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      • Calixta Editores

        Calixta Editores is a Colombian publishing house, creative and avant-garde, whose main objective is to support and promote literary culture and to generate cultural spaces, where opportunities are created to share new projects and opinions.We are a company that has been consolidating itself in the market for six years as a proper publisher, well-known for the publication of new authors, especially Colombians. Our purpose is to spread and encourage the culture of reading and writing to generate active participation from authors in the cultural and artistic movement of the country.Divided into five thematic lines, we have more than 100 titles and 70 authors, what makes us one of the most active independent publishing on the market.

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      • Callisto Media

        Callisto Media’s scientific approach marries data and technology with deep publishing expertise to accurately identify unmet demand and create exactly the book that consumers are seeking.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1989

        Das kalte Herz

        Ein Märchen

        by Wilhelm Hauff, Monika Schliephack

        Die Märchen von Wilhelm Hauff (1802 – 1827) erschienen 1824 – 1828 in drei Maehrchenalmanachen. Jedes Almanach enthält eine Rahmengeschichte: Die Karawane; Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklawen; Das Wirtshaus im Spessart, die als Bindeglied zwischen den einzelnen Märchen fungieren.Von düsterer Spannung ist die Rahmenerzählung des dritten Almanachs, Das Wirtshaus im Spessart, erfüllt. Eine Gruppe von Reisenden verbringt die Nacht in einem Wirtshaus mitten im sagenumwobenen, von Räubern durchstreiften Spessart. Um die Angst vor den Räubern zu bannen, erzählt man sich Geschichten, unter anderen die Geschichte vom »Kalten Herz«, ein Märchen aus dem Schwarzwald, vom armen Kohlenbrenner Peter Munk, der sich nach Reichtum und Ansehen sehnt. »Heute wie ehedem bezaubern die Gestalten, die Wilhelm Hauff erfunden hat, die seine Märchenwelt bevölkern: Kalif Storch und Zwerg Nase, der kleine Muck oder der Kohlenmunk-Peter, der dem Holländer-Michel sein Herz verkauft hat. Im Dunkel der Basare und in den Palästen der Kalifen, in den Wäldern des Spessarts und Schwarzwalds ist das Reich der Phantasie lebendig geblieben, das auch in einer Welt der Realitäten nicht verlorengehen darf.« Bernhard Zeller

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Die Hydra des Dschihadismus

        Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Abwehr einer globalen Gefahr

        by Asiem El Difraoui

        Nachdem der »IS« in Trümmern lag und »Kalif« al-Baghdadi im Oktober 2019 von US-Truppen getötet wurde, schien der »Krieg gegen den Terror« einmal mehr beendet. Aber der Dschihadismus ist längst eine globale Bewegung geworden, der Dutzende von Organisationen angehören – und mit Gewalt allein ist ihr nicht beizukommen.Seit drei Jahrzehnten verfolgt Asiem El Difraoui als Filmemacher, Journalist und Wissenschaftler diese Entwicklung. Er traf Kampfgefährten bin Ladens in Khartum und PR-Strategen, die in Berlin-Charlottenburg Propagandavideos produzierten. In Kriegsgebieten wie Bosnien, dem Irak oder in Afghanistan hat er selbst den Terror gegen die Bevölkerung miterlebt. Und immer wieder kam der Terror auch zu ihm, wie in Gestalt der Anschläge 1995 und 2015 in Paris, die sich in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft ereigneten. Kenntnisreich und anschaulich schildert Difraoui, wie der Dschihadismus entstanden ist, wie seine Denkmuster und PR-Strategien sich gewandelt haben und woraus die Hydra ihre Kraft bezieht. Was macht die todbringende Ideologie gerade auch für junge Menschen in Europa attraktiv? Welchen Anteil hat der Westen, haben die Medien an ihrem Erfolg? Und wie kann es gelingen, ihre Macht zu brechen? Ein aufrüttelnder Appell, sich einer der größten Gefahren der Gegenwart zu stellen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1989


