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      • October 2019


        by Marcial Gala

        En uno de sus mejores poemas, Borges refiere que el lenguaje es tiempo sucesivo y emblema. Rocanrol trata de ese tiempo condensado que es el de la revolución, casi un agujero negro donde el cielo es tomado por asalto. Los personajes inmersos en la vorágine de la Cuba de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, sienten que la historia es una piel que se sobrepone a la propia epidermis. ¿El rock será un medio eficaz para no perder la propia esencia? ¿Cómo encontrarse a sí mismo? La muerte de un soldado en pleno entrenamiento, cartas del Che que salvan a una joven de volver a la prisión, un discurso de despedida de Fidel Castro comunicando el final del guerrillero argentino en Bolivia Rocanrol cuenta también el discurrir de los que no son nadie, empujados por los vientos de cambio. El rock es a la vez iniciación y promesa de un paraíso ilusorio que te hace creer que todo transcurre al ritmo de esa música prohibida y deseada. En un mundo loco solo los locos están cuerdos, dijo cierto artista japonés, y esa frase podría servirle de emblema a estos personajes que se atreven a decir no, cuando todos dicen sí. Alejandro, Ismael, Crazy Horse y el resto de esas dos familias cubanas, construyen su propio relato dentro del relato inmenso de la historia. In one of his best poems, Borges refers that language is successive time and emblem. Rocanrol is about that condensed time that is the revolution, almost a black hole where the sky is taken by storm. The characters immersed in the vortex of Cuba in the second half of the 20th century, they feel that history is a skin that overlaps the epidermis itself. Will rock be an effective way not to lose one's essence? How to find yourself? The death of a soldier in training, letters from Che saving a young woman from returning to prison, a farewell speech by Fidel Castro communicating the end of the Argentine guerrilla in Bolivia Rocanrol also tells of the passage of those who are nobody, driven by the winds of change. Rock is both initiation and promise of an illusory paradise that makes you believe that everything happens to the rhythm of that forbidden and desired music. In a crazy world, only crazy people are sane, said a certain Japanese artist, and that phrase could serve as an emblem for these characters who dare to say no, when everyone says yes. Alejandro, Ismael, Crazy Horse and the rest of those two Cuban families, build their own story within the immense account of history.

      • Fiction
        September 2018

        Una cala a la narrativa cubana (A taste of the Cuban narrative)

        by Rodolfo Alpízar

        In the Modern Age, the Caribbean was the hinge of an economic system that sustained the transatlantic economy of the West for at least three centuries; it was the crossroads of continents, a cultural gateway that brought together -as Antonio Garcia de Leon would say- an "Atlantis of mentalities". And that is precisely what is reflected in this selection made by Rodolfo Alpízar, where voices of all types, ages and genres converge, dialoguing with each other. Here we see once again why Cuba has always been a beacon for Latin America and the world. Una cala a la narrativa cubana de hoy is a slice, a cove, of that throbbing torrent that is Cuban literature.

      • The Arts

        Música popular cubana.

        Breve historia a través de los géneros y otros ritmos

        by Radamés Giro

      • Habana, hermosa Habana

        by Leonardo Depestre Catony

        Habana, hermosa Habana es un libro que puede contribuir al propósito de conocer mejor a la ya cinco veces centenaria capital cubana. Ella es la gran protagonista en la vida de millones de cubanos, de unos porque la habitan, de otros porque en ella trabajan o estudian, o porque en ella un día se enamoraron, o vieron nacer a un ser querido, o alcanzaron el éxito soñado.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        El Talón de Hierro

        by Jack London

        El manuscrito Everhard contiene la historia de un socialista revolucionario quien, como político y líder de masas obreras, busca la génesis de una gran revuelta para lograr la igualdad y detener el avance de una oligarquía avasalladora, llamada por él el Talón de Hierro. El texto, encontrado y examinado con debidas notas al pie por una sociedad del futuro donde estos abusos ya no ocurren, retrata el momento en que los trabajadores despiertan y la aristocracia los golpea para reprimir sus luchas por los derechos sociales, llevando el capitalismo a un extremo autodestructivo. Si bien esta novela publicada en 1908 fue considerada una distopía en los Estados Unidos, sus alcances proféticos incitaron a futuros editores a utilizar portadas con la imagen de Salvador Allende. Además ejerció una fuerte influencia en otras obras sobre gobiernos totalitarios, la más famosa de ellas 1984 de George Orwell.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2017


        by Elsa Punset

        A fantastic blend of inspiration and awareness brings us close to happiness through a great voyage. With exceptional warmth, this book gives the reader the tools to reach happiness through wisdom that has built up in humanity over the course of the centuries all over the world. An open, vivid book that invites us to take a fascinating journey and gives us a thousand possibilities so that each one of us can find their own way to feel good.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Abrid mentes, tocad corazones

        by Jorge A. Sierra

        Juan Bautista de La Salle estaba llamado a una vida cómoda y llena de privilegios, pero se dejó conmover por la situación de los niños y jóvenes abandonados y sin educación. Escuchando la palabra de Dios, con profunda fe, se puso en camino, sin mirar atrás.Revolucionó la pedagogía y la organización de la escuela en pleno siglo XVII, pero no lo hizo como un simple maestro, sino como un hermano, formando comunidades de educadores dispuestos a dedicar todas sus fuerzas a la educación humana y cristiana.Su mensaje no quedó en el olvido: se sigue desarrollando en todos los países y después de más de trescientos años. Ahora, nos toca a nosotros la labor: seguir abriendo las mentes y tocando los corazones, poniéndonos al servicio de la educación integral de los más necesitados.

