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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Blockchain Sociology

        by Kin Ko

        Blockchain is now at the same stage of development as the internet was in the 1990s.Kin Ko, founder of the cryptocurrency LikeCoin, explains in this book how blockchain becomes a game changer to social order.當今的區塊鏈,相當於九十年代的互聯網!加密貨幣LikeCoin 發起人高重建,解構區塊鏈如何成為改變社會秩序的新興動力。高重建由信任、價值、媒體、管治四個層面,闡釋區塊鏈改革社會的潛力。他以發行 LikeCoin 的經驗及多個例子,揭示創新者可以去中心化卻沒人可竄改的區塊鏈平台,重建價值觀、實踐核心價值、以至建構公共討論空間,創造流動民主。本書設五個「習學工作坊」,引領新手踏出第一步,走進區塊鏈世界。本書獲台灣數位政委唐鳳推薦!Click here for more information

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