        by William Beckford, Franz Blei, Robert Picht, Reinhold Grimm, Stéphane Mallarmé

        An Weihnachten 1781 veranstaltete Beckford – laut Byron der reichste aller Söhne Englands – auf seinem Landsitz Fonthill ein ausgelassenes Fest, dessen Teilnehmer das einzige Ziel haben sollten, »sich an allem zu erfreuen, was Geld und Macht ihnen geben konnte«. Fonthill verwandelte sich während der drei Tage des Festes in einen Palast der fünf Sinne: Zärtliche und schmachtende Blicke, ins Ohr geflüsterte Worte, das bezaubernde Lächeln auf den Gesichtern, der süße Duft der Rosen, all das erzeugt eine wollüstige Stimmung …« Unmittelbar nach dem Fest schrieb Beckford seinen »Vathek« nieder, und zwar innerhalb von drei Tagen! Er vertraute das Manuskript seinem Freund Samuel Henley an, der das Werk ohne Namen und ohne Beckfords Einverständnis 1786 veröffentlichte, und zwar in einer englischen Übersetzung (Beckford hatte das Buch in französischer Sprache geschrieben). Diese französische Urfassung erschien im folgenden Jahr in Lausanne und Paris. Das Buch erwies sich als großer Erfolg, und weitere Ausgaben wurden gedruckt in den Jahren 1809, 1815, 1819 und 1876, mit einem Vorwort von Stéphane Mallarmé. Vathek ist ein Kalif, der sich über alle göttlichen und irdischen Gesetze erhaben glaubt. Giaour, der Bote der Mächte der Finsternis, verspricht ihm den Palast des Unterirdischen Feuers zu öffnen und ihm die darin enthaltenen Schätze und Geheimnisse zu übergeben, unter der Bedingung, daß er ihm und seiner Gier die Kinder seiner Höflinge ausliefere. Vathek erfüllt die schreckliche Bedingung und gelangt nach vielen Abenteuern in der Gesellschaft einer kleinen Prinzessin, die als Knabe verkleidet ist, in den Palast von Eblis, wo er das furchtbare Los derer teilt, die sich wie er ganz den weltlichen Freuden verschrieben haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Naguib Mahfouz Annuals: About Youth and Freedom

        by Naguib Mahfouz

        Religion is taught in schools as if a branch of science consisting of some Koranic verses, prophetic tradition (Hadith), creed, worships, and biography! Pupils usually study such items by heart, then they go to exam and forget all. Religion is neither a branch of science nor a branch of material knowledge. Religion is a spiritual education that had to be applied in society. It is felt in the way people behave or conduct. Sometimes we meet a clever pupil but he has bad manners! Another, may get high marks in religion but dismissed out of the school for his ill behaviors and bad manners. I believe that religion must be taught as a spiritual education surrounded by a sphere of sympathy and affection. It is something felt by heart, not studied by heart. Teachers have to adress minds to make pupils convinced. They have to teach them biography of the prophet and also of the orthodox Caliphs. They have to select Koran verses according to “the age and the need”. For example Koranic verses dealing with” prayers”, must be studied in an early stage. Then Koranic verses dealing with “fasting”. After that comes verses dealing with moral conducts. In an advanced stage or secondary school, students can study views, ideas, conceptions, visions and philosophy of Islamic eminent characters, as well as eminent characters of other religions. There is a sort of a deflagrated competition between different religions, though they are similar in concepts and attitudes. Also, rivalary between Islam and Western civilization, and communism, is considered. Western civilization has its own entity. It is an integral doctrine having its theories and applications. Western civilization admits human rights and free economy. It could achieve marvellous progress in different fields of life. At the other hand communism also has its own integral doctrine with a private philosophy, economy and ruling systems. It aspires equality between all people, regardless to their colour or race. As a matter of fact it could achieve marevellous progress in different fields of life. Islam stands in between those two different civilizations, trying to get up and rise after a long sleep in the darkness of stagnancy and retardation. Lately, Islam did not achieve adequate progress in fields like modern science, technology, and material power. But it didn’t surrender, because it is till standing as a civilization having its own historical dignity and tradition. But now it is working hard to compensate what it did lose and indemnify what has gone, without contradicting its message and entity.

      • Islam and the Politics of Secularism

        The Caliphate and Middle Eastern Modernization in the Early 20th Century

        by Nurullah Ardıç (Prof.), Abdullah Islam, Fatema Kortoma, Badr Mostafa (Prof.)

        This book examines the process of secularization in the Middle East in the late 19th and early 20th century through an analysis of the transformation and abolition of Islamic Caliphate. Through detailed analysis of both official documents and the writings of the intellectuals who contributed to reforms in the Empire, the author first examines the general secularization process in the Ottoman Empire from the late 18th century up to the end of the 1920s. He then presents an in-depth analysis of a crucial case of secularization: the demise of Islamic Caliphate. Drawing upon a wide range of secondary sources on the Caliphate and the wider process of political modernization, he employs discourse analysis and comparative-historical methods to examine how the Caliphate was first transformed into a "spiritual" institution and then abolished in 1924 by Turkish secularists.

