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      • minibombo

        Minibombo makes picture books characterized by clear images and solid colours, telling stories with a short text or no text at all. The books aim to create a participated reading process between adults and children and require a bit of creativity and cooperation on their part. Minibombo loves to explore different types of communication. This is why some of its paper stories have become the starting point for creating digital applications. The apps refer to the original stories in the books and develop them further by exploiting a different code. All the minibombo apps are available worldwide on the App Store and Google Play. Minibombo started in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in 2013. Since its beginnings, it has been highly appreciated both by readers and operators in the sector and has been awarded several prizes which have helped make its books known among a wide public. Its books are translated in more than fourteen counties worldwide.

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        Mind, Body, Spirit


        Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light

        by Tricia McCannon

        Experience the Miracle of Angels Angels emanate joy, lightness, and a grace of uplifting peace. Almost as if by their very touch, presence, or appearance, they reassure us that everything will be all right and unfolding according to a Divine plan. Tricia McCannon, a lifelong mystic, and spiritual teacher invites you to join her in understanding and marveling at the miracle of angels as they reach out to us as Divine messengers of love. Like the wonder, we feel when we look at the stars at night, angels speak to each of us at the level of our soul. Welcome the angels into your life as Tricia McCannon and selected sacred storytellers share their personal encounters with angels reminding us, we are living in a light-filled universe where anything is possible. Learn the ways angels appear to us and how you can deepen your relationship with them. Delve into the history and mystery of angelic lore and be inspired by accounts of famous angelic encounters that changed our world. The angels are at the heart of a celestial awakening, and when we call upon them, we begin to awaken the angelic nature within ourselves. ANGELS will uplift your soul. Their essence is love, their appearance is light, and their purpose is the healing and illumination of the world.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Tiger fragt Warum?

        by Julia Boehme / Julia Bierkandt

        Tiger Asks Why?Theo and his cuddly toy Tiger are the very best of friends. They do everything together: Eating breakfast, getting dressed, going to kindergarten, playing, and reading. And Tiger has a question about everything: Why do we have to get up? Why are the other children allowed to play, too? And why does Theo have to brush his teeth? How good that Theo knows so much! And why do Theo and Tiger actually love each other so much? That's why!Julia Boehme lovingly narrates a story that humorously plays with children’s curiosity, atmospherically illustrated in a funny picture book that is very close to children's everyday lives,. About the special relationship between child and cuddly toy, Theo’s thirst for knowledge and questions children think about.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

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        Picture storybooks
        September 2020

        Magical World of the Wild

        by Ritu Khoda, Gopa Trivedi, Meera Kurien

        Magical World of the Wild is a theme-based book which introduces children to miniature, folk, modern and contemporary Indian art. It encourages them to observe and explore the world of animals through compelling artworks by well-known artists. Games such as Spot the Difference, Let’s Count, Join the Dots have been imaginatively adapted to make children seek alternative creative avenues. The book takes an interdisciplinary approach to enhance visual literacy and cognitive skills in young readers.

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        March 2011

        Im Aquarium in Berlin


        by Joachim Ringelnatz, Renée Sintenis, Matthias Reiner

        Renée Sintenis war ein Star im Berlin der zwanziger Jahre! Zu ihrem Freundeskreis zählten Rilke und Ringelnatz, ihre Skulpturen wurden von Alfred Flechtheim in Paris und New York ausgestellt, als erste Bildhauerin wurde sie in die Berliner Akademie der Künste gewählt. Ihre berühmteste Tierskulptur steht heute an der Zehlendorfer Autobahn: der bronzene Berliner Bär, weltweit bekannt geworden als Miniatur, die in Gold und Silber jährlich bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen verliehen wird. Im Jahr 1949 erschien der Band "Tiere", eine Auswahl der schönsten Tiergedichte von Joachim Ringelnatz, illustriert mit dreizehn kongenialen Tierzeichnungen von Renée Sintenis. Die Insel-Bücherei macht dieses vergnügliche Bestiarium wieder zugänglich.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        History on Track Number 14

        by Nastya Muzichenko (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        On Christmas’ Eve, toy steam locomotive Hriuk lost its owner at the Kyiv-Passenger railway station. But thanks to this mishap, it got acquainted with its unique relatives – the residents of track number 14, where the Museum of Railway Transport of Kyiv is situated. Now young Drezyna, fast Manevrovyi, Mr Steam Locomotive from Budapest, and other residents of the museum exhibition will help and comfort baby Hriuk. They will also tell him and you more about themselves and Ukraine's railway heritage.   From 4 to 9 years, 3500 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA

