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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1995

        heimat ... abgang ... mehr geht nicht


        by Johannes Jansen, Norman Lindner

        Johannes Jansen ist 1966 in Ost-Berlin geboren und lebte in Freiburg, Leipzig und Pankow. Nach der Lehre als Graveur und der Absolvierung des Armeedienstes bei der NVA studierte er Graphik. Er lebt als freier Autor in Berlin. Norman Lindner, geboren 1969 in Halle, schloss nach einer Lehre zum Forstfachwirt ein Studium der Bildenden Kunst und Philosophie in Kassel bei Dorothee von Windheim, Alf Schuler, Harry Kramer und Hannes Böhringer ab. Früher arbeitete er als Grafikdesigner und Kunstkritiker für u.a. die taz.die tageszeitung und die Berliner Zeitung. Heute ist er als Autor, Künstler und Heilerziehungspfleger beschäftigt und lebt in Berlin-Lichtenberg.

      • January 2016

        Pioneers of the 8th motor protection division of the NVA in the picture

        by Dietrich Biewald

        This collection of pictures from the service of the pioneers in the 8th Motorized Rifle Division with short explanatory texts consists almost exclusively of amateur photographs provided by a large number of former members of the 8th MSD. The almost 900 illustrations are an interesting supplement to the book Pioniere in der 8th Motorisierten Schützendivision der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR.The origin of this book is owed to the members of the Schwerin Pioneer Comradeship and above all to the initiative of their chairman Jochen Schmidt. So it came about that many of them diligently rummaged through their old photo albums and collections, selected the pictures or made their albums completely available for scanning for this documentation. A fortunate circumstance is certainly also that the pioneers hardly had any technology that had to be kept particularly secret, so that prohibitions that were violated when taking pictures were not evaluated as strictly as elsewhere.However, former non-pioneers also contributed some of their old photographs. The main task of the pioneers was to make sure that the actions of the troops and units of the division were properly documented. Many of the photographs on hand therefore show the interaction of the pioneers with the other branches of arms, special forces and services. Therefore, this illustrated book can certainly arouse the interest of the alumni from all these areas. Diese Bildersammlung aus dem Dienst der Pioniere in der 8. Motorisierten Schützendivision mit kurzen erläuternden Texten besteht fast nur aus Amateuraufnahmen, die von einer Vielzahl ehemaliger Angehöriger der 8. MSD bereitgestellt wurden. Die fast 900 Abbildungen sind eine interessante Ergänzung zu dem Buch „Pioniere in der 8. Motorisierten Schützendivision der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR“. Die Entstehung dieses Buches ist den Angehörigen der Pionierkameradschaft Schwerin und vor allem der Initiative ihre Vorsitzenden Jochen Schmidt zu verdanken. So kam es, dass viele fleißig in ihren alten Fotoalben und -sammlungen wühlten, die Bilder auswählten oder ihre Alben komplett zum Scannen für diese Dokumentation zur Verfügung stellten. Ein glücklicher Umstand ist sicherlich auch, dass die Pioniere kaum über besonders geheimzuhaltende Technik verfügten und so beim „Knipsen“ übertretene Verbote nicht so streng wie anderswo gewertet wurden. Jedoch auch ehemalige „Nichtpioniere“ steuerten einige ihrer alten Fotografien bei. Die Hauptaufgabe der Pioniere bestand nun einmal in der Pioniersicherstellung der Handlungen der Truppenteile und Einheiten der Division. Viele der vorliegenden Aufnahmen zeigen daher das Zusammenwirken der Pioniere mit den anderen Waffengattungen, Spezialtruppen und Diensten. Darum kann dieser Bildband sicherlich auch Interesse bei den „Ehemaligen“ aus all diesen Bereichen wecken.

      • Moral Dilemma
        August 2018

        A snowy firework

        Ulrike B.'s search for meaning and love life in two systems

        by Harry Schmidt

        industrial designer Rike is neither an outsider nor privileged. She has to earn money as a single mother. But her profession is no longer needed. And she has no shoulder to lean on.Instead of taking advantage of the new freedoms, she works off their constraints. But sometimes she breaks out. The sparks fly in her sky.A brave, illusionless search for meaning in life, for beauty and happiness.A love story beyond all clichés.Exploring depths, sensual, trenchant.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2017

        Eco Agri Revolution

        Practical Lessons and The Way Ahead

        by M.H. Mehta

        The Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations, put great emphasis on moving away from heavy input agricultural system to more eco-friendly and balanced farming. Eco Agriculture or Agro Ecology is the approach capable of producing enough food and accessible food without harming the environment.This book is about moving from Know How to Do How and brings about rich experience in industrial research and farm scale demonstrations in different parts of the world to show the practical aspects of Eco Agriculture. Theory and practice and recent developments in the areas of Bio Fertilizers, Bio Pesticides, and Bio Composts and agro-waste management form important base for Eco Agriculture practices. The global scenario of industrial development and future trends are discussed with much authority because of the extensive experience of the Author. Encouraged by field studies and success stories, the Author - who is President of a leading NGO - The Science Ashram and Chairman of a well-known Agri Bio Tech Company, Gujarat Life Sciences - has discussed the global scenario and emerging trends. His now famous 20:20 model of Eco Agriculture (20% more farm production with more than 20% reduction in input costs in a sustainable manner) emerges out of this. Developments and field experiences in Bio shield, Water use efficiencies, ICT, Rehabilitation post disasters like Earth Quake and Tsunami, Saline Water Agriculture and River Revival Projects, Urban agriculture and their common link for Eco Agriculture Revolution makes the book especially significant. Finally, the Author describes the Way Ahead for Eco Agri Revolution including aspects of Soil and Waters and COP 22. The conviction about the coming Eco Agri Revolution and planning and implementation for a sustainable future are the final thoughts that makes this book extremely valuable the current and future generations.

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