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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2012


        Stadt der Winde

        by Veit Heinichen, Ami Scabar

        Die »rosa dei venti«, die Windrose am Hafen, erzählt uns: Triest ist die Stadt der Winde. Sie haben Düfte und Geschmacksnoten aus allen Himmelsrichtungen in die Hafenstadt gebracht: Aus dem Nordosten kamen Gulasch und Palatschinken, aus dem Westen der Stockfisch und aus dem Süden Zitrusfrüchte und Safran. Veit Heinichen hat seine Heimat in der Fremde gefunden. Zusammen mit der Spitzenköchin Ami Scabar lädt er zu einer Entdeckung des faszinierenden Mythos Triest ein: Ob bei den Weinbauern auf dem Karst über der Stadt, in den Fischerdörfchen an der Adria oder bei Spaziergängen auf den Spuren von Rilke und Joyce – dieser Reisebegleiter ist ein Genuss für alle Sinne. - Mit farbigen Fotografien und Rezepten

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020


        Die Geschichte meiner italienischen Großmutter

        by Thomas de Padova

        Jeden Sommer verbrachte Thomas de Padova in einem Dorf am Meer in Apulien, Geburtsort seines Vaters, Großvaters und Urgroßvaters – drei Männer, die irgendwann aus Italien aufbrachen in die Welt. Seine Großmutter blieb. Jahr für Jahr erwartet sie ihn, still auf einem Stuhl sitzend, im Dunkel ihres Zimmers: eine alte, schwarz gekleidete Frau, die ohne Kühlschrank lebt. Warum hat der Großvater seine Frau immer behandelt, als existierte sie nicht? Was hat die beiden vor mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert aneinandergebunden? Diese Geschichte ist eine Schatzkammer: Erfüllt vom hellen Licht der Adria und durchzogen von uralten Geheimnissen, bewahrt sie in knappen, leuchtend klaren Szenen eine ganze Welt in sich auf. Thomas de Padova erzählt von der Welt seiner Großmutter in Italien, stimmungsvoll und leuchtend klar.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2006

        Last & Lost

        Ein Atlas des verschwindenden Europas

        by Katharina Raabe, Monika Sznajderman

        Europa verändert sein Gesicht. Orte und Landschaften werden verlassen, sie verfallen oder verschwinden ganz. Zwischen Atlantik und Kaspischem Meer, zwischen Adria und Barentssee stößt man auf Ruinen der modernen Zivilisation: auf Industriebrachen, einstürzende Bahnhöfe, Kasernen und Sanatorien, auf tote Schienenstränge oder unentzifferbare Grabinschriften. Vor allem in Mittel- und Osteuropa sind die Narben einer von Krieg, Vertreibung und megalomanischer Naturbeherrschung gekennzeichneten Epoche noch sichtbar. Autorinnen und Autoren aus fünfzehn europäischen Ländern haben ihre sie besonders inspirierenden Orte besucht und erkundet - fragile Stadtviertel, zerfallene Dörfer, abbröckelnde Küstenstriche, deren Aura gefangennimmt, die ein Geheimnis bergen, das ergründet werden will. Liegt ihr Zauber darin, daß sie die letzten ihrer Art sind? Unterirdische Beziehungen, überraschende kulturelle Verwandtschaften zwischen weit voneinander entfernten Regionen werden sichtbar - Zeugen einer gemeinsamen Geschichte, deren undeutlich werdende Spuren kurz vor dem Verschwinden nachgezeichnet werden. Ergänzt um photographische Arbeiten von Künstlern, die sich unabhängig von den Autoren auf den Weg gemacht haben, um einen letzten Blick auf Vergessenes und Verlorenes zwischen Belgrad und Istanbul, Lissabon und Königsberg zu werfen, vermittelt dieser Band eine Ahnung von dem so fragilen wie bezaubernden Reichtum unseres Kontinents.

