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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        »Was lieben heißt«

        Gedanken für ein gutes Leben

        by Alois Prinz, Teresa von Ávila

        Teresa von Avilas Schriften sind überraschend modern. Nicht nur, was sie sagt, sondern auch, wie sie es sagt. Sie schrieb spontan, ungekünstelt und nur über Dinge, die sie aus eigener Erfahrung kannte: über Alltagssorgen, zwischenmenschliche Probleme und über die Bewältigung geschäftlicher Unternehmungen. Ihre Schriften sprühen vor geistreichen Ausdrücken, Scherzen, humorvollen Anspielungen, kleinen boshaften Bemerkungen, eindringlichen Sprachbildern und sehr menschlichen Beobachtungen und Ratschlägen. Ihre wichtigste Botschaft aber – vor allem an Frauen – ist, sich selbst kennenzulernen, ein selbstbestimmtes und aktives Leben zu führen und die Spiritualität im Alltag zu leben – und so bedeutet Liebe auch, achtsam mit sich selbst zu sein. Alois Prinz hat aus dem umfangreichen Werk Teresa von Avilas all die Gedanken ausgewählt, die uns auch heute noch als Wegweiser für ein erfülltes und zufriedenes Leben dienen können.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Spirituelle Frauen

        Himmlisch und heilig, schön und rebellisch

        by Antje Southern

        Die Charakterfestigkeit, mit der heilige und spirituelle Frauen für ihren Glauben einstanden und mehr wagten, als zu ihrer Zeit üblich war, machte sie zu ebenso verehrten wie gefürchteten Frauen. Im Klosterleben wirkten sie als Dichterinnen, Malerinnen, Musikerinnen und Lehrerinnen und nahmen Einfluss auf die sie umgebende Welt. Und noch heute vermögen sie als Schutzpatroninnen Kraft, Trost und Beistand zu spenden. Die Faszination, die seit jeher von ihnen ausgeht, schlug sich nicht zuletzt auch in der Kunst nieder, wo sie berühmten Malern immer wieder als Sujet und Inspiration dienten. Antje Southern stellt in dieser reich illustrierten Geschichte vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert legendäre Märtyrerinnen, Mystikerinnen, Prophetinnen, Denkerinnen und Heilerinnen vor – von der Heiligen Maria über Maria Magdalena hin zu Hildegard von Bingen, Teresa von Ávila, Johanna von Orleans u. v. a. –, die berühmte Künstler in ihren Gemälden unsterblich gemacht haben. Mit Gemälden von Giotto, Raffael, Lucas Cranach d. Ä., Peter Paul Rubens, John Everett Millais, John William Waterhouse u. v. a.

      • Trusted Partner

        Von der Liebe Gottes

        Modernisierte deutsche Erstübersetzung aus dem Jahre 1649

        by Teresa von Avila, André Stoll

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Modern Carmelite nuns and contemplative identities

        Shaping spirituality in the Netherlands

        by Brian Heffernan

        Discalced Carmelite convents are among the most influential wellsprings of female spirituality in the Catholic tradition, as the names of Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux and Edith Stein attest. Behind these 'great Carmelites' stood communities of women who developed discourses on their relationship with God and their identity as a spiritual elite in the church and society. This book looks at these discourses as formulated by Carmelites in the Netherlands, from their arrival there in 1872 up to the recent past, providing an in-depth case study of the spiritualities of modern women contemplatives. The female religious life was a transnational phenomenon, and the book draws on sources and scholarship in English, Dutch, French and German to provide insights on gendered spirituality, memory and the post-conciliar renewal of the religious life.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Atem anhalten

        Gesammelte Gedichte

        by Gerlind Reinshagen

        „Warum den ‚Atem anhalten‘? Weil es Ereignisse im Menschenleben gibt, die nur im Zustand größter Konzentration und Anspannung zu begreifen sind, in äußerster Verzweiflung beispielsweise oder angesichts irrwitzigster Schönheit. Und wo, frag ich, wäre beides (Schönheit und Verzweiflung) besser aufgehoben als im Gedicht?“ Gerlind Reinshagen hat in fünfzig Jahren viele Theaterstücke, Hörspiele, Romane und Geschichten geschrieben - und immer auch Gedichte. Zum ersten Mal gesammelt, zeigt sich, daß sie einen integralen Bestandteil ihres Werks bilden – beherzte und hoch empfindsame lyrische Nahaufnahmen von Figuren, von Situationen und Stimmungen, die uns, so oder ähnlich, nicht nur in der Welt ihrer Texte begegnet sind. „Gewaltig und rein zugleich ist aber das Gedicht ‚Annäherung an eine Person‘, eine scheue und doch entschlossene Reise in das Schloß der Seele, wie das die Teresa von Avila genannt-und-umrissen hat… Dieses Gedicht ’hörte‘ ich simultan gesungen, in einer noch unentdeckten Schubert-Melodie, unhörbar und umso hörbarer, weder Bariton noch Sopran, leiser noch als ‚auf leisen Sohlen‘ -“ Peter Handke

