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      • May 2020

        Spirits of the Coast

        Orcas in Science, Art and History

        by Dr. Martha Black, Dr. Lorne Hammond, and Dr. Gavin Hanke with Nikki Sanchez

        Spirits of the Coast brings together the work of marine biologists, Indigenous knowledge keepers, poets, artists and storytellers, united by their enchantment with the orca. A literary and visual journey through past and possibility, this book illustrates how the enigmatic orca has shaped us as much as our actions have impacted its species, and provokes the reader to imagine the shape of our shared future.

      • 2019

        Carpe Fin

        A Haida Manga

        by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

        In a prequel to the award-winning Red: A Haida Manga, acclaimed artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas blends Asian manhwa/manga with the Haida artistic and oral tradition in a stunning hand-painted volume. The story follows one man’s fate in the half-life between human and animal, life and death, as his community—perched between the ocean and the northern temperate rainforest—faces a series of disasters.To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • A Dusty Day at the Museum

        A small museum guide for children

        by Dorothea Blankenhagen

        Fuzzy is a cheeky little ball of dust that lives in a corner of the grand museum with her family. One day, a gust of wind comes rushing through the hall and carries her off on a great adventure. An adventure during which she encounters interesting creatures from all over the world: she narrowly escapes a mighty tiger, competes with a friendly antelope from Africa, is thrown out of her picture by an Indian hunting party, flees from an octopus from the coast of South America and lands with a funny Chinese dragon... This picture book not only brings the Humboldt Forum exhibits – and dust bunnies – to life, but it is also a really nice introduction to different kind of art.

      • Memoirs
        March 2012

        Dancing Through History

        In Search of the Stories That Define Canada

        by Lori Henry

        In Dancing Through History, Henry crosses Canada's vast physical and ethnic terrain to uncover how its various cultures have evolved through their dances.   Her coast-to-coast journey takes her to Haida Gwaii in British Columbia, where she witnesses the seldom seen animist dances of the islands' First Nation people. In the Arctic, Henry partakes in Inuit drum dancing, kept alive by a new generation of Nunavut youth. And in CapeBreton, she uncovers the ancient "step dance" of the once culturally oppressed Gaels of Nova Scotia.   During her travels, Henry discovers that dance helps to break down barriers and encourage cooperation between people with a history of injustice. Dance, she finds, can provide key insight into what people value most as a culture, which is often more similar than it seems. It is this kind of understanding that goes beyond our divisive histories and gives us compassion for one another.   Unique to this book, Dancing Through History includes first person interviews with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (Canada's Aboriginal groups) talking about their traditions and the effect colonisation has had on them, all through the lens of dance. Their voices are given ample space to speak for themselves – what is revealed is a beautiful worldview and many lessons to be learned in order to have a healthy planet and tolerant people as we move into the future.   Book Details: This is an adult non-fiction book of Canadian content. The target market is curious travellers and those interested in culture beyond the typical tourist traps. Sales have ranged from junior high schools to retired baby boomers. Interested publishers can make an offer directly on the profile page to buy available rights.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2015

        Social Ecological Diversity and Traditional Food Systems

        by Ranjay Kumar Singh, Nancy J. Turner, Victoria Reyes-Garcia & Jules Pretty

        This book draws on world-wide experiences and valuable lessons to highlight community-ecosystem interactions and the role of traditional knowledge in sustaining biocultural resources through community-based adaptations. The book targets different audiences including researchers working on human-environment interactions and climate adaptation practices, biodiversity conservators, non-government organizations and policy makers involved in revitalizing traditional foods and community-based conservation and adaptation in diverse ecosystems. This volume is also a source book for educators advocating for and collaborating with indigenous and local peoples to promote location-specific adaptations to overcome the impacts of multiple biotic and abiotic stresses.

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        Ces grands procès qui ont changé le monde

        by Francesca Trop

        Comment concevoir les règles les plus justes et les plus universelles, afin de permettre à tous de mieux vivre ? Des premiers mythes de l’humanité jusqu’à l’histoire contemporaine, cet album documentaire raconte, commente et illustre 24 grands procès, répartis sur tous les continents, qui ont, chacun à leur façon, fait avancer la société.  - How to imagine the fairest and most universal rules, in order to allow everyone to live better? From the first myths of humanity to contemporary history, this documentary album tells, comments and illustrates 24 major trials, spread over all continents, which have, each in their own way, pushed society forward.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2011

        Advances in Preservation and Processing Technologies of Fruits and Vegetables

        by S. Rajarathnam & R.S. Ramteke

        The book consists of 19 s on different subjects and in different dimensions, with particular emphasis on the post-harvest handling and processing of fruits and vegetables, including mushrooms. Scope for the technology on fruits and vegetables, non-destructive methods to evaluate fresh quality, radiation preservation, chemistry of pectin and pigments and their applications, nutraceutical compounds, membrane processing of liquid fruits, dehydrated and intermediate moisture products,importance of bamboo and mushrooms as food, influence of process conditions on product quality, food additives in product preparation, packaging aspects, microbiological safety concerns, relevant analytical methods, mushroom nutraceuticals and bio-technological interventions for improvement of banana with a final note on conclusions in the last .

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