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      • Children's & YA
        December 2019

        Zoira & Max e il fantasma della quercia grande

        by Bonifacio Vincenzi

        Un fantasma apparso dal nulla, una colonia di conigli scomparsa improvvisamente, un medaglione rubato. In questa loro avventura, Zoira e Max hanno risolto tanti misteri affidandosi ai loro doti di gatta e cane. E contando, soprattutto, sulla loro fraterna amicizia, l'arma più potente contro le differenze e le avversità.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        I Cacciatori dei sigilli perduti

        by Angela Tabata Di Matteo

        Cari lettori…! Noi Cacciatori dei sigilli perduti non vediamo l'ora di raccontarvi la nostra speciale storia; un concentrato di amicizia, suspense, adrenalina e molto altro… Siete pronti a conoscerci ea partire con noi in questa epica avventura?

      • October 2008

        Gli animali non si abbandonano

        by Bruno Milano

        ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE ABANDONED   Stories featuring a community of animals led by a wise owl. Perfect reading for elementary school groups and for those interested to bring children closer to the thematics of solidarity, safeguarding of rights and defense of the environment in which we live

      • The environment
        June 2020

        The Secret Green of Rome: Discovering plants, animals and green spots

        by Elisa Agnoni

        Un viaggio insolito e originale alla scoperta di aspetti speciali e autentici di Roma, una città che respira grazie ai suoi angoli verdi e alle sue riserve naturali. Cinque itinerari che partiranno da ambienti naturali, come boschi, prati e colline, ricchi di piccoli animali e piante, per finire con storie di giovani che, per amore dell'ambiente, si guadagnano da vivere con l'agricoltura e le terre conquistate, mantenute con coraggio e forza.

      • Children's & YA
        July 2020

        Sei Gufo o Allodola? – Guida al buon sonno per bambini e adulti consapevoli

        by Maria Costanza Cipullo

        Questo libro ha lo scopo di favorire una maggiore conoscenza del sonno e delle sue funzioni e di promuovere degli stili di vita adeguati in un'ottica di prevenzione, non solo dei disturbi del sonno, ma anche di tutte quelle patologie spesso facilitate, o comunque peggiorate , da un sonno insufficiente per qualità e quantità. Dedicato ai bambini, ma indirizzato anche ai genitori e agli insegnanti, illustra come e per quanto tempo dormono alcuni animali. A ciascuno di essi è collegata una regola del sonno. Nelle ultime pagine sono presenti dei disegni da completare e un breve questionario che consentirà a ciascun bambino di scoprire, in base alle proprie abitudini, a quale animale somiglia di più.Con questo libro si vuole dare, pertanto, un piccolo contributo perché un sonno tranquillo, sin da piccoli,

      • The environment
        November 2019

        Il verde segreto di Roma. Piante, animali e realtà green in cinque itinerari tutti da scoprire

        by Elisa Agnoni

        Cinque percorsi che vi porteranno alla scoperta di una Roma diversa dai soliti stereotipi, attraverso sentieri all'interno di riserve naturali, curiosità naturalistiche e realtà agricole che operano su questi territori. Un viaggio che vi consentirà di acquisire maggiore consapevolezza delle ricchezze ambientali della città e di capire l'importanza del ruolo che ognuno di noi riveste nel proteggere e conservare il patrimonio naturale.

      • Fiction

        Like wild beast

        by Giuse Alemanno

        Oppido Messapico, a small town in deepest Puglia. Costantino Ro chira and his henchmen plan to wipe out the rival mob family, the Sarmenta. It’s all about money and the neighboring Calabrese mob, the ‘Ndrangheta. But the plan works only halfway: by sheer luck the Sarmentas’ only son, Massimo aka Mattanza (Slaughter), a troubled and cruel kid, cheats death, together with his uncles and his cousin Santo. They all leave town on an old Fiat Regata, after clearing the family money and staging their own disappearance. Their trip leads them in the far North of Italy, in Lombardy’s Val Camonica, where an old friend and compatriot, Giovanni Argento, gives them shelter. There, Santo and Mattanza plot their revenge… “Like Wild Beasts” is a tough novel with hard-core nuances, sparing nothing and no one: a Tarantino movie, as told by Giovanni Verga.

      • Children's & YA

        Incredible Animals

        by Dunia Rahwan

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to discover through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover and for their evocative illustrations. A journey in discovery of our planet’s most incredible animals, divided into 15 categories: from the most wild predators as the formidable cheetah and the fierce orca, famous for their refined hunting techniques, to the “brainers” as the chimp and the gray parrot, which shows incredible, brilliant attitudes. In the categories also theextinct, the fantastic, the luminous animals find their place. The contents and the curiosities of each animal will be enhanced by illustrations of a big impact.

