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        The Science of Interoception and Healing Through Connection to Yourself & Others

        by Saga Briggs

        Drawing from the latest research on interoception— which examines how our senseof self arises from subjective appraisal of bodily signals and how those appraisal habits develop in childhood—the book argues for a reframing of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other “mental health” issues as social-emotional illnesses rooted in the body. Saga Briggs harnesses psychedelic science to show how interoception can be altered by psychoactive substances, providing an additional framework for understanding their therapeutic benefits.

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        July 1973

        Gesammelte Schriften in zwanzig Bänden

        Band 1: Philosophische Frühschriften

        by Theodor W. Adorno, Rolf Tiedemann, Gretel Adorno, Klaus Schultz, Susan Buck-Morss

        Es handelt sich zunächst um die Dissertation des Einundzwanzigjährigen (1924), die sich fast noch immanent phänomenologisch mit Husserl auseinandersetzt, aber gleichwohl schon in einigen Details vordeutet auf die 32 Jahre später veröffentlichten Studien über Husserl und die phänomenologischen Antinomien (Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie, 1956). Die zweite Arbeit, die Adorno als Habilitationsschrift konzipiert, aber nicht eingereicht hat, reflektiert von Freud und seinem Begriff des Unbewußten her die transzendentale Seelenlehre Kants. Weiterhin enthält der Band zwei Vorträge über »Die Aktualität der Philosophie« und »Die Idee der Naturgeschichte« sowie »Thesen über die Sprache des Philosophen«, die ebenfalls aus den zwanziger Jahren stammen.

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        September 2011

        Kritik der Rechtfertigungsverhältnisse

        Perspektiven einer kritischen Theorie der Politik

        by Rainer Forst

        Rainer Forst entwirft eine kritische Theorie, die unsere politische Wirklichkeit auf ihre Defizite und ihre Potentiale hin zu entschlüsseln vermag. Dazu bedarf es einer Perspektive, die sozialen und politischen Praktiken immanent ist und sie zugleich transzendiert. Forst betrachtet die Gesellschaft daher als 'Rechtfertigungsordnung', die aus Komplexen verschiedener auf Institutionen bezogener Normen und entsprechender Rechtfertigungspraktiken besteht. Eine 'Kritik der Rechtfertigungsverhältnisse' hat somit die Aufgabe, Legitimationen in ihrer Geltung und Genese zu analysieren sowie die ungleiche Verteilung von 'Rechtfertigungsmacht' zu thematisieren. Vom Begriff der Rechtfertigung als sozialer Grundpraxis ausgehend, entwickelt Forst eine Theorie radikaler Gerechtigkeit, der Menschenrechte und der Demokratie sowie der Macht und der Kritik selbst. Schließlich stellt er die Frage nach dem utopischen Horizont der Gesellschaftskritik.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Toward a History of Ukrainian literature

        by George G. Grabowicz

        The work of the famous American-Ukrainian Slavologist and Ukrainian scholar Hryhoriy Hrabovych interprets the history of Ukrainian literature in several main ways: theoretical, comparative, immanent and historiographical. The book includes his studies, essays, and polemics written over the years. They were mainly produced in times of a sharp confrontation between official Soviet and Western approaches to literary studies. Today, after Ukraine gained its independence, there is an urgent need for a thorough reassessment of various scientific traditions and paradigms as well as a review of the canon of Ukrainian literature, its histography and methodology. The vast majority of these works were published in English or in sources unavailable for the Ukrainian reader, including specialist researchers. This edition can significantly reorient our understanding of the history of Ukrainian literature and enable a rethinking of Ukrainian cultural and intellectual processes.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2007

        Making peace with the past?

        Memory, trauma and the Irish troubles

        by Graham Dawson

        This book explores the psychic, cultural and political ramifications of memory within the Irish Troubles. It investigates the traumatic impact of the violence perpetrated since 1969; the antagonistic cultural narratives of memory fashioned and mobilised in this context within public and private arenas; and the conflicts, paradoxes and contradictions involved in 'coming to terms with the past' both before and during the Irish peace process initiated in 1993-94. The study focuses on personal and collective remembrance within two particular locations: the Unionist communities along the Irish Border, and nationalist Derry. It traces the formation from below of competing public narratives, one concerned with the 'ethnic cleansing' of Protestants by the Irish Republican Army, the other with British state violence on Bloody Sunday; and analyses their subjective roots in specific experiences of fear and loss, their role in ideological struggle, and their complicated relation to private, familial and individual remembering. ;