      • Literary Fiction
        June 2020


        by Zarrar Said

        An assassin, accused of heinous acts of terror, begins his testimony by claiming responsibility for the murder of the Nobel Prize winning physicist, Salim Agha. To explain his motive, he begins by telling Salim’s story and the tragic relationship he had with his beloved nation, Pureland. Full of fascinating mysticism, Salim’s life commences with a prophecy from a levitating saint: he was destined for greatness from the start. But he is born into poverty in a feudal village and the prophecy begins to fade, but his life takes a turn when his landlord, General Khan, sees something special in the boy and promises to enroll him in a prestigious school in the city. Salim’s journey is never an easy one as he is hindered by conniving servants, General Khan’s evil mother, and his internal struggle with identity. He also falls in love with Khan’s daughter, Laila, who becomes his muse as well as his curse. A beloved so powerful that he vows to do anything to win her heart. She becomes the embodiment of everything he is destined to achieve. But everything starts to crumble. In an accidental act to impress his landlord, Salim inadvertently contributes to a coup d’état that derails his nation. He manages to leave for New York in order to stand on equal footing with his landlord and win over his beloved. But over the years in exile, Pureland is taken over by the Caliphate and remorse leads Salim to try and undo this wrong – and in doing so he creates vicious enemies who vie to slay him. One such enemy is the narrator himself. Inspired by the true tragic story of Pakistan’s only Nobel Prize winning physicist, Zarrar Said’s novel Pureland is a tour-de-force debut about a nation that has lost its way, its people who suffer from unspeakable tyranny, and a remorseful hero whose legacy has been wiped out by hatred.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction

        Damiana’s Oath

        by Dr. Ossama A. ElShazly

        It’s Egypt during the last decades of the Fatimid Caliphate. The Egyptians Muslims are Sunnis while their Caliphate is Shiite. The regime is torn between the Shiite Caliph and the Sunnis ministers and so are the subjects. The Copt, on the other hand, are struggling to keep their balance in the country. The plot depicts the journey of Youssef the Coptic who is involved in political schemes, dangerous love story, and his own spiritual journey to find his way to God. This novel is a revolutionary historical text that examines themes of religion, identity, authority, politics, and love.

      • Military history: post WW2 conflicts
        April 2022

        America's War in Syria

        On the Ground with Kurdish Anti-ISIS Forces

        by Till Paasche, John Foxx, Shaun Murray

        A unique assessment of American military involvement in Syria, by three authors who participated in all large Kurdish operations between late 2014 and mid-2016. With America’s War on Terror and the subsequent democracy experiments in Afghanistan and Iraq having turned into geopolitical disasters, the US military campaign in alliance with the Kurdish forces in Syria remains a rare success story. Considering the overwhelming military victory, the functioning Kurdish civilian governing structures that followed the fighting, the extremely light military footprint and the strong link to Kurdish partners, many political analysts, military experts and politicians in Washington, DC, judge the intervention against ISIS in Syria as the nation’s most successful campaign since World War II. However, since neither these experts nor many journalists were on the ground during the fighting, they struggle to explain exactly how this particular operation turned into a just war. The authors, however, were there. Between the three of them, they fought for over two years with the Kurdish forces. They participated in all the large Kurdish operations against the Islamic State between late 2014 and mid-2016. They endured muddy archaic trench warfare, witnessed the first waves of decisive US and British airstrikes against ISIS, and experienced the impact America had on the battlefield. Later, when American, British and French Special Forces were deployed at the front lines, the authors worked closely with those teams when they evacuated hundreds of wounded from the battlefield together. Based on the authors' unique insights, this book analyses America’s war in Syria and structures the intervention into different phases including the secretive build up and the ultimate destruction of the ISIS Caliphate.

      • Economics

        Lexicon of Islamic Heritage of Economic Thought

        by Group of authors

        Muslim scientists have a significant contribution to the development of great economic sciences, which contributed to achieving economic renaissance throughout the Islamic civilization history. In the context of seeking to regenerate Islamic heritage, emphasizing Muslims role and their contributions to economic thinking contrary to western and Arab allegations with western ideology, which denied the existence of economic thinking before the methodically birth of modern economic science. This study aims to provide a scientific database for researchers in Islamic heritage and economic thinking, contribute to research development and economic analysis, study writers’ surrounding environment and its impact on their economic thoughts. It also seeks to draw attention to the importance of lexical authoring and its role in the development of scientific research. The idea of the project is based on shedding light on Muslims’ heritage in Economics from the end of the second century - as an onset of economic thought features in Islamic literature and records - until the fall of the Islamic Caliphate, realizing intellectual development in Economics among muslims as much as possible, and grasping how it could be made use of and benefited from in formulating and developing a modern economic theory. That is through presenting the key economic ideas included in the books: Money, Kharaj, Waqfs and Sharia Politics and other works concerned with economic subjects, financial transactions and the like and its economic analysis in Islamic fiqh.