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2013

        Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops

        by Jose Romeno Faleiro, Alvaro Castañeda Vildózola, Robert A Haack, Crebio Avila, Jose Roberto Parra, Mark S Hoddle, Alberto Urbaneja, Ana E Diaz Montilla, Juli Gould, Andrea Birke, Aldo Malavasi, V J Satarkar, Raymond J Gagne, Juliet Goldsmith, J. Ramon Castillo Valiente, Jose Carlos Rodrigues, Cal Welbourn, Denise Navia, Amy Roda, Mark P Culik, J M Alvarez, Takumasa Kondo, Gregory A Evans, Kenneth B Storey, Michael K Hennessey, David W Bartels, Anne S Roy, Ana Isabel Gonzalez, Greg Hodges. Edited by Jorge E Peña.

        Invasive arthropods cause significant damage in agricultural crops and natural environments across the globe. Potentially threatened regions need to be prepared to prevent new pests from becoming established. Therefore, information on pest identity, host range, geographical distribution, biology, tools for detection and identification are all essential to researchers and regulatory personnel. This book focuses on the most recent invasive pests of agricultural crops in temperate subtropical and tropical areas and on potential invaders, discussing their spread, biology and control.

      • Children's & YA

        Saúl y los felinos

        by Juan Casas Ávila

        With help from his teacher Jimmy, Saul, a restless and talented boy, discovers the hidden magic in each letter from the alphabet and not just that, also, Sauk discovers the importance of the gratitude.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2014

        Kitsu and the Baku

        by Elizabeth Cruz Madrid, Illustrated by Silvana Ávila

        Night time is meant for humans to sleep, but the citizens from the Eastern City forgot about this. The city’s governor is building a gigantic dollhouse for his daughter and everyone will have to work day and night without resting until the dollhouse is finished. Mountain boy Kitsu will have to face several tests and forest demons to solve his community’s problems with the help of a baku, a nightmare-eater. In this coming of age journey, Kitsu will also understand how to deal with his own problems.

      • September 2022

        The Weight of living on Earth

        by David Toscana

        Winner of the MARIO VARGAS LLOSA V BIENNIAL NOVEL PRIZE, 2023 Mario Vargas Llosa says "I have just read this novel by the Mexican writer David Toscana, which won the Biennial Novel Prize that bears my name, held in Guadalajara, and I think it is one of the most original texts published in recent years". "What is at stake in this remarkable text is humour. A strange and incandescent humour". "One of the original aspects of this book is that game by which, in the depths of the tragedies that the characters experience, there is always a light to which they can cling", "I think David Toscana has written one of the best novels in the language". La Nación, article by Mario Vargas LlosaWritten with the will to believe that imagination and desire are powerful forces for transforming reality, The Weight to Live on Earth puts us in front of an immense frieze of possibilities: life changes as we read, the author proposes, and this is how this group of characters turn the city of Monterrey into every possible scenario from Tsarist Russia to Soviet Russia, and a canteen will be a space station, an orange orchard will be a dacha, the Santa Catarina River will be the Neva, and an abandoned cable car will be the take-off platform. Sinopsis The news of the death of three Soviet cosmonauts on their return to Earth after 23 days on the Sailyut space station is the trigger for the delirious journey that Nikolai is about to embark on. Driven by his passion for reading, he changes his name to Nikolai Nikolayevich Pseldonov and his everyday life in the early 1970s in northern Mexico becomes a frieze that combines all the times and spaces of Russian literature: from Tolstoy to Bulgakov, from Chekhov to Akhmatova. Nicholas and his wife, along with a handful of strangers who join them along the way, fervently recreate scenes, conversations and stories from a wide range of novels, short stories and plays, but which, unlike the knights imitated by Don Quixote, star anti-heroes. Dozens or hundreds of stories that help us to piece together their own history and to sense their desolation in the face of a world in which they do not fit, a world they can only face with their imagination. Because, as the protagonist of The weight to live o earth says, “Life is the only infinite thing that has an end”.   WHAT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THE AUTHOR’S WORK“Una obra que en España emparentaría de modo claro con el mejor Luis Landero, puesto que se sustenta en un mismo aliento o eje: el hiato entre realidad e irrealidad y el afán de los hombres por no resignarse a lo que son sin haber, al menos, intentado probar la suerte de lo que podrían ser; en suma: la redención en la búsqueda de lo imposible.” Ernesto Calabuig, El Cultural, El Mundo. “El humor, y en específico el negro, en las novelas de Toscana es legendario (…) logra unir la gran tradición de la picaresca en español con el universo metafísico de otro checo, Franz Kafka, para imponer un nuevo adjetivo atmosférico a la literatura mexicana: toscaniano o toscanesco.” Juan José de Ávila, El Confabulario, El Universal.

