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      • LeftWord Books

        LeftWord Books is a New Delhi-based publishing house that seeks to reflect the views of the left in India and South Asia. We publish critical and analytical works on a range of subjects, and pay special attention to works on Marxist theory. We project the interests of the working people and movements for social transformation. Set up in 1999, LeftWord runs and manages May Day Bookstore, which is next door to a theatre space, Studio Safdar. LeftWord Books is the publishing division of Naya Rasta Publishers Pvt Ltd.

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      • Left Bank Literary

        Left Bank Literary is a Sydney-based literary agency specialising in quality fiction and non-fiction.    Our name references the creative environment that blossomed in 'the city of light' nearly a century ago. These writers were a vital force in an era of rising conservatism and facism. We have created Left Bank Literary to provide a home for the fertile ideas of our clients and to ensure literature continues to contribute to the most important conversations of the world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2000


        Der Grundkurs. Mit CD-ROM

        by Damlemont, Armelle; Pressmar, Petra

      • Trusted Partner

        Français Un

        Ein Grundkurs zum Reden und Verstehen. (rororo sprachen)

        by Damblemont, Armelle; Pressmar, Petra

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
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      • Trusted Partner
      • 2018

        La arquitectura del placer

        by Lefebvre, Henri

        Este trabajo nace de un encargo, el que el sociólogo urbano y rural Mario Gaviria realizara a comienzos de la década de 1970 a su amigo y maestro Henri Lefebvre en forma de invitación a reflexionar sobre la producción de una arquitectura del placer. Ambos se encuentran en ese momento inmersos en un proyecto dirigido por Gaviria en el que Lefebvre actúa como asesor. Dicho proyecto pretende estudiar las nuevas ciudades turísticas españolas profundizando en las contradicciones del espacio del turismo y del ocio: ámbito privilegiado de disfrute pero también de la mercantilización del territorio, así como de la reproducción de la fuerza de trabajo. Lefebvre lleva por entonces varios años estudiando el proceso de urbanización de la sociedad, el empobrecimiento de la vida cotidiana y la imposición del valor de cambio sobre el valor de uso del espacio urbano. Al aceptar el encargo de Gaviria, el autor francés no hará sino inscribir su trabajo en esta línea de investigación.

      • February 2021

        Her Last Chance

        by Armel Job

        “Armel Job excels in revealing the souls of each one of his characters, transforming a simple story into a Greek tragedy.” Femme Actuelle magazine.   At 39, Elise is single and lives with her sister, a reputable gynecologist, and her brother-in-law, a real estate agent. She takes care of their house and their four children and her life passes by with unchanging rhythm. As long as she can remember, Elise has lived in her sister’s shadow. From the outside, she seems pathologically shy and is seen as a fragile woman, uncapable of getting by on her own. Suddenly, she goes on a quest to find a man on the internet—and this grain of sand will jam the perfectly oiled machine of this family of bigwigs. What could have gotten into Elise? No one can understand it. She claims she needs to live—that’s all. And no warnings, blackmail, or threats will make her give up on the charming antique dealer she’s just met. Little by little, each protagonist’s secret intentions for this meeting that should not have taken place will be revealed, leaving us to regale in the spectacle of mediocre passions, as well as in rediscovering the best in ourselves—it’s a form of redemption, a theme that has become more and more important to Armel Job in his recent works.

      • Fiction

        Yogi Stripper

        by Marie-Claude Renaud

        In a frank, judgment-free tone, Marie-Claude Renaud explores what led her to pursue— in such a singular manner —her two passions: erotic dancing and yoga. The author looks back at her start in small town strip clubs, which led to success in the biggest clubs in Montréal, revealing hidden sides of this scandalous universe. The author also tells of learning yoga from a toxic guru and expresses her solidarity with the women in both fields, unquestionably quite different. She addresses, with the same spontaneity, her difficult relationship with food and body image, as well as her exploration— happy to a certain extent —of the world of psychedelic drugs. Captivating, funny and blisteringly sincere, Yogi Stripper invites us into a world that’s nothing if not colourful.