      • 850 Questions and Answers

        by Chiara Brizzolara

        Over 110 different topics and 850 questions in a 128-page book with hundreds of beautiful photos and illustrations.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020


        Serengeti, Scozia, Norvegia, Miami, Tokyo, Lavezzi

        by Silvio Valpreda

        Coined by English historian Jason W. Moore in 2016, ‘Capitalocene’ might seem a strange word, even though it relates to something very close to all of us: it is the new age that we live in, where it’s not the mankind that affects the world (as according to the anthropocentrism) but the mankind that is affected by the capital.A writer, artist and former companies executive, Silvio Valpreda connects visual language and storytelling, geography and intuition, infographic and artistic intervention in order to investigate our new world of great changes. He takes us amongst lions and poachers in the Serengeti Plain, churches and sheep in Scotland, electric cars and oil wells in Norway, garbage cans and swimming pools in Miami, until we reach the inhabited island of Lavezzi, only to discover that the capital left its mark there as well.

      • Ancient Peoples

        by Giorgio Bergamino

        A lively book for those children who want to learn everything about the ancient Romans, Greeks end Egyptians. Many beautiful illustrations and fun comics throughout.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

      • Children's & YA


        Gift Books Series

        by Pia Valentinis

        A series of beautifully illustrated gift books for a age group 9-99. Every title takes the reader in a special journey at the discovery of FOOD, MUSIC, FASHION and TIME from curious and unusual perspectives. In the series: LALALA - Music ZIP - Fashion YUM - Food GONG - Time

      • The Arts

        A Bible in Ivory

        Mediterranean art in 11th century Salerno

        by Valentino Pace

        In the late 11th century, one of the greatest historical and artistical times in Campania, in the South of Italy, a significant role was played in this sense by Alfano, the Archbishop of Salerno. He personally committed the episcopal throne inside the Cathedral, with the intention to catch the eye of anyone who entered as a symbol of the ultimate devotion. Of this work, with scenes from the Old and New Testament, only 67 ivory plaques still remain. The throne was realized in ivory, a precious material which can be considered inferior only to gold. Working with ivory required advanced skills from the artists, who had to know how to extract the thin layers from an elephant tusk before being able to delicately carve a scene. Possibly planned and executed for the Cathedral of Amalfi, it is the most extensive series of ivory panels to an artifact that predates the Gothic Era. They prove to be an artistic production that, due to the valuable nature of its material and the quality of its execution – not to mention the inherent interest of its narrative sequence –, is without comparison.

      • Il grande discorso di Cocco Tartaglia

        by Fabrizio Silei

        Croc Baroque is a shy, very shy crocodile, so shy that when he finds out he has to give a speech at the big international crocodile gathering he goes into a total panic. What to do? Call in sick? Pretend he already has a commitment? Run-away abroad? Or ask the other animals for advice to learn how to overcome emotion?

      • Geography & the Environment

        Tecnodidattica geographical globes

        by Tecnodidattica SpA

        Dal 1950 l’azienda è pioniera nella produzione di globi geografici. Negli ultimi anni ci siamo concentrati su ricerca, innovazione di materiali e design, fino ad arrivare a una versione nuova e moderna del mappamondo. I nostri prodotti si rivolgono ai seguenti settori: quello educativo-scolastico, quello dei giocattoli educativi, la cartoleria di buon livello, il regalo e gli accessori d'arredo, con una gamma in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di adulti e bambini. Abbiamo ottenuto la licenza per produrre e distribuire in Europa mappamondi a marchio National Geographic: un riconoscimento della nostra qualità e serietà da parte del marchio leader mondiale in campo cartografico da più di 120 anni. La combinazione tra il loro stile tradizionale e la nostra innovazione ha creato una nuova linea di mappamondi eleganti nelle forme e impeccabili nei contenuti geografici.    You can find the CATALOG 2023 of Tecnodidattica globes in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE" and the PRICE LIST 2023 in the "SUPPORTING INFORMATION".     Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Tecnodidattica.

      • Children's & YA

        HOW IT WORKS

        Non Fiction Series

        by Agostino Traini

        A non fiction series for first readers to discover the surrounding world through a funny and interactive approach. The series includes more than 80 titles about the most various topics. Each title presents stickers and a final glossary. The single titles can be collected in ENCYCLOPEDIAS about the same main area. The main areas presented are: EARTH ENVIRONMENT NATURE MATERIALS FOOD HUMAN BODY INVENTIONS SPORT HISTORY ARTS NATIONALITIES

      • The Arts

        The Journey of the Three Wise Men

        by John of Hildesheim

        Written in the second half of the 14th century, this book by John of Hildesheim is an outstanding document of Medieval literature and historiography. The text is accompanied by some of the most wonderful illustrations taken from the great artistic tradition dating from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and it shows the inspiration that John of Hildesheim has given to the whole Christian iconography of Christmas and to some of the most outstanding works of art. “The remarkable iconography accompanying this volume, with forty-three different representations of the story of the three wise men (from Gentile da Fabriano to Lippi, from Giotto to Botticelli, from Benozzo Gozzoli to Piero della Francesca), is an evidence of the appeal of a story in which history, devotion, theology are closely intertwined, starting from the very journey of those three figures as the symbolic guiding thread of the Gospel narration.” (Card. Gianfranco Ravasi)


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.


        Picture Book

        by Pia Valentinis

        A picture book with non fiction sections dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci's special period of his life.  The book develops around the Feast of Paradise, an event organised by Leonardo to celebrate the wedding between Isabella of Aragon and Gian Galeazzo Sforza.  The story is told by one of his pupils.  The result is a special focus on Leonardo's passions and talents as well as on his historical and artistic time.

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