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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1974

        Werke. Frankfurter Ausgabe in sieben Bänden

        4.1: Kleine Schriften

        by James Joyce, Hiltrud Marschall, Klaus Reichert, Klaus Reichert

        "Band 4 der Frankfurter Ausgabe der Werke von James Joyce wird in 2 Teilen vorgelegt; Teil 1 enthält die Aufsätze, das Theaterstück Verbannte, die Prosaskizze Giacomo Joyce und die sogenannten Epiphanien; Teil 2 wird Sämtliche Gedichte aufnehmen und Stücke aus Finnegans Wake, der lyrischsten Prosa aus dem Werk von Joyce. - Die Auswahl der Aufsätze - Essays, Vorträge und Rezensionen - umfaßt das Wesentliche. Neben wichtigen frühen Arbeiten wie Drama und Leben (1900), Ibsens neues Drama (1900) und Der Tag des Pöbels (1901) stehen die Notate zur Ästhetik aus Paris und Pola, die Triestiner Vorträge über irische Kultur und Politik, über Blake und Defoe, und die irischen Reiseberichte, die Joyce 1912 für den Piccolo della Sera schrieb. Verbannte, das einzige Theaterstück, das Joyce schrieb, entstand um 1914."

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1987

        Werkausgabe in sechs Bänden in der edition suhrkamp

        Gesamte Werkausgabe

        by James Joyce

        Band 1: »Und zu allererst lese man die Dubliner. Es ist die einzige Möglichkeit, das Werk eines der größten Schriftsteller zu verstehen.« T.S. Eliot Band 2: In einem Anflug von Verzweiflung, weil er seine Manuskripte nirgends unterbringen konnte, warf Joyce 1911, so will es die Legende, den gesamten Text ins Feuer, aus dem seine Schwester 383 Seiten rettete. Diese Seiten wurden 1944 unter dem Titel »Stephen Hero, Stephen der Held«, veröffentlicht. Sie umfassen die Jahre des jungen Joyce, der sich Stephen Dedalus nannte, am University College in Dublin. Im Herbst 1907 begann Joyce den Roman umzuarbeiten, d. h. neu zu schreiben. Aus dem weitschweifigen Text von Stephen Hero wurde die komprimierte, komplexe Textur des »Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man«. Die für den »Ulysses« später so zentrale Leitmotivtechnik wurde hier zum ersten Mal erprobt. Band 3: Die 1975 im Rahmen der Frankfurter Joyce-Ausgabe zuerst erschienene neue »Ulysses«-Übertragung von Hans Wollschläger - »die wortmächtigste und wortreichste Übertragung in der deutschen Übersetzungsgeschichte«, so die »Süddeutsche Zeitung« - konnte die Ergebnisse von 50 Jahren Joyce-Forschung berücksichtigen, die vieles dazu beigetragen hat, die Fehler zu beseitigen, die Undurchsichtigkeiten zu lichten und die sogenannten dunklen Stellen weitgehend zu klären. Diese Übersetzung unterscheidet sich auch insofern von den bisherigen Originalausgaben und Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen, als zahlreiche Passagen, insbesondere des letzten und vorletzten Kapitels, die aufgrund von Irrtümern der Drucker nicht einbezogen wurden, erstmals in den Werkzusammenhang des »Ulysses« eingebracht worden sind.Band 4: Dieser Band enthält die »Aufsätze«, das Theaterstück »Verbannte«, die Prosaskizze »Giacomo Joyce« und die sogenannten »Epiphanien«. Die Auswahl der »Aufsätze« - Essays, Vorträge, Rezensionen - umfaßt das Wesentliche. Neben wichtigen früheren Arbeiten wie »Drama und Leben (1900), »Ibsens neues Drama« (1900) und »Der Tag des Pöbels« (1901) stehen die Notate zur Ästhetik aus Paris und Pola, die Triestiner Vorträge über irische Kultur und Politik, über Blake und Defoe, und die irischen Reiseberichte, die Joyce 1912 für den »Piccolo della Sera« schrieb. Band 5: Dieser Band enthält alle in Buchform erschienenen Gedichte: die Sammlungen »Kammermusik« (1907) und »Pöme Penysstück« (1927); die »Verstreuten Gedichte«, darunter die »Fragmentarische Jugendlyrik (1900-1904); die Verssatiren »Das heilige Offizium« und »Gas von einem Brenner«, die »Gelegenheitsverse« (1902-1937). Richard Ellmann vermerkt in seiner umfassenden Joyce-Biographie, daß sich Joyce als »junger Poet« selbst nicht im klaren war über seine Gedichte. Aufgenommen wurde in diesen Band außerdem das einzige übersetzte Kapitel aus »Finnegans Wake«, »Anna Livia Plurabelle«, im Originaltext und in zwei Übertragungen, der von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und der von Hans Wollschläger.Band 6: »Finnegans Wake«, das »schwierigste Buch des Jahrhunderts«, gilt aufgrund seiner »verwirrenden Sprache« und seiner »Verdichtungen« als unübersetzbar. Mit dem nun vorliegenden kompletten englischen Text von »Finnegans Wake«, können diese Beurteilungen einer erneuten Prüfung unterzogen werden, der Leser kann an jenem – wie Anthony Burgess es nannte - »Puzzle« mitarbeiten. Textgrundlage des vorliegenden Bandes ist die 1975 bei Faber & Faber erschienene Ausgabe, die bis zum Manuskript zurückgeht und Joyce' Korrekturen berücksichtigt.