      • Fiction

        Y avait-il des limites si oui je les ai franchies mais c'était par amour ok

        by Michelle Lapierre-Dallaire

        WERE THERE LIMITS IF SO I CROSSED THEM BUT IT WAS OUT OF LOVE OK? In this uncompromising work of autofiction, the author attempts to reconcile herself to a world that endlessly denies her voice, her femininity and her trauma.  Summary Michelle’s life starts in early childhood with unspeakable abuse that will haunt her into adulthood.  The narrator suffers from borderline personality disorder, which blurs the line between excessive behaviour and hypersensitivity, revealing a woman furiously attached to the need to love and be loved.  The first book by Michelle Lapierre is disarmingly, unsettlingly frank. A rare incursion into the borderline psyche, Were There Limits… features a kaleidoscope of barely bearable scenes and luminous reflections on mental illness, family, romantic relationships—told in breathtakingly beauty prose.  *** French sample : See other PDF for English sample.

      • April 2021


        by Tiphs

        Trapped in a meaningless life, Leah is still looking to find herself. One thing is certain: she would never have thought of dying by lightning. But now, she is dead for sure. And she is in Allunia.Hunted, embarked by a rebellious group, Leah finds herself in this strange place where ancestral magic and new technology are intimately linked and where souls tend to have mysterious powers that, when misused, lead to terrible consequences.

      • Virus ou la mort des oiseaux

        by Dominique Persoons

        En sortant de l’hôpital, le docteur Bernard Petersen buta sur un grand corbeau. La taille de l’animal l’impressionna. Il remarqua l’humidité de son plumage et le filet de sang qui s’échappait de son énorme bec. La pensée lui vint que cet oiseau mort n’était pas à sa place et il revint sur ses pas pour avertir la réceptionniste qui rédigea aussitôt une fiche et appela le gardien pour qu’il enlève la carcasse. C’est à partir de ce moment-là que des événements inattendus vinrent troubler la quiétude de la petite ville de Saverne. Si les cigognes venaient à convulser en battant des ailes et que des cadavres de canards étaient emportés en longues files par les rivières et les canaux, alors un grand malheur endeuillerait à nouveau l’Alsace et la Lorraine. Personne n’imaginait que le fléau frapperait tous les habitants du pays et que l’envahisseur était dix mille fois plus petit qu’un cheveu. L’humanité est mise à l’épreuve. Et si la nature reprenait ses droits ? Par ce récit haletant, Dominique Persoons nous livre des réflexions essentielles sur la société, sur les rapports humains et sur la nature.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        The Business of Choice: How Human Instinct Influences Everyone's Decisions

        by Matthew Willcox

        In this 2nd edition of the award winning The Business of Choice, expert author and consultant Matthew Willcox explores the science of influencing choice, bringing together the work of thousands of behavioral scientists and practitioners. Cutting to the heart of the science, Willcox helps you apply this to your own marketing and brand strategies, allowing you to use an understanding of how humans naturally decide to make your brand or business a natural choice.    The Business of Choice takes you through the story of how instinct affects our decisions, from its roots in our evolutionary history, to technology and artificial intelligence today. You'll discover how human nature affects how people decide, whether they are making choices for grocery shopping, or their retirement investments.     The first edition of The Business of Choice was awarded the 2016 Berry – American Marketing Association Book Prize for Best Book in Marketing.

      • Religious buildings
        January 2019

        La catedral habitada

        Historia viva de un espacio arquitectónico

        by Eduardo Carrero

        Esta obra ofrece una dimensión transversal de la historia del espacio de las catedrales a partir de su uso y sus transformaciones, a través de las constantes que realmente determinaron la construcción de cada edificio: la liturgia, la historia institucional y ceremonial, las fiestas locales o la vida cotidiana. Cada catedral fue una entidad autónoma que se rigió por leyes y estatutos propios que también afectaron a su historia arquitectónica y funcional. Desde la perspectiva del clero, la catedral se concentraba entre el altar mayor y el coro, con la organización del culto y sus posibles escenarios. Para reyes y autoridades, la catedral era el marco en el que justificar los orígenes divinos de su gobierno. Para los fieles, la catedral era el gran edificio que albergaba sus señas de identidad, entre las celebraciones y los santos de su devoción; un eslabón arquitectónico entre tierra y cielo. Pero con el paso del tiempo los usos del espacio catedralicio cambiaban y se alteraban. Es, al fin y al cabo, la historia de un espacio edificado en constante transformación.

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