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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2020

        Knowledge, mediation and empire

        James Tod's journeys among the Rajputs

        by Florence D'Souza, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        This study of the British colonial administrator James Tod (1782-1835), who spent five years in north-western India (1818-22) collecting every conceivable type of material of historical or cultural interest on the Rajputs and the Gujaratis, gives special attention to his role as a mediator of knowledge about this little-known region of the British Empire in the early nineteenth century to British and European audiences. The book aims to illustrate that British officers did not spend all their time oppressing and inferiorising the indigenous peoples under their colonial authority, but also contributed to propagating cultural and scientific information about them, and that they did not react only negatively to the various types of human difference they encountered in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2005

        Mathesis, Naturphilosophie und Arkanwissenschaft im Umkreis Friedrich Christoph Oetingers (1702-1782)

        Herausgegeben in Verbindung mit dem Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften der Universität Tübingen

        by Herausgegeben von Holtz, Sabine; Herausgegeben von Betsch, Gerhard; Herausgegeben von Zwink, Eberhard

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1995


        by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Wolfgang Hildesheimer

        Mozarts Briefe sind Berichte oder Botschaften, meist beides nebeneinander oder durcheinander und fast immer von mitreißender Eloquenz, selbst später, wenn als drittes Thema die Bitte um Geld dazukommt. Sie bezeugen die stetig zunehmende Leichtigkeit in der Artikulation einer phänomenalen geistigen Beweglichkeit. Die Beherrschung der Mittel, die Mozart zum größten Musiker machte, kam ihm beim Briefeschreiben zugute: Er verfügte über ein gewaltiges synthetisch-emotionales Register, hinter dem er sich selbst verbergen konnte, und er hat es ohne jede Heuchelei angewandt. Die Selbstdokumentation in seinen Briefen ist bis zu allerletzt niemals eine bewußte Wiedergabe seines Seelenzustandes; sie ist, im Gegenteil, als Mitteilsamkeit sich tarnende Diskretion. Und so haben wir in ihr das bis zur Erschütterung eindringliche Zeugnis einer Selbstbeherrschung, wie man sie bei den ›Großen‹ selten findet. Scheinbar paradox dazu manifestiert sich in geradezu schwelgerischer Ungezwungenheit Mozarts Reichtum an Stilmethoden, naturgemäß in jenen Briefen, die von stofflicher Bürde unbelastet sind. Dazu gehören die Briefe an die Schwester von den drei Italienreisen mit dem Vater zwischen 1770 und 1773; vor allem aber sind es Briefe an seine Cousine, ›das Bäsle‹. In diesen Briefen läßt er seiner Lust an verbaler Ausschweifung ungezügelten Lauf. Er läßt wahre Maskenzüge vorüberziehen, zaubert theatralische Effekte herbei, persifiliert Tagesgeschehen und bedient sich erotischer Anzüglichkeiten. Der vorliegende Band bietet eine Auswahl an Briefen, deren Textbestand für die Neuausgabe revidiert und um wichtige Briefe erweitert wurde. Sie konzentriert sich auf drei Perioden von Mozarts Leben, die Aufenthalte in Mannheim und Paris 1777-1779, die ersten Jahre als freier Künstler in Wien 1781-1782 und auf die Jahre der Vereinsamung 1789-1791.

      • American War of Independence

        Neptune's Militia

        The Frigate South Carolina during the American Revolution

        by James A. Lewis (author)

        The virtues of the citizen-soldier are prominent in the history of the American Revolution, but less attention has been given to the citizen-sailor. However, there were state navies during the war, the seaward equivalent of the state militias, and the state of South Carolina put to sea the most important of these.Under the leadership of Commodore Alexander Gillon the South Carolina navy secured the services of the largest warship under any American’s command, the frigate South Carolina. Built in Holland and designed to combine speed with firepower, this frigate’s most notable achievement was the capture of the British Bahamas in 1782 in the only American military maneuver to seize and hold foreign territory outside the borders of the Thirteen Colonies. With success, however, came controversy. At the end of the war, the South Carolina was chased to the ground by three British warships and captured. The state of South Carolina struggled for seventy years to honor the financial obligations incurred in operating the frigate.

      • African history
        January 2013

        Black Egyptians

        The African Origins of Ancient Egypt

        by Segun Magbagbeola

      • Biography: general
        March 2016

        The Smugglers' Banker

        The Story of Zephaniah Job of Polperro

        by Jeremy Rowett Johns

        The Smugglers' Banker reveals for the first time the full story of Zephaniah Job, the remarkable Cornishman who not only masterminded the flourishing contraband trade in Polperro during the Napoleonic wars but also the privateers whose adventures during the wars with France and Spain led to the capture of handsome prizes. Job's flair for business, his association with the Trelawny family and links with those engaged in the smuggling trade brought lasting prosperity to the inhabitants of this remote Cornish fishing village at the end of the 18th century. This exciting and very readable biography, full of new revelations of one of the most extraordinary figures in Cornish history and packed with details of Polperro families of the period, will delight both local historians and visitors to the area.

      • Fianchetto

        Chess as one of the fine arts

        by Hugo Vargas

        Hugo Vargas, a great chess fan, offers us a series of chronicles about well-known characters, fans or masters of this sport, science, art? or game. Vargas tells us throughout this singular book titled Fianchetto (chess term for the game in the great diagonal of the bishops) the relationship between chess and great writers or artists like Rousseau, Duchamp, Octavio Paz, Philip Marlowe, Bogart, Kubrick, Jaime Sabines, Lenin, and also chess masters like Kasparov, Fischer, Kramnik... offering us some of the most famous games they played.

      • Photography & photographs
        July 2013


        by Fabiana de Barros (author)

        Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of Brazilian’s Modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm Superior School of Design (Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and experiencing new trends such as pop art and happening. This book presents an overview of his life and work, chrono-logically arranged and covering all aspects of his production with an emphasis in photography.

      • Natural disasters
        August 2015

        Droughts in Agricultural Production

        Monitoring & Management

        by G.G.S.N. Rao

        Drought is considered to be a normal feature of climate especially in tropical countries where occurrence of periods of dry weather during rainy season is common. Virtually droughts can occur in all climates and they can also be witnessed when the air temperatures are higher than the normal for a longer period that increases both evaporation and water deficit. 1. The first deals with the introduction to the topic, historical evidences of drought and famines in India. 2. The definition of droughts, criteria for classification of droughts, drought indices based on rainfall, climate derivatives and remote sensing are covered under two. 3. Information on climate change with respects to climate trends, projections on temperature and rainfall at global as well at national level, consequences of climate change on droughts are presented in there. 4. Approaches on drought monitoring, adopted by various countries, international cooperation in drought monitoring and drought monitoring mechanism in India are presented in four. Decision Support Systems and applications of GIS for drought monitoring are also covered in this . 5. World food production and its variability, the impact of phenomenal drought during 2009 on food grain production in different countries, impacts of droughts on livestock, milk and fisheries production are covered under five. 6. Global surface waters, availability of surface waters in India, influence of drought on fauna and flora of surface waters and global warming on water resources at global and national level is discussed in – six. 7. Drought management strategies, drought planning and preparedness action plans at global as well at national level, indigenous knowledge on drought management, astrological techniques in weather forecasting and traditional wisdom on management of droughts in different nomadic communities in Asia and Africa are covered in seven. eight carries the conclusion of the entire book. Book will be useful to the students and research scholars of Agrometeorology, Meteorology and Geography and all Research Scientists dealing with NRM.

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