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      • RANOK Corporation

        RANOK is the leading publishing house of Ukraine dealing with educational and children's literature. It also covers adult fiction and non-fiction/business sectors. RANOK has been working on the international market for over 20 years and has a long history of successful cooperation with many publishers around the world.

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        Geography & the Environment
        November 2013

        1 Angel Square

        The Co-operative Group's new head office

        by Len Grant

        This book charts the building of 1 Angel Square, the remarkable new head office for The Co-operative Group in Manchester's new NOMA district. Combining text and photographs to illustrate the building from commissioning to completion, Len Grant has interviewed the whole project team - clients, architects, engineers, project managers and builders - and has had unreserved access to document the creation of this already award-winning structure. The design of 1 Angel Square by the architects 3DReid, is currently the UK's highest BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) rated office building to date, and it is set to be one of the most sustainable buildings in Europe. 1 Angel Square, the book, is an intimate record of this fascinating building. Some of the impressive facts include: 3,157 internal and external window panels make up the façade; there are 10,500 data and power outlets; it sits on 539 foundation piles, with an average depth of 18 metres below ground; and there are approximately 22km of power cables. This book will be required reading for students of architecture and construction, sustainability studies and urban planning, and for those with an interest in the history of one of the world's great businesses. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Joss Whedon

        by Matthew Pateman

        This book assesses Joss Whedon's contribution to US television and popular culture. Examining everything from his earliest work to his most recent tweets and activist videos, it explores his complex and contradictory roles as both cult outsider and blockbuster filmmaker. Crucially, the book insists on the wider industrial, technological, political and economic contexts that have both influenced and been influenced by Whedon, rejecting the notion of Whedon as isolated television auteur. Using key source material, with exclusive access to drafts of many of the episodes across Whedon's career, as well as unique correspondence with Whedon collaborator Jane Espenson, this book offers unparalleled access to the creative process that helped produce the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse and Firefly. Energetic, engaging and informed by detailed scholarship and theoretical rigour, the book is not just an essential addition to the study of Whedon, but a timely and important re-invigoration of television studies in general.

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        Children's & YA


        by Medardo Ángel Silva, Humberto Fierro, Arturo Borja y Ernesto Noboa y Caamaño

        “There is poetry, and there are poets, that never disappear. They circulate through new channels, at times hibernate, and with a certain persistence they are laid bare, until someone revives them.”

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        Can’t Swap Jokes with the Angel of Death

        by Lili Rebecca Kahan

        with the Angel of Death is an amazing story of survival against all odds and a great achievement for the writer who was a teenager during World War 2, 1939–1945. This is the personal story of a family torn apart, always on the run from country to country, hiding, hoping not to be discovered and praying to survive.Lili Rebecca Kahan grew up trying to stay alive and helping others do the same. She survived dangers as a member of the underground in Budapest, often thanks to her knowledge of languages including German. There, under the Germans’ noses, she also helped other Jews by giving them new identities in order to escape death. Today, when survivors are leaving this world, she wants to honor the silent command of those who perished—remember and never forget.We, the last survivors, have a solemn obligation to testify, in the name of the dead and the living, that what we endured was a gruesome reality but also a permanent warning to mankind of horrors that might still lie ahead.Former president of France Nicolas Sarkozy so aptly put it when he said, “The tragedy of the Holocaust should be etched onto our consciousness as it is onto our hearts.”  An English-language eBook Edition was published in late 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA. 148 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

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        October 2009

        African Angel

        Mit 50 Cent die Welt verändern

        by Bruce-Annan, Harriet

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        November 1987

        Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg

        Eine Bestandsaufnahme

        by Lara Manuel Tuñón, Aróstegui Julio, Viñas Ángel, Cardona Gabriel, Bricall Josep M., Ulrike Liebert, Gerhard Poppenberg, Willi Zurbrüggen, Eva Schikorski, Thomas Maier, Bernhard Lechner

        Der 18. Juli 1936 markiert, mit dem Aufstand des größten Teils der spanischen Armee, den Beginn dessen, was als »Spanischer Bürgerkrieg« in die Geschichte Europas eingehen sollte. Am Ende von dreiunddreißig Monaten militärischer, politischer, sozialer und ideologischer Auseinandersetzung konnte Franco am 1. April 1939 den Sieg der von ihm befehligten Truppen verkünden. Die Ereignisse in diesem Zeitraum (und die Folgen für Spanien und Europa) wurden, wie es angesichts des Sachverhalts nicht anders sein konnte, äußerst kontrovers beurteilt – eine Debatte, die in den dreißiger Jahren sehr heftig geführt wurde und gegenwärtig keineswegs beendet ist. Angesichts dieser politischen, wissenschaftlichen und publizistischen Situation ist das Unterfangen, das führende spanische Historiker unter der Leitung Manuel Tuñón de Laras verwirklicht haben, kaum hoch genug einzuschätzen: Sie legen eine Bestandsaufnahme dessen vor, was fünfzig Jahre nach Beginn des Putsches und mehr als zehn Jahre nach Francos Tod über den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg an historischem Wissen eruierbar ist. Diesen Anspruch, Umfassendes zu ihrem Thema zu sagen, lösen die Autoren ein, indem sie alle Bereiche der damaligen spanischen Gesellschaft untersuchen: von den militärischen Kämpfen bis zu den in deren Verlauf sich ändernden Ideologien, von der sozialen Entwicklung in den Städten und auf dem Land bis zu den Auswirkungen der Interventionen fremder Länder, von den Auseinandersetzungen im republikanischen Lager bis zu der sich herausbildenden Vormachtstellung Francos. Diese detaillierten Studien sind immer eingebunden in die Fragestellung: Welche Fakten, welche Abläufe, welche Interpretationen des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs können nach strenger objektiver Prüfung ins historische Gedächtnis der Spanier und Europäer aufgenommen werden? Diese Gesamtschau vermittelt somit ein genaueres Bild dessen, wie die Spanier heute, nach der Wiederherstellung der Demokratie, den Bürgerkrieg sehen; und zugleich bietet sich den Deut

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        June 2013

        Französische Nächte

        Erotischer Roman

        by Strand, Angel

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        December 2013

        Ich bin die Lust

        Erotischer Roman

        by Strand, Angel

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