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      • Abismos Editorial

        Abismos Editorial is located in Mexico. This publishing house offers both national and international distribution. Abismos has published over 100 titles: essay, fiction, poetry, and children’s literature.

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      • Abiva Publishing House

        Abiva Publishing House Inc., is committed to promote quality education through the development, publication and distribution of excellent educational materials. Founded in 1936, we are the oldest and most enduring textbook publisher and bookseller in the Philippines. We pioneered in publishing preschool, high school, senior high school and college textbooks in all learning areas, supplementary books, reference materials. We are the sole distributor of SRA materials of Mcgraw Hill, Japanese Language books from Japan Foundation, and Spanish ESL books from Edinumen.

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      • Fiction

        El arte un espejo del pensamiento

        A propósito del Mal, la Creación y un poco más.

        by Asbel Hernández

        In her text, Asbel Hernández gives testimony of the trilogy that gathers Evil with Beauty and of course, with Horror. She takes a decisive step further when she manages, with a singular rhetorical device, to rewrite the issue at stake. Hernández writes from her own angle, what is often called style, to combine quotation and the manipulation (in its best sense) of the quotation. But she also does not hesitate to summon Jean Genet, who appears as the figurehead that she carries forward for the eyes of others, those others who are the readers led by the author.

      • October 2023

        Suena la alarma

        by Arturo Molina

        Suena una alarma (An Alarm goes off) is about the state of mind of being in perpetual sense of dread of something about to go wrong and how that in itself is enough to trigger a reaction that is deadly in itself.The protagonists in these stories penned by Arturo Molina provide experiences grounded in the most human of circumstances... how do we react when everything or anything goes wrong?

      • Ensayo sobre la escritura

        by Rodrigo Garnica

        In the craft of writing, sooner or later, there comes a moment when you the method itself comes under question for its impetus for being: Why write fiction? For pleasure, out of a pressing necessity, as a method for your thoughts to transcend mere ideas or, perhaps, just due simply to vocation. The're many more questions such as this that arise from this line of reasoning; Is it possible to learn to write just from the act itself? What secrets are there to produce good fiction? How does it all come into being as a proper novel?Rodrigo Garnica takes it upon himself to tackle these questions and more through original reflections on the pilosophy of Sartre, Camus and Heidegger, while also going through the ideas dealt in great works of literature from masters such as Flaubert, Kafka and Becket. Ensayo sobre la escritura (Essay on Writing) is a testimonial for the pure passion that is invoked by literature in its many forms and shapes, one that invites other creators that have taken pen to paper to also remember that first and foremost we are all readers before writing and everytime we create we stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us as we bring forth our own vision into the world in the written form.

      • Te comeré el corazón

        by Asbel Hernández

        Una vez más, Asbel Hernández me toma por sorpresa. Leo sus historias y es inevitable sentir su aspereza y su enorme fuerza narrativa. Es una literatura cruel. Una prosa despiadada que es capaz de colocar en la superficie de una letra, de cualquier palabra, de una frase trivial, todo el dolor que acompaña al verdadero amor. Al amor por un hombre, al amor de una madre, al amor de una hija. al hambre de amor. Con su ya conocido estilo provocador, Asbel nos obliga en este libro a replantear nuestro concepto de familia al mostrarnos su compleja fragilidad anclada en el discurso cultural alentando roles que nada tienen que ver con el amor. Asbel desnuda en su literatura a La Maternidad exponiendo sus lealtades y mentiras, las dependencias. Sus demandas nunca satisfechas. Por sus páginas desfilan todas las Medeas y Clitemnestras, todos los destinos posibles enfrentados a las tristes fuerzas de poder que se juegan al interior de la familia. Cierro el libro y pregunto en silencio: ¿Me quieres, mamá? María Esther Núñez

      • Memoria en ruinas

        by Rodrigo Garnica

        “Escucho los sonidos del hospital. Voy despertando. Más allá el silencio. El sonido del silencio, el sonido dela nada, el sonido de la muerte. Me agita la anestesia. Estoy abierto en canal. No siento dolor, pero adivino mis órganos expuestos. Se han ido todos, el cirujano, sus ayudantes, el anestesiólogo. Pasa a mi lado un camillero, me prendo a sus ropas con ambas manos, está a punto de arrastrarme, de tirarme de la cama, acuden varias personas para someterme, lo consiguen, despierto mojado en mi propio sudor. La primera imagen: Isabel frente a mí llora sin dejar de mirarme. Nos miramos, vaciamos nuestros seres.”Un hombre escribe acerca del descubrimiento de su vocación de escritor y entrelaza ese relato con el de otras partes cruciales de su existencia: sus amores, los engaños sufridos, la amenaza del envejecimiento y la aparición de la enfermedad. Concluye algo que todos sabemos: la principal novela a la que podemos aspirar es siempre la que representa nuestra propia vida.

