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      • Estonian Literature Centre

        The Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC) exists to generate interest in Estonian literature abroad. ELIC organizes translation seminars and publishers’ fellowships, and coordinates the Translator-in-residence program in Estonia. ELIC has created a unique English language web site on Estonian writers and translators of Estonian literature and maintains a developing database of translations of Estonian literature. The web site and database can be accessed at:

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      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

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      • 2020

        Ambulatório de especialidades

        by Aparecida Spagnol, Carla; Silva Câncio Velloso, Isabela

        "O cuidado integral de enfermagem ao indivíduo e família, realizado no nível intermediário da rede de atenção à saúde, na sociedade brasileira é abordado aqui numa articulação de saberes inter e transdisciplinares. As experiências e reflexões sobre aspectos da gestão dos fluxos e sistemas de informação dos serviços, na atenção multiprofissional e no cuidado especializado de enfermagem na mastologia, na clínica da dor, no controle dos agravos cardiovasculares, no tratamento conservador da doença renal e das disfunções do trato urinário inferior em crianças e adolescentes, na atenção ao idoso frágil, no cuidado em saúde mental dos CAPS contribuem para ampliar a compreensão do importante papel da enfermeira, como profissional da equipe de saúde que atua pela defesa da vida. — Profa. Dra. Lúcia Cardoso Mourão (Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal Fluminense). "

      • September 2019

        Teatro de invasão do espaço urbano: A cidade como dramaturgia

        by Carreira, André

        Este livro reflete sobre as relações entre as linguagens da cena da rua e a cidade como ambiente, discutindo os elementos temáticos, os procedimentos estéticos e seus atritos com as normas que regulam os fluxos urbanos. O foco são os procedimentos que invadem o espaço da cidade modificando momentaneamente seus usos e normas. O autor aborda como o político e o estético se combinam nas experiências nas ruas, considerando que o teatro na cidade é uma linguagem particular que se propõe experimentar o espaço inóspito. O livro se refere a uma grande variedade de formatos e experiências cênicas que rompem com as fronteiras dos espaços convencionais. O estudo analisa dinâmicas das formas teatrais que se fazem no espaço aberto das ruas e praças, ou nos túneis dos metrôs, nas fachadas de edifícios, e até em espaços fechados que estão penetrados pelos acontecimentos que provêm da rua.

      • January 2017

        Educação vegana

        Perspectivas no ensino de direitos animais

        by Organizador Denis, Leon

        Educação Vegana: Perspectivas no Ensino de Direitos Animais Como nós, seres humanos, nos relacionamos com as outras espécies? Por que nos relacionamos desta maneira? Como construímos ou aprendemos estas formas de relação? Em Educação Vegana, os autores apresentam estas relações na perspectiva do modo de vida vegano, propondo maneiras de trabalhar a problemática da ética animal e dos direitos animais nas aulas de Filosofia, Sociologia, Matemática e Literatura. É um livro para quem se interessa pelo estudo sobre relações humanas com outras espécies e, principalmente, para professores que queiram introduzir tais questões em suas aulas. Vegan Education: Perspectives in Animal Rights Teaching How do we, human beings, relate to other species? Why do we relate this way? How do we build or learn these forms of relationship? In Vegan Education, the authors present these relationships from the perspective of the vegan way of life, proposing ways to work on the issue of animal ethics and animal rights in Philosophy, Sociology, Mathematics and Literature classes. It is a book for anyone interested in studying human relations with other species and, especially, for teachers who want to introduce such questions into their classes

