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      • Borobudur Agency

        Borobudur Agency act to represent Indonesian publishers and authors for children’s and young adult books; picture books; comic books; fiction: novels, literary works; non-fiction: cookbooks, fashion (especially Muslim wear for women), social studies, Indonesian arts and culture, as well as interactive digital textbooks and software. We facilitate members of IKAPI, book publishers who assign the agency to promote their rights for overseas licensing, and accordingly promote the works of Indonesian authors for international readership.

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      • Bollati Boringhieri editore S.r.l. a socio unico

        Our publishing company was founded in 1957 by Paolo Boringhieri focusing on science, mythology and ethnology. In 1987 Giulio Bollati joined the company, taking with him his expertise in history, philosophy , and literary fiction.Since then , the two souls of the publisher scientific studies and humanities have followed intertwined paths.  In 2009 Bollati Boringhieri was a cquired by Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol (GeMS) a group including 11 publishing companiesand 20 imprints. On the non fiction side, we are strongly interested in every project that shows human comprehensive history.  Gems of our list include, among others Edmund de Waal , Jim Al Khalili, Nick Bostrom, Adam Rutherford, Hannah Fry,Jonathan Gottschall , Frank Close, Max Tegmark.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2008

        Afghanistan Picture Show oder Wie ich die Welt rettete

        by William T. Vollmann, Peter Torberg

        Es gibt ein frühes Werk von einem der am meisten bewunderten amerikanischen Erzähler der Gegenwart zu entdecken: 1982, mit 23 Jahren, reist William T. Vollmann nach Afghanistan, um an der Seite der Mudschahedin gegen die Besatzungstruppen der Roten Armee zu kämpfen. Wie kommt er dazu? Zielloser Idealismus und unglaubliche Idiotie, stellt er fest, je länger sein Abenteuer andauert. Er kam, um Hilfe zu leisten, und braucht sie nun vor allem selbst. Er wollte Klarheit gewinnen über richtig und falsch und versteht immer weniger. Am Ende wird er von einem Partisanen durch Gebirgsflüsse getragen. Vollmann schildert die Szenen des Krieges und seines persönlichen Scheiterns mit meisterhafter Klarheit – und frei von wissender Abgeklärtheit. Afghanistan Picture Show ist die gnadenlos ehrliche Geschichte von einem, der auszog, die Welt zu retten, und den Notleidenden zur Last fiel.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        The Mindset Challenge

        For mastery of life and living

        by Kate Munari

        What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed  as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan? Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008. Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition. Her personal stories include insights into:  12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at. Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless. Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world. Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators.  This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person. It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset.   As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian. Her book is due for release in 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        From India to Germany:What My Father's Journey Tells Usabout Migration and the Kindness ofStrangers

        by Sunita Sukhana

        — An extraordinary story of migration — Contemporary history of the 70s and backgrounds to India, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany He was the son of the Sikh priest, a successful 400-meter runner and, eventually, a migrant. In 1979, Bagicha Singh turned his back on his homeland and set off with a head full of dreams on the long, turbulent overland journey from India to Germany. It was the year the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution raged in Iran. A year whose aftermath continues to shape the world to this day. More than 40 years later, his daughter tells the story of Bagicha's adventurous journey. The result is a touching document on origin, contemporary history, and the meaning of migration.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Crossing borders and queering citizenship

        Civic reading practice in contemporary American and Canadian writing

        by Zalfa Feghali

        Can reading make us better citizens? In Crossing borders and queering citizenship, Feghali crafts a sophisticated theoretical framework to theorise how the act of reading can contribute to the queering of contemporary citizenship in North America. Providing sensitive and convincing readings of work by both popular and niche authors, including Gloria Anzaldúa, Dorothy Allison, Gregory Scofield, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Erín Moure, Junot Díaz, and Yann Martel, this book is the first to not only read these authors together, but also to discuss how each powerfully resists the exclusionary work of state-sanctioned citizenship in the U.S. and Canada. This book convincingly draws connections between queer theory, citizenship studies, and border studies and sheds light on how these connections can reframe our understanding of American Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Am Ende der Straße

        Afghanistan zwischen Hoffnung und Scheitern. Eine Reportage | Mit zahlreichen Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien vom Hindukusch | Auf der WELT-Bestenliste

        by Wolfgang Bauer

        Die afghanische Ring Road. Eine Straße, die real existiert und dennoch ein Mysterium ist. Der 2200 Kilometer lange kreisförmige Highway verbindet die wichtigsten Städte des Landes. Er versprach Einheit und Aufschwung. Seit sechzig Jahren wird an ihm gebaut, doch fertig ist er noch immer nicht. Korruption und Misswirtschaft haben riesige Summen verschlungen. Nach dem Einmarsch der westlichen Truppen wurde die Straße zu einem blutigen Schlachtfeld. Kaum ein deutscher Journalist kennt Afghanistan so gut wie Wolfgang Bauer. Der Zeit-Reporter war viele Male vor Ort, machte die Schicksale der Menschen in preisgekrönten Reportagen anschaulich. Früh warnte er vor einer Rückkehr der Taliban. Im August 2021 wurde einer seiner engsten Mitarbeiter ermordet. Nach dem Fall Kabuls kehrt Wolfgang Bauer noch einmal zurück. Er bereist die Ring Road, sucht Orte auf, die er in den letzten 20 Jahren besucht hat – und geht der Frage nach: Warum ist der Westen in Afghanistan gescheitert? Was hat dieses Scheitern mit der milliardenschweren Entwicklungshilfe zu tun? Und wie geht es weiter? Seine Reportage ist eine Parabel über Hoffnung und Scheitern am Hindukusch.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2021

