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        by Khairuddin Kamaruddin

        Kejadian demi kejadian akibat daripada perbuatan pembuangan haram sisa toksik dan pembakaran terbuka hingga mendatangkan pencemaran alam sekitar mencemaskan dan mengundang kegusaran serta kemarahan ramai pihak. Konflik serangan binatang liar kekawasan perkampungan di sempadan pinggir hutan yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda seterusnya mengancam nyawa merupakan kesan daripada jenayah alam sekitar yang sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan habitat hutan belantara, iaitu rumah kepada hidupan fauna itu sendiri. Bagi menjawab permasalahan ini, buku ini mengandungi maklumat tentang sebab, faktor dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghalang kejadian tersebut berlaku.

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        July 2021

        Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize and Sorghum

        Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Yield

        by Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Mobashwer Alam, Saman Seneweera, Sujay Rakshit, Robert Henry

        The global population is projected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, and food and feed production will need to increase by 70%. Wheat, maize and sorghum are three key cereals which provide nutrition for the majority of the world's population. Their production is affected by various abiotic stresses which cause significant yield losses. The effects of climate change also increase the frequency and severity of such abiotic stresses. Molecular breeding technologies offer real hope for improving crop yields. Although significant progress has been made over the last few years, there is still a need to bridge the large gap between yields in the most favorable and most stressful conditions. This book: - Provides a valuable resource for wheat, maize and sorghum scientists working on breeding and molecular biology, physiology and biotechnology. - Presents the latest in-depth research in the area of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvements. - Contains the necessary information to allow plant breeders to apply this research to effectively breed new varieties of these crops. It provides a consolidated reference for plant breeders and crop scientists working on the challenges of enhanced crop productivity and climate change adaptability.

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        by Che Husna Azhari

        This book is about the integration of science and technology in the Malay world from universities and research institutes researchers. It also defines the interaction of “budi” (wisdom/intellect) and science in 15 chapters. The elements of civilizational wisdom are used as the basis for examining the developed world, producing scientific thinking, and developing technology.

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        by Saharil Hasrin Sanin

        "Beauty exists in wounds, in the delicacy of neglected things. God is reflected throughout the universe, in a ray of sunlight, in a gentle breeze, in a speck of dirt, in a tiny flower. God does exist in the beauty of a rainbow, but He also exists in the droplets of water that form that rainbow. We can see the whole universe in a speck of dust. And within that ignored speck of fine dust on the floor, there is God."   This manuscript contains 13 short stories by Saharil Hasrin Sanin, which have won various literary awards and prove that he remains a powerful storyteller. From the tale of a smooth-tongued vendor to the love story of hundreds of stones at the bottom of Al-Aqsa, this book will take us on a journey to explore the depths of emotions: happiness and wounds.

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        March 2019

        A Room of One's Own

        by Virginia Woolf

        »Fünfhundert Pfund im Jahr und ein eigenes Zimmer« sind die Voraussetzung dafür, dass auch Frauen große Literatur produzieren können: Brillant und überaus amüsant beschreibt Virginia Woolf 1929 in ihrem Essay A Room of one’s own die Lage der Frauen aus der Perspektive einer fiktiven Schriftstellerin. Hätte Shakespeare eine Schwester gehabt, ebenso begabt wie er, wie wäre es ihr ergangen? Und was brauchen Frauen, um künstlerisch tätig sein zu können? A room of one’s own wurde sehr schnell zu einem der klassischen Texte der Frauenbewegung und weltweit ein großer Erfolg.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        A Village of One’s Own

        by Liu Liangcheng

        The book provides a poetic portrayal of plants, animals, wind, nights, moon and dream in a village from the angle of 'an idle person', who only regards sunrise and sunset, the blooming and fading of flowers as big things and feels the dignity of everything in the world in a free and natural living situation, instead of being busy with spring sowing and autumn harvest. All the gazing and touching of everything in the world as well as dialogue with them fill the book with vitality and spirituality. It becomes a modern classic allowing people to get rid of the noisy social life and return to natural living situation. The prose collection A Village of One’s Own has great popularity all over China. It has been perceived as a must-read for those who want to experience the culture and tradition of Chinese rural scenery and life. From the perspective of an “idle person”, the author poetically depicts the woods, animals, winds, nights, moonlight, and dreams in this village. This “idle man” subordinates sowing and harvesting to observing the sun’s rising and setting, as well as the flowers’ booming and withering.He indulges himself in a natural way of living to feel the dignity of the universe. He lies down on the broad fields, listening attentively to the hum of insects, and smiles at a flower in this desolate place. He finds out the donkeys that push carts and work for human beings are sophisticated intellectuals, and the rats that are busy collecting foods may also joyously celebrate their gains...All these stares into, touches upon, and conversations with every living thing on the earth have breathed life into the book, hence rid this contemporary classic of chaos of the secular society, but let it embrace a natural way to survive and thrive.

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        The Cherry Tree

        by Zhang Mudi, Wen Aining

        In this picture book, the author depicts the last period of the grandfather’s life. After the grandfather moved to the “room of spring” from the “room of winter”, as he got rid of diseases and pain, a pink cherry tree grew from his body. Life continues in a gentle and good way. Children will, more or less, face parting in their lives. Through delicate poetry and brilliant pictures, this picture book turns “parting” poetic, bringing comfort to children’s souls. Though dealing with the topic of parting, it tells stories full of love and hope.

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        June 2016

        Hold Your Own


        by Kae Tempest, Johanna Wange

        Englisch und deutsch. Übersetzt von Johanna Wange. »Sie ist mehr als modern; sie ist praktisch Science-Fiction«, schreibt der Guardian über Kate Tempest. Zu ihren Einflüssen zählen James Joyce und Wu-Tang Clan, Public Enemy und Virginia Woolf. Sie beherrscht den innigen Volksliedton ebenso wie Londons Straßenslang, wandelt virtuos zwischen lyrischer Tradition und Hip-Hop. Ihre Gedichte bemächtigen sich auf radikal heutige, politische Weise des Mythos von Teiresias, einer zweigeschlechtlichen Figur, von den Göttern geblendet und prophetisch begabt. In vier Teilen folgt der Zyklus dem Kind, dem Jüngling, der Frau und dem Mann, vermittelt eindrucksvoll, wie es ist, alt zu werden und »sehend«, dazu verurteilt, unserer neoliberalen Gesellschaft die Wahrheit zu sagen – und keiner hört zu. Lyrik-Empfehlung 2016 der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, der Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett und der Literaturwerkstatt Berlin.

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        Art: general interest (Children's/YA)

        A cada quien su casa (To each his own house)

        by Chiara Carrer

        This beautiful book full of images, textures and voices builds «the house / of always maybe never / of time». Chiara Carrer parts from the poetic definition of home, but a book full of narrative and memories is established right from the beginning. «I forgot / the place, when / and where / I forgot», a woman with pink hair and yellow hands decribes as part of the adventure that this unique book proposes.

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        June 2017

        Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

        Rechtsfragen der dienstlichen Nutzung arbeitnehmereigener mobiler Endgeräte im Unternehmen.

        by Monsch, Christine

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