      • Educational strategies & policy
        June 2003

        Integrating Research and Education: Biocomplexity Investigators Explore the Possibilities

        Summary of a Workshop

        by Bridget K.B. Avila, Planning Group for the Workshop on Integrating Education in Biocomplexity Research, National Research Council

        The workshop summary provides guidance for researchers applying to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for funding. New NSF guidelines require applications to address the "broader impact" of the proposed research. Presentations at the workshop provided ideas on how to do this by engaging in undergraduate education, K-12 education or public outreach via museums or journalists. The workshop summary discusses issues to consider in choosing an appropriate collaborator for the education or outreach component of the project and how to build in methods for assessing the success of the project. It also provides lists of resources helpful in writing education proposals and discusses the similarities between research in education and scientific research.

      • December 2021

        The Bonds of Love

        St. Peter Damian's Theology of the Spiritual Life

        by Gordon Mursell

        St Peter Damian (1007-1072) is an exceptional example of a paradox that is found in many saints and thinkers through the ages (St Jerome, St Bernard, St Bridget of Sweden, St Teresa of Avila and Thomas Merton come to mind) – of a lifelong tension between two competing vocations: the call to solitude and holiness and the call to prophetic social and ecclesial engagement. The author has explored this tension throughout his adult life, both in his published work and in his own life as an Episcopalian/Anglican priest and later bishop. Damian’s “The Book of ‘The Lord be with you’” is a profound exploration of the spirituality of solitude, whereas his “Book of Gomorrah” is an intense attack on clerical sexual abuse which has helped to give Damian a new recent prominence in the light of the huge challenges facing the Church today. The Bonds of Love shows that the paradox at the heart of Damian's life and everything he cared about was rooted in the remarkable theology of love which finds expression across the whole of his work and gives it both coherence and dynamism. His life and spirituality are of far more than academic interest, and will make a major contribution, not only to those committed to ecclesial reform and renewal, but to all who struggle to live with the kind of competing tensions that made St. Peter Damian who he was.

      • October 2020

        From the Trinity

        The Coming of God in Revelation and Theology

        by Piero Coda

        From the Trinity provides an overall view of the history and the philosophical and theological significance of God the Trinity, not only from a religious point of view but from an anthropological and socio-cultural view as well. The perspective is that of Christian doctrine, specifically Catholic, in dialogue with the cultural sensitivity of our times and with the religious pluralism that characterizes it. Following the generative-progressive method proposed by Vatican II, the book begins with a phenomenological reading of the signs of the times, with special focus upon the performative aspect of the announcement and the doctrine of faith. In particular, constant attention to the contribution made by the mystics and great charisms (from Augustine of Hippo to Francis of Assisi and Theresa of Avila up until Therese of Lisieux, Edith Stein and Chaira Lubich) toward a deeper understanding of the Trinitarian truth. From the Trinity is unique in what it offers not only for Trinitarian theology, but also for other theological disciplines (Christology, Pneumatology, Anthropology, Ecclesiology, etc.) – in which the Trinity shines forth as the central and enlightening truth – as well as for philosophy, the humanities and the natural sciences. This perspective is especially developed in terms of a Trinitarian ontology (see Part V) by which reality is understood in light of the revelation of the Trinity. The implications of the incarnation of the Son of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit are taken seriously in studying the truth of all things as they are perceived in the space created by living and thinking “in” Jesus, united to the Father in the Spirit, as suggested by the title of the book, looking upon reality “From the Trinity.”

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