      • Trusted Partner

        Die neue Küche Kataloniens - El Bulli

        Mediterrane Esskultur zwischen Tratition und Phantasie

        by Adrià, Ferran / Spanisch Suárez Garciá, José

      • Travel & holiday guides
        June 2016

        Alpe-Adria Trail

        From the Alps to the Adriatic: Hiking through Austria, Slovenia & Italy

        by Bradt Guides

        This is the first English-language guide to the epic new 750-km hiking route through the mountains of Austria, Slovenia and Italy, from the foot of the Grossglockner (at 3,798m, the highest peak in Austria and the Eastern Alps) to Muggia near Trieste on the Adriatic coast. Detailed maps and route descriptions for all 43 stages of the route are included, with a clear breakdown of time, distance and ascent for each stage. Published in a small, handy-sized format which is easy to pack and carry, it is written by an expert who has authored over half a dozen hiking guides and who specialises in Eastern and Central Europe. He has been a regular visitor to the borderlands of Slovenia, Austria and Italy for over 15 years, as well as living for two years in neighbouring Croatia. The Alpe-Adria route is well marked, relatively easy to walk and is suitable for hikers of all abilities as well as families – a point which is emphasised in the guide. The route takes in spectacular, unspoilt mountain scenery, alpine lakes, rolling coastal hills, beautiful villages and several national parks and nature reserves. An introduction covering the history, wildlife, flora and geography of the area is included, along with accommodation details for each stage and information on local public transport, culture, food and language.

      • September 2022

        The Man Who Came Out of the 3-D Printer (Der Mann, der aus dem 3D-Drucker kam)

        by Max Claro

        On his seventieth birthday, Walter Fabricius, a once-celebrated actor now widowed and forgotten, is determined to end his life surrounded by his children. While preparing to shuffle off this mortal coil, he learns of an almost unbelievable opportunity: in Zurich he can have himself scanned and then, by means of a special 3D bioprinter, reproduced—thirty-five years younger to boot—in Bangkok. With his present-day knowledge and life experience, yet with countless flaws rectified, equipped with a revivified sex drive, and more resistant to illness and resilient than in his old body, Walter doesn’t hesitate long. Yet during the printing process, a fateful error occurs, upending everything and leading his youthful alter ego on a breathless trip through a future Thailand—and to Walter himself.

      • July 2017

        Sturmwind der Seele

        Eine Lebensreise erzählt von E. M. Tollovich

        by E. M. Tollovich

        Der Mann von Alice stirbt und nach anfänglicher Verzweiflung beginnt sie, sich dem neuen Lebensabschnitt zu stellen. Durch ihren Beruf hatte sie mit sehr vielen Menschen Kontakt und mit ihrer offenen, aufgeschlossenen Art fällt es ihr auch jetzt nicht schwer, neue Menschen kennen zu lernen. Sie macht Reisen, zu denen sie sich früher nie durchringen konnte, und versucht, durch verschiedene andere Unternehmungen der Einsamkeit zu entfliehen. Sie lernt dadurch auch einige alleinstehende Männer kennen, die ihr den Hof machen. Leider ist aber keiner dabei, der ihre Ansprüche erfüllen kann. Und dann, nachdem sie schon meinte, dass keine neue Partnerschaft für sie in Frage kommen würde, lernt sie unerwartet jemanden auf für sie ungewöhnliche Weise kennen. Wer war der Geheimnisvolle? Und was sollte daraus werden?

      • History: specific events & topics

        Entangled in Yugoslavia

        An Outsiders Memoir

        by Stephanie Allen-Early

        Entangled in Yugoslavia – an Outsider’s Memoir is a compelling personal memoir as well as a portrait of a collapsing society. A Foreign Service wife returns to Belgrade – the scene of a previous posting – to find that the society she knew before as a peaceful, stable place under socialism, is caught up in political upheaval. Caught up in the psychological turmoil, she finds release while participating in the international relief effort, working for Unicef to deliver supplies to war-torn areas. The author travelled extensively in all the republics of the former Yugoslavia -  both before and during the civil war. Her account of events relies on the testimonies of people coming from different national and class groups.

      • People & places (Children's/YA)
        September 2020

        Markets, a world to discover

        by Josep Sucarrats (author) / Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator)

        Since ancient times, markets have played a central role in many societies: towns have grown around them, they have been a meeting point to socialize and exchange ideas and a place to trade food and other goods. You will here find interesting facts about markets: wacky foods that can be found, people who work and shop there, different payment methods, types of markets, working schedules… and much more! A non-fiction picture book written by food jounalist Josep Sucarrats, collaborator of one of the best chefs in the world Ferran Adrià, including information about different markets around the world. Markets have a long history! Be part of it!