      • Nueve punto cinco

        by Aldonza González

        ¿Qué pasaría si un día, al despertar, no fueras más la persona que recuerdas ser? Si te contaran que ahora eres alguien distinto, alguien mejor ¿lo aceptarías? Estas y otras preguntas son a las que se enfrenta “Nueve punto cinco”, un clon con la memoria incompleta a causa de un fallo en el sistema de carga.Para solucionarlo, los laboratorios Edelweiss Genetics le ofrecen vivir de incógnito en España, un país que no es el suyo y en el que no conoce a nadie, mientras ellos producen un reemplazo, uno sin fallo en la memoria. El clon adopta el nombre de Gaia Martínez y se embarca en una experiencia alucinante.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El resplandor de lo vacío

        by Elizabeth Hulverson

        This brilliant collection of poems refers to celebrated Octavio Paz´s verse: “A brightness, a radiant emptiness”. The author delivers a poetic work of high level.

      • January 2020

        Aquello que no tiene nombre

        by Victor Oliveira Mateus

        Aquello que no tiene nombre is a collection of poems by the Portuguese poet Victor Oliveira Mateus, semifinalist of the Océanos Prize, Portugal, 2019.

      • Crime & mystery
        July 2018

        Donde lloran los demonios

        by Martí Martínez, Pedro

        Inspector Cesar Giralt enjoys a period of happiness previously denied to him since the brutal murder of his sister by the criminal known as the locker seven years before. However, when life shows him its nicer side, the shadow of his worst fears comes back to Barcelona together with the coldest winter that the city has experienced for several years. The body of another dead girl reaches the same beach where, years before, had appeared, in the same circumstances, one of the locker's victims.   El inspector César Giralt disfruta de una felicidad que le había sido negada desde el cruel asesinato de su hermana a manos del encerrador siete años atrás. Pero cuando la vida por fin le muestra su lado más amable, la sombra de sus peores miedos regresa a Barcelona de la mano del invierno más frío de los últimos años. El cadáver de una chica llega a la misma playa en la que apareció, en idénticas circunstancias, una de las víctimas del Encerrador. ¿Es posible que se trate de un imitador? ¿O acaso el asesino de Eva ha vuelto de entre los muertos? Ayudado por su equipo, el inspector Giralt emprenderá una última travesía por los recovecos de su pasado para descubrir qué tipo de persona es en realidad antes de afrontar un último baile con el mismísimo diablo.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021

        The Sea

        by Micaela Chirif

        A poetry book that leads us through a marine ride; with it, the reader will discover several beings who live under the sea waters: fishes, a whale, an octopus, and even a mermaid. At the same time, the story of two characters will be narrated: the fisherman and Raquel, who from start to finish, will explore the mysteries and secrets that are hidden in the water, simultaneously, they will observe the stars and the clouds until finding a tiger that does not know the sea.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Night and ocean

        by Raquel Taranilla

        Winner of the 2020 Biblioteca Breve Prize.Bea Silva is shocked when she comes across an article in the newspaper that says someone has stolen the embalmed skull of the legendary silent film director F.W. Murnau. What’s most surprising is that Bea is convinced she knows who the thief is: Quirós, an underemployed filmmaker who one day showed up at her enormous ramshackle house.At almost thirty-two, Beatriz is a somewhat aloof college professor, weary of life and almost pathologically erudite. The arrival of Quirós brings out her lucid, hyperactive side and sets her up for a wildly unhinged fall.

      • El Capricho de Amarte

        by Portal Nacarid

        Ella está completamente rota, yo tengo la manía de repararlo todo. Ella es un perfecto desastre, yo trato de estar planificada. Mi manía es el orden y ella es un caos.Se aburre de la vida, habla del suicidio, nada la motiva excepto saltar las reglas. Le gusta el peligro, a mí, la cautela. El abismo vive en sus ojos, y, aunque somos tan diferentes, también somos inseparables.Sophia Pierce me habla del espacio, de otras vidas, de planetas, y yo supongo que soy su cable a tierra. No soy tan divertida, quiero salvar vidas y me limito a la ciencia. Aunque mi reto principal, es salvarla a ella.Nunca pensé que mi último año de preparatoria sería el más emocionante. Con solo dos amigos y una vida de estudios, me transformé en un torbellino de emociones. Y por eso... quiero contar mi historia.A ella la expulsaron de su antiguo instituto. Después de cinco expulsiones el destino la llevó al mío. Le advirtieron que no duraría mucho y quería que fuera así, hasta que el panorama cambió. Y yo, que la odiaba, me encontré esforzándome para que no la botaran.Así comienza mi historia, me llamo Julie Dash y mi secreto es... que estoy enamorada de mi mejor amiga.

