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        Englische Unternehmer 1870-1914

        Eine Kollektivbiographie führender Wirtschaftsbürger in Birmingham, Bristol und Manchester

        by Berghoff, Hartmut

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        January 1980

        Abhängige Akkumulation und Unterentwicklung

        Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Renate Schumacher

        by Andre Gunder Frank, Renate Schumacher

        In diesem Buch macht der heute in England lehrende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler A. G. Frank den Versuch, das Phänomen der Unterentwicklung mittels einer Analyse der geschichtlichen Formen von ökonomischer und politischer Abhängigkeit zu erfassen, und zwar anhand der drei großen Epochen des Merkantilismus (1500-1770), des Industriekapitalismus (1770-1870) und des Imperialismus (1870-1930). Für jede dieser Epochen untersucht der Autor die besondere Gestalt der Kapitalakkumulation, der »Tauschbeziehungen« zwischen Metropolen und Peripherie und der damit verbundenen »inneren Produktionsverhältnisse«, in denen die Abhängigkeit sich festsetzte. Auf jede dieser »historischen Darstellungen« folgt ein »theoretischer Exkurs«, in dem die jeweils entscheidenden Entwicklungsprobleme im Hinblick auf ihre Verarbeitung in den jeweiligen zeitgenössischen sozialökonomischen Erklärungen überprüft werden.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        Defeated flesh

        Welfare, warfare and the making of modern France

        by Bertrand Taithe

        Defeated flesh dwells on the French defeat of 1870 and the socialist uprising of the Commune of Paris.. This is one of the first books to develop an in-depth, comparative analysis of the Franco-Prussian war and the Commune.. By looking at the history of the body and medicine it considers how the French people mobilised for the war effort and how their ultimate defeat had cultural and social consequences which led to the fin-de-siècle spirit.. Looking at the siege of Paris, the war suffering and rationing in an exceptionally harsh period of French history it revises the current debates on citizenship, centralisation and modern warfare.. Looking at many untouched sources, Taithe seeks to understand why 1870-1871 became such an important phase in the making of modern France. ;

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        January 2007

        Frankreichs republikanische Großmachtpolitik 1870–1914

        Innenansicht einer Außenpolitik

        by Kreis, Georg

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2017

        Das Englische Gewerkvereinsrecht nach 1870.

        (Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen 139).

        by Haneld, Fritz

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1987

        Der gestohlene Mond

        Roman. Mit einem Nachwort von Elmar Jansen

        by Ernst Barlach, Elmar Jansen

        Ernst Barlach wurde am 2. Januar 1870 in Wedel/Holstein geboren und war Bildhauer, Zeichner und Schriftsteller. Er starb am 24. Oktober 1938 in Rostock.

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        Polnische Bergarbeiter im Ruhrgebiet 1870-1945

        Soziale Integration und nationale Subkultur einer Minderheit in der deutschen Industriegesellschaft

        by Klessmann, Christoph

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        June 2004

        Der Graf von Monte Christo

        by Alexandre (d. Ä.) Dumas, Pavel Brom, Dagmar Bromova, Meinhard Hasenbein

        Alexandre Dumas (d. Ä.) wurde 1802 als Sohn eines napoleonischen Generals in Villers-Cotterêts geboren, mit 19 Jahren ging er nach Paris ans Theater. Seine Dramen sind heute vergessen, seine Romane dagegen, wie Die drei Musketiere (1844) oder Der Graf von Monte Christo (1845-46) machten ihn berühmt. Alexandre Dumas starb 1870 in Puys bei Dieppe.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2023

        Protestant missionary children's lives, c.1870-1950

        by Hugh Morrison

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        Aristocratic families in republican France, 1870–1940

        by Maire Cross, Elizabeth Chalmers MacKnight, David Hopkin

        This is a study of the daily life, concerns, and dynamics of aristocratic families in the France of the Third Republic. Elizabeth Macknight draws on a vast range of material from private archives to contest assumptions about the irrelevancy of the nobility under the republican regime. Within a challenging political and economic environment nobles were determined to protect their interests and conserve the integrity of the aristocratic way of life. The convictions that underpinned nobles' responses to government initiatives emerge from the sources with freshness and clarity. Macknight interweaves male and female perspectives to provide a very full account of familial activities and decision-making with attention to all stages of the human lifecycle. Nobles' experiences of parenting and grandparenting, sibling and cousin relations, marriage, property negotiations, and interaction with servants are brought to light in a vivid and engaging narrative.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        Aristocratic families in republican France, 1870–1940

        by Maire Cross, Elizabeth C. Macknight, David Hopkin

        This is a study of the daily life, concerns, and dynamics of aristocratic families in the France of the Third Republic. Elizabeth Macknight draws on a vast range of material from private archives to contest assumptions about the irrelevancy of the nobility under the republican regime. Within a challenging political and economic environment nobles were determined to protect their interests and conserve the integrity of the aristocratic way of life. The convictions that underpinned nobles' responses to government initiatives emerge from the sources with freshness and clarity. Macknight interweaves male and female perspectives to provide a very full account of familial activities and decision-making with attention to all stages of the human lifecycle. Nobles' experiences of parenting and grandparenting, sibling and cousin relations, marriage, property negotiations, and interaction with servants are brought to light in a vivid and engaging narrative. ;

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