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • April 2019

        Teatro e universidade

        by Gonçalves, Jean Carlos

        Mikhail Bakhtin, filósofo literário, cujos estudos são geralmente associados ao Carnaval e ao Diálogo, foi uma figura solitária que trabalhou, sobretudo em seu ateliê. Jean Carlos Gonçalves nos apresenta um livro em que as ideias de Bakhtin sobre o Diálogo e a Educação são retiradas de um estúdio sombrio para um estúdio bem iluminado, e ali, são convidadas ao jogo. Bakhtin escreveu sobre ideias em interlocução na ágora (o fórum público), mas nesta obra vemos Jean Gonçalves propondo um espaço real, mais do que apenas teórico, onde ensino e aprendizagem se constituem enquanto acontecimento. De certo modo, o ateliê de Gonçalves nos leva de volta às raízes do ver e do pensar, do teatro e da teoria: no grego antigo, ??????? (theasthai) [olhar ou contemplar]. Aqui, nesse estúdio iluminado por vozes da cena e da pedagogia, nos é ofertada uma nova forma de olhar/contemplar o ensino e a aprendizagem no contexto de formação superior em Teatro. — DICK MCCAW, Professor do Departamento de Drama e Teatro da Royal Holloway, University of London

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020


        Society and culture in Dalcidio Jurandir

        by Willi Bolle

        This book presents an overview of Amazonian history and analyzes the novel Cycle of the Far North, by Dalcidio Jurandir, a work that represents the social inequality and exclusion inherent to Amazonian society. Willi Bolle rescues the work of this important, albeit unknown, author, emphasizing Dalcidio Jurandir’s contribution to our understanding of Amazonian culture. In his work, Jurandir describes the quotidian of those living in the periphery of society, and advocates, quite emphatically, quality education for the poor. He also registers the social dialect of the inhabitants of the Amazon, in a document of the cultural memory of the region.

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2020

        Beauty from inside out

        Health, balance and well-being

        by Juliana Garcia Dias

        Health, lifestyle, healthy recipes, balance of body and soul. The book endocrinologist Juliana Garcia Dias gathers tips, technical information and his clinical experience. Praised by Peter Neville journalist and prefaced by doctor Cynthia Valerio, the text of the author of the idea that "everything is interconnected and our body listens to what our mind, our thoughts and our energy speech." Beauty from the inside out - provides us with essential alerts off, weightings and contributions so that you can live in the best way: with quality. Expert in their field of knowledge, Juliana Garcia Dias preaches a Medicine "integrated and increasingly modern technology and precise is the prevention, control, treatment and cure of diseases." The author focuses on the observation of individuals, shows us how some simple daily choices can "change the path of our healthy life," reveals myths and truths, presents issues of the feminine universe. According to the author: "in the ancient language, care of our emotions leading us to enlightenment. In contemporary language, care of our emotions means more well-being and quality of life."

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        In this series, a compilation of texts by researchers and specialists seeks to sketch an updated and detailed panorama of Brazilian cinema. In this first volume, Brazilian cinema is analyzed from the 1910s onwards, addressing silent movies, the beginning of sound film, the chanchada (musical comedies) and the independent cinema of Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s-1950s, and the educational role of cinema in Getúlio Vargas’s government. The book concludes with an essay on Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz, an important Brazilian film studio of the 1950s. Ebook version brings aditional texts: “Cinema in Rio Grande do Sul (1918-1934), by Glenio Povoas, and “Massaini, producer and distributor (1935-1992): a lesser known aspect of Brazilian cinema”, by Luciano Ramos.

      • Architecture
        July 2018


        Urbanism, architecture, sacred art

        by Percival Tirapeli (author)

        The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.

      • The Arts
        April 2018


        by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)

        This second volume of New History of Brazilian Cinema covers Brazilian cinema from the postwar period up to the present, discussing the Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal movements, the state-owned producer Embrafilme, pornochanchada (soft-core sex comedies) and the crisis and revival of Brazilian film production from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, ending with an overview of experimental filmmaking, documentary film and contemporary film fiction up to 2016. Ebook version brings additional texts: “Brazilian New Cinema (1960-1972)”, by Bertrand Ficamos, and the extensive filmography “Brazilian films released from 1969 to 2016”, by Luiz Felipe Miranda