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        July 2022

        Die Produktivität der Antinomie

        Hegels Dialektik im Lichte der genetischen Erkenntnistheorie und der formalen Logik

        by Thomas Kesselring

        Mit seiner Arbeit verfolgt Th. Kesselring zwei Ziele: erstens eine philosophische Aufarbeitung der genetischen Psychologie Jean Piagets und der Parallelen, die zwischen dieser und einer der mächtigsten Traditionen der deutschen Philosophie bestehen: derjenigen des Idealismus im allgemeinen und Hegels im besonderen. Im Dienste dieses ersten Ziels leistet Kesselring zweitens einen Beitrag zu einer ›rationalen Rekonstruktion‹ Hegelscher Dialektik. Dabei setzt er einerseits Hegel-immanent an - freilich ohne die Hegeische Terminologie unbefragt stehenzulassen -, und andererseits legt er ein Modell vor, worin das Prinzip der Hegeischen Dialektik auf die von Piaget und seinen Mitarbeitern erforschte kognitive Entwicklung übertragen wird. Dieses Programm dient nicht zuletzt dem Versuch, die Grundlagen der Hegeischen Philosophie in eine Hegel-externe Begrifflichkeit zu übersetzen - ein Unternehmen, das nebenbei auch Erwägungen zur Bedeutungstheorie und zu Fragen aus dem Bereich der Philosophie der Logik erforderlich macht.

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        Self-help & personal development

        The Body that I am

        What to Learn from Our Body Awareness

        by Adrian Mühlebach

        Nothing is closer to us than our body ­ and yet we are only l ittle or not at all aware of it! Our body often plays the deci­sive role in our life: as the basis of our existence, in the regu­lation of our well­being as well as in our behavior control. Nevertheless, we perceive it far too seldom attentively. Our body perception is a dynamic, circular, self­changing pro­cess, because it is only through individually and collectively created ideas that we can turn body sensations into body perceptions. In this respect, our body perception is diffcult to grasp (scientifcally), since it is barely accessible via ob­jective observation, but exists only in our subjective con­sciousness. In this book, body perception is therefore exam­ined from the perspective of various disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, physiology, and history, in order to refect on its signifcance for our lives and to demonstrate its usefulness in view of the challenges of our time.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        How to Survive the First Years of School

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        With a pinch of humor, the authors tell the story of Julia, her husband Peter, and their little whirlwind Alexander, who is starting elementary school. How do the three of them deal with this new stage in Alexander’s life? What problems do they encounter and what do they find stressful? The book sets out to help parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents understand how children of elementary school age develop. Professionals who work with children of this age may also find it of interest. Petra Jansen and Stefanie Richter are both parents and psychologists. Through the fictional Julia they share their subjective experience as mothers, while also providing background information based on scientific studies. They demonstrate in a clear and entertaining way that some of the problems experienced by children of this age are not unexpected and are no cause for despair.     Target Group: Parents of children in their early years at school.

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        June 1977

        Wert- und Verteilungstheorien seit Adam Smith

        Eine nationalökonomische Dogmengeschichte. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Cora Stephan

        by Maurice Dobb, Cora Stephan

        Der kürzlich verstorbene britische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Maurice Dobb, (»vgl. es 166: Organisierter Kapitalismus«) zählt zu den wenigen international hochangesehenen Vertretern seines Fachs; er hat als Methodologe und als Theoretiker gleichermaßen nachhaltig die neuere Nationalökonomie beeinflußt. Sein jüngstes Buch bestätigt den Ruf, der ihm vorausgeht: einer der führenden Interpreten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen und nationalökonomischer Theoriebildung zu sein. In systematischer Weise entfaltet Dobb an zwei herausragenden Problemstellungen – Einkommensverteilung und Wertlehre – die Entstehungs- und Klärungsprozesse der ökonomischen Theorie seit Smith (über Ricardo, Marx bis zu Keynes und Sraffa). Dies freilich – die Darstellung der ökonomischen Dogmengeschichte – ist nur die eine Seite der Dobbschen Argumentation; die andere bildet die ideologiekritische Auseinandersetzung mit der geschichtlichen Bedingtheit der ökonomischen Deutungssysteme und der mehr oder weniger »apologetischen« Funktion der aus ihnen abgeleiteten wirtschaftspolitischen Lösungsvorschläge. Es ist das große Verdienst der Arbeit von Dobb, den Erklärungsanspruch ökonomischer Theorien nicht nur logisch-immanent zu analysieren, sondern auch im Hinblick auf ihr Verhältnis zu der von ihnen beschriebenen Wirklichkeit.

