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      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.

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      • GAPSK Language Promotion Council Limited

        GAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at  Find out more at

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      • La lengua del desierto


        by Vanesa Guerra

        La lengua del desierto- notas, afianza la potencia de la lengua poética como modo de restitución del lazo social.  Trabaja y presenta la potencia de la experiencia del lenguaje como otra forma posible de habitar un mundo que hoy tiende a la devastación subjetiva en su aceleración temporal.   Invita a un ejercicio de transposición de sí hacia lxs otrxs, y su inversa:  La propuesta es abandonar, como una piel ya seca, la condición individual que impone la lógica capitalista, patriarcal y occidental. El texto -memoria, palimpsesto y archivo- se presenta como intento de pensar lo no-mismo, de dejarse habitar por lxs otrxs e, incluso, de invocarlxs. (Arnes Laura, 2020) Este ensayo de corte poético visita la escritura experiencial y límbica de Robert Walser y desplaza la fuerza de la lengua absuelta y desatada a las poéticas de autoras y artistas contemporáneas argentinas en quienes la escritura o la obra es una experiencia de lenguaje que destituye identidades monolíticas para habilitar una lengua que toca, renueva e ilumina las corporalidades libertas y descatalogadas; de esta manera atiende a los nuevos feminismos y a las posibles políticas de la lengua para restituir la ética entre unxs y otrxs. “Invoquemos a la lengua poética para que nos restituya la voz que hemos perdido, porque antes que la lengua del Amo nos apresara con sus dominios, supimos ser mágicxs, levitantes y límbicos. Restituirnos a la poesía como recién venidos podría ser el designio” La Lengua del desierto – notas; es el último y reciente trabajo de Vanesa Guerra, escritora y psicoanalista contemporánea argentina.  Colección: Agalma Dirección: Alejandro Schmidt Editora responsable: Daniela Mac Auliffe Buena Vista Editora, Córdoba, Argentina 2020 Imagen de tapa: Von Bingen, Hildegard (1098-1179). Representación del huevo cósmico, Scivias (1152). Cierta lectura feminista contemporánea atribuye a esta imagen la representación del orgasmo femenino. La obra La lengua del desierto, de Vanesa Guerra, obtuvo la Beca de Circulación y Promoción del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentino 2019

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        La magie de l'empathie

        Théorie et pratique

        by Dre Nicole Audet, M.D.

        Mon père détestait manger des pommes de terre non salées qu’il jugeait fades et sans goût. Comme lui, je reste sur mon appétit après une conversation superficielle et vide de sens. Pour mettre du piquant dans mes relations, j’ai dû y mettre de l’empathie, cette épice mystérieuse qui a le pouvoir de transformer ceux qui la maîtrisent.Dans ce livre, je vulgarise d’abord la théorie de la communication, puis je raconte des moments magiques où l’empathie a fait son œuvre dans ma vie et dans ma carrière. Enfin, je présente des recettes éprouvées pour se préparer à parler et à écouter avec cœur, authenticité et empathie. Ces compétences exigent des efforts de préparation, de concentration et d’ouverture vers l’autre, mais elles rapportent au-delà de toute espérance chez ceux qui les pratiquent et les maîtrisent. Après tout, pour être savoureuse, la patate a besoin de sel tout comme la communication a besoin d’empathie pour rehausser son goût. C’est magique!Mme Ruth Vachon, présidente et directrice générale du Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec signe la préface de ce livre.

      • December 2020


        by Annette Misen

        Jacky, brillant élève, se destine à devenir médecin. Sa droiture se révèle autant une force qu’un écueil dans une société durement frappée par une crise économique sans précédent. Complaisance, la mégalopole dans laquelle il vit, sombre de plus en plus dans la corruption et l’inégalité sociale. Alors que le gouvernement impose une main de fer dans un gant de velours, l’impensable se produit. Un attentat provoque un grand nombre de victimes dont la plupart sont des ministres en poste. Afin de stabiliser la situation vécue dans la mégalopole, l’état d’urgence est ordonné. Le blocus imposé sépare familles et couples, ne permettant plus à certains de rejoindre leur lieu de travail ou d’études.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Variation linguistique et enseignement des langues

        Le cas des langues moins enseignées

        by Gilles Forlot, Louise Ouvrard (dir.)