        Medicalising borders

        Selection, containment and quarantine since 1800

        by Sevasti Trubeta, Christian Promitzer, Paul Weindling, Hastings Donnan

        The research of pandemics, epidemics, and pathogens like COVID-19 reaches far beyond the scope of biomedicine. It is not only an objective for the health, political and social sciences, but epidemics and pandemics are a matter of geography: foci and vectors of communicable diseases continue to test the efficacy of medical control at state borders. This volume illuminates these issues from various disciplinary viewpoints. It starts by exploring historical models of quarantine, spatial isolation and detention as precautionary means against the dissemination of disease and contagion by border crossers, migrants and refugees. Besides the patterns of prejudice with which these groups are confronted, the book also deals with various kinds of fear of contamination from outside of the nation state. The contributors address the implementation of medical techniques at state borders in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as the presently practiced measures of medical and biometric screening of migrants and refugees. Uniquely, this volume shows that the current border security regimes of Western states exhibit a high share of medicalised techniques of power, which originate both in European modernity and in the medical and biological disciplines developed during the last quarter of the millennium. Drawing on the collective expertise of a network of international researchers, this interdisciplinary volume is essential reading for those wishing to understand the medicalisation of borders across the globe, from the early eighteenth century up to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Den Sturm ernten


        by Phil Klay, Hannes Meyer

        Phil Klay verwandelt seine Erfahrungen als US-Marine in eine weltumspannende Geschichte des Krieges. Er legt ein brillantes erzählerisches Zeugnis ab von den Verheerungskräften der Zivilisation, von Liebe und Hass, Schuld und Stolz in einer globalisierten Welt. Am Ende zählt nur eins: auf der richtigen Seite stehen. Doch für die vier Menschen in dieser Geschichte, alle aus Idealismus an einen Ort der Gewalt im kolumbianischen Dschungel gekommen, ist die Grenze zwischen Gut und Böse längst verronnen. Sie setzen ihr Leben ein – als Mitglied der US-Special-Forces, als Journalistin, Patriot, Paramilitär –, sie kämpfen um das Schicksal eines Landes, dessen Fundamente abgetragen wurden, von falschen Freunden in Washington, den Drogen, jahrzehntelangen Heilsversprechen. Und sie suchen mit aller Kraft Antworten auf eine Frage: Was heilt die Wunden der Geschichte, was lässt den Schmerz vergessen und an das Gute glauben?

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2016


        Afghanistan und die Folgen

        by Swetlana Alexijewitsch, Ingeborg Kolinko, Ganna-Maria Braungardt

        Zinkjungen: So wurden im sowjetischen Afghanistankrieg die gefallenen Soldaten genannt. Ihre Leichen durften den Angehörigen nur in zugeschweißten Zinksärgen übergeben werden. Das Wort steht exemplarisch für die Verschleierungspraxis der Sowjetunion, die alles dafür tat, die brutale Realität des zehnjährigen Krieges geheim zu halten. Swetlana Alexijewitsch hat mit Soldaten, Müttern, Witwen und Krankenschwestern gesprochen und verarbeitet die Augenzeugenberichte in ihrem »Roman der Stimmen« zu einem erschütternden Antikriegsbuch. Friedenspreisträgerin Swetlana Alexijewitsch dokumentiert den universellen Wahnsinn des Krieges und seine verheerenden Auswirkungen auf ihre Gesellschaft – in Zeiten von weltweit auflodernden Krisenherden ist dieses Buch aktueller denn je. »Beharrlich, furchtlos, ergreifend.« Karl Schlögel, Laudatio zum Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels 2013

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardening borders

        Gender, reproduction, regulation

        by Haldis Haukanes, Frances Pine

        This book is a collection of articles by anthropologists and social scientists concerned with gendered labour, care, intimacy and sexuality, in relation to mobility and the hardening of borders in Europe. Interrogating the relation between physical, geopolitical borders and ideological, conceptual boundaries, it offers a range of vivid and original ethnographic case studies that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in gendered migration, policies of inclusion and exclusion, and regulation of reproduction and intimacy. The book presents ethnographic and phenomenological discussions of people's changing lives as they cross borders, how people transgress and reshape moral boundaries of proper gender and kinship behaviour, and moral economies of intimacy and sexuality. It also focuses on migrants' navigation of social and financial services in their destination countries, putting questions about rights and limitations on citizenship at the core.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        The Song of the Long March