        Cristina juega (Cristina plays)

        by Micaela Chiriff, Paula Ortiz

        Cristina plays starts from a double “game” with the reader: Cristina’s game with her toy (a rabbit) and the game of the play with the reader, whom she seeks to surprise at a time when the scene of Cristina’s game changes, and therefore, the whole perspective of what has been read changes because, from the image, the story is turned upside down and will leave more than one reader thinking. The space of the secret game is practically the center of this book, written in the key of poetry and illustrated with careful attention to each of the details of a dollhouse (one of the scenarios where the action takes place) and attending to a palette of vibrant colors that seek to take us to another time and another space: that of games and toys. This is how from the word and the image this book is a very original proposal.

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        The Arts
        October 2015

        Film light

        Meaning and emotion

        by Lara Thompson

        In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Master of Flower Cultivation on Balcony

        by Jiang Qinghai

        In this book, variety of flowers is classified according to plant morphology such as observing flowers, observing leaves and observing fruits, which is simple and clear. The balconies in the east, west, south and north have their own advantages. Flowers on balcony are in thousands of postures. No matter which kind of flower, as long as illumination characteristics are mastered and careful caring is done; you also can change your own little world to a beautiful land for flowers. In this book, 100 kinds of flowers are classified by ornamental characteristics of plants. No matter you are in humid south or you stay in dry north, it can teach you the most basic maintenance secrets from placement, selection, watering, pot soil and fertilization and make you get advancement from a green hand of flower cultivation to a master of flower cultivation.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Mitten

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        A modern warm red mitten is a home for the main characters of the book: Mousey Scratcher, Froggie Croaker, Running Rabbit, Little Sister Fox and others who got new knitted images. This lovely book is actually a handmade creation; it includes a toy souvenir shaped like a mitten. The Mitten is a joint project of  The Navchalna Knyha - Bohdan Publishing House and Art Studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn & Andriy Lesiv, Lviv, Ukraine). The Mitten won the award at The Biennial of Illustration, Bratislava, 2011. In 2012 The Mitten was also added to the White Ravens Catalogue of children literature.   From the 3 to 5 years, 179 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2001

        Drama + threory

        Critical approaches

        by Peter Buse

        Energetically places modern British drama and contemporary critical and cultural theory in dialogue, demonstrating how theory allows fresh insights into familiar plays. Each chapter pairs a well-known play from the post-war period with a classic theory text, the theoretical text is not simply applied to the dramatic one: instead, the play and the theoretical text reflect on each other in a mutual illumination. Examples include: So Look Back in Anger is read by and reads Lacan's Signification of the Phallus Pinter's The Homecoming is made uncanny with Freud Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead finds affinities with Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition Timberlake Wertenbaker's Our Country's Good agrees and disagrees with Edward Said Sarah Kane's Blasted thinks through trauma with Shoshana Felman. In each case, the theoretical position is explained lucidly and economically. The result is a series of new interpretations not only of the plays, but of the theoretical texts, which take on new relevance when linked with modern British drama. The first textbook of its kind, linking contemporary drama with critical and cultural theory. ;

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        A Fox in Your Mind

        A Book for Children with Social Anxiety

        by Joan Schaaf, Wiebke Andersen, Meera Roth, Marie-Luise Salzmann

        Lea sometimes is afraid to talk to other children and adults or speak in front of the class.  She prefers to run to her toy kangaroo Pocci rather than face frightening situations. If Lea avoids her fears, she turns into a fox, which makes everything worse. She is not the courageous and cheerful girl she would like to be. But luckily Pocci can help her, and together they thoroughly straighten up Lea’s thoughts and free her from her fears. The aim of this book is to make it easier for affected children to understand their fears. They are taught that they are not alone and how to overcome their fears. The book provides parents, siblings, and therapists with important information about emotional  isorders as well as practical tasks and exercises.   For: • children of primary school age (between 6 and 12 years) who suffer from social        anxiety • parents, relatives• therapists