        Dans cet ouvrage, l’appellation « langues moins enseignées » fait référence à celle de « langues modimes ». Tantôt appelées « langues rares », tantôt « langues moins diffusées » et parfois même « petites langues », ces langues n’entrent dans aucune des catégories préconstruites des institutions éducatives. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est donc de problématiser les tenants et les aboutissants des statuts qu’elles assument dans les systèmes éducatifs, et notamment de s’intéresser à la question de la variation linguistique dans leur enseignement‑apprentissage. En effet, l’enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères se construit souvent autour d’une norme imaginée et conçue comme étant celle de la langue légitime à enseigner/apprendre. De l’Asie aux Amériques, en passant par bon nombre de pays africains et européens, les décideurs éducatifs et les enseignants eux‑mêmes doivent composer avec ce phénomène qui, au delà de questions proprement pédagogiques, contribue à hiérarchiser les formes langagières. Au travers de l’examen de situations touchant à l’amazighe, à l’arabe, au chinois, à l’indonésien, au japonais, au ghɔmálá’, au malgache, au tchèque et à plusieurs des langues régionales de France (alsacien, basque, corse, occitan, picard et parler saint-martinois), les entrées épistémologiques des contributions relèvent ici de diverses disciplines des sciences du langage et/ou des sciences de l’éducation. Les contributions s’articulent, entre autres, autour d’axes tels que la variation et ses différentes formes dans l’espace éducatif, l’histoire des politiques linguistiques éducatives au regard du corpus des langues, la variation linguistique en lien avec différents systèmes éducatifs au sein d’espaces nationaux ou régionaux donnés, la gestion pédagogique de la variation, ses ramifications identitaires, la question du couple oral/écrit et des registres en didactique des langues moins enseignées, ou encore la problématique centrale des normes, de la légitimité et de l’authenticité dans l’enseignement de ces langues.

      • The Arts

        Die flote im Tango / Le flute dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Paulina Fain

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS » Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies. » Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango. » Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more. » 5 original works for flute and piano. » 105 audio examples.

      • The Arts

        Book of the Hunt

        by Gaston Phoebus

        Written between 1387 and 1389 by Gastone of Foix, the Book of the Hunt is one of the most interesting testimonies of the cultural history of this time. The four parts of the manuscript show the naturalistic knowledge at the end of the 14thcentury, based on the direct observation of the natural world. It was used as a manual of natural history up until the 19th century. The text is complemented by 87 miniatures in large format, executed by the Master of the Bedford Hours, as well as by a great number of illuminated initial letters and floral decorations that make the pages of the manuscript one of the masterworks of French miniature. The style of the miniatures is very particular, related to those of contemporary tapestries: the horizon of the scene is kept high, thus creating an ample space for the characters; the flora is described with a singular effect of relief, obtained by juxtaposing different tonalities of colour.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        This point you have to reach

        by Mireille Disdero

        Violette and Arnaud, 17-year-old high school students inseparable since the 7th grade, have a relationship that is constantly intensifying. They love each other. Life is beautiful... Violette, very active on the web, runs a literary forum and a blog where she expresses her passion for writing. But, after a party in Paris organized by the members of the forum, she is not the same anymore. Arnaud, who was not present at the party, is worried and wants to understand. What happened that night? And why can't she remember it?

      • History
        July 2015

        Tocqueville, Jansenism, and the Necessity of the Political in a Democratic Age

        Building a Republic for the Moderns

        by David Selby

        This engaging work exploring the influence of Jansenism on Alexis de Tocqueville’s life and works is the most comprehensive treatment of the subject to date. More than just an intellectual biography, the author demonstrates that once this Jansenist connection is understood, Tocqueville’s political thought can be applied in new and surprising ways. Moving from the historical sociology of Jansenism in seventeenth and eighteenth-century France to contemporary debates over the human right to education, the role of religion in democracy, and the nature of political freedom, Selby brings Tocqueville out of the past in order to make him relevant to the present. Holding valuable lessons for historians as well as political scientists and sociologists, this fresh new interpretation of Alexis de Tocqueville’s political thought is a reminder that there is still much to learn from the great theorist of democracy.