      • Systems of law

        Shari'a and Modernization

        Historical and Social Investigations in the Codification and Implementation of Shari'a

        by Mohamed Wafik Zain Al-Abedin (Dr.)

        The Arab countries have lived under Islamic rule for many decades, and since their conquest, their people have been relying on the Sharia represented in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and the rulings that were derived from them using the principles of jurisprudence, its regulations, and its overall rules set by Muslim jurists who inspired the solutions from their precedents, the precedents of their ancestors, and from issues of likenesses and analogues if they did not find what they need In the Book of God and the Sunnah of His ProphePBUH. They have exerted so much effort in this respect, and have written in the fundamentals of litigation, judgements and proceedings what all previous nations were unable to come up with. They were also the first to root  theories that contemporary jurists boast of  rooted and mentioned in their books. They become great to the extent that they were a reference for Europeans in human rights issues and legal dilemmas as they turn to them whenever they needed to, to find among Muslims the final word on what matters to and preoccupies them.  Generally, Islamic Shari'a was the main and only source of rulings for more than a thousand and three hundred years until the end of the last century when foreign influence increased, which aimed at eliminating Shari'a and changing the social structure of the nation.Mixed courts were established, Shari'a courts were abolished, and laws were derived from an illegal foreign source that was not related to the country's Islamic affiliation nor its cultural and social characteristics that defined the country's identity and Islamic identity. This book discusses the issue of legalizing Shari'a and modernization at the end of the Ottoman Caliphate and how the legal status of the Arab countries, especially Egypt, moved from the governance of Shari'a to the rule of laws and the attempts made to legalize and revive Shari'a during the twentieth century.

      • Fiction
        July 2013

        Acts of Faith

        A 'Cry Freedom' Story

        by Clive Gilson

        The European Renaissance never happened. The Ottomans were not stopped at the gates of Vienna. Ferdinand and Isabella failed in their attempt to defeat the Moors. Imagine a world turned upside down. Northern Europe is the basket case. The Middle East is the centre of the developed and "civilised" world.Acts is a reflective, personal journey, a moving story of loss, love and transition. It is about Marwan the boy and Marwan the man - and not so much the wider socio-political implications of the world he finds himself in, although these glimpses offer a thought-provoking dimension. The story is uplifting as Marwan's humanity shines through: the book itself is like a meditation on isolation, which links the reader with Marwan: to keep the focus on him keeps the reader's focus narrow - so there is a real empathy there. One loves Marwan as Marwan himself loves......and through Marwan's story we ask a simple question; how would we behave if we were dealt the same hand as the Lebanese in the 1980's or the Palestinians and Iraqi's now? Acts of Faith takes us on a journey of hope amid chaos and brutality in a world so very similar to the one that we feel so comfortable in, except that it might very well be we who are the extremists.

      • The Story of Greece and Rome

        by Anthony Spawforth

        The extraordinary story of the intermingled civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, spanning more than six millennia from the late Bronze Age to the seventh century The magnificent civilization created by the ancient Greeks and Romans is the greatest legacy of the classical world. However, narratives about the “civilized” Greek and Roman empires resisting the barbarians at the gate are far from accurate. Tony Spawforth, an esteemed scholar, author, and media contributor, follows the thread of civilization through more than six millennia of history. His story reveals that Greek and Roman civilization, to varying degrees, was supremely and surprisingly receptive to external influences, particularly from the East. From the rise of the Mycenaean world of the sixteenth century B.C., Spawforth traces a path through the ancient Aegean to the zenith of the Hellenic state and the rise of the Roman empire, the coming of Christianity and the consequences of the first caliphate. Deeply informed, provocative, and entirely fresh, this is the first and only accessible work that tells the extraordinary story of the classical world in its entirety.

