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      • Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd.

        International literary agency with a distinguished list of fiction, non-fiction and children's authors, specializing in foreign rights.

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      • Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes

        Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.

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      • Children's & YA

        Dot and Anton

        by Erich Kästner

        'Matches, buy my matches, ladies and gents!' calls Luise Pogge, a.k.a. 'Dot', evening after evening, on a street in Berlin. Her rich parents have no idea of her whereabouts, believing her to be in the care of her nanny, Miss Andacht. But Miss Andacht is being blackmailed by her shady fiancé. Anton, on the other hand, has to beg because he and his mother are poor. When the two children become friends on the streets of Berlin, Dot has a brilliant idea that has to solve both their problems, and in the process they even solve a dastardly crime...

      • June 2023

        Der Schnee und die Angst

        Eingeschneit und gefangen im Haus eines religiösen Fanatikers und mörderischen Psychopathen.

        by Klaus Hansen

        English:No man had ever experienced anything like it, no man could have imagined such a catastrophe, and no man was on it prepared. One could only watch as the snow inexorably covered and buried all life. It just didn't stop: snow, nothing but snow!The curator Henny Butenschön rents a room at Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen to find out whether the painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder hidden there is real. J. comes from the depots of Nazi-looted art. The excessively religious householder who hides more than just a dark secret stands in her way.Another guest at Oltmann's farm: Holm Martens, who is secretly looking for a sign of life from his sister, who disappeared here under mysterious circumstances.At the same time, two brothers are struggling through the snowstorm who have unwittingly come into possession of a shipment of drugs. On your heels: a cold-blooded killer. When the three paths cross, outrageous truths come to light and suddenly it is a matter of life and death.Deutsch:Kein Mensch hatte so etwas je zuvor erlebt, kein Mensch hätte sich solch eine Katastrophe vorstellen können, und kein Mensch war darauf vorbereitet. So konnte man nur zusehen, wie der Schnee unaufhaltsam alles Leben zudeckte und unter sich begrub. Es hörte einfach nicht auf: Schnee, nichts als Schnee!Die Kuratorin Henny Butenschön mietet sich auf Oltmanns Hof in Dithmarschen ein, um herauszufinden, ob das dort versteckte Gemälde von Pieter Brueghel d. J. aus den Depots der NS-Raubkunst stammt. Dabei stellt sich ihr der exzessiv religiöse Hausherr in den Weg, der mehr als nur ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.Ebenfalls Gast auf Oltmanns Hof: Holm Martens, der verdeckt nach einem Lebenszeichen seiner Schwester sucht, die hier unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwunden ist.Zur gleichen Zeit kämpfen sich zwei Brüder durch den Schneesturm, die unwissentlich in den Besitz einer Lieferung Drogen gelangt sind. Ihnen auf den Fersen: ein kaltblütiger Killer. Als sich die drei Wege kreuzen, kommen ungeheuerliche Wahrheiten ans Licht und auf einmal geht es um Leben und Tod. Aber auch um Geborgenheit und Liebe.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Taubenblut. Die Siedler

        Eine sächsisch-polnische Familiengeschichte (1697–1939)

        by Bosri, Maria

        For centuries young pigeons were considered a delicacy. Broth boiled from them allowed sick people to recover and women in childbed to regain their strength. Not so in times of war. Then the farmers slaughtered all the pigeons in no time at all so that their flight would not show the plundering troops the way to the farms. Mostly in vain. Now the blood of women and girls also flowed, whom the soldiers jokingly called their pigeons before they committed suicide. And there have been many wars over the last centuries. Even on the territory of the then Polish noble republic.In 1698, after the election of Augustus the Strong as Polish king, five Saxon peasant families of Lutheran faith were resettled in Poland. They were to grow tartufflis (potatoes). A risky enterprise in the arch-catholic country. Lutherans were still considered heretics here. Near Petrikau (today Piotrków Trybunalski) they lived for almost 250 years in more or less good Polish and Jewish neighbourhood. And, depending on the ruler, in prosperity or in need. This was their home. Until Hitler came to power.

      • October 2020

        Aufbruch am Ararat

        Das neue Armenien

        by Amalia Van Gent

        The dream of a less corrupt, democratic Armenia drove hundreds of thousands onto the streets across the country in the spring of 2018. This peaceful mass movement actually succeeded in driving the corrupt government out of office. But what has become of the great promise in the meantime? Which changes are sustainable and how does the Karabach Conflict affect social developments? This book is a highly topical encounter with modern Armenia, a valuable continuation of the author's first book (Den Ararat in front of her eyes - with Christina Leumann), but also an excitingly written examination of the history of this fascinating, but largely unknown country.

      • Self-help & personal development
        October 2018

        Das Portal der Glückseligkeit

        Spirituelle Erweckung

        by Manfred Josef Schuster

        Das Buch hilft Ihnen, Ihr höheres Bewusstsein zu erwecken. Es ist ein Aufstiegsweg hin zu Ihrem höchsten Potential.Es beschreibt eine Entwicklungsreise in das göttliche Bewusstsein hinein.Aus der Trennung in die Einheit.Es beschreibt das Ankommen bei sich –im Herzen unserer wahren Liebe.

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