      • Children's & YA


        Dragons have inspired the imagination of mankind since the dawn of time. Each civilization, in its own way, has honored the wonderful creature. Then, as times changed, the same ones who had once adored it now called it a cruel and bloodthirsty monster.

        by Séverine Pineaux

        Rattling scales, breath of fire, twirling under the scarlet skies... Dragons have fed the imagination of men since the dawn of time, giving birth to many legends. Each civilization in its own way has honored the marvelous creature.As times changed, the same ones who had once adored it now called it a cruel and bloodthirsty monster, and its executioners became the heroes.In this book, we honor the “great fire-breathers,” these magnificent, untamable creatures, who have ignited a childhood passion that can never be extinguished and guide us as we go through life with our head in the clouds, on the back of our very own dragon…

      • Empreinte

        by Guillaume Beaudoin

        Over the past few years, photographer Guillaume Beaudoin has visited more than 60 countries, taking aerial, landscape and underwater photos of incredible beauty and sensitivity. From sailboat hitchhiking in the islands of the South Pacific to a stint with Ocean Cleanup and time spent with the last nomadic peoples of Africa and Asia—Guillaume goes where the wind and his fancy lead him. By giving a voice to those he meets on his journey, Guillaume explores the impact of climate change and globalization on communities around the world. He also chronicles these communities’ capacity to adapt and the initiatives they’ve implemented to face today’s upheavals. This is a profoundly human book, halfway between a travelogue and a documentary, in which the author weaves a reflection about the search for meaning, our Western lifestyle and the importance of individual effort. Because all great movements begin with a single step.

      • Christian theology

        The Christ Always New

        The Place of Context in Christology

        by Francisco García Martínez

        Something has changed in Christology, something that causes anxiousness and worry among the shepherds and theologians that try to give reason of their faith in a time and in a society where certitudes have dwindled. However, since Christ is the same yesterday, today and always, the only and universal Salvator in history, theology, forced by Christ’s eschatological lordship, which does not despise any historical present as his own body, must look for new ways to offer today’s men and women the truth, beauty and goodness that are in store for all in God’s very depths. According to this logic, where the context becomes a provocation inviting faith and theology to be daring, the liturgical Christ reveals himself as the foundation of Christology, since it is the place where he displays his truth and living presence.

      • October 2020

        18-10 Reflexion Visual del Estallido Social en Chile

        by Maria Eliana Aguayo

        Work that represents a visual testimony of the social outbreak that was presented in Chile in October 2019, without censorship or cuts. Illustrations, vignettes and comics that in an intimate and stark way show the various experiences and points of view of young artists. Visions of social criticism, community, hope, joy, effervescence, violence and pain are presented.  In this careful and attractive work, the best 86 works obtained through an open call by RRSS are compiled. It is an eminently visual book (with large, full-color illustrations and comics); trilingual (with translations into English and French); and informative (includes notes with reflections from the artists and comments from the editor).  The compilation and production of the book was in charge of the publisher María Eliana Aguayo. Regarding the creation of the book, the editor comments: “We are very happy with the success of the call, we received more than 500 works from more than 150 authors from different parts of the country and abroad (…) The hardest work was selecting, ordering and systematize all this, the works, reflections and notes”.

      • The Arts

        Die Violine im Tango / Le violon dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Ramiro Gallo

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina.This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE VIOLIN IN TANGO CONTENTS» Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic tango melody.» Expressive melody. The art of phrasing, the tools to express tango music.» The rhythmic base. The typical marking models and the role of the violin as a part of the rhythmic base.» The use of ornaments and percussion effects, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the violin in tango, the different styles of the genre.» 7 original works for violin and other instruments.» 130 audio and video examples.

