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      • TURLA (Turkish Literature Abroad)

        TURLA Meetings organized by the Association of Press and Publishers is an online copyrights platform, that has adapted to the ongoing changes in the world. TURLA Meetings, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduces Turkish publishers to international publishing professionals and enables online copyrights meetings for Turkish publishers.    TURLA Meetings which is the first international online publishing platform in Turkey will take place between 17 - 19 November 2020. The program will give Turkish and international publishers the opportunity to hold copyrights meetings and matchmaking activities. Within the context of TURLA Meetings the publishers from Turkey and around the world will meet with live video B2B meetings on the website for 3 days.   The Turkish publishers who contribute to TURLA's catalogs and the international publishers from the different countries can create their profiles and online publishing house showcases on the TURLA Meetings website. The publishers can also continue to promote their books on their online showcases outside of the event dates.   TURLA Meetings collects international book fairs and the international publishing market on one website, for the easy access of Turkish publishers.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Envoy of Ankara Star

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. Star Ankara was once upon a time a very beautiful planet in the universe. However, for people's irrational enthusiasm for technologies, it became a cold planet without green and oxygen. In order to find green, Ankara’s juvenile A-ting, who has a sense of justice and wisdom, has embarked on a journey to the Earth to find seeds for green. Can he finally defeat the powerful evil forces and bring home the green?

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2001

        Turkish Power Boys

        Ethnographie einer Jugendbande

        by Hermann Tertilt

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Cossacks and Janissaries. Ukraine in the Christian-Muslim wars of 1500-1700

        by Taras Chukhlіb

        The book explores the place and role of the Cossacks and nobility of Ukraine-Rus’ as well as the Cossack state (Hetmanate) in the European-Ottoman wars. The book’s author depicted the long period of confrontation between the Christian and Islamic civilizations in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, important for the world historical process. The reader's attention is drawn not only to the military actions of the Cossacks against the Ottoman Empire, whose elite unit was the Janissary Corps, but also to the illustration of the peaceful relations of Ukraine with the Ottomans and Girays during the years 1500-1700.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Turkey facing east

        Islam, modernity and foreign policy

        by Ayla Gol

        Turkey facing east is about the importance of Turkey's relations with its Eastern neighbours - Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Soviet Union - during the emergence of the modern Turkish nation-state from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. The principal strength of this book is that it not only combines historical and theoretical arguments in order to provide a better understanding of the foreign relations of a predominantly Muslim country from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective, but it also applies the new approach to the analysis of Turkish foreign policy towards the South Caucasus between 1918 and 1921. Hence, it stands out with its original interdisciplinary approach to the Turkish transition and foreign policy-making that offers perspectives on the extant possibilities for the particular transitional states resulting from the Arab spring uprisings.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2014

        Soliman and Perseda, by Thomas Kyd

        by Lukas Erne

        Soliman and Perseda, written c. 1588 and first published in 1592 or 1593, is a late Elizabethan romantic tragedy by Thomas Kyd, author of The Spanish Tragedy. It dramatises the triangular relationship of the Turkish emperor Soliman, his captive Perseda and her beloved Erastus, and the fortunes of the comic servant Piston and the braggart knight Basilisco, against the fictionalised backdrop of the Turkish invasion of Rhodes in the early sixteenth century. The introduction to this facsimile edition contains the fullest analysis of the text to date. It also provides an account of the play's editorial history, a detailed analysis of its original printing, and lists of all erroneous readings in the first quarto, together with significant differences between the first and second quartos. This edition provides the best access we have to an important play by one of Shakespeare's leading early contemporaries. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangæa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Beyond the Sultan's Table: Turkish gastronomy, history, culture and travel

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        IT’S A COOKBOOK … OR IS IT A GUIDEBOOK? … MAYBE IT’S A TRAVEL GUIDE … OR A POCKET HISTORY … AN INTRODUCTION TO A SERIES OF NOVELS ABOUT TURKEY? … A DELICIOUS KEEPSAKE WORK OF ART PRODUCED BY THE INIMITABLE DESIGN PEAKS PRODUCTION? OR … ACTUALLY, BEYOND THE SULTAN’S TABLE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. IT’S THE PERFECT HYBRID … AND IT IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR “SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING” BUT WANTS A “DIFFERENT” ADVENTURE WITH WHICH TO THRILL THEIR FRIENDS! Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling novelist, nationally known trial lawyer, musician, world traveler, actor, journalist, Bon Vivant Wannabe,” and former president and CEO of a mid-sized cookbook company, who has enjoyed his “many lives” immensely, now shares his joys and experiences with you. Unquestionably, this most “unusual” guidebook to many things will leave you wondering: Is he a polymath-genius or simply an oddball with a penchant for bringing a smile to your face and taste sensations to your palate? And of course, he and his beloved wife, Lorraine, an educator and author in her own right – and their five adult children – have shared the greatest happiness any two people have ever had. Enjoy something totally different, enriching, and unique! Expand your own horizon.   An English-language edition was published in Spring 2024. 282  pages, 15x 22.5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Motherlands Sgaa Vol. II

