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        January 1977

        Freud, Adler, Jung

        Einführung in die Tiefenpsychologie für Theologen, Mediziner und Pädagogen

        by Herausgegeben von Bitter, Wilhelm

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        April 2016

        Der Sommer, in dem wir das Leben neu erfanden


        by Fabio Genovesi, Mirjam Bitter

        »Genovesis Bücher sind ein Geschenk an die Menschheit!« Vanity Fair Ein Roman, so reich an einzigartigen Figuren und mitreißenden Geschichten, so schillernd an Witz, Poesie und Gefühl, dass er uns zum Lachen bringt, zum Weinen und immer wieder zum Staunen. Es gibt diese Wellen, die aus dem Nichts kommen und dein ganzes Leben durcheinanderwirbeln. Dies geschieht Luna, als ihrem Bruder Luca beim Surfen etwas Schreckliches zustößt. Doch da findet sie am Strand geheimnisvolle Botschaften, die offenbar von Luca stammen, und sie trotzt der Hoffnungslosigkeit: Mit der chaotischsten Mutter, dem trägsten Lehrer, dem altklügsten Jungen und dem garstigsten Opa der Welt stürzt sie sich in ein irrwitziges Abenteuer. Und zwischen antiken Legenden, Geistern der Vergangenheit und Botschaften des Meeres stolpert die Gruppe auf ihrem Roadtrip auch über all die kleinen und großen Wunder des Lebens.

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        Political science & theory
        July 2015

        The political theory of the Irish Constitution

        Republicanism and the basic law

        by Eoin Daly, Tom Hickey

        The political theory of the Irish Constitution considers Irish constitutional law and the Irish constitutional tradition from the perspective of Republican theory. It analyses the central devices and doctrines of the Irish Constitution - popular sovereignty, constitutional rights and judicial review - in light of Republican concepts of citizenship and civic virtue. The Constitution, it will argue, can be understood as a framework for promoting popular participation in government as much as a mechanism for protecting individual liberties. It will be of interest to students and researchers in Irish politics, political theory and constitutional law, and to all those interested in political reform and public philosophy in Ireland.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Faith stories

        by Anna Hickey-Moody

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        June 1997

        Hadriana in all meinen Träumen


        by René Depestre, Rudolf Bitter, Hans Christoph Buch

        René Depestre wurde 1926 in Jacmel auf Haiti geboren. Er gilt als wichtiger haitianischer Interlektueller, Schriftsteller und Aktivist des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein erster Erzählungsband wurde 1945 in Port-au-Prince veröffentlicht. Noch im selben Jahr publizierte er eine revolutionäre Zeitschrift. Als darin eine Hommage an den Surrealisten André Breton erschien, der gerade zu Gast auf der Insel war, entfesselte sich eine Revolte, die 1946 die Regierung stürzte. Der nachfolgende Präsident verbannte Depestre, da dieser als Aufrührer galt. Nach einer kurzen Zeit im Gefängnis ging er schließlich ins Exil, das ihn nach Paris, Santiago de Chile, São Paulo, Kuba und Südfrankreich führte. René Depestre schrieb mehrere Romane und verfaßte politische Arbeiten. Seine Schriften befassen sich mit Haitis politischen wie sozialen Problemen und der Unterdrückung der Schwarzen. Er ist bis heute nicht nach Haiti zurückgekehrt und lebt immer noch in Frankreich. Robert Buch ist Senior Lecturer in German and European Studies an der University of New South Wales, Sydney.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2017

        Judges, politics and the Irish Constitution

        by Edited by Laura Cahillane, James Gallen, Tom Hickey

        This volume brings together academics and judges to consider ideas and arguments flowing from the often complex relationships between law and politics, adjudication and policy-making, and the judicial and political branches of government. Contributors explore numerous themes, including the nature and extent of judicial power, the European Court of Human Rights decision in O'Keeffe v Ireland, the process of appointing judges and judicial representation, judicial power and political processes. Contrasting judicial and academic perspectives are provided on the role of the European Court of Human Rights and the nature of exhausting domestic remedies, including a contribution from the late Mr. Justice Adrian Hardiman. The role of specific judges, social and political disputes and case law are examined and socio-economic rights, the rule of law and electoral processes are all addressed.

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        Forestry & related industries
        October 2005

        Forestry and Environmental Change

        Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions

        by Edited by John L Innes, G Hickey, H F Hoen

        Considerable emphasis has been placed on the interactions between environmental change and forests in recent years. Reports have been produced detailing scenarios of forest development associated with particular changes in climate. Similarly, scenarios have been produced looking at likely trends in air quality. However, many studies have failed to recognize that some of the biggest changes for forests are related to the socioeconomicenvironment rather that the physical environment. This book considers the interactions between forestry and environmental (climatic) change, from social and economic perspectives.

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        September 2020

        Solving Equine Behaviour Problems

        An Equitation Science Approach

        by Rose M Scofield, Ali Thompson

        Horses can develop a range of behavioural problems, which if left untreated, could cause the relationship between horse and human to break down. With many different well-meaning opinions offered to solve such situations, it can be difficult to find the right path. In this book, Rose Scofield examines behavioural issues using the latest academic research. Offering practical solutions and with useful diagrams and photographs throughout, the book helps to protect and develop the horse-human relationship. It: - Addresses issues by circumstance, making it easy to find solutions to all your handling, groundwork, and riding problems; - Uses scientific research to investigate both the problems themselves and the methods tasked to solve them; - Includes illuminating case studies illustrating problems and how solutions work in practice. Beginning with an introduction to the main principles of equitation science, Solving Equine Behaviour Problems then covers over 30 major issues, including biting, kicking, separation anxiety, loading, shying, bucking and bolting. It provides key points, take home messages and scientific references, translating lessons from experimental science into practical help for both professionals and the horse enthusiast.

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        Bitches Bite Back


        by Steven, Laura

        Aus dem Englischen von Henriette Zeltner Shane

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