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2020

        Dissident identity

        themes for a new Brazilian history

        by Edgard Leite

        In ‘Dissident identity: themes for a new Brazilian History’, Edgard Leite continues the work done in 'Predators', which addresses the Brazilian history from the other side, rescuing facts, contradictions and ideas that, over the years and because of a historiography often biased, remained forgotten. A thorough job and an arduous task which the author is not exempt, but faces; as well as facing certain tradition in historical studies. With a concise writing, the author develops his argument from the idea that, since the Copernican revolution, mankind turned to quantity over quality. It is precisely this world that will emerge from Brazil, since the arrival of Europeans will just at a time when the effects of the Copernican turning shall introduce into Europe. Another important point for understanding the history of Brazil will be the secularization of the state, which is strengthened by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution is, above all, its most acute event. Understanding the relationship between state and religion and, especially, the understanding of the concept of mind, will be central to a discussion of the values that shape - or fail to shape - a society. The book ends with the 1964 event, and the reader will wait that the author addresses in forthcoming books, the continuation of Brazilian history. Always with his provocative and powerful bias.

      • 2020

        Iniciação à direção teatral

        by Machado Santos, Gláucio

        "A historiografia sobre as artes cênicas no ocidente, em linhas gerais, concorda que a moderna encenação teatral possui sua certidão de batismo em dois textos fundadores: 1884, A arte da encenação: ensaio de estética teatral de Louis Bec de Fouquières, e 1903, Conversas sobre a encenação de André Antoine. Assim, em termos de cultura teatral ocidental, pode-se considerar que o conceito de moderna direção teatral e consequentemente o perfil do diretor possuiriam pouco mais de cem anos de idade. O que dizer então do processo de transmissão deste jovem ofício às novas gerações? Ensaiar, dirigir, encenar, performar. Esses são verbos que, na língua portuguesa, sinalizam atitudes criativas distintas em relação ao palco. O comportamento criativo do coordenador da cena teatral reflete a mentalidade de sua época. Assim, o ensaiador luso-brasileiro esteve condicionado pela técnica teatral associada aos gêneros dramáticos; o moderno diretor passou a ser o porta-voz, o mediador poético das palavras do autor da peça; enquanto que o encenador procurou expressar, por meio de uma escrita cênica arrojada, mais sobre si próprio e suas inquietações sobre o mundo do que sobre o resíduo escrito por outrem; e o performador vem performando na contemporaneidade, atritando mais do que nunca o real e o ficcional, o autobiográfico e o discurso sobre as minorias e temas atinentes à pós-modernidade, reciclando formas e gêneros. Como estabelecer então os fundamentos desta formação técnica e desta arte centenária? Simples. Leia este livro que você tem em mãos e aventure-se. Descubra o diretor teatral que existe em você. Conciliando fundamentos do ensino dispensado nos Conservatórios europeus com a teoria e prática do teatro advindas do ensino universitário, Gláucio Machado nos oferece caminhos seguros os quais associam esforço criativo e trabalho intelectual para oferecer uma sólida iniciação à formação do diretor teatral. — WALTER LIMA TORRES NETO (Professor titular de Estudos Teatrais na UFPR em Curitiba)."

      • Fiction

        A Jorney to the Abyss

        by Nikelen Witter

        This is the story of advancing deserts that covered cities. The story of a world on the verge of destruction. It is about the people who inhabited that world, their alienation and the violent war in which they lost themselves. This is the story of a young woman, who healed wounds, and her best friend, who ran a brothel, and how they faced all that was thrown at them. It is also the story of a tiger and a little girl. But, when you get to know all of them, you will have to answer the call to look into the future and plunge into the abyss.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2019