      • Children's & YA
        January 1993


        Learning Game

        by Finken-Verlag

        LOGICO PICCOLO is a learning game with self-checking for children from 5 to 11 years. LOGICO is ubiquitous, universal, tried and tested in practice. Children can play and learn with LOGICO, wherever they are: at school, at home, on a train, ...LOGICO plastic boards are child-safe and very durable. Because of the high quality, schools can use LOGICO boards and learning cards for many years. Moreover, what is very important to schools: There are no loose parts.Because of the universal learning tool (the LOGICO board), it can be adapted to different international (school) systems and learning conditions.LOGICO PICCOLO learning cards are available for the school subjects Mathematics, Learn-to-Read, English and General Knowledge.

      • Momenti trascurabili Vol. 3 (Negligible Moments Vol. 3)

        by Francesco Piccolo

        What if in life there were no negligible moments? From the hopelessly mismatched socks to the fortune teller who predicts a new love for your wife, by now we know the fun of living every instant (even the ones we would rather forget). And we will never get tired of finding that fun all over again. After the bestsellers Moments of Negligible Happiness and Moments of Negligible Unhappiness, Francesco Piccolo is back with another collection of humorous snapshots that reveal the preciousness of every little fragment of our daily life. The perfect quiet of your breakfast spoiled by the bad mood of your teenager daughter, and the sense of missing you feel having breakfast alone in a hotel. Falling in love with a girl only because she lives in your own building. The day you understand, for the first time, that having fun on New Year’s Eve is not mandatory. The joy to watch a movie with your son – even if it is Transformers 4 – and the instant when, while you are trying to explain him what a phone box is, you realize you are getting old. There is something, in the quality of Piccolo’s gaze, that expands the time of our days, while lending us its lightness and vitality. Until we ask ourselves if all of this is really so negligible. «Every single gesture, the flavors, the air, the weather, the fabric, the street, the person next to you, the scent, the view, the wind, the door, the smile. Everything, everything. Life no longer ends, if you can understand every single moment in one day». «When you are on the street and you are disheartened because you don’t know exactly where to go, and at a crossroads appears that wonderful sign that says: all routes».

      • December 2013

        Cos’è la Verità

        Out of Print

        by Cardeno C., Barbara Cinelli, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Un Libro della Serie HomeBen Forman ha nascosto la sua vera identità sessuale per così tanto tempo da convincersi di essere eterosessuale. Ma il suo treno pieno di negazione deraglia quando Micah Trains, avvocato di successo, entra nella sua vita. Micah è intelligente, divertente, determinato… e, credendo che Ben sia gay, comincia a uscire con lui. Sentendosi davvero felice per la prima volta nella sua vita, Ben non ha la forza di resistere.Però la vita non è tutta arcobaleni e ‘vissero felici e contenti’. Ben ama la sua famiglia, ma i suoi genitori si sono allontanati da suo fratello, Noah, quando ha dichiarato la sua omosessualità. Ben non vuole perderli, ma Micah non potrà essere il suo piccolo sporco segreto per sempre. Improvvisamente la presa di Ben sulla sua felicità, così come la consapevolezza di sé, sembra scivolare via. Se vorrà sopravvivere con il cuore intatto, dovrà confessare la verità su ciò che vuole e su chi è. Il problema è capire cos’è la verità. ;