      • Fiction

        Tiempos de esperanza

        by Emilio Lara

        Times of Hope. 1212, Europe is in a state of turmoil when a mixed band of crusader children advances through the kingdom of France, led by the shepherd boy Stephen of Cloyes in a feverish and jubilant atmosphere. Its objective is Jerusalem, which they intend to liberate with no weapons, with the sole strength of faith. Meanwhile in Seville, the Almohad Caliph al-Nasir prepares a powerful army to march on Rome, which lives in fear. He has sworn that his horses will drink from the Vatican fountains. Religiousfervor is mixed with hatred of the other, of the different. And the Jewsare brutally persecuted, robbed and massacred. Just as some childrenof that historic and impassioned crusade will be. Among those childrenis Juan, son of a Castilian nobleman killed in an ambush, with his companions Pierre and Philippe. His steps will meet those of other walkers: Raquel and Esther, women who are fleeing from anti-Semitic hatred and who only have each other; or Francesco, a priest of the Holy See who wants to save souls and bodies ... and who will find his own salvation through love.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2020

        Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

        Utilization and Conservation Techniques

        by Gopal Shukla ,Bidhan Roy, Vineeta & Sumit Chakravarty

        Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are invaluable natural resources of use to human race, without which the survival of human/ animal race is incredible. There is an enormous diversity of plants which are put into medicinal, beauty care and culinary purposes. Cultivation of commercially important medicinal plants is in high demand as the global community is growing towards a green and herbal oriented approach. India as a country has thousands of years old traditional medicinal systems which rely solely on medicinal plants. There is a gradual loss of medicinal plants with the increasing demand of plant derived drugs. Majority of medicinal plants are still collected from the wild. This doesnt meet the demand and thereby pave ways to adulterants. The over extraction and ignorant activities cause biodiversity loss. Farm production of MAPs in these days is extremely vulnerable to underlying climate risk. Sustainable management of these resources requires urgent attention for environmental stability and improvement of livelihood. New income generating opportunities are opening up for rural populations and in particular for small-scale farmers as well as marginal farmers through MAPs cultivation. New generation are not well aware of the various uses of many plants to which it was put before. Thus there is an urgent need to spread the knowledge and conserve the wild populations of medicinal plant diversity in various forest areas of India. Considering the importance of the MAPs, an attempt was taken in this edited book to understand and highlight the role of MAPs in livelihood improvement and income generation through cultivation, conservation and utilisation. Most of the chapters in this book dealt with individual medicinal plants in detail. Two chapters have also been included on pests and diseases management of MAPs. Nowadays, IPR issues are more important. One chapter has been included on IPR issues on medicinal plants. A chapter also devoted on value addition of the medicinal plant products.

      • August 2020

        Leila Means Night

        by Aleksandra Lipczak

        For eight centuries, southern Spain has been home to a multicultural political entity founded by the Arabs and co-created by Muslims, Jews and Christians. Medieval Cordoba, Seville and Toledo are bustling metropolises to which merchants, scientists and artists are drawn from all over the world. Here the first tracheotomy procedure is performed and astronomy is developed, here magnificent libraries are created, Greek philosophers are translated, multilingual poetry is written, and foreign policy at the Muslim court is directed by a Jewish diplomat.In a book stretched between history and modernity and between essay and reportage, the author deconstructs popular symbols of Spain (flamenco, mosaics, palm trees), revealing their Muslim-Arab roots. She shows how Andalusia today handles its heritage. Coexistence, the meeting of the so-called West with so-called Islam, the fluidity of borders, but also fundamentalisms, expulsions, exorcising others.... Al-Andalus is a palimpsest that is useful in thinking about the world today. Prizes: Nike Literary Prize 2021 - shortlist Witold Gombrowicz Prize 2021 - winner

      • Travel writing
        May 2014

        Like Water in a Dry Land

        by Bettina Selby

        In December 1994, at a time of intense political pressure for peace in the Middle East, Bettina Selby set out on a journey from Cyprus to the Holy Land. Riding her bicycle wherever possible, she travelled slowly through Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and finally into modern Israel.. Her eventual destination was a city she knew and loved; so much so that the political turmoil of the preceding year had made her unwilling to return. Now, spurred on by the Jordan/Israel peace treaty and an audience with King Hussein, Bettina felt that at last a new perspective on Israel could be achieved. Over the next two months she travelled widely, from the ruins of Byblos in Lebanon to the Armenian Cathedral Church in Jerusalem, and to the refugee camps of Gaza. In every place she was offered the hand of friendship by people of diverse race and culture. What began as an enjoyable and quirky travelogue fast becomes a compelling critique of Middle Eastern politics, and it historical and religious foundations. In clear and lyrical prose, Bettina Selby has produced a fascinating account of her travels and a valuable contribution to our understanding of the modern Holy Land.

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