      • Fiction

        La certeza de los caminos

        by Daniela Rosset

        La certeza de los caminos es la necesaria continuación de Pasos Aparentes, novela en la que Gabriela Valier –buscando ser la hacedora de su propio destino- se dejaba encandilar por el mundo aparentemente perfecto que le ofrecía el capitán Diego Venturi. Pronto descubría la trastienda sucia de una historia que involucraba incluso a su propia familia y, cuando los secretos se revelaban con su fetidez, arrastraban a Gabriela hacia el abismo. En esta segunda parte, tras su matrimonio fallido con Diego Venturi, Gabriela regresa a Córdoba acompañada por su suegra y por su cuñado, Esteban Paz. Es mayo de 1940 y con sus escasos veintiún años, Gabriela carga con heridas y estigmas difíciles de superar. Pero su fuerza interior no se ha perdido y, a pesar de que fantasea con el retorno a su Paraná natal, pronto van abriéndose caminos a su paso con tonada cordobesa, y la figura de Esteban –invisible para ella hasta apenas un año atrás- crece, se fortalece y se agiganta a tal punto que se convierte en el nombre que no puede dejar de repetir. Animarse a cuestionar creencias propias y ajenas, desnudar hipocresías familiares, vencer prejuicios y liberarse del peso del deber ser será el desafío y el proceso de ambos si quieren recorrer juntos esos nuevos caminos.

      • November 2020

        Un muerto en el baúl

        by Ariel Basile

        Juan, un oficinista promedio con una familia promedio, descubrirá una mañana en plenas vacaciones en Mar de Ajó que un hombre yace en el baúl de su auto. La aparente normalidad de su vida quedará amenazada, a punto de desintegrarse, a menos que reaccione pronto. El tiempo se astillará en todas las direcciones. Juan buscará en el pasado las causas que lo dejaron al borde del abismo, con un muerto a cuestas al que apenas vio una vez en su vida y del que deberá deshacerse cuanto antes; en el campo, en el mar o en cualquiera de los pueblos que orillan la ruta. La travesía tendrá nuevos peligros, acaso mayores que los originales, y esos trances ruteros lo llevarán a recordar cada una de las piezas de un rompecabezas que parece condenarlo. En su familia política Juan hallará parte de las respuestas. Su esposa, la hermana melliza y su concuñado Walter han tejido en torno a la figura patriarcal de Alessandro Stampone, un parco abuelo siciliano, una red densa que una vez cerrada le dejará pocas vías de escape. Juan, an average office worker with an average family, will discover one morning during his vacation in Mar de Ajó that a man is lying in the trunk of his car. The apparent normality of his life will be threatened, about to disintegrate, unless he reacts soon. Time will splinter in all directions. Juan will look in the past for the causes that left him on the brink of the abyss, with a dead man on his back that he barely saw once in his life and that he will have to get rid of as soon as possible; in the countryside, in the sea or in any of the towns that border the route. The journey will have new dangers, perhaps greater than the original ones, and those road trances will lead him to remember each one of the pieces of a puzzle that seems to condemn him. In his political family, Juan will find part of the answers. His wife, his twin sister and his brother-in-law Walter have woven around the patriarchal figure of Alessandro Stampone, a laconic Sicilian grandfather, a dense network that once closed will leave him few avenues of escape.

      • Fiction

        A Jorney to the Abyss

        by Nikelen Witter

        This is the story of advancing deserts that covered cities. The story of a world on the verge of destruction. It is about the people who inhabited that world, their alienation and the violent war in which they lost themselves. This is the story of a young woman, who healed wounds, and her best friend, who ran a brothel, and how they faced all that was thrown at them. It is also the story of a tiger and a little girl. But, when you get to know all of them, you will have to answer the call to look into the future and plunge into the abyss.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Damaged Deer. Anthology

        by Rafael Rubio

        This poetic anthology by Rafael Rubio, without a doubt one of the most relevant poetic voices nowadays in Chile, is of greatest relevance to invite teenagers to approach to poetry and helping them to face directly their pains and joys, with that which tears the apart and also with that which enlightens their path. This anthology includes a selection of poems made by the author himself. It includes poems published in Arbolando (1998), Luz rabiosa (2007), Mala siembra (2013) and Viernes santo (2019), as well as 17 unpublished poems.

      • The Arts
        October 2015


        by João Farkas

        The more than two hundred photographs featured in the book Occupied Amazonia stem from the concise and keen eye of the photographer João Farkas, who traveled deep into the Amazon region between the 1980s and 1990s to expose the clichés about the Brazilian North rooted in popular imagination. A space of conflicts and convergences, the Amazon region is revealed in multiple facets, ranging from prospectors to natives, missionaries, land-grabbers and migrants. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Ricardo Lessa, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Farkas himself, the book is a challenging invitation for those willing to rediscover and explore new old worlds.

      • History of religion

        The Bible, from the Beginning to the End

        A Reading Guide for Today

        by Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi

        No literary work has exerted more influence on Western culture than the Bible. None has been more studied by archaeologists, historians, philologists, anthropologists, philosophers or theologians across the centuries. For anyone interested in this work, true heritage of the world, this book is an indispensable introduction to the main contents and to the discoveries that have been done in recent decades, usually restricted to specialists’ circles. The author offers a vast overview of each one of the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Characters, geographical settings, historical events, cultures, literary genres and numberless complementary data help the reader to think about the present in light of a past that has configured the mindset of whole generations. “The author combines a simple, yet rigorous, scientific vision of the problems, with a believing reading and an extraordinary pedagogical ability to reach today’s readers.”

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