      • Fiction


        by Feldrik Rivat

        VINGT ANS APRÈS LA 25E HEURE, QU'EST DEVENU LE MONDE ? « À quoi sert de conter l’histoire des grands hommes du passé si nous ne pouvons pas les faire revenir à la vie ? » Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les tours Cuprifères grimpent jusqu’aux cieux. Que la ville flotte pour moitié dans le vent, portée par des ballons de verre. Que les morts reviennent à la vie. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les savants d’antan conversent avec les savants d’aujourd’hui. Que les artistes, les penseurs, les ingénieurs de tous les temps travaillent à construire le monde de demain. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, des messagers d’argile soufflent la parole des anciens avant de tomber en poussière.  Les rumeurs volent, depuis les cercles polaires jusqu’aux sables libyens, mais qui, en vérité, pourra vous dire ce qui se trame à Paris-Capitale ?

      • Fiction in translation
        September 2020

        Alindarka's Children

        by Alhierd Bacharevič, Translated by Jim Dingley and Petra Reid

        Alindarka's Children (Dzieci Alindarkiis, 2014) is a contemporary novel about a brother and a sister interned in a camp. Here children are taught to forget their own language and speak the language of the colonizer, aided by the use of drugs as well as surgery on the larynx to cure the 'illness' of using the Belarusian language.   The children escape but are pursued by the camp leaders and left to thrive for themselves in this adventure, which bears a likeness to an adult, literary 'Hansel and Gretel'.   The dialogue translates well to the guttural differences between English Received Pronunciations and Scots. The Russian, translated by Jim Dingley, will become RP and the Belarusian, translated by Macsonnetries author Petra Reid, Scots. This novel has been translated and will be published in September 2020 thanks to the Pen Translates Award, won by Scotland Street Press in May 2019

      • Gender studies: women
        November 2015


        by ALMELA BOIX, Margarita; GUZMÁN GARCÍA, Helena; SANFILIPPO, Marina; ZAMORANO RUEDA, Ana Isabel

        Dado el momento demográfico que vivimos, la colección de volúmenes sobre literatura y mujer, de la UNED, no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre ese gran componente identitario que es la edad. Ésta, aunque fenómeno biológico, se interpreta socialmente y se articula en las estructuras de poder que gobiernan y definen las vidas tanto de hombres como de mujeres (y no solo en ese último tramo de la vida que tanto interés despierta últimamente). Como locus político donde se asienta lo que una mujer "debe" ser, es decir su "valor" social y cultural asociado a sus papeles de género, la edad presenta un fructífero campo de investigación para los estudios de la mujer.Los distintos capítulos del presente volumen constituyen un novedoso y original estudio y una reflexión sobre la representación literaria de las mujeres y sus edades.

      • The Arts

        The Marvels of the World

        Die Reisen des Ritters Jean de Mandeville

        by Jean de Mandeville

        The Livre de Mandeville (Book of Mandeville) is integrated into a composite manuscript - held today at the Bibliothèque national de France under the shelfmark Fr. 2810 - containing a number of texts about the countries of the Middle and Far East which was given the name Livre de merveilles, on account of the wonders described therein, but also because of its wonderful decorations. The author, Jean de Mandeville, refers to himself as a knight who embarked on his journey in the year 1322 and that he travelled not only to see the sites of the Holy Land, but also to countless far countries of the world and many wondrous regions. By combining seemingly familiar elements with mysterious narratives, he achieves an immediacy and freshness that would be enthusiastically welcomed by a wide readership. It is not only the enthusiastic reception of the text, but also the development of a rich iconographic programme that make the Livre de Mandeville such an impressive example of medieval world and travel literature and the most dazzling work representative of the genre.

      • Children's & YA

        Under the Cherry Tree

        by Sophie Grangerat

        A brother and a sister grow up side by side. The eldest keeps climbing higher, swimming faster… while the girl remains in the shadows. Until the day comes when it’s her turn to step into the light and accomplish her own exploits, while her brother grows weaker in a heavy and tired body. • The unique nature of the relationship between siblings • Handicap and its impact on a family • Pencil illustrations enhanced with collages

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