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      • Éditions Fonfon

        Fonfon holds its talented authors and illustrators in high regard and embraces a vision of sustainability, releasing only a limited number of new publications each year to ensure a focus on carefully curated and beautifully crafted stories that will keep appealing to children’s imaginations for years to come.

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      • Fondo de Cultura Económica

        With 86 years publishing books covering a broad range of subject areas, Fondo de Cultura Económica is one of the leading publishing houses in Latin America. Over the course of the last twenty-nine years, the ten series of books for children and young adults published by our Children’s book division have included titles of the highest literary and visual quality, aimed at a critical and demanding readership. Our most innovative books have received important awards such as the New Horizons Award, and some of our titles have been listed in the White Ravens Catalogue and in the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) 50 Books/50 Covers. Several of our books for children and young adults have been translated into Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Galician, Czech, Slovenian, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Swedish, Romanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Greek and Turkish.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Bobo et le cerf volant (Bobo and the flying deer)

        by Saliou Bah

        Bobo would like Mom to buy Grand Bali's beautiful kite right away. But Mom doesn't see it that way. How will Bobo react? This new adventure of Bobo plunges us into the heart of the emotions of a little boy who wants everything right away.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La forêt sacrée (The sacred forest)

        by Nicolas Condé

        Koné is old enough to return to the sacred forest to bring back a fantastic animal that will accompany him all his life. But the forest is full of dangers and the animals have become rare and hard to find. When Koné finally meets the Chameleon, will he understand the message and be able to carry out his mission?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Le mouton de Modibo (Modibo's sheep)

        by Abdourahmane Diallo

        Fanta gets up, walks around the house, looks in the kitchen, in the garage and even in the bedrooms. No sheep! She walks around the block. Still no sheep. Distraught and trembling, she returns to announce the disaster to Modibo...

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Alamako, l'enfant aux grands rêves (Alamako, the child with big dreams)

        by Abdoulaye Kéita

        Alamako bustles near the cemetery. The whole village would like to know his secret.Will Alamako be able to follow his dreams to the end?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Un amour de parapluie (An umbrella love)

        by Adrienne Yabouza

        A bride more beautiful than beautiful under her beautiful umbrella. And here is Djénabou dreaming, dreaming of the day when, in turn, she will have a beautiful red shirt over her indigo loincloth!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Les chimpanzés de Bossou (The chimpanzees of Bossou)

        by Moussa Kourouma

        The chimpanzee is a very intelligent animal that knows how to use tools: stones to crush palm kernels, sticks to pick fruit, leaves to drink water, stems to search termite mounds or catch grasshoppers. When he falls ill he knows how to use certain plants to heal himself.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        L'orage (The storm)

        by Kidi Bebey

        Kidi Bebey offers toddlers a poetic explanation of the storm to ward off their fear.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        La fille de l'eau (The water girl)

        by Yves Pinguilly, Sarang Seck

        West African mythical tale. Yves Pinguilly and Saran Seick introduce you to the world of love and beauty of the African woman.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Contes de la forêt et de la savane

        Fables d'ici et d'ailleurs

        by Ntsama Abah, Balafun studio by K. Willy

        "Contes de la forêt et de la savane (Fables d'ici et d'ailleurs)" is a collection of tales that immerses us at the crossroads of different Cameroonian cultures and, in a broader sense, of Central Africa. Here, through a very surprising mixture of French-speaking literature and mother tongue which is based on this particular cultural context, the author allows the power and delicacy of oral transmission to shine through in all simplicity in our regions. Consisting of ten tales of unequal lengths, the book presents the exceptional adventures of different living beings in which man meets much more than his “animal” or “insect” brothers… Indeed, and through these multiple adventures, the reader rubs shoulders with wisdom as well as its history and that of the world in which he lives.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Eldéric et le Livres des Mondes (Eldéric and the Book of Worlds)

        by Marie Desvignes

        On an autumn evening, a fire broke out in the only school in the province of Saint-Andre and completely destroyed it. Johann, a thirteen-year-old boy who was still inside, was reported missing. It is a shock. There is no trace of the boy, whom everyone thinks is dead. Transported to another world, on the continent of Onirix, among the Menz people, Johann, now endowed with great powers, is entrusted with a great mission: to find the manuscripts of the Book of Worlds stolen for two centuries by the witch Theuz.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Eldéric et le Livres des Mondes 2 (Eldéric and the Book of Worlds 2)

        by Marie Desvignes

        Eldéric continues his journey to the continent of Onirix to find the manuscripts of the Book of Worlds. This is the only way to restore freedom to the Menz people, kept in slavery by the spell of the witch Theuz. With the help of his friends Souleyman and Alderia, he breaks down the doors of this world of horror designed by the witch and confronts her in her own palace. Will we finally, after many decades, witness the fall of the cruel and despicable Theuz? Will Eldéric be able to take the treasure back to the White Queen and return home?

