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      • Estonian Literature Centre

        The Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC) exists to generate interest in Estonian literature abroad. ELIC organizes translation seminars and publishers’ fellowships, and coordinates the Translator-in-residence program in Estonia. ELIC has created a unique English language web site on Estonian writers and translators of Estonian literature and maintains a developing database of translations of Estonian literature. The web site and database can be accessed at:

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      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

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      • Sociology & anthropology
        March 2020

        Tetã Tekoha

        by Nhandewa, Alexandro; Yvoty, Ana Lúcia; Silva, Débora; Zamboni, Felipe; Sabino, Jaqueline; Tupã, Rodrigo; Pyntánh, Tiago; Matias, Uerique; Jacintho, Valéria; Queiroz, Yago

        Tetã Tekoha is a cry of resistance from ten young Guarani indigenous people, students at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Members of the Indigenous Word project, which sought to bring together and develop their authorship and their role, the students present first-person reports, with their own style - and a lot of emotion - in a search for affirmation of identity, ancestry and identification with both worlds: village and the city. From their experience at the university, where they study to deepen knowledge that may be useful to their people and question the invisibility and imposition of Western culture as unique, they want to show that they move between the worlds without abandoning their essence.

      • Escritas Diversas do Eu

        by Leila de Aguiar Costa (Org.), Jéssica Aline Ferreira Felix (Org.)

        Escritas Diversas do Eu "Páginas comoventes, pungentes, ternas, jocosas, divertidas, alegres, sofridas, plenas dos mais variados afetos: o que se lerá nesse volume são os frutos doces ou amargos de uma experiência literária a que se dedicaram jovens entusiastas, estudantes de Letras, desejosos de se deixarem habitar pela linguagem, de se inclinarem ao acontecimento poético e, por isso mesmo, de oferecerem ao leitor - e a ele se des-cobrirem - vidas subjetivas que só têm razão de ser porque se locam em contato com o Outro. Fica, então, aqui, o convite ao encontro!" (Leila de Aguiar Costa)

      • January 2018

        Práticas lúdicas na formação vocal em teatro

        by Pereira, Eugênio Tadeu

        A formação vocal do estudante de teatro e, por extensão, a exploração dos recursos vocais de todos os que se interessam pelas artes da cena e pela educação estética e artística vêm à tona neste trabalho. Elementos centrais no fazer teatral, a escuta de si e do outro, a apropriação de parâmetros musicais, a relação entre o corpo como um todo e a emissão da voz são aqui focalizados detalhada e cuidadosamente. De modo original, a incerteza intrínseca ao lúdico é enfatizada pelo autor como caminho fértil para conduzir essa aprendizagem. O jogo tradicional, patrimônio cultural transmitido oralmente e partilhado pelas diferentes gerações constitui nesta obra o principal vetor da ampliação das capacidades vocais. A disponibilidade para o jogo abre as portas para a descoberta das possibilidades vocais de todos aqueles que se dispuserem a essa aventura.

      • Children's & YA

        The Useless Heroes League

        by Alexandre de Castro Gomes and Luiz Antonio Aguiar

        Typical feelings from a teenager´s everyday such as bullying, abandonment, anxiety and rejection are found in this plot which engages with the comic book and superheroes world, with text and illustrations that are in perfect sync. Something that enhances the Reading is that the story is told in the first person and alternates voices in each chapter: each character is different from “normal” people and undergoes a period of physical transformation. This is a breathtaking adventure that will transport you into another universe.

      • April 2016

        Autocoaching and getting fit

        by André Percia

        The book 'Autocoaching and getting fit’, André Percia, is intended to help its readers to get thin through an internal working mental order. The book seeks to complement, but with no claim to replace the necessary interventions for medical treatment and / or psychological need. Not seeks a commitment which player will lose weight, but give the participant of the program autocoaching great tools power to transform your life. Each person should find a way to make the program work with regularity and discipline, building deep unconscious and a lean and healthy pattern. The engagement that the program requires to be full, which means read, understand and do the exercises as directed in each case, because only then you can modify the patterns of thought, even at the conscious level, enabling a deep transformation and lasting.

      • Fiction

        Isaac D

        by Leandro Pileggi, Levi Tonin

        What if you woke up and were someone else? What if unnamable creatures showed up everywhere? What if only you noticed they were there? What if they came after you? Would you run? Would you hide? Or would you fight… Isaac D is a Light novel full of action and good humor, spiced by many Lovecraft and pop culture references. A fantasy built on humanity’s largest mysteries that brings together modern myths and pulp story classics.

      • Adventure

        La Dame Chevalier and Salomon’s lost table

        by A.Z. Codenonsi

        The years is 1927 and the murder of a soldier in a military hospital in Morocco begins a chance for an extremely valuable artefact, disappeared for more than a thousand years: the Table of Salomon, King of Kings, that would give its owner the wisdom of a thousand wise men. And when the Bureau’s investigation gets to the weapon used in La Dame Chevalier’s parents’ murder, the agent decides to travel to north Africa looking for the artefact and answers. Along with the young Justine Carbonneau, both women go to the desert among a war between the empire and the Berbers, fighting for their independence. But Chevalier will have company. Mercenaries led by the mysterious organization Ostia Mithrae also

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • Photography & photographs
        July 2013


        by Fabiana de Barros (author)

        Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of Brazilian’s Modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm Superior School of Design (Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and experiencing new trends such as pop art and happening. This book presents an overview of his life and work, chrono-logically arranged and covering all aspects of his production with an emphasis in photography.

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