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      • Poplar Publishing Co., Ltd

        POPLAR Publishing Co., Ltd., a leading independent publisher of children's books in Japan, has been in business for more than 70 years. As it started as a children's books publisher, it has always tried to provide children with enjoyable and exciting books. Today, the company's goals remain unchanged: everything it publishes should be enjoyable and enrich people's lives.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2010

        Muhammad Ali

        by Peter Kemper

        »Ich werde das Boxen nicht vermissen, aber das Boxen wird mich vermissen.« Nicht zufällig hat man Cassius Clay alias Muhammand Ali als »fünften Beatle« bezeichnet. Zusammen mit den Liverpooler Musikern stellte er sich an die Spitze jener sozialen und kulturellen Umbruchbewegung, die alle westlichen Länder in den Sechzigern erschüttern sollte. Seine Kombination aus Trotz und Witz veränderte den Sound der Zeit. Gleichermaßen eloquent und unverfroren, immer angriffslustig und mit einem schier unerschöpflichen Repertoire an Ausdrucksformen, brachte sich Ali als erster Popstar des Sports auf die internationale Bühne, um dort ethnische, religiöse und politische Tabus leichthändig zu verhandeln. Sein beinahe schwereloser Stil veränderte den Boxsport, seine kompromisslose Haltung schockierte die Welt.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Warum ich keine Feministin bin

        Ein feministisches Manifest

        by Jessa Crispin, Conny Lösch

        In ihrem radikalen, geistreichen und dringlichen Manifest rechnet die amerikanische Aktivistin und Kulturkritikerin Jessa Crispin mit dem Feminismus ab. Am Ende ihres Essays steht nichts weniger als der Aufruf zum Umsturz der Gesellschaft. Keine Feministin zu sein – für die amerikanische »Feministin« Jessa Crispin der einzige Ausweg. Während sich in den USA Hundertausende Pussyhats anziehen und demonstrierend durch die Straßen laufen, Popstars zu feministischen Ikonen gekürt werden und »Self-empowerment« à la Sheryl Sandberg zur neuen Religion des Lifestyle-Feminismus wird, erklärt Crispin den Feminismus für tot. Banal, anbiedernd und lächerlich findet sie den »Kampf« um die Freiheit der Frau. Was also tun? Crispin fordert nichts weniger als eine Revolution.

      • September 2021

        El Mismo Sol - Under the Same Sun

        by Álvaro Soler

        La Cintura, Sofia, El Mismo Sol: Álvaro Soler is a global star with No. 1 records all around the world, his music brims with lust for life. Born in Barcelona and raised in Japan, the popstar now lives in Berlin, speaks seven languages and is at home in the world. He learned early on how music connects people and cultures, how it can overcome borders. His international fan base is huge, and his new record will be released in September 2021. In his biography, Álvaro Soler shares with his fans what is most important to him: thoughts, experiences, encounters – and the responsibility we carry for our planet. He tries to live as sustainable as possible and actively promotes environmental awareness and is dedicated to help children in need. Álvaro Soler is the musical voice of a generation that takes responsibility and celebrates life in the process.

      • July 2017


        by James Maker

        ‘Apart from Lulu and herpes, everything is swept away eventually.’ Just one shimmering pearl of wisdom from popstar and polymath James Maker, whose worldly observations will (like herpes) once again be on everyone’s lips thanks to this remix of his Polari Prize-winning autobiography, complete with new chapters and never-before-seen photographs. If you hadn’t heard of rock bands Raymonde or RPLA – fronted by James in the 80s and 90s – you might be forgiven for mistaking AutoFellatio for fiction. But here fact is more fantastical than any novel, as we follow our hero from Bermondsey enfant terrible to Valencian grande dame, a scenic journey that stops off variously at Morrissey confidant, dominatrix, singer songwriter and occasional actor, and is literally littered with memorable bons mots and hilarious anecdotes that make you feel like you've hit the wedding-reception jackpot of being unexpectedly seated next to the groom's flamboyant uncle.  According to Wikipedia, very few men can perform the act of autofellatio. We never discover whether James is one of them but certainly, as a storyteller, he is one in a million.

      • ELT resource books for teachers
        May 1999

        Pictures Stories Please

        by Mark Fletcher

        Designed for teaching at Council of Europe language level CEF - B1/B2. Where CEF is Common European Framework. Universally topical stories told through lively illustrations Suitable for teenage/adult learners Each story reflects the news topics, and is accompanied by activity based language follow up. ‘Interviews’ with people in the story add an extra dimension. A model version at two levels — (Elementary and Good Intermediate) allows the material to be used with a wide range of classes. Excellent for communicative practice, vocabulary building, listening and writing. The stories (at both levels) plus the interviews are on the cassette. The reverse of each picture page provides a photocopy master of the vocabulary input and suggested language activities. Model versions at 2 levels (elementary and good intermediate) are also provided. The cassette provides a lively recording of these versions plus supplementary ‘interviews’. The Stories are: Earthquake Jackpot Ancient Treasure U.F.O. Globetrotter Tanker Disaster Unforgettable Honeymoon Rock Group The Most Expensive Hole? Trackstar

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