        VOLUME TWO, EMERGENCE: 1918 – 1938

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        VOLUME TWO, EMERGENCE: 1918 – 1938 In Volume One, LEGACY, we witnessed the death of the Ottoman Empire. The Western Powers, who thought they’d have an easy time dismembering the corpse, somehow never reckoned with the courage and resilience of the Turkish people – or that a leader as great as Kemal Atatürk would grab the Motherland by the scruff of the neck and yank it forward five centuries in the span of fifteen years. The fourth major protagonist in this epic, Nadji Akdemir, scion of generations of military pride, enters the tale when Turkey is at its nadir, and afterward joins Turhan Türkoğlu and Halide Orhan at Turkey’s rebirth and EMERGENCE as the Motherland builds from within. Meanwhile, as the world descends into a nascent holocaust like none other in history, Abbas Hükümdar hitches his yoke to the rising star that is Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019. Volume Two - 238 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Escape from your country

        by Naira Pogosyan ,Ruben Melqonyan

        What happened to the Armenians who remained in the Ottoman Empire in 1915? What state policy did Turkey adopt towards them? How did it happen that after 1920 the Soviet Union was studying the treaties of Kars and Sevres and seriously discussing the problem of reclaiming Kars and Ardahan from Turkey? Why did the announcement of Soviet Armenia's immigration appear right in the middle and at the most dangerous point of the relationship between the Soviet Union and Turkey, which is a historical confrontation, but which is being formed with a new political order and methods?A book that was awaited especially by those who noticed the active work of Turkish historians in the archives. In the archives where it is possible to find documents and information about the Armenian Genocide, survivors and descendants. This time, two Armenian Turkologists worked in the archives in detail and with care.They found and presented information about the Armenians who took the path of "escape" from Erg to Armenia, kept under the "strictly secret" file and until now unknown. Why and how they decided, came and stayed: the Armenians of Turkey and their descendants tell the story in this book. From the trauma of the Genocide to the process of ghettoization in Armenia. what the repatriates went through.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        The vocabulary of a nationalist and other essays

        by Mykola Riabchuk

        This collection of opinion journalism is a comprehensive and far-sighted look at the past, present, and future of Ukraine in political and cultural aspects. The author meticulously describes the phenomena of Ukrainian realities, in particular, analyzes the Ukrainian Maidans (2004 and 2013), examines the crisis of the Ukrainian elite, Ukrainians’ identity crisis by nationality or citizenship, and also describes in details the USSR iron curtain of the 20th century in the sphere of culture and literature. Most of these essays were published in periodicals, mainly in English and Ukrainian, sometimes in Polish and German, and occasionally in such languages as Farsi, Turkish, and Catalan. The author prepared all Ukrainian versions with the hope of a synergistic effect of personal experiences gathered under one cover and hoping to awaken from the Soviet delusional dream that has not yet dissappered.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Foreigners, minorities and integration

        The Muslim immigrant experience in Britain and Germany

        by Sarah Hackett

        This book explores the arrival and development of Muslim immigrant communities in Britain and Germany during the post-1945 period through the case studies of Newcastle upon Tyne and Bremen. It traces Newcastle's South Asian Muslims and Bremen's Turkish Muslims from their initial settlement through to the end of the twentieth century, and investigates their behaviour and performance in the areas of employment, housing and education. At a time at when Islam is sometimes seen as a barrier to integration and harmony in Europe, this study demonstrates that this need not be the case. In what is the first comparison of Muslim ethnic minorities in Britain and Germany at a local level, this book reveals that instances of integration have been frequent. It is essential reading for both academics and students with an interest in migration studies, modern Britain and Germany, and the place of Islam in contemporary Europe. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1992

