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      • Fondo de Cultura Económica

        With 86 years publishing books covering a broad range of subject areas, Fondo de Cultura Económica is one of the leading publishing houses in Latin America. Over the course of the last twenty-nine years, the ten series of books for children and young adults published by our Children’s book division have included titles of the highest literary and visual quality, aimed at a critical and demanding readership. Our most innovative books have received important awards such as the New Horizons Award, and some of our titles have been listed in the White Ravens Catalogue and in the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) 50 Books/50 Covers. Several of our books for children and young adults have been translated into Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Galician, Czech, Slovenian, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Swedish, Romanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Greek and Turkish.

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      • Éditions Fonfon

        Fonfon holds its talented authors and illustrators in high regard and embraces a vision of sustainability, releasing only a limited number of new publications each year to ensure a focus on carefully curated and beautifully crafted stories that will keep appealing to children’s imaginations for years to come.

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      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Easy-to-make Desserts from Around the World 1

        by Candy Tang

        Making dessert can be a piece of cake! Let’s make chocolate mint smoothies, fruit parfait, Turkish rice pudding, Burbur cha cha, pancakes, Halo-halo, and more! Try these easy-to-make recipes of popular dishes from around the world!

      • Enchanting Winter Time

        Celebrating Christmas with Family and Friends

        by Enikö Gruber

        In her book, Eni offers us an all-round carefree package and reveals how we can successfully enjoy the holidays: sure-fire recipes for Advent coffee, holiday brunch or mulled wine evenings with friends – including the appropriate Christmas menu for every taste, gifts from the kitchen or an Asian New Year's Eve fondue – make sure that the holidays will be very special this year!

      • ELT resource books for teachers
        May 1999

        Grammar Zappers

        Social and Functional English for Communication!

        by Mark Fletcher

        4 complete, self contained and very special grammar lessons which make the ‘difficult bits’ EASY! Designed for teaching at Council of Europe language level CEF - B1. Where CEF is Common European Framework. No more problems with... Prepositions (Walter) Present Simple/Continuous (Hot Chestnuts) Irregular Past (Fondue Marketing) Present Perfect/Past (Great Escape) The lessons are self contained and all have: A lively dramatised story with many examples of the target language Memory maps Picture games/activations/role plays/exercises Cassette ‘concert reading’ of the text with music Full teaching notes By clear, careful, recycling of the target language as listening exercise in three different forms, (pictures into word exercise, discussion of ‘storyboard form’ and finally a ‘cloze test’), the work is repeated up to 7 times. A long term memory of the grammar is then always available to give confidence in the correct use.

      • Qât

        by Jean-Marc Cosset

        Thriller - Dystopia - Science fiction - Novel  Et si... Et si, après le Grand Tournant, dans ce qui fut Paris, les trois religions du Livre, Judaïsme, Catholicisme, Islam, s'étaient fondues en une seule... Et si pour faireaccepter au peuple l"épouvantable misère qui avait suivi l'effondrement des civilisations occidentales, les Dirigeants s'étaient inspirés de la solution de l'abrutissement par le Qât, cette drogue mâchée depuis des temps immémoriaux au Yémen... Et si un jeune médecin, Stefan, se battant comme un damné contre des maladies devenues presque toutes mortelles par manque quasi-total de médicaments, rejoignait, pour l'amaour d'une de ses jeunes infirmières, le groupe de réfractaires qui s'étaient autoproclamés les "résistants" au risque de finir enfournés tout vifs dans les broyeurs des Dirigeants...

      • Cook'n Roll

        by Audrey BASSET

        You didn’t know it ? You can rock in your kitchen too ! 50 recipes for rock fans…

      • Asian Vegetables

        by Caroline Ho-Yi Wang, Patricia Ho-Yi Wang, Stéphanie Ho-Yi Wang, photos by Virginie Gosselin

        If bok choy has been able to acquire a prominent place on Western shelves, many other Asian vegetables still remain unknown. But these tasty, nutritious vegetables can be easily grown in temperate, and even northern, climates! Caroline, Stephanie andPatricia Ho-Yi Wang, three sisters of Cantonese origin, have made it their mission to introduce these vegetables, which everyone will love, in a unique book that is both a guide to gardening and a cookbook, as well as the story of a family. Presenting 15 Asian vegetables according to each season, the book offers advice to Sunday gardeners as well as future market gardeners on how to organically grow and harvest these vegetables, as well as provides preservation techniques, nutritional information and cookingmethods. Around forty recipes, some of which were created by famous chefs, are presented as well. The Wang sisters also explore the world of Asian vegetables from a cultural point of view, tracing the place that these hold in their own lives and in those of their family members, many of whom left China to emigrate to Madagascar before finally settling in Quebec. A true homage to the earth, good food and one’s roots!

      • Eco-Almanach

        Chaque jour un écogeste

        by Laetitia CRNKOVIC

        Become an eco-citizen day after day ! Learn, discover, experiment, create, become aware without feeling guilty. Take action step by step and start by what you prefer without any constraint.

      • Cook'n Roll again

        by Audrey BASSET

        Because rock’n roll is never dead, here are brand new recipes for all lovers of cook and rock !

      • Children's & YA


        Dragons have inspired the imagination of mankind since the dawn of time. Each civilization, in its own way, has honored the wonderful creature. Then, as times changed, the same ones who had once adored it now called it a cruel and bloodthirsty monster.

        by Séverine Pineaux

        Rattling scales, breath of fire, twirling under the scarlet skies... Dragons have fed the imagination of men since the dawn of time, giving birth to many legends. Each civilization in its own way has honored the marvelous creature.As times changed, the same ones who had once adored it now called it a cruel and bloodthirsty monster, and its executioners became the heroes.In this book, we honor the “great fire-breathers,” these magnificent, untamable creatures, who have ignited a childhood passion that can never be extinguished and guide us as we go through life with our head in the clouds, on the back of our very own dragon…

      • Fiction
        September 2016

        The Deathbearer

        by Angel Arekin

        At 17, Seïs Amorgen is nominated to incorporate the biggest brotherhood of Asclepion’s kingdom. If he says yes, he will become one of the best warriors of the monarchy. If he says no, he will stay the frivolous and arrogant boy playing with the robbers in his hometown. While the shadow is extending through the country, Seïs must take a decision which will impact his life, and he must faces his own demons.

      • Romance
        May 2019

        Auszeit in die Liebe

        by Monika Arend

        Die erfolgreiche Liebesromanautorin Julia Reuter hat von Männern die Nase gestrichen voll. Einzig ihr Jugendfreund Robert, genannt Romeo, ihre Muse, ihr Kummerkasten, steht noch hoch in ihrer Gunst.Auf den Spuren der Tagebucheintragungen ihrer Oma Marie reist Julia in das beschauliche Städtchen Fritzlar, um sich eine Auszeit zu gönnen. Hier lernt sie einen hochbetagten Maler kennen, der ihr Schlüssel zum Glück wird.

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