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        December 2008

        Marcel Proust


        by Jean-Yves Tadié, Max Looser

        Die "Biographie des Werkes" ist die einzig sinnvolle Aufgabe für einen Proust-Biographen. Mit diesem Leitfaden folgt Jean-Yves Tadié – Kenner und wohl wichtigster Herausgeber des Proustschen Gesamtwerkes – der Intention Prousts, der 1921 in seinem Aufsatz über Baudelaire betont, bei einer Biographie gehe es um das Warum und das Wie, nicht um das Was. Bei Tadié sind folglich die äußeren Lebensumstände und -zeugnisse, einschließlich der Korrespondenz, nur Belege und Mittel, um das „innere Leben“, das, was Proust wußte, dachte, empfand, interpretierend zu erschließen. Die Darstellung fließt dabei nicht immer exakt linear. Sie reflektiert auch die Bruchstellen und registriert bewertend die Details von Belang und die oft retardierenden Bedeutungen der Ereignisse. Es ergibt sich ein Puzzle von Personen, Orten und Motiven. Jedes einzelne der Teile gleicht einer Miniatur, bildet ein eigenständiges Porträt, um sich schließlich in ein Gesamtbild zu fügen. Dieses mikrologische Verfahren bietet alles, was man über Proust wissen kann, alles Wissenswerte, was zum Verständnis der Gestalt des Schriftstellers und seines Werkes beiträgt.

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        Campus Environment and Design

        by Xu Hao

        The Campus Environment and Design series consists of 8 volumes, which are elaborately created by national recognized preschool education experts and senior professionals. Each volume has a theme with more than 2,000 design schemes to teach children and teachers to handle the spaces of doors and windows from festival layout, four seasons layout, classroom layout, hanging ornament layout, window  decoration layout,class theme layout, layout of corners and walls. The works can be used as toy classrooms, and can also be used for campus environment layout, which are convenient and practical for teaching through enjoyable activities.

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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Verbotene Welt

        by Isabel Abedi

        Forbidden WorldReginald has gained a dangerous power. He can shrink anything he likes. And he wants nothing less than the most famous buildings in the world. The originals in miniaturized form, of course. Gradually, he builds up a huge landscape in his cellar: the Colosseum from Rome, the Statue of Liberty from New York City, the Golestan Palace from Tehran and many buildings more become part of his collection.But Reginald has overlooked something, or more precisely someone. Otis was locked in the Statue of Liberty and Olivia had fled from the police into the famous Berlin Department Store of the West, when suddenly at night the buildings shrank. Now the children are the size of a fingernail... While they fight for their rescue, chaos breaks out in the world outside: where have the monuments gone? And who has stolen them?• Magical reading fun for boys and girls aged 10 and older• Serious topics (grief, illness, fears) packaged in a child-friendly way• Fascinating characters with identification potential• Longseller by outstanding children's author Isabel Abedi!

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        An Artist's Journey

        by Mizouni Bannani

        ‘An Artist’s Journey’ emphasises the values of loyalty and belonging to one’s homeland, speaking to teens in an eloquent and beautiful language while raising several contemporary issues. These include illegal immigration and problems faced by expatriates in their lives, as well as the value of the artist in society and the importance of practicing arts to cultivate souls and encourage cultural integration.   It’s an interesting story told by an enlightened grandmother in the Hakawati style. She uses sound effects, masks and drawing tools while narrating the tale, utilising stimulating methods between one chapter and another to make the novel a story that can be heard, drawn and represented. The story speaks to the reader from the perspective of small and colourful birds, to provide them with a miniature example of a desired civic life in our Arab Islamic societies based on the values of justice, equality, respect for the supremacy of law, tolerance, love, cooperation, national identity, and defending the homeland. This is in addition to different forms of democracy such as consultation, elections, dialogue and debate, to resolve disputes and reject violence and extremism.   The book relies on the elegance and aesthetics of expression to connect with a young audience and is rich in imagery and metaphorical expression, proceeding slowly but excitingly, and is infused with imagination. The use of language is similarly inspired. In the book, birds can speak as they fly across and through the world, taking readers on a journey with wings of imagination; they are no longer just readers, but participants too.   This work encourages educators and pedagogists in general to teach in different ways, such as using art to encourage children to pursue knowledge, acquire life skills and develop their intelligence.   Age Range: 9+ years