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        October 1986


        Erzählungen. Aus dem Spanischen von Rudolf Wittkopf

        by Julio Cortázar, Rudolf Wittkopf

        Oktaeder: Aus acht verschiedenen Blickwinkeln führt Cortázar seine Suche fort nach dem, was ihm wichtig ist: der Mensch mit seinen persönlichen Obsessionen und denen der Zeit, in der er lebt. Obsessive Spiele, durchgespielte Obsessionen: Die behandschuhte Hand einer jungen Mulattin in Der Hals eines schwarzen Kätzchens, so manisch kribbelig wie die Schreibhand des Autors, löst ein erotisches Spiel aus, das geradezu katarakthaft in irrsinniger, die guten Sitten verhöhnender Komik endet. In Manuskriptfund in einer Jackentasche gibt sich der Protagonist auf der Suche nach einer Frau Spielregeln, mit deren Hilfe er den Zufall systematisch ausbeutet. Eine Zufallsbegegnung ist auch das Motiv von Kindberg: Ein Mann im reifen Alter, Vertreter von Fertigfabrikaten, wird sich durch die Bekanntschaft eines Hippie-Mädchens seines gleichsam vorfabrizierten Lebens bewußt. In Sommer sieht sich das geruhsame Paar jäh bedroht durch unerklärliche Mächte in Gestalt eines Kindes und eines weißen Pferdes. Das Phantastische, Wunderbare dieses Geschehens erweist sich jedoch als der Wirklichkeit immanent. So auch in den übrigen Erzählungen dieses Bandes, den Cortázar noch selbst zusammenstellte.

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        December 2017

        Library of Chinese Classics :Selected Poems of Libai

        by Xu Yuanchong

        Li Bai is the greatest romantic poet in our country in the Tang Dynasty. Romanticism, as a trend of literary thought, is a social product of Europe from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. However, as a traumatic method, like realism, it is produced simultaneously with literature and art. Realism pays more attention to the portrayal of objective things, while romanticism focuses more on the expression of subjective feelings. With the Chinese poetic term "Fu Beixing" to describe the use of realism works more method, the use of romantic multi-Xing method. The use of Bi Xing is a major feature of Li Bai's poetry. Li Bai is a poet representing the Tang Dynasty culture. The ancient northern Yellow River valley culture in the philosophical thinking, with Confucius "Analects" as the representative, in the literary arts, the realist "Book of Songs" as a typical. The southern culture in the Yangtze River Valley, the philosophical representative is Lao Tzu "moral classics", and the typical literary style is "romantic". Li Bai, on the other hand, is a typical representative of the integration of North and South cultures.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2016

        Lexicon of Intimate Cities

        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        "Lexicon of Intimate Cities" is the biggest novel of Yuriy Andruhovych so far. A tireless traveler across Ukraine, Europe, and America, the author tells us 111 stories about 111 cities with which he was lucky enough to experience happy and not so happy, but always intimate, in the broadest sense of the word, moments.Arranged in the alphabetical order according to the geographical names of the locations, these diverse texts – from essays and short stories to prose poems together form an autobiographical atlas of the writer's world. In addition, each "lexical" adventure is clearly inscribed in time space coordinates, which allows the reader to follow the author in 111 private-historical leaps from the mid-60s of the last century to the present day.It is hardly worth expecting objective characteristics of Kyiv and Lviv, Moscow and Warsaw, New York and Yenakiyiv from this atlas, this extremely subjective "manual of geopoetics and cosmopolitics". But you can definitely find more artistically important things in it: the atmosphere, mood, images, smells and tastes of favorite cities and places, as they were imprinted in the author's memory. As well as momentary observations and deeper reflections, lyricism and sadness, irony and sarcasm - that is, everything that makes our communication with the world to resemble true intimacy.