      • Travel & Transport

        Freytag & Berndt maps

        Travel and geographical folded maps

        by Freytag & Berndt

        You can find the CATALOG 2023 of Freytag & Berndt maps in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE".     Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Freytag & Berndt.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2018

        Danube Swabians

        German Settlers in Southeast Europe

        by Gerhard Seewann, Michael Portmann

        In the 18th century, ships regularly sailed downstream from German Danube ports. People who promised themselves a better future in Southeastern Europe allowed themselves to be embarked. Most of them came from the southwestern countries of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Their destination was the Kingdom of Hungary, where after liberation from Turkish occupation manpower was needed. The immigrants were called “Swabians” regardless of their origin. They were economically successful and left their mark on large areas of the country. After 1918 these groups, now called “Danube Swabians”, belonged to three different states: Romania, Hungary and Yugoslavia. Starting in 1944, hundreds of thousands lost their homes and thousands their lives through flight, expulsion, persecution and deportation. The majority of the uprooted found refuge in southern Germany. Only the Swabians in Romania and a part of the Hungarian Germans were allowed to stay. Many of them came to Germany as late repatriates, the remaining ones today form active German minorities in their home countries.

      • October 2017

        EUROPA - Continent der Vielfalt

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger

        The satellite image book EUROPA - Kontinent der Vielfalt shows the fascinating variability of the continent from a perspective of a viewer in an Earth orbit at an altitude of 600 kilometers above the surface of Earth.  Again and again spectacular satellite images make unexpected and unknown aspects of Europe visible. Ancient and modern cultural landscapes, historical heritage sites, and images of European cities on the move into future change with beautiful natural landscapes with mountains, rivers, forests and wetlands. In the satellite images, all of them present in a wide variety of colors and structures.

      • October 2016

        CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit

        by Markus Eisl, Gerald Mansberger, Peter Matzanetz, Paul Schreilechner,

        The satellite image book CITIES - Brennpunkte der Menschheit shows the fascinating variety of cities from all over the world. Repeatedly the selection of spectacular  high resolution images taken by state-of-the-art satellites surprises with unexpected perspectives. Cities in extreme situations, ghost towns planned for millions of people, fascinating city layouts are presented in an appealing sequence. Systematic, planned structures and chaotically grown patterns are shown in the colors of all continents. The dynamics of rise and fall is visible in the images as well as the current, increasingly rapid development of megacities.

      • Moral Dilemma
        August 2018

        A snowy firework

        Ulrike B.'s search for meaning and love life in two systems

        by Harry Schmidt

        industrial designer Rike is neither an outsider nor privileged. She has to earn money as a single mother. But her profession is no longer needed. And she has no shoulder to lean on.Instead of taking advantage of the new freedoms, she works off their constraints. But sometimes she breaks out. The sparks fly in her sky.A brave, illusionless search for meaning in life, for beauty and happiness.A love story beyond all clichés.Exploring depths, sensual, trenchant.

      • Mats and Milad

        or: News from the Middle of Nowhere

        by Eva Rottmann

        About young love and old hate   Mathilda’s first meeting with Milad is rather shocking: She has to tear him off the rails at the last moment before a train arrives! But it turns out, that he did not want to kill himself, he just wanted to get a kick and feel he is alive.   Mats, as Mathilda calls herself, and Milad like each other almost from the first moment they’ve met. She, the outsider in her school, he who works in the garage of his dad, who originally is from Lebanon. They could be a pair. Could – if it weren't for the beautiful Alex, who didn't miss the fact that Milad looks pretty good on the one hand. And – on the other hand – for David, who has fallen in love with Mats, but also hangs out with the Nazi gang of the town.   This gang really becomes active when it turns out that the asylum seekers' home in the neighbouringcity is asbestos contaminated and the refugees have to be relocated to the sport hall of their village. More and more the citizens become concerned because of the “hordes of foreigners” who might come to town. And when the sport hall goes up in flames, everything gets out of control ...

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