      • Trusted Partner

        La chant des blessures (The song of the wounds)

        by Sybille Claude

        In the midst of Operation Baghdad in Port-au-Prince, a man, poet and family man, is murdered with five bullets to the head. A dying, despairing and despondent mother succumbs to the banal disaster and the weight of a thankless, bitter life too heavy to bear. Faced with the disarray of his country, the son decides to set sail in search of artificial paradises under other skies. And it's a debacle. The only one left is little Sarah who, through books and poetry, tries to pick up the pieces of her life.

      • Trusted Partner

        Poème pour une petite fille à l’autre bout du monde (Poem for a little girl on the other side of the world)

        by Dieulermesson Petit Frère

        A statement on otherness, a song of love and sincerity, Poème pour une petite fille à l’autre bout du monde is an invitation into the intimate sphere of the poet. It is the figuration of the paternal real brought to its highest point. A father and a little girl meet somewhere, at the other end of a street or a railway station, to talk about friendship, life and their regrets, to take stock of all their failed acts and to give each other reasons to love each other, despite the distance, the disarray and the madness that can arise from absence.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nulle veine n’est fumante quand la joie est borgne (No vein is smoking when joy is one-eyed)

        by Snayder Pierre-Louis

        Nulle veine n'est fumante quand la joie est borgne is a book that one must go to meet as one goes to discover the song of the world. For this impulse of life and dream that emanates from poetic expression. For the need for tenderness that is born on the page. Finally, for the breath of life that words breathe in the face of the daily chaos that erodes hope.

      • Trusted Partner

        Powèm entèdi ak lòt powèm (Forbidden poems and other poems)

        by Guy Régis Jr

        Forbidden poems and other poems are a book designed with a series of words that say without lure all cause people fear to speak daylight. It gathers all the sweet words that make life thrive at night. Every poem in this book is a ochan so life can be plagued even when at night bare the sun at the tip of the dawn. It's a song the poet's hopes bring, a veve he draws for love spread without measure like the hay pid of Christmas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Lumières obscures

        by François Olinga Mbida

        Little is known about the Ekang literature of the Bantu peoples today. This oral literature, carried over the last century by incomparable elders, is very often conveyed by the virtuosos of mvet. Dark Lights by François Olinga Mbida revives this flame. Through these stories, he tries to put these riches within the reach of the readership, despite its esoteric subtleties.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Le serpent magique

        by Olivier Timma

        "Le serpent magique" tells one of the most famous legends of the Fang Béti cultural area: the crossing of the Sanaga by the Béti people in the middle of the seventeenth century. This legend features three great heroes: Ngaη Medza'a, "the serpent man", Nnëbodo "savior of men" and Kolo-Kunu "master of the word". Through this album, the author takes the reader through the mythical and fantastic universe of the history of the Beti people.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023


        by Robert Pinget, Gerda Scheffel

        Ausgetreckt auf dem Misthaufen: ein Leichnam. Ist es ein Mann oder ein Junge? Oder nur eine umgestürzte Vogelscheuche? Ein Kind soll den Toten zwischen den Ulmen entdeckt haben, der Nachbar sucht nach ihm im Dunkeln. Nie ist die Sicht frei, klar. Der Geist des alles niederschreibenden Meisters ist fast immer in den Nebel des Rauschs gehüllt. Während jener sein Leben zu Papier bringen will, ist es dieser Tod, der immer wieder auf seinen Seiten auftaucht. Und vielleicht ist es auch der eigene Tod, den der Meister auf dem Misthaufen imaginiert. Verstohlen huschen Bauer, Köchin, Doktor, Ziegenhirtin durch die ländliche Tristesse – und ansonsten »Stille. Grau. Keine Bewegung.« Diese ersten Worte geben das unüberwindbare Grundthema vor. Vom spanischen pasar una calle, über eine Straße gehen, herrührend, ist die Passacaglia eigentlich eine Art Gassenhauer, ein Volkstanz; in der Musik versteht sich darunter ein Stück, das mit Variationen über einem wiederkehrenden Bassthema spielt. In Robert Pingets Text-Passacaglia erheben sich über düsterer Grundierung Versatzstücke eines Kriminalromans. Durch Anknüpfung, Wiederholung, Variation wird für die Dauer der rätselhaften Geschichte um einen Toten die ablaufende Zeit und der Tod außer Kraft gesetzt. Denn eine Auflösung wird im Spannungsfeld zwischen Detektivgeschichte und verschmelzenden, sich immer mit neuen Verzierungen aufbäumenden Erinnerungen unmöglich. Robert Pinget verband eine Freundschaft mit Samuel Beckett, eine Verbindung, die auch in den Werken aufscheint. Beckett empfahl Pinget seinem Verlag Éditions de Minuit in Paris, wo dessen gesamtes Werk fortan erschien. Neben Alain Robbe-Grillet, Michel Butor, Claude Simon und Nathalie Sarraute wurde er zu einem wichtigen Vertreter des Nouveau Roman.

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