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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Die Göttliche Komödie

        by Dante Alighieri, Friedrich Freiherr Falkenhausen, Manfred Hardt

        Mit Vergil durchwandert Dante die Hölle und das Fegefeuer. Mit Beatrice durchfliegt er die Himmel des Paradieses. Dieser Weg durch die Trichter der Hölle bis zum Höchsten des Himmels – unüberbotene Horrorvision und unendlicher Traum vom Glück – ist eines der lustvollsten Leseabenteuer der abendländischen Dichtkunst. Dante schuf mit der »Divina Commedia« »eines der paar großen Jahrtausendbücher der Menschheit« (Hermann Hesse).

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2014

        Die Göttliche Komödie

        by Dante Alighieri, Friedrich Freiherr von Falkenhausen, Manfred Hardt

        Mit Vergil durchwandert Dante die Hölle und das Fegefeuer. Mit Beatrice durchfliegt er die Himmel des Paradieses. Dieser Weg durch die Trichter der Hölle bis zum Höchsten des Himmels – unüberbotene Horrorvision und unendlicher Traum vom Glück – ist eines der lustvollsten Leseabenteuer der abendländischen Dichtkunst. Dante schuf mit der »Divina Commedia« »eines der paar großen Jahrtausendbücher der Menschheit« (Hermann Hesse).

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Birgit Haustedt

        Divina Comedia, Domkuppel und Davidstatue: Keine andere Stadt Italiens beherbergt auf engstem Raum so viele bedeutende Kunstwerke wie Florenz. Dante und Boccaccio erfanden hier die italienische Literatur, Brunelleschi wagte den Bau der riesigen Kuppel, Michelangelo schuf für die Piazza della Signoria seine berühmteste Skulptur. Zehn Spaziergänge führen durch die Geschichte der Stadt von Mittelalter und Renaissance bis heute. Masaccios Fresken, Medici-Palast und Machiavellis Arbeitszimmer gehören ebenso dazu wie die Lieblingsorte bekannter Reisender oder die Krimischauplätze bei Magdalen Nabb. Die Wege führen auch in unbekannte Stadtteile wie das alte Marktviertel, Vorbild für Pinocchio – und Inspiration für ein anderes Werk, das so nur in Florenz entstehen konnte: Artusis Kochbuchklassiker Von der Wissenschaft des Kochens und der Kunst des Genießens.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2008

        Spectaculum 79

        Vier moderne Theaterstücke

        by Martin Heckmanns, Lutz Hübner, Yasmina Reza, Peter Weiss, Frank Heibert, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel, Wilhelm Schmid, Thomas Laue

        Inhalt: Martin Heckmanns. Kommt ein Mann zur Welt Das Stück erzählt Brunos Lebensgeschichte von der Geburt bis zum Friedhof. Es ist die Geschichte eines Performancekünstlers, der ins Gefängnis kommt, eines Sängers mit einem einzigen Hit und einem Comeback, es ist die Geschichte seines Kampfes um Individualität und um das Lebensglück und sie endet mit einem letzten Satz auf dem Sterbebett »Ich hätte vielleicht …«. Das hat ein Dramatiker lange nicht gewagt: ein ganzes Leben, die menschliche Tragikomödie voller Witz und leisem Weh. Lutz Hübner. Ehrensache Eigentlich hatte der Samstag so gut angefangen. Zwei Jungen lernen zwei Mädchen kennen, man verabredet einen Ausflug in die Großstadt, Shoppen usw., doch nichts läuft so wie geplant. Am Abend liegt die junge Ellena tot auf einem Rastplatz. Die Fakten sind eindeutig: die beiden Jungen Cem und Sinan sind die Täter. Ein Gerichtsgutachter sucht nach den Motiven, war es gekränkte Ehre, Männerfreundschaft oder Rache? Lutz Hübner greift mit diesem authentischen Fall das Thema traditioneller Geschlechterbilder auf, bei dem unterschiedliche Wertvorstellungen scheinbar unversöhnlich aufeinanderprallen. Yasmina Reza. Der Gott des Gemetzels.Aus dem Französischen von Frank Heibert und Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel Veronique und Michel haben Annette und Alain zu einem Nachmittagskaffee eingeladen, weil die beiden Söhne der Ehepaare sich auf dem Schulhof geprügelt haben. Was als versöhnungsambitionierter Nachmittag beginnt, entwickelt sich schnell zu einer Reise durch die Abgründe der Be- und Erziehungshöllen aller Beteiligten. Mit erbarmungslosem Humor führt Yasmina Reza die moderne bürgerliche Gesellschaft vor, die sich nach außen so verbindlich zeigt, in der am Ende nur eines die Oberhand behält: das Gesetz des Gemetzels. Peter Weiss. Inferno In Anlehnung an Dantes Divina Commedia plant Peter Weiss in den sechziger Jahren eine Trilogie, von der uns der dritte Teil Die Ermittlung lange bekannt ist. Erst 2003 wurde der e