      • Illustration
        October 2022


        The silence of images

        by Guridi

        In this new book, Guridi off ers us his creative vision of the picture book. He delves into the relationship between images and text, between space (physical and mental) and characters, and especially the intervals—the interstitial spaces that give rise to deep meaning of works of this kind, inviting the active participation of readers. His practical advice sets us on the path to our own truth and shows us how to capture it through the empty spaces of images.

      • June 2020

        Caja continua de voces

        by Pablo Martín Ruiz

        Essays, travel journals, reflections, epigrams, visual poetry, lists, notes, paradoxes, compilations, critiques, stories, outlines, translations, palindromes, these are all the bricks with which, in the manner of a certain Chinese encyclopedia, a sort of epistemology of restriction and of the unusual is built. A necklace where no two pearls are alike: the bet, of course, is centered on the thread that ties them together. It gives the impression that the author, owner of a playful, penetrative gaze, is concerned with the poetic dimension of the pure forms of language and that absolutely nothing is alien to him.The result is an absolutely singual, stimulating, and highly entertaining book, which makes us gratefully abandon the place of our comfortable ideas. Luis Sagasti

      • Sin fronteras

        Y otros relatos

        by Gustavo Cuervo

        Emotion, risk, pain, love, patience, heat, joy... The sensations that unexpectedly assail the open-minded traveler who travels the world off the beaten track, are the basis of these unique stories. Fantastic landscapes as a stage, and its people as actors, help the author to weave his feelings with a simple and passionate prose. True stories that will undoubtedly delight many sofa travelers, but also many action travelers. The remote Tibet, the developed North America, the wild Africa, the Europe of the Iron Curtain or the young Australia, are the extraordinary continents that penetrate the soul of the author while the wind reaches his face, at the same time he discovers the world. An exciting reading that captures and invites the journey without prejudice, without borders, a reading with a moral, with the tricks of an expert adventurer and, above all, with the purest essence of the greatest adventure, life.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2019

        To the barricades. Culture, identity and political mobilization

        by José Álvarez Junco

        This book gathers some of the author’s many works, selected for their interest about recent historiographical debates. They analyze the main topics that have articulated his long research career: history and theory of social movements, especially of the workers; doctrines, ideologies, myths and rhetoric; the concept of populism and the evolution of nationalist phenomena. The monograph is a good example of the best academic analysis of culture, identity and political mobilization in contemporary Spain.

      • Literary Fiction
        May 2021

        Outside of time

        by Silvia Bardelás

        "Destiempo is a song to the fight for internal revolutions and the desire to free ourselves from the vital ropes that bind us." - Armando Requeixo. Diario cultural. Radio Galega   Destiempo illuminates the we as the truly human space. An older woman asks her grandson to come back to Galicia from the United States to spend the summer with her. She wants him to attend a kind of social fight that she is carrying out with her friends. They look for action as the only thing that can give meaning to their lives. Silvia Bardelás mixes different generations that share the same problem: the weight of a standardized world, full of discourses, oblivious to vitality. The possibility of feeling alive and real again makes everything move in an unstoppable way. The story is a coming and going of past and present, of ideas and actions that reveal the silent social power and the inner need to feel free. Destiempo (Outside of time) is a community novel. Beyond individuality, beyond the group is the we, which can only emerge genuinely when individuals become singular beings, when they become aware of the myths, the ideology, the discourses that have dominated their lives and those of their ancestors.   The narrator puts the focus on the interrelation. He lights up scenes where the characters discover themselves through others.

      • Architecture
        July 2018


        Urbanism, architecture, sacred art

        by Percival Tirapeli (author)

        The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.

      • Prose: non-fiction
        May 2019

        La revolución de las flâneuses

        by Anna M Iglesia

        The flâneur has become a cultural icon, but what about flâneuses? This critical study reviews the history of "strolling" women with a contemporary perspective and collects the rights to which they led the way, not yet fully consolidated today.

      • Religious buildings
        January 2019

        La catedral habitada

        Historia viva de un espacio arquitectónico

        by Eduardo Carrero

        Esta obra ofrece una dimensión transversal de la historia del espacio de las catedrales a partir de su uso y sus transformaciones, a través de las constantes que realmente determinaron la construcción de cada edificio: la liturgia, la historia institucional y ceremonial, las fiestas locales o la vida cotidiana. Cada catedral fue una entidad autónoma que se rigió por leyes y estatutos propios que también afectaron a su historia arquitectónica y funcional. Desde la perspectiva del clero, la catedral se concentraba entre el altar mayor y el coro, con la organización del culto y sus posibles escenarios. Para reyes y autoridades, la catedral era el marco en el que justificar los orígenes divinos de su gobierno. Para los fieles, la catedral era el gran edificio que albergaba sus señas de identidad, entre las celebraciones y los santos de su devoción; un eslabón arquitectónico entre tierra y cielo. Pero con el paso del tiempo los usos del espacio catedralicio cambiaban y se alteraban. Es, al fin y al cabo, la historia de un espacio edificado en constante transformación.

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