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        by Taisen Deshimaru

        A story of bravery and false starts, Autobiography of a Zen Monk candidly recounts the author’s development from a highly mischievous Japanese boy into a world-renowned Sensei (Teacher) of Zen. While countless memoirs exist written by Zen students and teachers, few are as engaging and as tantalizing as Taisen Deshimaru’s. Looking back at his early life, growing up in Japan, from the viewpoint of his status as a Zen teacher in Paris, the author reflects on his earliest misadventures—from defacing a valuable painting of Bodhidharma as a child, to turning the “Zen stick” on a young monk during a retreat. Adventures abound with stories about alcohol and women, during his student years, and his activities during World War II in working for the arms industry in Malaysia, where he was sympathetic to the underground freedom movement. This first English-language translation of Taisen Deshimaru’s autobiography will be prized for its clear and honest documentation of this great master’s life. Many people all over the world have been influenced by Deshimaru’s Zen teachings, especially his book on Zen and the martial arts. This memoir fills an important gap in our knowledge of his teacher, Kodo Sawaki’s influence on the world of Zen. The story of how Deshimaru met Sawaki as a boy, even slept in the same room with him, and later received monastic ordination is the story of a lifelong friendship of two extraordinary characters in the history of modern Zen. Deshimaru’s influence extends beyond Zen practitioners, though, especially in those interested in the martial arts, as he touches on his martial arts experience as a young man and offers a look into the master’s early training. Additional interest extends to historians who recount the supposed “scandals” of Zen masters’ participation in the war effort. Although Deshimaru’s viewpoint is decidedly subjective, he was intimately acquainted with priests and generals alike, and approaches the difficult subject with a refreshing lack of judgmental disdain which counterbalances many other more lopsided works. Translator, Richard Collins, a longtime Zen practitioner, and currently the Abbot of the New Orleans Zen Temple, is a literature scholar and author of several books including No Fear Zen, Hohm Press, 2014. His knowledge of the subject matter and his finesse with language combine to make this book a delightful read for those who appreciate wellwritten memoir.

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        November 2019

        Mental Health and Well-being in Animals

        by Franklin D. McMillan

        Since publication of the first edition of this book, public concern for the well-being of animals has continued to increase throughout the world. In addition, advances in research over the past decade have yielded an enormous amount of knowledge about animal mental health and wellbeing. Studies on animal stress, distress, emotions, psychological trauma, and mental disorders have brought to light insights on how to care for and treat the animal mind. The second edition is:Fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals.Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists.Comprehensive in its coverage, from the basic principles of mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment.Packed with even more practical information, wisdom and clinical tips.This book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers. Part 1: Foundational Issues of Animal Mental Health and Well-being 1: Mental Health in Animals: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s View — Debra F. Horwitz 2: The Problems with Well-Being Terminology — Franklin D. McMillan, James W. Yeates 3: The Philosophical and Biological Evolution of Feelings in Well-being — Ian J.H. Duncan 4: The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health — Melissa Bain, C. A. Tony Buffington Part 2: The Pleasant Experiences: Mental Wellness 5: Moving Beyond a Problem-based Focus on Poor Animal Welfare Towards Creating Opportunities to Have Positive Welfare Experiences — David J. Mellor, Ngaio J. Beausoleil 6: The Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Personal Control in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 7: Quality of Life of Animals in Veterinary Medical Practice — James W. Yeates 8: The Mental Health and Well-Being Benefits of Social Contact and Social Support in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 9: Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Personality in Animals — Alexander Weiss, Lauren M. Robinson 10: Fostering Mental and Behavioral Wellness During Upbringing and Throughout Life — Daniel Q. Estep, Suzanne Hetts Part 3: The Unpleasant Experiences: Distress, Suffering, and Mental Illness 11: What Is Distress? A Complex Answer to a Simple Question — Franklin D. McMillan 12: Suffering, Agency, and the Bayesian Mind — Daniel M. Weary 13: Mental Illness in Animals: Diagnostic Considerations Using Selected Mental Disorders — Karen L. Overall 14: Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Psychopathology in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan Part 4: Mental Health Issues in Special Populations 15: Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Pet — Jacqueline Wilhelmy, Gary Landsberg 16: Mental Health Issues in Farm Animals: A Music Mixing Board Model of Behavioral Characteristics Using The Panksepp Emotional System — Temple Grandin 17: Mental Health Issues in the Horse — Daniel S. Mills, Claire Ricci-Bonot, Sophie S. Hall 18: Mental Health Issues in Shelter Animals — Victoria Cussen, Pamela J. Reid 19: The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals — Carine Elkhoraibi, Amy Robinson-Junker, Gina Alvino, Larry Carbone 20: Mental Health Issues in Captive Birds — Lynne M. Seibert 21: Psychological Well-Being in Zoo Animals — David Shepherdson, Kathy Carlstead 22: Mental Health Issues in Captive Cetaceans — Lori Marino Part 5: Assessment and Management of Emotional Distress and Disorders 23: Assessing Affective States in Animals — Michael Mendl, Elizabeth S. Paul 24: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Non-Pharmacologic Methods — Pamela J. Reid 25: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Pharmacologic Methods — Sharon Crowell-Davis