      • Christian spirituality & religious experience
        February 2015

        Lectio Divina

        by Enzo Bianchi

        The Bible is an ancient, enigmatic text from a culture vastly different from our own and most of us find it hard to read: how then can we understand its importance in the church, and how can it enrich our lives? Central to Lectio Divina is the conviction that to read the Bible faithfully and prayerfully is to learn an art. It is also to be in community, and to enter into dialogue with the God who speaks to each of us through the biblical page. Enzo Bianchi touches on some of the key insights in the history of Christian biblical interpretation - from the brilliant thinker Origen in the third century, to the development and refinement of historical criticism and related approaches in the modern era. He explains how to do lectio divina and understand its four 'moments' - lectio, meditatio, oratio, contemplatio. This is not simply a book about how to approach to the Bible, because Scripture ultimately wants to lead us beyond itself - to the truth and mystery of Christ that can never be captured fully in the written word.

      • The Arts
        November 2014

        Infierno: Colleccion de Arte

        by Dino Di Durante

        "Infierno - Collección de Arte" de Dino Di Durante es un libro de 72 pinturas basada en el Infierno de Dante, la primera parte su gran obra maestra literaria - La Divina Comedia. La mayor parte de estas pinturas fueron usadas en una pelicula titulada "Dante's Hell Animated" (DVD en Amazon), con la voz de Eric Roberts como Dante y  estrenada en el Festival de Cine de Cannes. Toda la colección se presentara en la proxima pelicula "Inferno de Dante", con mas de 30 artistas y profesores de los Estados Unidos e Italia, ademas de un Monsenor del Vaticano. Esta pelicula se estrenara en 2020 en el mercado del festival de Roma y luego en el festival de cine Ravenna Nightmare.

      • The Arts
        November 2014

        Inferno: Collezione d'Arte

        by Dino Di Durante

        "Inferno - Collezione D'Arte" di Dino Di Durante, una collezione d'arte di 72 tavole basate sulla storia dell'Inferno di Dante, la prima parte del suo grande capolavoro letterario, La Divina Commedia. La maggior parte di questa collezione di dipinti è stata utilizzata in un film intitolato "Dante's Hell Animated" (DVD disponibile qua su Amazon), con Eric Roberts, nella parte di Dante, e nella sua versione in Volgare Italiano intitolata "Inferno Dantesco Animato" con Vittorio Gassman nella parte di Dante, una tra le molte celebrita' italiane di popolarita mondiale assieme a Franco Nero. Entrambe le versioni sono state proiettate al Festival di Cannes. L'intera collezione di dipinti sara presentata nel prossimo film "Inferno di Dante", alla presentazione assisteranno oltre 30 artisti e insegnanti provenienti dagli Stati Uniti e dall'Italia, oltre a un monsignore del Vaticano.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Night and ocean

        by Raquel Taranilla

        Winner of the 2020 Biblioteca Breve Prize.Bea Silva is shocked when she comes across an article in the newspaper that says someone has stolen the embalmed skull of the legendary silent film director F.W. Murnau. What’s most surprising is that Bea is convinced she knows who the thief is: Quirós, an underemployed filmmaker who one day showed up at her enormous ramshackle house.At almost thirty-two, Beatriz is a somewhat aloof college professor, weary of life and almost pathologically erudite. The arrival of Quirós brings out her lucid, hyperactive side and sets her up for a wildly unhinged fall.

