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      • Trusted Partner

        Ein Acker für Cheng

        Ökologische Perspektiven in einem sozialistischen System - Landnutzung und Bevölkerungswachstum in China

        by Simon, Wieland

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2013

        Ich mach mich vom Acker

        Allerneueste ungewöhnliche Todesanzeigen

        by Sprang, Christian; Nöllke, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013

        Ein Bauernsohn macht sich vom Acker

        Meine Jugend in Freilandhaltung

        by Surmann, Volker

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        im felderlatein


        by Lutz Seiler

        "im felderlatein", das heißt: im Acker einer Sprache sein, ein Streifzug zugleich durch die Legende einer Landschaft, wie sie zu Ohren kommt, beim Gehen, im Flüstern, beim Schweigen. Lutz Seilers neue Gedichte, entstanden zwischen 2004 und 2010, unternehmen Expeditionen ins Grenzland rund um Berlin, mitten in den »satzbau dieser gegend«, die gezeichnet ist vom Wechsel der Zeit. Mit jedem Schritt auf diesem Weg erweist sich die musikalische Kraft der Gedichte – im felderlatein trifft Lutz Seiler den Ton für die ernsthaftesten Übertreibungen der Poesie: Für die wundersame Geschichte der »ersten zärtlichkeit«, geschehen zu einer Zeit, als die Schatten noch »kleine schwarze zahlungseinheiten« waren. Oder für die Odyssee der »fussinauten«, den Argonauten ebenbürtig an Treue und Beständigkeit. Und nicht zuletzt für die Geschichte der schönen, verstoßenen Aranka, die »aus den kniekehlen gesungen hat«. Legenden im felderlatein. Die neuen Gedichte des Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preisträgers Lutz Seiler »Man liest diese schönen und wichtigen Gedichte nicht so bald aus.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        Der Garten der Kindheit

        by Elizabeth Arnim, Leonore Schwartz

        »Als das graue Novemberwetter kam und seine weichen, dunklen Wolken tief und ohne Aufhellung über das Braun der gepflügten Felder und das lebhafte Smaragdgrün der Äcker mit Wintergetreide hängte, weckte die lastende Stille in meinem Herzen eine Sehnsucht nach den guten Dingen der Kindheit, den Liebkosungen, dem Trost …« Als die Sehnsucht immer stärker wird, fährt die Erzählerin in die Mark Brandenburg zu ihrem Elternhaus, das sie seit Jahren nicht mehr besucht hat. Klopfenden Herzens öffnet sie das Tor zum Garten ihrer Kindheit …

      • March 2011

        Trouble on Triton

        An Ambiguous Heterotopia

        by Samuel R. Delany, other Kathy Acker

        Interplanetary war, capture and escape, diplomatic intrigues that topple worlds.

      • November 2019

        Gelobtes Land - Hoop


        by Christine Heimannsberg

        Dystopische Climate-Fiction: In Europa ist nichts mehr, wie es war: Nach dem Vorfall ist der länderreiche Kontinent auf einen Bruchteil seiner Größe reduziert und wird von einer restriktiven Regierung sowie archaischen Clans beherrscht. Die oberste Maxime lautet, das Überleben der männlichen Nachkommen zu sichern.   Als die achtzehnjährige Lore von einem Treffen mit ihrer heimlichen Liebe Jul auf den elterlichen Hof zurückkommt, bricht die Katastrophe über sie herein. Der Anführer des Nachbarclans ist tot - in Notwehr erschlagen von ihrem jüngeren Bruder Jame. Lore muss mit ihm fliehen und alles zurücklassen. Ihr Ziel: das Gelobte Land, ein mystischer Sehnsuchtsort, von dem niemand weiß, ob es ihn wirklich gibt, oder wo er sich befindet.   HOOP – Der erste Band zur Trilogie über Hoffnung, Glaube und Liebe in einer vom Klimawandel und der Macht des Stärkeren geprägten Zukunft.

      • Romance
        August 2015

        Lonely Hearts

        by Cullinan, Heidi

        Even hot messes need a happily ever after. Love Lessons, Book 3 With the quiet help of his wealthy family, Sebastian "œBaz" Acker has successfully kept his painful past at bay. But as the end of college draws near, his friends—his buffer zone—are preparing to move on, while his own life is at a crippling standstill. With loneliness bearing down on him, Baz hooks up—then opens up—with Elijah Prince, the guy Baz took a bullet for last year. The aftershocks of their one-night stand leave giant cracks in Baz's carefully constructed armor. For the first time, the prospect isn't terrifying. Accustomed to escaping his demons by withdrawing into his imagination, Elijah isn't used to having a happy herd of friends. He's even less comfortable as the object of a notorious playboy's affections. Yet all signs seem to indicate this time happiness might be within his grasp. When Baz's mother runs for a highly sought-after public office, the media hounds drag Baz's and Elijah's pasts into the light. In the blinding glare, Baz and Elijah face the ultimate test: discovering if they're stronger together...or apart.

      • Historical fiction
        April 2019

        Jacob the silent warrior

        by Harald Wieczorek

        JAKOB, a foundling, was raised in a monastery, taken away at a young age by robbers after they had raided the monastery. From then on he had to live with the robbers until they were captured and hanged. The landlord let him live with the obligation to work for him. Jacob fell in love with a maid, forbidden by law, was punished severely and killed the lord of the manor in self-defense. To escape the persecutors, Jakob joined Tilly's army as a mercenary. In the last battle, end of the war, he lost his voice by a sword blow to the head. After the war, Jacob found work on a farm and became friends with Max, the farmer's twelve-year-old son. When Max was kidnapped by jugglers, Jacob, after he had brought in the harvest, went in pursuit of the jugglers ...Many scenes in this book are hard and brutal. They reflect the time during and after the 30-year war. This makes the human attributes such as love, friendship, loyalty, faith and hope stand out.