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        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2018

        Special Interest Tourism

        Concepts, Contexts and Cases

        by Carol Southall, Lynn Minnaert, Nazia Ali, Ade Oriade, Allan Watson, Glen Croy, Ralf C Buckley, Dallen J Timothy, Steven Rhoden, Alison Caffyn, Richard Benfield, Cheng-Fei Lee, Sheela Agarwal, Graham Busby, Rong Huang

        Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and addresses the complexities now inherent in this area of tourism. It presents a contextualised overview of contemporary academic research, concepts, principles and industry-based practice insights, and also considers the future of special interest tourism in light of the emergence of ethical consumerism. With a clear, user-friendly structure, the book: -Links theoretical frameworks to clear practical applications. -Reviews key emerging issues for tourism relating to families and faith, the performing arts, active and passive pursuits, therapeutic leisure and travelling. -Includes contributions and case studies from international academics and practitioners to give a truly global overview. Sometimes referred to as niche or contemporary tourism, this book provides a complete introduction to the study of special interest tourism for students.

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        March 2020

        Basic Monitoring in Canine and Feline Emergent Patients

        by Elizabeth J. Thomovsky, Paula A. Johnson, Aimee C. Brooks

        This book discusses the various basic monitoring techniques available for emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic ER clinics and primary care clinics. This includes blood pressure, capnography, ECGs, pulse oximetry, and point of care monitoring ranging from the physical exam to bedside diagnostic tests like PCV/TP, urine specific gravity, blood glucose, and lactate. Each chapter is structured in the following way: basic physiology as related to the monitor, how the monitor/piece of equipment works, pros and cons of the monitor/piece of equipment, when not to trust the monitor, and clinical applications/examples of how to use the monitor in clinical settings.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2016

        Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations

        by Julia N Albrecht

        Visitor management may be considered as a component of destination management at all levels of a destination. It involves a wide range of stakeholders. This book demonstrates current knowledge on visitor management. Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations provides insight into critical concepts such as the visitor experience, service quality, the uses of indicators and frameworks, and interpretation. It also addresses current issues including the social and political dimensions of visitor management, the implementation of monitoring, vandalism and augmented reality. Authored by leading international researchers in the field of visitor management research, this book is primarily aimed at researchers and postgraduate students. Key Features: · Considers critical concepts and influential factors in visitor management. · Illustrates current issues in visitor management. · Research-based case studies contribute to an overall understanding of core issues. · Covers the state-of-the-art in guiding and interpretation. ; This book demonstrates current knowledge on Visitor Management and provides insight into conceptual issues. ; PART I: Introduction and Foundation Chapter 1: Introduction to Visitor Management in tourism Destinations Chapter 2: Destination Management and Visitor Management: Non-convergent Literatures but Complementary Activities and Issues Chapter 3: Meeting the Challenge of Managing Visitor Experiences at Tourism Attractions Chapter 4: The Social and Political Dimensions of Visitor Management: Rural Home-based Accommodations PART II: Critical Concepts in Visitor Management Chapter 5: Indicators and Standards-Based Visitor Management Frameworks in Achieving Sustainability at Cultural Heritage Sites Chapter 6: Managing Nature-Based Visitors’ Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Future Behaviour Intention Chapter 7: The Relevance of Visitors’ National Park Affinity for Effective Visitor Management in Protected Areas PART III: Current Issues in Visitor Management Chapter 8: Visitor Monitoring in the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil Chapter 9: Tourist Behaviours, Vandalism and Stakeholder Responses Chapter 10: Augmented Reality Application in Museum Visitor Experiences PART IV: The State of the Art in Guiding and Interpretation Chapter 11: Strategies for Successful Interpretation Techniques in Visitor Attractions: The Operationalization of Guided Tours in Museums Chapter 12: Using Heritage Interpretation to Manage Film-induced Tourism at Heritage visitor Attractions Chapter 13: Theories of Learning and their Application in Interpretation Chapter 14: Critical Reflections on the Role of Interpretation in Visitor Management PART V: Conclusion Chapter 15: Current Knowledge and Future Research Directions in Visitor Management

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        Sport & leisure industries
        October 2006

        Adventure Tourism

        by Ralf C Buckley

        Adventure tourism is a new, rapidly growing area at both practical and academic levels. Written at an introductory level, Adventure Tourism provides a basic background and covers commercial adventure tourism products across a range of adventure tourism sectors.

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