        The Spirit of Long March to Victory

        by Hongxi LI

        This book describes the whole process of the Red Army’s long march in an all-round and multi-perspective way,and it reflects the long march spirit by using typical examples,plain text,and appropriate pictures.It’s a book with correct direction,full and accurate historical data,and proper analysis.It’s of great enlightenment to modern peple,especially teenagers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Border images, border narratives

        The political aesthetics of boundaries and crossings

        by Johan Schimanski, Jopi Nyman

        This interdisciplinary volume explores the role of images and narratives in different borderscapes. Written by experienced scholars in the field, Border images, border narratives provides fresh insight into how borders, borderscapes, and migration are imagined and narrated in public and private spheres. Offering new ways to approach the political aesthetics of the border and its ambiguities, this volume makes a valuable contribution to the methodological renewal of border studies and presents ways of discussing cultural representations of borders and related processes. Influenced by the thinking of philosopher Jacques Rancière, this timely volume argues that narrated and mediated images of borders and borderscapes are central to the political process, as they contribute to the public negotiation of borders and address issues such as the in/visiblity of migrants and the formation of alternative borderscapes. The contributions analyse narratives and images in literary texts, political and popular imagery, surveillance data, border art, and documentaries, as well as problems related to borderland identities, migration, and trauma. The case studies provide a highly comparative range of geographical contexts ranging from Northern Europe and Britain, via Mediterranean and Mexican-USA borderlands, to Chinese borderlands from the perspectives of critical theory, literary studies, social anthropology, media studies, and political geography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge

        Activism and everyday struggles in Europe

        by Suvi Keskinen, Aminkeng Atabong Alemanji, Minna Seikkula

        Developing the concept of 'disobedient knowledge', this book provides new perspectives on activism and everyday struggles against racism and bordering. Drawing on empirical material from distinct contexts in Northern, Western and Southern Europe, the chapters explore how different kinds of (b)orders are challenged and possibly also maintained in everyday antiracism, activism and struggles against borders. The book examines resistance and disobedience in relation to borders, social orders, conventional practices and hegemonic discourses. It underscores the importance of studying racism and bordering as intertwined phenomena. With a focus on the historical layers of resistance, disobedient practices and ways of building shared struggles, the book provides invaluable knowledge about postcolonial Europe and its future possibilities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Law across imperial borders

        British consuls and colonial connections on China’s western frontiers, 1880-1943

        by Emily Whewell

        Law across imperial borders offers new perspectives on the complex legal connections between Britain's presence in Western China in the western frontier regions of Yunnan and Xinjiang, and the British colonies of Burma and India. Bringing together a transnational methodology with a social-legal focus, it demonstrates how inter-Asian mobility across frontiers shaped British authority in contested frontier regions of China. It examines the role of a range of actors who helped create, constitute and contest legal practice on the frontier-including consuls, indigenous elites and cultural mediators. The book will be of interest to historians of China, the British Empire in Asia and legal history.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Die Löwinnen von Afghanistan

        Der lange Kampf um Selbstbestimmung

        by Hasrat-Nazimi, Waslat

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Half the Quilt(Youth Edition)

        by Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Yang Fei

        Half of the Quilt(Youth Edition) is based on the movie Heart for Heart (produced by Xiaoxiang Film Group and directed by Meng Qi). In October 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement failed, the Central Red Army evacuated the Soviet Union and began the Long March. The Red Army field hospital was bombed by enemy planes and suffered heavy casualties. Dong Xiuyun, a female soldier who stayed at the field hospital to look after the wounded, decided to take the wounded with her and chase the troops. Dong Xiuyun took in the soldiers of the various units who were left alone along the road, forming a special team. After the team came to Shazhou Village, the three female Red Army lived in Xu Xiexiu's house. When parting, Dong Xiuyun cut the only one quilt in half to Xu Xiexiu. This book nourishes the young people's spiritual world with red culture, inherits the red gene, and allows the spirit of the Long March to be passed on from generation to generation among children.

      • Trusted Partner

        Half the Quilt(Picture Book Edition)

        by Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Yang Fei

        Half of the Quilt(Picture Book Edition) is based on the movie Heart for Heart (produced by Xiaoxiang Film Group and directed by Meng Qi). In October 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement failed, the Central Red Army evacuated the Soviet Union and began the Long March. The Red Army field hospital was bombed by enemy planes and suffered heavy casualties. Dong Xiuyun, a female soldier who stayed at the field hospital to look after the wounded, decided to take the wounded with her and chase the troops. Dong Xiuyun took in the soldiers of the various units who were left alone along the road, forming a special team. After the team came to Shazhou Village, the three female Red Army lived in Xu Xiexiu's house. When parting, Dong Xiuyun cut the only one quilt in half to Xu Xiexiu. This book nourishes the young people's spiritual world with red culture, inherits the red gene, and allows the spirit of the Long March to be passed on from generation to generation among children.

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