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        January 1984

        Hogarth: Beer Street and Gine Lane

        Lehrtafel zur britischen Volkswohlfahrt

        by Hinz, Berthold

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        Die Heirat nach der Mode

        Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche

        by Georg Ch Lichtenberg, William Hogarth

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        August 1997

        Glück und Unglück der berühmten Moll Flanders

        by Daniel Defoe, William Hogarth, Martha Erler

        In der fiktiven Autobiographie »Moll Flanders« erzählt Defoe die Geschichte einer Frau, die als uneheliche Tochter einer Strafgefangenen im Gefängnis zur Welt kommt, ihre Kinder- und Jugendjahre unter Zigeunern und im Waisenhaus verbringt, um schließlich – vom Traum einer angesehenen bürgerlichen Existenz verlockt – die Möglichkeiten des Londoner Heiratsmarktes gleich mehrfach auszuprobieren: Nach fünf gescheiterten Ehen und schwindender Attraktivität sichert sie ihren Lebensunterhalt durch Diebstähle, häuft nach und nach ein beträchtliches Vermögen an, wird gefaßt, verurteilt und nach Virginia deportiert, von wo sie im Alter von 70 Jahren nach England zurückkehrt, um in ihrer Heimat einen geruhsamen Lebensabend zu verbringen – als wohlhabende »Gentlewoman«.

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        August 1983

        Glück und Unglück der berühmten Moll Flanders

        by Daniel Defoe, William Hogarth, Martha Erler, Norbert Kohl

        Daniel Defoe, geboren 1660 in London, arbeitete als Kaufmann, Journalist und Publizist. Mit seinem Roman Robinson Crusoe wurde er weltberühmt. Er gilt als Begründer des modernen englischen Romans. Defoe starb 1731 in London.

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        January 2017

        Kinder und Katzen

        Bilder einer besonderen Freundschaft

        by Detlef Bluhm

        Die Verbindung zwischen Kindern und Katzen ist eine ganz besondere. Auch in der Malerei ist vor allem das Motiv »Mädchen mit Katze« ein sehr häufiges Sujet, von dem sich Malerinnen und Maler immer wieder inspirieren ließen. Detlef Bluhm unternimmt eine Reise durch die Geschichte der Malerei und erzählt anhand von über 50 Gemälden von Francisco de Goya, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Max Liebermann, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Oskar Kokoschka u.v.a. von den vielfältigen Facetten dieser besonderen Freundschaft zwischen Kindern und Katzen. Kurze Texte kommentieren die Abbildungen mit Interpretationen, Anekdoten und biographischen Hinweisen. Durchgängig vierfarbig illustriert. Mit Gemälden von Annibale Carracci, William Hogarth, Francisco de Goya, Théodore Géricault, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Max Liebermann, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Carl Larsson, Oskar Kokoschka, Balthus u. v. a.

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        Media studies
        June 2014

        Show me the money

        The image of finance, 1700 to the present

        by Edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight and Nicky Marsh

        What does money really stand for? How can the abstractions of high finance be made visible? Show me the money documents how the financial world has been imagined in art, illustration, photography and other visual media over the last three centuries in Britain and the United States. It tells the story of how artists have grappled with the increasingly intangible and self-referential nature of money, from the South Sea Bubble to our current crisis. Show me the money sets out the history and politics of representations of finance through five essays by academic experts and curators, and is interspersed with provocative think pieces by notable public commentators on finance and art. The book, and the exhibition on which it is based, explore a wide range of images, from satirical eighteenth-century prints by William Hogarth and James Gillray to works by celebrated contemporary artists such as Andreas Gursky and Molly Crabapple. It also charts the development of an array of financial visualisations, including stock tickers and charts, newspaper illustrations, bank adverts and electronic trading systems.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        At the end of the line

        by Georgina Sinclair

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries

        by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin

        This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.

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        October 2010

        Die Reitschule

        Erotischer Roman

        by Brown, Georgina

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2013

        The regeneration of east Manchester

        A political analysis

        by Georgina Blakeley, Brendan Evans

        East Manchester has been the site of one of the most substantial regeneration projects internationally. The initiative in east Manchester confirmed the tag that the city is the 'regeneration capital' of the United Kingdom. While the book focuses on a single project, it has wider relevance to national and international regeneration initiatives. The book assesses the outcomes of the regeneration, although it demonstrates the difficulties in producing a definitive evaluation. It has a political focus and illuminates and challenges many assumptions underpinning three major current academic debates: governance, participatory democracy and ideology. The book is relevant to students of politics, geography, sociology, public administration and recent history but will also interest practitioners, academics and general readers interested in urban regeneration. Mancunians will also be fascinated by the rapidly changing face and character of their city as will those with an interest in Manchester's football, the Commonwealth Games and Sportcity. ;

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