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        October 2024

        Chalcidoidea of the World

        by John Heraty, James Woolley, Austin Baker, Hannes Baur, Julie Böhmová, Matthew L. Buffington, Roger A.Burks, Matthew Cock, Astrid Cruaud, Ana Dal Molin, Natalie Dale-Skey, Christopher Darling, Gerard Delvare, Priscila G. Dias, Tiffany Domer, Chrysalyn Dominguez, Fernando H.A. Farache, Lucian Fusu, Michael W. Gates, Marco Gebiola, Alex V. Gumovsky, Michael Haas, Paul Hanson, Christer Hansson, Judith Herreid, Keith Hopper, J T Huber, Martha Hunter, Randa Jabbour, Petr Janšta, Robert Luke Kresslein, Lars Krogmann, Amelia Lindsey, Kerry E. Mauck, Mircea-Dan Mitroiu, Jason L. Mottern, José Luis Nieves-Aldrey, John S Noyes, Ryan K. Perry, Ralph Peters, John Pinto, Andrew Polaszek, Alexey A. Polilov, Jean-Yves Rasplus, Javier Torréns, Serguei V. Triapitsyn, Jonah M. Ulmer, Roy G. Van Driesche, Simon van Noort, Ionela-Madalina Viciriuc, Jack Werren, Rachel L. Winston, Y. Miles Zhang

        The superfamily Chalcidoidea (the jewel wasps) are part of the insect order Hymenoptera. The superfamily comprises more than 27,000 known species, with an estimated total diversity of more than 500,000 species, meaning that the vast majority have yet to be discovered and described. Most of the species are parasitoids, attacking the egg, larval stage or pupal stage of their host, though many other life cycles are known including gall associates and fig pollinators. This landmark volume has been co-authored by world authorities on the systematics and biology of chalcidoid wasps. It provides an introduction to the superfamily, a review of chalcidoid morphology, an overview of the fossil record, a phylogenetic framework for the revised classification of the superfamily, an identification key for the 50 recognized families, and detailed treatments of the individual families. The book consolidates much recent research on the phylogenomics of Chalcidoidea and the fossil record. This research has resulted in substantial changes to their classification, and in a review of all families, the new family groups are presented to the general scientific public for the first time. The book is an historic milestone, presenting a reclassification of the superfamily and a synthesis of knowledge on all aspects of Chalcidoidea that will serve for generations to come. Individual chapters clarify the limits of families and subfamilies based on contemporary phylogenetic studies. These chapters provide for each family: diagnostic features and extensively illustrated details of their specialized morphology, summaries of their distribution and worldwide diversity, a history of their classification history and major workers, phylogenetic relationships, natural history, use in biological control and economic impact, fossil history, and fully illustrated identification keys to subfamilies or in some cases to genera. Additional chapters present best practices for collecting, rearing from hosts, and preservation, review digital resources currently available, explore the diversity of their natural history and their human impacts, such as their use and importance to biological and natural control of pest arthropods. Chapters by worldwide authorities explore the enormous biological diversity of chalcidoid wasps including consequences of their almost unbelievable miniaturization (the most extreme known in insects), relationships with endosymbionts, special aspects of genetics, genomics, evolutionary biology and development, and brief accounts of the most significant chalcidoid researchers that have passed. For many years to come this important book will serve the needs of hymenopterists and professional entomologists, taxonomists and systematists, entomologists working on parasitic wasps as biological control agents, and ecologists working on parasite-host interactions.

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        Children's & YA

        Hohoho, Here Comes Father Christmas!

        by Katja Richert/Denitza Gruber

        Soon it’ll be Christmas! It’s time to load the sleigh with presents, thinks the reindeer. But Father Christmas wants to decorate his house first, and build a snowman, and have a nice cup of tea. Then suddenly it’s almost too late! All his friends must help, so that children can get their presents on time.

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