        The black book of communism in Brazil

        by Gustavo Marques

        Inspired by 'The Black Book of Communism', published by Stéphane Courtois in France in 1997, this book written by the diplomat Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra, deals with the history of the communist movement and its influence on political and cultural life Brazilian since the advent anarchism and Marxism, in the late nineteenth century until the early 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. The book, which has monumental characteristics - it is the result of over 10 years of intense historical extensive and thorough research on more than 400 titles from primary sources (interviews, memoirs, interviews, documents) and secondary, domestic and foreign. It is divided into six chapters with almost 900 pages and thousands of notes - places emphasis on generally omitted facts and / or little explored by Brazilian historiography, mostly on the left, revealing the "dark side" of the Communists and their allies in Brazil over the twentieth century.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019


        by Adauto Novates (editor)

        The eleventh book in the series Mutations, Dissonances of progress discusses how the progress of technology brought undeniable benefits to humanity – such as advances in medicine and communication –, improving our daily life. On the other hand, it brought speed and superficiality to the relations of the human being with its surroundings, and degraded several aspects of current life with the exacerbation of individualism, the substitution of moral values, the overestimation of religious beliefs, the economy as the utmost referential of life in common, the knowledge of specialists to the detriment of thinkers. The essays in this volume analyze this situation and indicate paths for reflection.

      • Biography & True Stories
        July 2018


        by Nádia Battella Gotlib

        In this engaging and reader-friendly biography, the professor and essayist Nádia Batista Gotlib recreates the libertarian trajectory of Tarsila do Amaral, focusing on her private life, her training in art, the modernist circuit and the Pau-brasil and Anthropophagic movements, detailing the painter’s active commitment to defending the diversity of both her art and her affective and personal life. A paradigm of rupture in visual arts and literature, Tarsila do Amaral influenced Brazilian art production and played a leading role in the social mobility of women. This book offers readers a full picture of her intense life and work, deciphering their complexity, originality and worldview.

      • January 2019

        Visões filosóficas sobre ciência e natureza

        Uuma análise das concepções de professores de física

        by Lisboa, Roseny A. M. de; Pessoa Jr., Osvaldo

        Visões Filosóficas sobre Ciência e Natureza: Uma análise das concepções de professores de física Essa investigação fundou-se em elementos teóricos (fundamentados em alguns estudos sobre natureza da ciência, história e filosofia da ciência) e empíricos (fundamentados na pesquisa de campo). Escutando atentamente as respostas obtidas e utilizando técnicas de análise de conteúdo, buscamos caracterizar a posição de cada entrevistado sobre cada tema abordado, inserindo-a em um quadro geral de classificação. O propósito deste trabalho de pesquisa foi a investigação das concepções filosóficas de professores de física do ensino superior. Buscamos classificar e mapear as diversas concepções filosóficas de professores de física do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).   Philosophical Views on Science and Nature: An Analysis of Physics Teachers' Conceptions This investigation is based on theoretical elements (based on some studies on the nature of science, history and philosophy of science) and empirical elements (based on field research). Listening carefully to the appropriate responses and using content analysis techniques, we seek to characterize the position of each respondent on each topic addressed, considering it in a general classification framework. The purpose of this research work was to investigate the philosophical conceptions of higher education physics teachers. We seek to classify and map the diverse philosophical conceptions of physics teachers at the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (USP).

      • Photography & photographs
        July 2013


        by Fabiana de Barros (author)

        Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of Brazilian’s Modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm Superior School of Design (Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and experiencing new trends such as pop art and happening. This book presents an overview of his life and work, chrono-logically arranged and covering all aspects of his production with an emphasis in photography.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2017


        A Tupi people from the Amazon forest

        by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (author), Camila de Caux (author) and Guilherme Orlandini Heurich (author)

        Result of an academic research carried out in the 1980s by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, this book was published in 1992, following an edition adapted for wider, non-specialized audiences who showed great interest in the Araweté way of life. This third edition, revised and expanded with new chapters based on recent studies, celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of the pioneering research by one of the most respected Brazilian anthropologists, and, above all, retrieves the struggle of this people to survive, resist and reinvent themselves without losing their culture.

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