      • Memoirs
        March 2018

        Owl place

        From the incredible life of Rudi Kleineich or search for happiness in a hard time

        by Harry Schmidt

        This excitingly written book takes place between winter 1945 and Christmas 1953 - with skilfully inserted flashbacks to the years 1919, 1923 and 1930. The owl village that gives the book its title is the Lindenhof estate workers' village in Vorpommern, a place without owls, without newspapers and without electricity. One of its inhabitants is the 25-year-old day laborer's son and "bee man" Rudi Kleineich, who is of military age, as it was then called, but suffers from the life-threatening hemophilia and yet has an unbridled will to live. This will is even increased when, in the turmoil of the time, he comes into possession of a voluminous encyclopedia from 1886. From it he learns that he does not necessarily have to die as early as his uncle, from whom he copied beekeeping. The actual action begins a few days before the Russian invasion, which is expected with great fear and uncertainty, and which is supposed to be just outside the village. When the Red Army actually arrives, many terrible things happen in Owl Village, too, with which the soldiers with the red star take revenge on their German enemies - especially on their wives, almost no matter how old or young they are. In this Vorpommerschen place, too, Harry Schmidt, in reference to the hard historical facts, lets a real rape frenzy of several days happen. Law and order seem to have capitulated to the violence of the war and even officers no longer know either decency or humanity. But then suddenly it is over. As if someone had flipped a switch in the occupying forces, the intoxication is ended, and where rape and murder could have been committed with impunity, the perpetrators from their own ranks are now threatened with drastic punishment - including summary executions. The new order is taking hold. But what will the future bring to the little people of Lindenhof? And does Rudi's tender love for Christel, the refugee girl, have a chance?

      • Children's & YA
        October 2018

        Kahlbutz the Knight

        A Visitor from the Past

        by Dorothea Flechsig

        For decades, the mummy of the knight Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz has attracted many tourists to the village of Kampehl. After discovering old, hitherto unknown documents about Kahlbutz the Knight, the author has finally been able to put his whole story down in writing. - Strange stories unfold. No rational person would believe what actually happened in the little village of Kampehl, were it not for the fact that the children experienced these things and saw them with their own eyes. Kahlbutz the Knight, who committed a terrible crime over 300 years ago, suddenly comes back to life! - Nils is always being picked on, even though he has never done anything to deserve it. The two bullies Sven and Toni have decided to give him a scare. They steal the mummy of Kahlbutz the Knight from the vault of the village church and tie it to a lamppost on the bridge. They know that Nils will be crossing the bridge that evening. As twilight falls, a storm is brewing and thunder rolls threateningly over the village. Nils does show up, but things do not work out quite the way that Sven and Toni have planned. Knightly adventures ensue, and Nils makes an unusual friend who becomes his protector. As a mummy, Kahlbutz the Knight lay cursed in the vault of Kampehl village church for 313 years and did not decompose. He finally gets a second chance when the boys of the village play their cheeky prank, and wakes up! In order to break the curse, he must do good deeds and atone for his crime. With the help of his new friends, the children of the village, Kahlbutz becomes a real knight, learns the meaning of true friendship, is released from the curse and finally gets to crumble into dust. Packed with excitement and humour, this novel expresses the ideas that it is good to help others, that you should not judge by appearances, and that everyone deserves a second chance. It teaches about knightly virtues and ancient language, and updates a true story. Two worlds collide, yet certain issues seem to be timeless. When it comes to questions of right and wrong, cooperation and respect, the children and the ancient knight put their hearts into finding universal solutions to these age-old problems.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Taubenblut. Die Siedler

        Eine sächsisch-polnische Familiengeschichte (1697–1939)

        by Bosri, Maria

        For centuries young pigeons were considered a delicacy. Broth boiled from them allowed sick people to recover and women in childbed to regain their strength. Not so in times of war. Then the farmers slaughtered all the pigeons in no time at all so that their flight would not show the plundering troops the way to the farms. Mostly in vain. Now the blood of women and girls also flowed, whom the soldiers jokingly called their pigeons before they committed suicide. And there have been many wars over the last centuries. Even on the territory of the then Polish noble republic.In 1698, after the election of Augustus the Strong as Polish king, five Saxon peasant families of Lutheran faith were resettled in Poland. They were to grow tartufflis (potatoes). A risky enterprise in the arch-catholic country. Lutherans were still considered heretics here. Near Petrikau (today Piotrków Trybunalski) they lived for almost 250 years in more or less good Polish and Jewish neighbourhood. And, depending on the ruler, in prosperity or in need. This was their home. Until Hitler came to power.

      • Moral Dilemma
        August 2018

        A snowy firework

        Ulrike B.'s search for meaning and love life in two systems

        by Harry Schmidt

        industrial designer Rike is neither an outsider nor privileged. She has to earn money as a single mother. But her profession is no longer needed. And she has no shoulder to lean on.Instead of taking advantage of the new freedoms, she works off their constraints. But sometimes she breaks out. The sparks fly in her sky.A brave, illusionless search for meaning in life, for beauty and happiness.A love story beyond all clichés.Exploring depths, sensual, trenchant.

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