        by Sergio Bambaren

        Per anni, Sergio Bambarén ha girato il mondo in cerca di una serenità all'apparenza irraggiungibile, spinto dal vento irrequieto del suo animo. Poi, proprio quando crede di aver finalmente conquistato l'equilibrio da sempre desiderato, ecco che arriva un figlio a sconvolgere ogni sua certezza. Solo stringendo tra le braccia il piccolo Daniel per la prima volta, Sergio si rende conto di non aver mai nemmeno immaginato le straordinarie implicazioni della paternità. Sopraffatto dalle emozioni, decide di prendere carta e penna per scrivere una lunga lettera al figlio. Una lettera in cui possano trovare sfogo tutte le parole che gli affollano la mente. Così, Sergio si mette completamente a nudo, raccontando pagine della sua esistenza che non ha mai condiviso con nessuno. Parla della sua infanzia in Perù, del primo amore, della passione per il mare. Svela i suoi sogni più intimi, le ambizioni più nascoste, le speranze più segrete. Ma non solo. Con lucidità e onestà, rievoca le paure, gli errori, le debolezze e le lezioni imparate a caro prezzo sulla propria pelle. Rimanendo fedele allo stile semplice e poetico che lo ha reso celebre, l'autore de "Il delfino" parla per la prima volta della meravigliosa esperienza che gli ha cambiato la vita, regalandoci un messaggio d'amore intenso e dolcissimo, che va dritto al cuore.

      • Children's & YA
        July 2020

        Sei Gufo o Allodola? – Guida al buon sonno per bambini e adulti consapevoli

        by Maria Costanza Cipullo

        Questo libro ha lo scopo di favorire una maggiore conoscenza del sonno e delle sue funzioni e di promuovere degli stili di vita adeguati in un'ottica di prevenzione, non solo dei disturbi del sonno, ma anche di tutte quelle patologie spesso facilitate, o comunque peggiorate , da un sonno insufficiente per qualità e quantità. Dedicato ai bambini, ma indirizzato anche ai genitori e agli insegnanti, illustra come e per quanto tempo dormono alcuni animali. A ciascuno di essi è collegata una regola del sonno. Nelle ultime pagine sono presenti dei disegni da completare e un breve questionario che consentirà a ciascun bambino di scoprire, in base alle proprie abitudini, a quale animale somiglia di più.Con questo libro si vuole dare, pertanto, un piccolo contributo perché un sonno tranquillo, sin da piccoli,

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        Il Benefattore di Emozioni

        by Luca Platini

        Una coppia di ladruncoli in tour per le periferie di mezzo continente. Un imprenditore cui è stato rapito l'unico erede. Un investigatore alle prese con una precoce arteriosclerosi. Un oste incapace di credere all'anima gemella. Un pittore sulla via dell'ispirazione perduta. Due sposini in viaggio di nozze. Una vedova in cerca di un nuovo legame con il figlio. Un commissario cui la fortuna volta improvvisamente le spalle. Quattro universitari in trasferta per un addio al celibato. Tante storie normali dentro una grande storia, piccole strade destinate a incrociarsi. Nelle "notti magiche" dei Mondiali di calcio di Italia '90 , un piccolo centro all'estremo sud della Spagna diventa il teatro di un bestiario di vite sospese, che si interseca pagina dopo pagina.Nel frattempo giornali, radio e televisioni si interrogano su un crescendo di azioni eclatanti che avvengono in tutta Europa, rivendicate da un gruppo capeggiato da un individuo che si firma “Il Benefattore di Emozioni”. Una follia oscura che sembra lontana anni luce. Ma in un lampo le distanze possono azzerarsi e solo allora, troppo tardi, si realizza di essere tutti in pericolo.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        La sentinella Serafina

        by Monica Sabella

        Bad è un microbo molto cattivo che un giorno riesce a superare i controlli svolti dai globuli bianchi ea introdursi in una ferita. La vigile sentinella Serafina - la più anziana degli anticorpi -, il piccolo globulo rosso Red, il linfocita Freud e tanti altri piccoli “gendarmi” entrano in azione per fermarlo prima che riesca a provocare delle malattie. Una divertente favola per spiegare ai bambini in modo semplice e simpatico come funzionano le cellule del sangue e come agiscono i nostri anticorpi.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2021