        Eiche und Angora

        Eine deutsche Chronik

        by Martin Walser

        Martin Walser wurde am 24. März 1927 in Wasserburg am Bodensee geboren. Nach seinem Arbeitsdienst erlebte er das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges von 1944 bis 1945 als Soldat der Wehrmacht. Nach Kriegsende machte er 1946 in Lindau am Bodensee-Gymnasium das Abitur und studierte an den Universitäten Regensburg und Tübingen Literaturwissenschaft, Geschichte und Philosophie. Mit einer Dissertation zu Franz Kafka wurde er 1951 in Tübingen promoviert. Von 1949 bis 57 arbeitete er beim Süddeutschen Rundfunk. In dieser Zeit unternahm er Reisen für Funk und Fernsehen nach Italien, Frankreich, England, CSSR und Polen und schrieb erste Hörspiele.1950 heiratete er Katharina Neuner-Jehle. Aus dieser Ehe gingen die Töchter Franziska, Alissa, Johanna und Theresia hervor. Seit 1953 wurde Walser regelmäßig zu den Tagungen der Gruppe 47 eingeladen, die ihn 1955 für die Erzählung Templones Ende auszeichnete. Sein erster Roman Ehen in Philippsburg erschien 1957 und wurde ein großer Erfolg. Walser lebte von da an mit seiner Familie als freier Schriftsteller erst in Friedrichshafen und dann in Nußdorf am Bodensee.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

      • Trusted Partner

        Amazing Grace

        The Story of Grace O'Malley the Notorious Pirate Woman

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        A WOMAN THAT HATH IMPUDENTLY PASSED THE PART OF WOMANHOOD AND BEEN A GREAT SPOILER AND CHIEF COMMANDER AND DIRECTOR OF THIEVES AND MURDERERS AT SEA … SHE HATH BEEN THE MOTHER OF ALL REBELLIONS FOR FORTY YEARS … , the “Pirate Queen of Connaught,” was thus vilified by those English authorities who tried to bring stubborn, recalcitrant Ireland to its knees in the Sixteenth Century. Twice married, twice widowed, a passionate lover, gambler, pirate, sea captain, politician, mother of heroes, and, above all, a symbol of the indomitable human spirit and Irish independence. She was a force to be reckoned with by anyone – man, woman, even the sovereign of England, who tried to cross her path. AMAZING GRACE swaggered boldly across the world stage for more than seventy years. These were turbulent times of Henry VIII and “Bloody Mary” Tudor, and Queen Elizabeth – the age of discovery when the remnants of the Middle Ages were dying – except in the provinces of Ireland – and the Renaissance was in full flower – the days of the “discovery” of America by Spaniards, the exploration of Africa and India by Portugal, the launching of the Invincible Armada, and the great schism of two contending forces of western Christianity. Armed with courage and daring to match that of any man, AMAZING GRACE lived a life “larger than legend.” More sinner than saint, she is remembered throughout western Ireland more than four hundred years after her death, celebrated in story and song. In a time when women were very much “second class citizens,” GRACE O’MALLEY did not need a women’s rights organization – she was her own force, and if you tried to cross her, you’d best beware. Sir Henry Sidney, the English Lord Deputy of Ireland, said it best: “There came to me a most feminine sea captain called Grace O’Malley, with three galleys and 200 fighting men. She brought a husband with her, and she was, by sea and by land, well more than Mrs. Mate with him. This was a notorious woman in all the coasts of Ireland.” , nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler, whose books have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Hebrew, and German, and author of international bestsellers , , , and , lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five grown children.  Published by Pangæa Publishing Group, 402 Pages, 2019. 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary nutrition
        June 2010

        Nutrition of the Rabbit

        by Carlos de Blas, D Allain, E Blas, R Carabano, C Cervera, J García, T Gidenne, P Hernández, Luc Maertens, G G Mateos, J Méndez, M J Villamide, G Xiccato, John A Lowe. Edited by Carlos de Blas, Julian Wiseman.

        Rabbit production systems are important providers of meat in many parts of the world due to the species' many advantages, including rapid growth rate and good reproductive performance. They also provide angora wool, and are popular as companion animals. Bringing together international expertise in rabbit production, topics covered in this authoritative volume include digestive physiology, feed formulation and product quality as well as new contributions on innovative feeding strategies, new methods for feed processing, feed management around weaning and the relationship between nutrition and intestinal health.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine between East and West

        by Ihor Shevchenko

        The book by Prof. Ihor Shevchenko, a noble intellectual, one of the most prominent specialists in the fields of Byzantine and Slavic history and culture, presents the medieval and early modern history of Ukraine in a broad cultural perspective in the context of the country’s relations with the East (Byzantium, Muscovite/Russian state, the Ottoman Empire) and the West (Poland and Austria-Hungary). The twelve essays that make up the book cover the period from the introduction of Christianity in Kievan Rus to the early 18th Century.

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