      • September 2019

        El niño que no quiso llorar

        by Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio

        Again facing his reflection on the mirror, and again the same idea coming to his mind, putting an end to his life. Inside his clenched fist, mum's sleeping pills, his only hope for escaping the hell esecially designed for him by his schoolmates. His little sister's love being his only reason to endure  a life of hardship, Santiago has become, after years suffering the cruellest of bullyings at school, a mere shadow of himself.   Otra vez frente al espejo, y otra vez con la misma idea, quitarse la vida. En el interior de su mano cerrada, las pastillas de dormir de mamá, su única esperanza para escapar del infierno que han fabricado para él sus propios compañeros de colegio. Sin más aliciente para seguir viviendo que el amor por su hermanita Teresa, Santiago se ha convertido, tras años de estar sufriendo acoso en su colegio, en una sombra de sí mismo. La llegada de Lucía, una niña nueva, extraña y diferente, logrará rescatarlo del universo frío e inhóspito en el que vive, y hará renacer en él la esperanza de volver a sonreír. Pero en el colegio, la persecución continúa y Nacho, su principal acosador, no ceja en su empeño de doblegar su espíritu de un forma u otra. Y Santiago, decidido a no dejarse derrotar, acabará transformándose en aquello que más odia.   The arrival of Lucia, a new classmate, different and awkward, will strike some degree of balance in his life, successfully rescuing him from the cold and barren universe he inhabits and triggering a new desire to smile again. But nothing changes at school: the bullying goes on relentlessly and Nacho, the worst bully, won't give up on his whim to break Santiago's spirit one way or the other. But Santiago, firmly determined not to be defeated, will inevitably turn into the thing he hates the most.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2012

        Only Strange People Go to Church

        by Laura Marney

        Divine comedy...a joyous celebration of human imperfection - Louise Welsh. Maria's job is to support Blue Group, an unruly crew of service users. But she might just have bitten off more than she can chew when she suggests they put on a large-scale community show. The venue for the show is to be Ray's workshop, a deconsecrated church where she's constantly distracted by local oddballs and Dezzie, her handsome colleague. Maria soon faces moral dilemmas that would curl a bishop's hair. If she does 'the right thing' she'll wreck careers and break hearts - but what's 'the right thing' anyway? Who decides who's allowed to love who? And can Ray even be trusted?

      • Art forms
        September 2014

        Inferno - The Art Collection

        by Dino Di Durante

        SPECTACULAR AND MIND BLOWING IMAGES OF HELL USED IN TWO ACCLAIMED FILMS! Do You Love Horror Books? "Inferno" Images will Scare You Death. "Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a full color book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of the literary masterpiece - The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, the second greatest Christian story after The Gospel. This is a completely new, deep and fascinating vision of Inferno by Dino Di Durante, who has studied this masterpiece in its original Italian for over 30 years. This book is the best choice as a companion and a visual reference to any Inferno book every written. The canvases versions of the art published in this book sell between $5,000 and $30,000, so this book is a bargain no matter how you look at it. Most of the art pieces were featured in a film titled Dante's Hell Animated (DVD available on featuring Eric Roberts' voice as Dante. The Italian version, titled Inferno Dantesco Animato, featuring Vittorio Gassman's voice as Dante. Both versions premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        March 2020

        Exu te ama

        by Adriano Paciello (author)

        Assassinados em decorrência de suas escolhas malditas, Pedro e seu irmão caíram. Cinquenta anos depois, Pedro reencarna e tem uma nova chance de aprender, enquanto seu irmão, torna-se o exu que o acompanha, com a missão de reencontrar Pedro e ajudá-lo a descobrir trajetos mais dignos, tentar mudar-lhe o futuro e dirimir novos enganos.Exu não é inquisidor, mas sim o portador da luz nas trevas, mas só a recebe quem merece. Um dia resgatado, agora cabe a ele resgatar, pois é este seu trabalho: separar espíritos obsessores dos dignos, apontar os espíritos de luz e desencaminhar os mal-intencionados.Exu é tudo isso e muito mais. Laroiê! Exu é mojubá!