        LOGICO PICCOLO – Geometry – Shapes and Spatial Orientation 2

        Learning game

        by Susanne Kortmann

        With the 16 learning cards, children from grade 2 learn about the world of geometry in a playful and motivating way. The systematic and diverse assignments promote the development of perception and spatial imagination. Answering the questions, children expand their understanding of terms relating to space, shapes and solids in the sense of language-sensitive math lessons. Children learn to recognize geometric shapes, to name them and to locate them correctly in their spatial position.

      • Children's & YA

        Incredible Animals

        by Dunia Rahwan

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to discover through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover and for their evocative illustrations. A journey in discovery of our planet’s most incredible animals, divided into 15 categories: from the most wild predators as the formidable cheetah and the fierce orca, famous for their refined hunting techniques, to the “brainers” as the chimp and the gray parrot, which shows incredible, brilliant attitudes. In the categories also theextinct, the fantastic, the luminous animals find their place. The contents and the curiosities of each animal will be enhanced by illustrations of a big impact.

      • Fun Experiments

        by Valeria Salandin

        Fun experiment book full of simple experiment to do at home

      • Children's & YA


        Picture Books Series

        by Luigi dal Cin

        A series of 13 picture books - each one collects the most traditional tales from a specific country. Every story is illustrated by a different artist, either international or local. It's possible to select the books of interest or to create a collection of tales from the world picking up the single tales from the various titles.  In the series: BRASIL, SCOTLAND, RUSSIA, CHILE, FAR EAST, ARCTIC REGION, AFRICA, MEXICO, OCEANIA, INDIA, ITALY, JAPAN, 1001 NIGHTS


        by Various

        Nine lovely fairy tales, enriched by the illustrations and technique of Valeria Abatzoglu. The magic illustrations are developed on double and single spreads, with simple texts for all early readers.


        freedom stories for boys and girls chasing big dreams


        An engaging collection of biographies of present-day heroes: women and men who stand out for struggling for love and freedomFrom Rudol’f Nureev to Tiziano Ferro, from Christian Andersen to Keith Haring, a collection of 12 biographies of famous people who have distinguished themselves in thht against sexual and gender discriminatioe computer was invented by Alan Turing; Darla, a famous character from the cartoon Nemo, owes its name to the Pixar producer who invented it; the captain of the American national football team that won the women’s World Cup is Megan Rapinoe, who with her charisma has enchanted men and women all over the world. If recently the editorial proposal on the LGBTQ theme has focused on “coming out”, this book - through compelling stories of courage - conveys a message completely indipendent from the sexual orientation of the reader, and focuses on the exemplarity of the actions that make these personalities prominent and true examples for future generations.

      • Society & culture: general
        May 2020


        by Aldo Schiavone

        The twentieth century saw a faster and more radical transformation of the material and cultural conditions of life than any previous century in the history of the human species. It was also the first century that saw huge masses of women and men in every part of the planet become protagonists of their own destiny. But it was also the century which, particularly in its last two decades – with an increasing tendency, transmitted with even greater force to the following century – saw the crumbling of the idea that human history had a meaning and a direction, and that it had a general tendency to improve from generation to generation. That is to say, it destroyed the idea of progress, hitherto a banner of modernity (the ancient world had never conceived of anything similar, being imprisoned in a closed and limited representation of time and historicity). And this at the very time when it should have been celebrating its triumph. How was it possible for this to happen? What lies behind this seeming paradox? And what does it tell us about the difficulty of the period through which we are passing? What future does it suggest? This book tries to answer these questions by standing at the crossroads between different disciplines, in a perspective of the social history of ideas: philosophy, science, politics, anthropology, material culture. But it is also intended as a modest suggestion that may help us rediscover a sense of our history – one that is not linearly optimistic or providentialistic, but still conscious of the extraordinary potential of the human species, at this point in its development.


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

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