, history, anthropology, art history, cultural and media studies and gender studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Zwei Leben

        Gertrude und Alice

        by Janet Malcolm, Chris Hirte

        Zwei Leben ist ein höchst anregender und aufschlußreicher, ebenso unterhaltender wie eleganter biographischer Essay über Gertrude Stein und Alice B. Toklas. Unbefangen und respektvoll nähert sich Janet Malcolm ihrem Gegenstand. Während sie den bisher Stein-Fremden Lust auf Werk und Leben der legendenumwobenen Autorin und ihrer Gefährtin macht, hat ihr Buch auch den Kennern Neues mitzuteilen. So erfahren wir zum ersten Mal Genaueres über die Jahre des Zweiten Weltkriegs, die Stein und Toklas als Jüdinnen im nazibesetzten Frankreich verbrachten, nachdem sie sich bewußt gegen eine Rückkehr in die Vereinigten Staaten entschieden hatten. Stein sparte ihr Jüdischsein aus, sie verdrängte es, soweit sie nur konnte, und ließ sich von ihrem antisemitischen Freund Bernard Fay, der Zugang zu den höchsten Kreisen des Vichy-Regimes und zu Pétain selbst hatte, protegieren. Oder: Malcolm berichtet von ihren Gesprächen mit Leon Katz, dem einzigen, der Alice Toklas nach Steins Tod wirklich zum Sprechen brachte - auch über sorgsam Verschwiegenes wie eine unglückliche frühe Liebe Steins, die Eingang nicht nur in ihre Notizbücher, sondern auch in Werke wie The Making of Americans, Drei Leben und Q.E.D. (BS 1055) fand, was Alice Toklas noch viele Jahre später zu rasenden Eifersuchtsanfällen provozierte.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1984

        Max Beckmann

        Bericht eines Augenzeugen

        by Göpel, Erhard / Nachwort von Busch, Günter

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1984

        Max Beckmann: Die Nacht

        Passion ohne Erlösung

        by Eberle, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2001

        Das Altern der Moderne

        Schriften zur bildenden Kunst

        by Peter Bürger, Peter Bürger

        Anders als in Frankreich steht hierzulande eine erneute Debatte um die moderne Kunst noch aus, die Polemik ebenso zu vermeiden hätte wie den Absolutismus der Programmatiker der Moderne. Zu einer solchen Diskussion möchten die hier versammelten Arbeiten einen Anstoß geben, indem sie, ausgehend von Adorno, mögliche Konsequenzen aus dem Alten der Moderne ziehen, eine Revision des Modernebegriffs vorgeschlagen und in Einzelanalysen zu Duchamp, Picasso, Beckmann, Tàpies, Beuys, Richter und anderen der Frage nachgehen: Was trägt?

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        Rot – Farbe der Liebe

        by Gisela Linder, Gisela Linder

        Rot, das ist die Farbe der Liebe, und in leisen, romantischen Texten ist sie oft ein alles beherrschendes Motiv. Aber sie auch die sinnlichste aller Farben, inspirierte Dichter und Maler gleichermaßen. Sie steht für die Verlockung, für Rauschhaftes. Beides, Liebe und Leidenschaft, wird durch die Farbe Rot symbolisiert, wie sie hier in Texten u. a. von Benn, Eichendorff und Celan und Bildern von Beckmann, Dalí und Chagall vorgestellt, gedeutet, sichtbar gemacht wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1996

        Max Beckmann und Minna Tube

        Eine Liebe im Porträt

        by Reimertz, Stephan

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        Katzen und ihre Frauen

        Bilder einer besonderen Freundschaft

        by Detlef Bluhm

        Die Verbindung zwischen Frauen und Katzen ist eine besonders innige und besteht schon seit Jahrtausenden. Auch in der Malerei ist das Motiv »Frau und Katze« eines der ältesten und häufigsten Sujets, von dem sich Malerinnen und Maler aus allen Jahrhunderten immer wieder inspirieren ließen. Ob Muse, Gefährtin oder Seelenverwandte – Detlef Bluhm unternimmt eine Reise durch die Geschichte der Malerei und erzählt anhand von über 50 Gemälden von den verschiedensten Facetten dieser ganz besonderen Freundschaft zwischen Frauen und Katzen. Kurze Texte kommentieren die Abbildungen mit Interpretationen, Anekdoten und biographischen Hinweisen. Mit Gemälden von Rubens, da Vinci, Velázquez, Manet, Renoir, Vallotton, Lovis Corinth, Kirchner, Franz Marc, Max Beckmann, Hannah Höch, Frida Kahlo, Balthus, Picasso und vielen anderen.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Rot – die Farbe der Liebe

        by Gisela Linder, Gisela Linder

        Rot, die sinnlichste aller Farben, inspirierte Dichter und Maler gleichermaßen: »Wir lieben die roten Lippen, die halb geöffnet sich uns darbieten. Rot ist unser irdischer Lebensstoff. Wir sind ganz und gar ausgekleidet mit ihm. Die rote Farbe ist uns … so nah, daß zwischen ihr und uns kein Raum zur Überlegung besteht. Sie ist die Farbe der reinen Gegenwart, unter ihrem Zeichen verständigen wir uns auf sprachlose Art«, schrieb Ernst Jünger, und Karoline von Günderode dichtete: »Du innig Rot, bis an den Tod soll meine Lieb dir gleichen.« In Bildern von Paul Klee, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol und vielen anderen wurde Rot zur dominierenden Farbe.Rot, das ist die Farbe der Liebe, und in leisen, romantischen Texten ist sie oft ein alles beherrschendes Motiv. Aber sie steht auch für die Verlockung, für Rauschhaftes. Beides, Liebe und Leidenschaft, wird durch die Farbe Rot symbolisiert, wie sie hier in Texten u.a. von Benn, Eichendorff und Celan und Bildern von Beckmann, Dalí und Chagall vorgestellt, gedeutet, sichtbar gemacht wird.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2013

        Oracle Application Express in der Praxis

        Mit APEX datenbankbasierte Webanwendungen entwickeln

        by Beckmann, Ralf

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