      • Philosophy

        Anthropology of Christian Vocation

        From Person to Person

        by Juan Manuel Cabiedas

        The question regarding how to guide one’s own life is among the most pressing and serious questions. Both in its sacred understanding, as referring to a trascendent call, and in its lay conception, that connects the feeling of happiness to one’s self-fulfillment, the word vocation expresses the right way that a person follows to succesfully lead his or her own life. This may be the reason why, when talking about vocation, the word echoes all the elements that make up the identity of the human being: corporeity and spirituality, intelligence and sensitivity, conscience and freedom, personal biography and collective history. Without vocation, the personal being is doomed to treat oneself and to be treated with indifference.

      • The Arts

        A Bible in Ivory

        Mediterranean art in 11th century Salerno

        by Valentino Pace

        In the late 11th century, one of the greatest historical and artistical times in Campania, in the South of Italy, a significant role was played in this sense by Alfano, the Archbishop of Salerno. He personally committed the episcopal throne inside the Cathedral, with the intention to catch the eye of anyone who entered as a symbol of the ultimate devotion. Of this work, with scenes from the Old and New Testament, only 67 ivory plaques still remain. The throne was realized in ivory, a precious material which can be considered inferior only to gold. Working with ivory required advanced skills from the artists, who had to know how to extract the thin layers from an elephant tusk before being able to delicately carve a scene. Possibly planned and executed for the Cathedral of Amalfi, it is the most extensive series of ivory panels to an artifact that predates the Gothic Era. They prove to be an artistic production that, due to the valuable nature of its material and the quality of its execution – not to mention the inherent interest of its narrative sequence –, is without comparison.

      • June 2019

        Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento ("Mesopotamia and the Old Testament")

        by Francesc Ramis Darder

        El conocimiento de la historia y la literatura de Mesopotamia constituye el entramado necesario para la buena comprensión de la Biblia, especialmente del Antiguo Testamento. La narración del Diluvio se entrelaza con la epopeya de Gilgamesh; el Código de Hammurabi asoma entre la legislación bíblica; el zigurat de Babilonia deja entrever su silueta en la mención de la Torre de Babel; mientras la leyenda de Sargón orienta la mirada hacia la figura de Moisés. El lector inquieto por conocer la relación entre la Biblia y el mundo oriental encontrará en este libro una guía para escuchar el eco de Mesopotamia entre las líneas de la Sagrada Escritura. A knowledge of the history and literature of Mesopotamia constitutes the necessary framework for a proper understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament. The narration of the Flood is interwoven with the epic of Gilgamesh; the Code of Hammurabi looms among the biblical legislation; the Ziggurat of Babylon reveals its silhouette at the mention of the Tower of Babel; while the legend of Sargon focuses its gaze towards the figure of Moses. The reader, eager to know the relationship between the Bible and the Oriental world, will find in this book a guide for listening to the echo of Mesopotamia between the lines of the Holy Scripture.

      • April 2020

        Reificación mediática

        by German Duarte

        En los años 60 del siglo pasado, las posiciones existencialistas y fenomenológicas plantearon un problema importante y controvertido, que produjo divisiones en el seno del mismísimo campo del pensamiento marxista. ¿Está el efecto de reificación sujeto inextricablemente al modo de producción capitalista? ¿Está por ello destinado a desaparecer con la liberación de la esfera social del dominio del capital, o bien tenemos que pensar que el carácter de reificación es más profundo que el mismo capitalismo y que está arraigado en la dimensión antropológica fundacional, anterior a la relación capitalista social ?.

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